armageddon bad boys bad history entitled babies evil SJWs gender policing grandiosity irony alert Islamophobia macho macho men male supremacy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism racism soyboys Stefan Molyneux twitter western women suck white genocide white supremacy whitepocalypse whites created civilization whitesplaining

Stefan Molyneux answers the musical question “why do good girls like bad guys?”

I had this question for a real long time

By David Futrelle

It’s a question asked over, and over, and over, and over, and over again on Tik Tok:

So why do good girls like bad guys?
I had this question for a real long time
I’ve been a bad boy and it’s plain to see
So why do good girls fall in love with me?

I guess that’s technically two questions. Sadly, despite the hundreds of excruciating Tik Tok videos devoted to the subject, these questions have ever been satisfactorily answered.

Until now, that is. And the answer comes from an old friend, the weirdo racist-who-says-he’s-not-a-racist YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux.

If you’re wondering what war he’s talking about, apparently (at least in Stef’s imagination) it’s some sort of global race war with civilized white people on one side and damn dirty immigrants on the other.

In case you haven’t noticed, Stef’s not a big fan of immigration, or immigrants, or, as far as I can tell, anyone whose skin is a bit less pale than his.

He’s much more fond of his fellow whites, or at least the minority of them who agree with his racist, xenophobic blather.

Unfortunately, as Stef sees it, a lot of white ladies out there are race traitors in the race war.

White dudes, meanwhile, are apparently destroying the cultural vitality of their race by giving in to the seductive lures of … smart phones and soy lattes.

No soy for Stef! Indeed, he seems to be preparing for the new bad boy order by trying out some bad boy looks for himself. Not sure they’re completely working.

I dunno, dude, these seem pretty low-effort to me. At least take off your shirt. The one thing I’ve learned from watching way too many of those Tik Tok videos is that bad boys just hate shirts.

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5 years ago

galanx wrote on
March 13, 2019 at 9:21 am:

Aside from […] civilisation itself (look up the origin of the word, Stefan) what have non-whites ever invented?

Not disputing the factuality of rest of the claims, but I’m curious about the source of this particular claim. Wikipedia states that “civilization” is a derivation from the French civilisation, which itself is a derivation from Latin cives, which may ultimately derive from the Sabine quirites. All of the above were European peoples. Whence the non-White origin of the word?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

“Speak English !!!!” screamed the tattooed lemon sherbet aficionado from the veranda of her cul-de-sac mansion on Prairie Canyon Boulevard.

5 years ago

@Ariblester : I am not fully sure I would call the sabines “white”. At least not white as a synonym for caucasian. While white supremacistes love to define white as being anyone who have had achievements, it’s good to remember that the Mediterranee never was an hard sea to cross, and if memory serve well, most of them come from the middle eastern countries.

.. Or maybe I am wrong and sabins weren’t related to greeks and came from elsewhere. I am not super-buff on ethnic groups. That being said, if they came from the same stock as Irish and the like, shouldn’t they be known for their cavalry ?

On a side note, I am deeply anxious about the Brexit. Oh boy, I didn’t *think* anyone could fuck up a political process that badly.

5 years ago

@Ohlmann, agreed. Brexit is a Murdoch-fomented, right-wing-millionaire-instigated and ultra-right-wing-millionaire-led omnishambolic clusterfuck of staggering proportions. With the support of the DUP, who literally believe the world began a few thousand years ago, that women are incubators and that swing-parks should be chained up on Sundays.

It’s frightening that depending on how badly this car-crash goes – i.e. if the ERG get their way – we could see even more far-right fanaticism, worse poverty and worse social divisions.

Yeah, I’m a bit anxious too :-s

5 years ago

Ohlmann wrote on
March 13, 2019 at 10:23 am:

@Ariblester : I am not fully sure I would call the sabines “white”. At least not white as a synonym for caucasian. While white supremacistes love to define white as being anyone who have had achievements, it’s good to remember that the Mediterranee never was an hard sea to cross, and if memory serve well, most of them come from the middle eastern countries.

.. Or maybe I am wrong and sabins weren’t related to greeks and came from elsewhere. I am not super-buff on ethnic groups. That being said, if they came from the same stock as Irish and the like, shouldn’t they be known for their cavalry ?

That’s a good point. I only know of the Sabines from the Rape of the Sabine Women. Given that the Romans were invading land that the Sabines has already settled long ago, it may be that the Sabines were not a ‘White’ ethnicity. Turning to Wikipedia, I see that Roman historians considered the Sabines to be descended from the Greeks. Which raises more questions than it answers, in my mind. I honestly don’t know enough about this to comment further.

5 years ago

Given how reminiscent this is of his “women marry assholes!” rant, it’s pretty obvious that Steffy-kins here is working through some deeper issues. Something that happened in high school? Who knows. Who cares.

The rest of this is just bog-standard Camp of the Saints nonsense, but once again, Stefan’s exalted “white cultures” that are responsible for everything good in the world remain undefined, and of course he omits all the times those cultures fought each other for really dumb reasons (like the inbred king of Spain dying without kids).


They love violence, don’t they? It’s always war or civil unrest they look forward to.

They really are looking forward to full-blown race war. The Turner Diaries have always been a secret fantasy, tucked in the back of their psyche since Jim Crow came to a de jure (if not de facto) end. All this gobbledygook about “whites did everything” is just window-dressing, a flimsy justification for separating “us” from “them.”

It’s scary stuff, but being the clowns they are, they’re colossally incompetent and incredibly easy to drag, as those tweets Stef is replying to attests.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago



The chain mail looks ridic. (But please, continue to wear it with no padding whatsoever! Like a REAL MAN(TM)!) *snicker*

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
5 years ago

Nothing says “honouring my noble heritage” quite like getting chain links embedded in my scalp.

Thou needst a coif benethe thine maille, knave.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

…aaaand ninja’d by many people! *thumbs up*

*settles in to hear more about etymology with a happy sigh*

@Bookworm in Hijab: Welcome/Bienvenue/Tansi/iiwy em hotep/etc. to Canada. 😀

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
5 years ago

Oh, there is a bit of one. I guess i didn’t want to look at his face long enough to notice. Welp!

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

I’m sure it will protect him well. 😉

5 years ago

Then there’s an implement as simple as a pitchfork. From the point of view of its tines, mail armour is just so many holes held together by bits of metal.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

First, let’s agree that “civilization” means “the way western white people do things”

Now, you’ll have to agree that white people invented civilization!!!

If you want to define “civilization” as “living in peace, everybody has enough to eat and a roof over them”… things like that, no, white people didn’t.

By my reckoning, garbage disposals and m-16, fancy cars and AK-47s, movie theaters and untreated diseases… these do not constitute “civilization.”

And while, globally, white people may not be the worst-behaved people in human history, that’s NOT because we didn’t TRY TO BE the worst….

5 years ago

I saw this on Reddit recently: “Women want a bad boy who will be good just for them; men want a good girl who will be bad just for them.”

This is the most depressing perspective on heterosexuality since Meat Loaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.”

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Robert:

the most depressing perspective on heterosexuality since Meat Loaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.”

I’m stealing that! I’m not giving you credit, I’m just STEALING it!!

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

On a hot summer night
Would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
I bet you to say that to all the boys.

5 years ago

If you want to define “civilization” as “living in peace, everybody has enough to eat and a roof over them”… things like that, no, white people didn’t.

At its most basic level, “civilization” means “being a culture that builds and lives in cities”, and white people most absolutely did not invent that.

5 years ago

OT but thought I’d mention it. There’s a major Facebook/Instagram outage in several countries.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

That reminds me of a story from Not Always Right where the call center operator responded to a guy ranting about the guarantee by going into a description of the fact that guarantee and warranty were actually the same word, just from Parisian and Norman French, respectively. Confused the guy enough that he listened to the rest of what was being said.

Guaranteed to Shut Anyone Up

I’ve noted the ‘animal in English/meat in French’ thing to others before. A fun little bit of history.

In general, as I’ve said, the history of the English language is pretty much the history of all the times England got conquered and people left bits of their language behind.

@Bookworm in Hijab:
Welcome to Canada! There are a fair number of us on this site, as you may have already noticed. (Born in British Columbia, live in Toronto myself.)

Well, yes, chain mail is sort of like the medieval version of Kevlar, meant to defend against the most common deadly weapon in use at the time by distributing the force and making it harder to get inside the skin with the weapon, but weaker against less common weapons that are sufficiently focused. Like, say, metal-tipped arrows. Though, yeah, something like a pitchfork would work well to redirect force for someone with chainmail as well because even if you don’t get through the mail you could lock them up.

(I suddenly have a mental image of using a pitchfork to basically ‘judo throw’ a charging person in chainmail by throwing them overhead like a bunch of hay.)

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

Re, Brexit

Aside from the underlying political process, Brexit is promising to look almost like the Roman imperial withdrawal from Britain.

The next thing you know, the infrastructure is decaying, cities are being abandoned, literacy is disappearing and pale-skinned thugs speaking a coarse language that vaguely resembles English are terrorizing the country, violently attacking anyone outside their own ethnic group.

(Sorry, I had to)

Jane Done
Jane Done
5 years ago

Our civilization, built on blood and sweat

Hey steve

Show me your steel toes

Hey steve

Show me your high vis gear

Hey steve

Show me your tool belt

Hey steve

Show me your hard hat

…Yeah, didn’t think so


5 years ago

Wasn’t Steffi Mol-Mol (yes, I am ungodly childish and petty!) always more about telling me that I should denounce my family if they get state-support and dig a hole in the middle of nowhere with nothing besides bitcoins. When did he… wait… he also stressed how women could be restrained to keep them aborting their pregnancies. He was always a monster.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Since we’re discussing armor, can we just take an OT moment to ask why everyone in Aquaman called his mother’s 5-pointed fork a “trident”?

They could have called it a pentadent or even just a “fork”. But no. It’s like they don’t even care about the grammatical and etymological pedants in their fanbase!

Of course, I’m not a fan of DC generally, and Aquaman didn’t win me over specifically, so maybe I’m not actually “in their fanbase”, grammatically speaking. BUT THAT SHOULDN’T STOP THEM FROM TRYING TO PREVENT THE ENTRY OF SUCH A LINGUISTIC HORROR INTO THEIR SCRIPTS.

We now return you to your regular, non-linguistic horrors.

Jane Done
Jane Done
5 years ago

@Podkayne Lives:

This is…not true. Even if we let Greeks count as ‘white’ for this ludicrously anachronistic claim.

Dontcha know? Presentism only matters when erasing minority people from historical existence and to provide a foundation for the belief that lgbt people are a ‘modern-day fad’.

And also to say slavery wasn’t all that bad. /s


Yes, the israeli incels(?) were “just trolling”. Funny, that’s exactly what the american alt-right keep saying, right up to (and even after) charllotesville


Historical riveted chainmaille is actually pretty decent against piercing. This video has a good breakdown:

Of course, maille does not, in any way, reduce the kinetic force of any weapon. Chainmaille or not, a spear to the chest is probably gonna do damage, even with padding underneath.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

@JameDone Yup, chain does nothing to prevent a good bludgeoning.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
5 years ago

That picture with the hair reminds me of Frank Gallagher from Shameless (UK original)
It’s not even funny.