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By David Futrelle
Manosphere dinguses — from pickup artists to incels — often lament that dating apps and social media in general give straight women an unfair advantage in the so-called sexual marketplace, because women get so much male attention that they start to think they’re too good for ordinary men.
Pickup artists complain that the sexual marketplace today has changed irrevocably since the good old days of only a few years ago, when peacocking PUAs could (allegedly) walk into any nightclub and walk out with an HB7 or higher, no problem.
But one Man Going His Own Way called Byron doesn’t think the good old days were that great either. In a post on the MGTOW.com forums a couple of years back — presumably when women were less stuck-up than they allegedly are today — he declared that nightclubs were and are “hellish domains of pussy power.”
After reflecting on “all my personal experiences of literally thousands of times I went clubbing” he came up with five reasons why.
First, he declared, clubs put too much emphasis on personal appearance — which naturally gives ladies an advantage.
Outer appearance is what strongly defines female sexual market value. In the clubs women are actually always displaying their maximum sexual market value. Most of the females even peak above their usual value by using sexy make-up, clothing, and utilizing the darkened atmosphere in the clubs to hide numerous physical imperfections.
Damn those ladies and their diabolical strategy of looking their best when they go out!
And while young females circle around full and mighty.. drunk by their own sexual value and egocentrism, men are left feeling a combination of: low sexual market value (since they can’t display even 30% of it), horny and blue-balled, and most of the time flat out disappointed after no “godly female” decided to give them attention.
Yes, women are so lucky that they can get the attention of every creepy dude in the club.
Also, clubs play music so darm loud!
Loud music supports the emphasis on external appearances and female sexual market value. You can not have any normal conversations in clubs, hell even basic conversations are difficult.
Evidently women thrive in environments where no one can understand what anyone else is saying.
Dumber than a rock females circle around as if they are the earth’s greatest creation, conveniently hiding their ugly lack of intellect and bird-brains behind the loud music.
Unlike poor Byron here, who displays his bird-brain every time he opens his mouth (or posts a post on MGTOW.com).
And get this: Dance clubs also tend to have dancing going on in them.
That’s right, one more supportive feature aimed at displaying female sexual value in its fullest. Females get to draw further attention by utilizing succubus movements.
Um, succubus movements? I thought MGTOWs were into succubi now.
In any case, I think you’re only going to get the succubus dancing on Goth Night, anyway.

Whoops, wrong gif!

Ah, much better.
Byron continues, pointing out the shocking fact that nightclubs also serve booze, which evidently transforms men into blithering idiots ripe for exploitation by devious ugly ladies.
The more drunk you are the better for the females.
I’m pretty sure there is no woman on earth who would agree with this sentiment. Unless she’s an old-timey street ruffian hoping to make a few shillings rolling drunks.
You tend to be hazy in your thinking, frequently falling a notch down on analytical and logical capabilities.
Sorry to be blunt here, Byron, but with you, how would anyone even tell?
That brings men a level down from their actual sexual market value and feminizes them a bit in the sense of slightly impaired rationality.
That … is not what “feminize” means. Because if it did, MGTOWs would be some of the most feminized creatures on planet earth.
This is ideal for females and additionally opens men to all kinds of silly and flat manipulations dumber females couldn’t possibly pull off under normal circumstances.
Poor drunk dudes, lured into hitting on women by the devious female strategy of being in the same general area as the aforementioned drunk dudes.
Not only that, but there are “numerous other little details” that make clubs perfect for women.
Numerous other little details in the way clubs operate that remind men that women are considered more important. This is pure brainwashing at this point. Stuff like: free passes for women, free drinks for women, free tables for women, women waiting for men to buy them drinks (sacrifice your [balls] and dignity at the pussy alter), etc.
You can tell just how much better clubs are for women than for men by the fact that these clubs sometimes have to offer free admission to women to get any of them to actually show up, while men are willing to pay money to go to a place where there might be women.
Clubs are the epiphany of appearance over substance.
No, an epiphany is when you suddenly realize that Byron is such an idiot he doesn’t know the difference between “epiphany” and “epitome.”
It’s no wonder women love clubbing all day and all night. Too bad we’re no longer playing by their rules.
Dude, I doubt any women on earth — aside from those reading this post now — are even aware that you’re “not playing by their rules” any more. And I rather doubt any of them would react to this news with anything other than a small sigh of relief.
Succubus movements, what dat is that like a dance move or a fighting style like Kung Fu or Taekwondo?
So… Byron didn’t get lucky at the clubs, huh.
Sounds like someone who swallowed the PUA hoax hook, line, and sinker, poor doofus. And like so many before him, he blames women for the fact that he made all the “right” moves and used all the “right” “techniques” and got blown off by every single woman in the place. So he’s decided women are evil.
Silly idiot.
Byron sounds like the quintessential MGTOW…blaming somebody else for a problem he himself created.
On a totally unrelated note, Juan Corona is dead and Ben Carson’s getting ready to bail out of Trump’s cabinet.
For the 9,037th time, “sexual market value” is not a real thing. They need to shut the fuck up about it. Also, definitely I am at my hottest in some club with loud music I can’t handle. Definitely not playing a demoness one minute and a dragon the next as I run a D&D game for my friends.
Again, SMV is not a real thing. Also, I feel really sad for this guy that he hates his body so much he thinks all he is is his dick. Kinda goes to show the degree to which men knowingly sabotage their own appearance with beards and flabby clothes and all kinds of shit like that.
Wow. You know that as much as I want them to be real, succubi are not. I just pretend to be one on the internet sometimes.
Also. I’m petting my cat
Eating pizza
Checkin’ my grades
Doing laundry
Creating a dungeon
Spending all damn day gaming cause it makes me happy
My mind immediately imagined some sort of female version of the assassin droid from knights of the old republic.
Also, re:that entire dumpster fire:
MGTOWs are those guys that just love to hear the sound of their own voice. They pull shit out of their own asses, make up “rules” “laws” “definitions” etc out of thin air and walk around like they’re the smartest beings on the planet just because they can confidently gush bullshit harder than mount saint helens.
Dancing sexy in front of women isn’t necessary. The simple fact that they accepted your invitation to dance is enough…..Be coool.
I doubt that many insecure and women hating men would even be in a dance club, let alone have the stones to ask a woman to dance.
Dear “Byron”:
Have you ever thought of going clubbing just to enjoy, you know, DANCING? Not to get laid, just to get down and get jiggy with it?
Maybe, if you tried DANCING, it would take your mind off those bluish excrescences in your crotchal region.
Or, failing that (like if you have clumsy feet and a shit personality, as I suspect you must), you could just stay out of the clubs and make everybody happier. Or at least, less unhappy than they would be if they had to look at your mopey, dopey face.
But whatever you do, my blue-balled boo, just quitcher kvetchin’ about women, already. If you hate half the human race THAT much, just get yourself that nice quiet desert island I keep suggesting, and go there. NOW.
Shall I be the first to repeat the classic “If you get in for free, you’re the product”?
Also, I really want to know where the 30% figure comes from. Is it hyperbole? Or did he actually run trials? Is he assuming that the SMV of every man is due to the same characteristics in precisely the same proportions? Or is there just a flat 70% tax no matter what? Do men check their SMV at the door along with their coats? As an enby, do I lose only 35% of my SMV? Do guys still lose their 70% in gay clubs? If a genderfluid person switches genders on the dance floor, do they suddenly veer drastically hotter/notter?
It just raises too many questions.
Either he has no idea what “literally” means or he has had the saddest life spending almost every night for years at nightclubs.
Crap, I always hated clubbing, so I don’t have much to offer in the way of commentary. In college I did go to bars, but I was so shy and intimidated that my “SMV” could’a been fifty and I still wouldn’t have tried to dance (let alone try to seduce anyone)
I did meet a woman at a bar whom I knew, peripherally, she was the administrative assistant at the office where my advisor was. I never got much into the body numbering thing, but I’ll take a stab at it: I’m guessing she would’ve been a HB12 or so (seriously, she was very conventionally attractive). We had already hit it off well, as we were both nerdy and socially awkward. She asked if I wanted to go to a party, I said yes, we went to the party, then I took her home, we sat in the car for a long time and talked about nerdy stuff and smoked pot, then she went inside n I went home. I considered that to be a very good evening. We never went out together, though we did have coffee and chat several more times.
p.s. for the poor incels, I have no idea if the evening could have included bumping fuzzies, but it really didn’t seem important enough to either of us. That was over 40 years ago, and looking back, the only way I can look at that relationship in any other way than as a wonderful friendship is if I am “keeping score of my conquests”… and I’m not.*
* if I were, my score would be “0”, as my partner of 38 years… ummm, well (this is so embarrassing…) she picked me up….
@IgnoreSandra – ha!! Good one 😀
I thought of another song – Macklemore’s Thrift Shop – when Byron lamented that men can’t display all of their sexual market value:
Maybe in Walter’s world this would be a normal greeting. 😛
I can’t help but feel that “oh predatory women are out there taking advantage of drunk men!” sentiment is some spotlight-level projection….
It’s because of assholes like Byron that women value the company of men much less than men value the company of women in the first place. 😛
@Epitome of Incomprehensibility
I think Oogly said it first on the discord! I have a habit of insisting I’m not a succubus, which obviously everyone takes as evidence that I am.
Though I am definitely not. I am an angelic woman, pure in spirit, essence, and heart. Ignore the giant black wings and little horns.
RE: Macklemore – I like that song for the indictment of the fashion industry. The greeting is really weird though. TBH that isn’t a thing that feels good, so men’s obsession with dicks just…weirds me out.
I think you got it. Accuse the other side of that which we are guilty, so when they accuse us it looks like “Nuh-uh, you!” I think one of history’s greatest assholes said that. Goebbels? Gobble? Something like that.
@Jane Done:
I never played KOTOR, but I do play SWGOH, so I know the HK-47 from that.
@Weird Eddie: There’s nothing embarrassing about being the recipient of advances. Fuck gender roles, fuck norms. It’s all nothing more than imaginary, artificial social constructs.
I think I know why no amount of clubbing got this guy dates, and I don’t think it was the fault of any “females” in attendance.
Even if we were to accept the idea of “sexual market value” and the idea that the sole and unique purpose of clubbing is to find a one night stand (which is not necessarily the case), his railling against clubs doesn’t make sense. There are more women then men in clubs. Thus there is little scarcity and a lot of competition amongst them for the availaible male. This drives the value down. The place is loud and dimly lit, forcing women to use only their appearence to attract the attention of the men there and the dim lighting force them to use pretty much the same kind of clothing and colors to attract the attention. Again, this increase their competition as they can’t form a “cartel” and provide “niche product”.
Finally, men themselves are shown in the dark allowing them to conceal their faults which is good since the club dynamic is basically men hunting and women enticing according to the same bullshit theory. Drinks are frequently marked down if not even free for women which mean that men, who would traditionnaly compete over who has the most money, see that pressure removed. Now, they can be poor and still offer drinks to women in large quantity. Really, even when adopting their own idiocy, this guy rant is wrong headed. Clubs are practically the dream hunting ground for a dude who search a chick to pick-up. There is a lot of them, they are dressed “sluty”, they are drinking (and its cheap to keep them doing so), it’s dark, people are encouraged to touch one another, its immensily loud so talking in “pick-up lines” is acceptable and basically everbody has this notion that people go in clubs to party and that most party end-up with sexual entourse amongst drunk, sexually active young adults. It might not be true or distasteful to many, but it’s still a sort of convention.
Of course, all of this is simply ridiculous bullshit. Good Ol Byron is probably just butthurt because he went to a club and didn’t liked it and didn’t get what he wanted. He was sold the idea of clubbing by the line “you’ll get a hot chick”. Many clubs (if not all of them) advertise themselves by “offering, hot, willing and young women”. Of course, just like in car adds, it’s not because the sellsmen says it that it’s true. Clubs aren’t slave markets or whore houses. Of course, misogyny helping, he got pissed at women instead of at his own credulity or the club itself.
A lot of disgruntled pick-up artists followers were basically just conned. They were sold by scammers cheap tricks to pick up women in bars and clubs, but they, themselves, never liked going in bars or club in the first place. They didn’t liked talking with perfect strangers. They were shy people. Forcing themselves to pass through the “following steps” and using the “following tips and tricks” of course didn’t work or so rarely works. They might as well have bought homeopathic love potions or consulted a shaman/psychic/love-doctor/auramancer/insert-magic-person to find love, but that’s the kind of romance bullshit sold to young women in the same kind of position. The way how these people react to being conned tells what kind of person they truly are. If they turn their hatred toward women/men/both, they were assholes and it’s a good thing they are alone. If they let go fo the bullshit and revert to more “natural” behaviors, then they are normal people who will probably find someone even if it can take a lot of time.
It’s weird how he hits on the same reasons that I dislike clubbing — the loud music, the boozing, the dancing especially — but I responded by not going clubbing, instead of going a thousand times. I stopped doing an activity I didn’t enjoy, amazing concept! I suppose you could say I went my own way…
Well, they are MGTOWs, or Men Going To Only Whine.
Large sigh, David. A large sigh of relief.
Byron, this wasn’t the first time. It also wasn’t the last time.
WHY would anyone do anything a thousand times if they hate it so much?
Last time I was in a club I was working there, there was a couple that would have had bitter sad man seething with fury – an average man with the fattest woman in the place, very pretty and super confident – he was following her about all night!
My son has told me that there are pick up places and dancing places, I did a lot of clubbing 30 years ago, but gay and alternative so I am not familiar with pick up places. I would hate such a place myself.
There is a strong masochistic streak in a person who repeatedly goes somewhere they hate – this self indulgent bozo seems to have covered it with ‘oh I am FAR too good to be here’. I am sure no one is missing you mate.
Like… dude, it’s okay. You can quit virtue-signalling to the other MGTOWs and just say that you’re not into clubs because you’re not into that kind of socialising. You don’t have to frame it as a revelatory lecture on ‘this environment known for being sexual in nature is actually sexual in nature!!’ Bass is loud. Lights are flashy. People drink.That’s not most people’s cup of tea.