bad anatomy bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about incels men who should not ever be with women ever penises racism that's completely wrong

Incel wisdom: Only cucks wear underwear, because it restricts penis growth

Tighty whities: A tool of Satan?

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By David Futrelle

Some critical (if not, strictly speaking, true) information for penis-havers from the forums:

Only cucks wear underwear
 Dec 8, 2018
Restricting your dick and balls is for cucks. So, only a cuck would wear underwear

thats probably why africans have big dicks - they dont have underwear restricting the growth of their penis

Utter nonsense — with a side order of racism!

Incels, please wear underwear. The more layers between your unwashed bodies and the rest of us, the better.

Also, seriously, dudes, much less chance of cutting off your dick with your zipper.

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5 years ago

Why would men with giant dongs be superior? Certainly not sexual pleasure; the best study I’ve read suggested that most women prefer only slightly above average size, while men with very large schlongs often have trouble finding partners.

I forget the source of this, but there was a recent study that involved asking women to pick a dildo that represented their preferred penis size, and the winner by a very hefty margin was one that was around six and a half inches long. In other words, only slightly above average, which suggests that “average” would most likely have been fine too.

And two of my partners have reminisced about painful and embarrassing encounters (the embarrassment being on both sides) with men who were ridiculously over-endowed. It sounds like the classic case of reality dramatically failing to measure up to fantasy.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

I’ve always been given to understand by my lady friends that girth is far more important than length, because excessive girth provides interesting stretching while excessive length just starts banging the cervix, which I’m given to understand is… less than pleasant. So I’m always a bit baffled by how fixated certain types of men seem to be on length. I mean, I assume a nine-inch dick the width of a pencil would be far more disappointing than a five-inch dick of reasonable diameter.

But, y’know, straight cis male here, so what do I know?

Though there was one woman who used to hang around the local meet-market bar waving a large dildo and crying out “If it’s any smaller than this, don’t bother!”

@Bookworm in hijab

That would probably provide much more information than we want.

5 years ago


I would love to answer your questions about size realism, however some members have stated that this topic causes them discomfort so I will not talk about it anymore.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

size realism

How come just about any time anyone appends with ‘realism’ you just know something dodgy is about to be stated? Cf: race ‘realism’.

(I’ll make an exception for the work of George Bellows)

5 years ago

Surely “size realism” would constitute an acceptance that the vast majority of penises are between five and six inches in length and that this is perfectly normal? Which seems to be the opposite of what Walter is peddling.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

Maybe he misspelled “size royalism”.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

Let’s see if this comic works…

comment image


Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

Yesss! I succeeded at internetting! Xkcd for the win!!!

5 years ago

…just wondering whether it was serendipitous that SFDebris reviewed Zardoz this weekend…..

comment image

Just as a side note about one of young Katamount’s earliest brushes with the proto-alt-right, it was the halcyon days of the mid-aughts where I was just getting established as a furry artist on DeviantART. That was in that 2005-2006 period where the Bush administration was at its lowest point: Iraq was decaying and Katrina had just devastated New Orleans. And it was at that time that I started getting active on the DeviantART Political Thread and rather than talk about the latest failure of the Bush regime, there was a couple of regulars who would always post these essay-length comments about the work of J. Philippe Rushton and Kevin MacDonald. And they would always get promptly smacked down by other regulars who had seen it before and had rebuttal articles from peer-reviewed journals lined up.

Rushton was the guy who literally went around polling black men about the size of their genitalia. He was old hat 15 years ago. Now a bunch of YouTube trolls think because they dug him up that his nonsense is either “new” or “too scary” to be debated in the “free marketplace of ideas”? Get real.

I noticed the trend though: this stupid culture war crap always comes out when a right-wing administration has been discredited.

5 years ago


I know what you are trying to do but do not use my trauma as an excuse to not confront the criticism you are getting. You haven’t even addressed mine about how in your ideal world how you would even deal with the powerful large penis owner being someone who harmed a teenaged girl. He would have power you realize. The way I see it the people in your world who want to give him and others like him power would probably not even take me seriously. They would dismiss it as ” he wouldn’t do that, he as a large penis so he’s superior.” I’m angry and upset by your beliefs, but I want you to be confronted with different sides of reality. You have to work that in if you want to argue this or believe this. Maybe if your a good person it will change your perspective. It will make you see how that wouldn’t work. So go ahead, Answer the criticism, if your truly worried about me being hurt about then keep in mind saying shit like ” size realism is good for women so you should be on my side” is garbage and hurtful. Be aware that I am here and others like me are probably here as well.

5 years ago

Walter, I’m gonna just come out and say this: You are stuck on a faulty and dangerous premise here. (changed from a possibly ableist term)

How the hell is “size realism” good for women?? Seems to me it’s just the opposite.

1. Most of us vagina-havers prefer average sized penes. Yes, size queens exist, but I doubt they’re anything like a majority.

1a. You’ve also erased trans men and women here.

2. As a power structure, it leaves non penis-havers completely out of the equation.

2a. You’ve erased trans men here, too.

Finally, as someone who had a similar experience to Lainy’s (I am so impressed with your courage!) you can fuck right off.

Sorry if any of this is fucked up, I’m a bit annoyed right now.

5 years ago

The weird thing is that IIRC, Walter did, in one comment, mention that some people who have penises aren’t men. So I think he’s at least vaguely thought about the existence of trans people, just not quite enough to make him realize this whole endeavor is moronic.

5 years ago

Rushton was the guy who literally went around polling black men about the size of their genitalia. He was old hat 15 years ago. Now a bunch of YouTube trolls think because they dug him up that his nonsense is either “new” or “too scary” to be debated in the “free marketplace of ideas”? Get real.

And also discredited way back in the mid-1980s, and ridiculed all over academe from the moment he published his nonsense. Yet somehow, racists are still finding him to be oooh-ahhhh suuuuuuper-scientific, if only because his “research”, which was heavily reliant on self-reporting questionnaires, supports their biases (“blacks bad/inferior because big dick and small brains, whites good/superior because other way ’round, Asians even better because score higher on IQ because small dick and big brains”, basically).

Meanwhile, actual science shows that there aren’t any significant size differences between the brains of blacks, whites and Asians, or their dicks either.

And that “dangerous big black dick” story? Dates back to the age of slavery, when the “child-like” minds and big dicks (and muscles) of black men were used, even spuriously, as justifications for keeping them enslaved (and preventing them from “miscegenating” with white women).

In short, “scientific” dick insecurity has a long and storied history. And a lot of bogus and unsupported theories to pad it out, too.

BTW, here’s a (very explicit) doc about it…

5 years ago

Walter, if nothing else could you at least finish the limerick you started in your second post?

It went something like:

I know many of you think my ideas are sily,

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


At a guess, it reads as follows:

I know many of you think my ideas are silly
As your reactions are really quite chilly
Yet we could all get along
And talk about schlongs
If you’d only make fun of my willy.

5 years ago

Rapid Rabbit, thank you for the link to the Prince Carlos article. I had not heard of him before; sounds like a real life King Joffrey in the making. It reminded me of one of my favorite dystopian historical what-ifs – a healthy son of Queen Mary Tudor and Philip II would have become King of both England and Spain, and Elizabeth would never have become Queen. Of course, the mix of Habsburg and Tudor genes would probably have produced a humanoid abomination.

Walter – you do realize that the size of a flaccid penis is unrelated to its size when erect, correct? There’s a reason for the terms ‘shower’ and ‘grower’.

5 years ago

He actually went on at length (ahem) once about the best measurement techniques so he knows. His arguments are just extremely poorly thought through.

Jane Done
Jane Done
5 years ago

Walter reminds me of donald trump. At first, absurdly silly, but after realising the damaging, toxic and violent effects of his ideology, the whole situation loses its humour.

any way of “peacefully instantiating” ideologies that would rather the other side die or otherwise cease to exist


It could be coincidence, but the only time I have ever seen the word “tribalism” and it’s derivatives used is in deliberate attempts to erase privilege and bigotry and put homophobes and queer people, racists and poc, etc on the “same level” as two groups with an “equal stake” in the situation.

It’s nothing more than supremacist propoganda.

Fuck you supremacists. I do not need to “compromise” my basic rights because someone is squicked at the thought that I’m allowed to live. That person is 100% in the wrong and I have NOTHING to apologize for.

5 years ago

@Jane Done

yes, that.

Also “tribalism” is itself a misnomer, and hugely simplifies, distorts, and erases the ways that actual tribal societies can work. Lemme see if I can dig something up on this, one sec…

here we go!

5 years ago

Thank you, Kupo!

Jane Done – that reminds me of the mocking of ‘reasonable centrists’ advocating compromise between Group A and Group B, when Group B’s goal is ‘Kill Group A’ and Group A’s goal is ‘Don’t get killed’.

Janine Dupre
Janine Dupre
5 years ago

I thought that Rushton was from like the 1800’s. Have to look him up.
There is no difference in the size of organs between groups around the world whether it is the size of their kidneys, heart or penis.
I don’t even know how you could accurately measure a penis.Just asking someone their size would be too unscientific.You would have to have the same person doing the measuring to account for any biases in how they do it.You’d also have to measure flaccid and erect but only erect would really matter. You also would need very large numbers in the study and since Africa is a very large and diverse continent just measuring in one area would mean nothing and you couldn’t really come to any conclusions about black penis size.
Even if some large scientific study was done I doubt that if there are differences that they would be significant.
I don’t even see the point of doing such a study and it would just be a waste of time and money.

Janine Dupre
Janine Dupre
5 years ago


Yes you’re right. The dildo chosen is the same as an average erect penis size. Why would someone want some monster penis that they couldn’t even use?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Nobody here, as far as I can tell, is sympathetic to your ideas about a hierarchy based on penis size. Not only are most of us — maybe even all of us — against hierarchies in general, we’re quite aware that some people prefer large penises on either sex partners or themselves or both while others prefer medium-size or small penises. Others prefer no penis at all.

You enjoy talking about penises. Perhaps you should seek out some other forum where you can indulge this hobby. Or is it a career? In a world where Donald Trump is the president of my country, I would not be flabbergasted to find out that you’re being paid to disrupt anti-hierarchical discussions.

5 years ago


If you really want for me to continue, I will. I was being genuine in what I said though. I do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or bad in any way. I do sincerely apologize that I made you remember your horrible experience.

You make a good point about how a survivor might not be believed in a cockocracy if she or he was assaulted by a hung stud. I honestly don’t have an answer for that problem. I can only hope that a society built around size realism would be evolved enough to believe and support women when they come forward with these kinds of accusations.

5 years ago


I think most of you are misunderstanding why penis size matters. It isn’t for sexual reasons. You don’t need a penis for sex. Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

I think once you recognize that, the value of big dicks becomes obvious.