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By David Futrelle
Some critical (if not, strictly speaking, true) information for penis-havers from the Incels.is forums:

Utter nonsense — with a side order of racism!
Incels, please wear underwear. The more layers between your unwashed bodies and the rest of us, the better.
Also, seriously, dudes, much less chance of cutting off your dick with your zipper.
Walter, I’m curious about why you are here. You must remember that your strange ideas have never been popular with commenters here; in the past, you have been treated as, at best, a chew toy or a punchline. Since it appears that your ideas haven’t evolved, your reappearance is unlikely to go any better than last time, and, as we’ve seen, will be hurtful to some. So, seriously, what do you hope to achieve?
Walter, can you explain to me why the Smalls would be inclined to accept being relegated to second-class status for something so self-evidently irrelevant?
Or if your contention is simply that we will brainwash the Smalls into accepting their inferiority, I have a few more questions:
a) Clearly “penis size” is just an arbitrary organizing principle for what you really want: a naturalized hierarchy. This being so, why structure this hypothetical society around dick size?
b) Human civilizations have long attempted to do exactly what you’re proposing: convincing subaltern classes of their intrinsic inferiority. It can work to some degree, but it has never been an unmitigated success, especially when the oppressed people are treated as poorly as you propose treating the Smalls. What makes your plan different from any of the thousands of others that have been tried over millennia?
He raped me because he’s a violent controlling person who wanted to punish me for leaving him. That’s who he is as a person. That is who he is at his core. Incles, mra, pua, are like that cause thats how they are at their core. Not because their penis is big or small. Some people are just bad people. Thats where your idea falls apart.
Sorry about the mistake everyone. Mobility.
Dear all:
I would like to formally apologize if my comment from a few days ago about the declining quality of trolls around here offended the internet gods and made them resurrect Walter. Where did I put my sackcloth and ashes…
He’s not really even all that good for a laugh, is he? Too mean-spirited in his ideas; perhaps too stupid to see their implications (though I doubt it. I think he gets off, metaphorically or literally, on the nastiness of his ideal society). I repeat my earlier assessment: Yuuuuuuuck.
@ Rabid Rabbit,
I think we’d only ask for your repentance if Walter or similar had shown up on that thread. This is more bad luck than the deliberate invocation of an evil spirit, right? Unless you have the Evil Eye…
Maybe we should start one.
Meanwhile, this is … food for thought, at the very least:
I would be happy to discuss this with you in private, but I am not a troll and don’t get off on making anyone uncomfortable or unhappy. So I am not going to publicly discuss my views on size realism here.
My main thought on that article is that it heavily confuses “having little perceived stake in the fight” with “being an objective observer”, with a mindbendingly heavy dose of Golden Mean thinking and false equivalency.
Also, I know it’s very sexy right now to discuss the global crisis of meaning, breakdown of consensus reality, coming behavioral apocalypse etc., but these are not new problems, and treating them as uniquely apocalyptic in and of themselves is historically naive. Subcultures with lots of implicitly held beliefs and shibboleths are not a new thing. Propaganda war is definitely not a new thing, though the mechanisms for it now are new.
And TBH the main outcome I’ve seen of men disappearing up their own neuro-nihilist anuses like this is further apologism for the far right, and silencing of worldviews or experiences that contradict their precious claim to objectivity. So forgive me if my first reaction is profound skepticism.
(LessWrong comes to mind. So does a certain semi-popular writer, who shall remain nameless here because a) he likes to comment on blogs where his name comes up, and b) he’s given off manipulative creep flags in my interactions with him.)
@Bookworm in hijab
I don’t know. Maybe we should ask the succubus-summoning fellow, he seems to know how these things work.
@ Rabid Rabbit,
Personally, I’ll be quite happy if these trolls don’t figure out how to work together!
I didn’t know WHAT to think of that article…
<3 Lainy. You've got all of my love and respect. You're made of stubborn stuff.
Oh hey it's Walter. Back at the old dongle-bongle.
I'd point out the piles of absurdities, assertions and direct falsehoods in his position, but, I mean, is it worth it?
Seconded. While their taxonomy of tribes is quite useful, and their analysis of trends is probably of some use, their fundamental position is, how shall I say, guilty of the same Utopianism they claim to eschew.
For instance, this statement from the article:
As well as, further down,
Presupposes that the actions of the “Culture War 2.0” aren’t already having measurable and harmful impacts in the world right now, or that there is really any way of “peacefully instantiating” ideologies that would rather the other side die or otherwise cease to exist. They think the world is a salon!
Aren’t there more fun things to swat around than Walter? I mean, you can buy super-bouncy balls in bulk…
My own thoughts included:
1. The ones whose telos requires others to be enslaved or dead cannot be compromised with. The best we can hope for is that they lose and lose resoundingly.
2. We all have something at stake, whether we realize it or not, because a) widespread violence or breakdown of civil order would affect us all, b) another major economic collapse would affect us all, and c) climate change and ecological degradation affect us all, including those head-in-sand types who refuse to believe that the latter are happening.
The economic right will cause another economic collapse and mass poverty, given half a chance, as well as commit us all to worse consequences from climate change and other ecological damage; the religious and other elements of the “social” right will cause murder, mayhem, rape, and other violence — indeed are causing those things, and could do so on a much larger and/or more organized scale if they became more ascendant, as happened in the 1930s and 1940s.
That being said, perhaps some of the rifts inside the left, where the disagreements are far more about what to prioritize and about ways and means than about overall goals, might be susceptible to some of their suggestions …
@Victorious Parasol
Three cheers for Jo Walton!
Her ‘Farthing’ series is just dynamite.
Fuck, Walter’s back. And I had managed to forget about him. At least I didn’t summon him here like last time.
@ Tovius,
Apparently we can blame/thank Rabid Rabbit for doing that! See the Yoga Pants thread for his
. ?
Or maybe don’t go see it. That thread got kinda vile…
Oh lordy, lordy, good Gordie, we’ve been hijacked again. Funny how this whole “Size Realism” thing isn’t realistic in the slightest.
And yes, Walter, the phrase “dick-measuring contest” is strictly metaphorical, not based on anything actually grown-ass men actually DO. (Lyndon B. Johnson to the possible contrary notwithstanding.)
@Bookworm in hijab, Tovius:
It has some great pictures of codpieces, though.
(Ooh, I wonder what Walter thinks of codpieces. Had he lived in the era of codpieces, would he have been ranting about the guys who stuffed theirs with falsies, or would be have been one of them?)
((Note: I’m not sure I actually want to know.))
Walter doesn’t like sock stuffing, so I’m sure he’d be against codpieces as well.
Why would men with giant dongs be superior? Certainly not sexual pleasure; the best study I’ve read suggested that most women prefer only slightly above average size, while men with very large schlongs often have trouble finding partners.
I’ve cancelled dates after the guys bragged about their peckers. One fellow sadly responded “I’m tired of girls being afraid of my dick.” (Perhaps he shouldn’t have sent a photo of it, then? ?) He also begged me to tell him how tiny his 9″ trouser snake was ?)
I know this is just Walter’s bizarrely fascinating kink, but I can’t let average size guys be maligned yet again. I had a lewd Tumblr, & I’d occasionally get Asks about my size preference. When I shared that I’m rather small, & not only prefer average size peen, but actually refuse to fuck guys over 7″, a few acted disappointed. But I’d also get messages from guys telling me how insecure they’d felt about their average size dicks, & how I’d made them feel a little bit better & more confident. (Also, dick size =/= self worth.)
I suppose I’m actively fighting your cockocracy by reassuring the “smalls” that they can in fact be desirable & confident. Does that make us archenemies or something? That would be pretty sweet ?
& sorry for being so heteronormative. I’ve met more guys who prefer hung studs (or big toys) than women.
Which reminds me, I forgot to include my absolute favorite codpiece of all time:

Interesting fact: This painting is by a woman.
The subject, meanwhile, is one of the all-time warnings of what happens when humans inbreed too much.
@ Rabid Rabbit, do we dare to ask Wakter his opinions about puppies? ?