bad anatomy bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about incels men who should not ever be with women ever penises racism that's completely wrong

Incel wisdom: Only cucks wear underwear, because it restricts penis growth

Tighty whities: A tool of Satan?

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By David Futrelle

Some critical (if not, strictly speaking, true) information for penis-havers from the forums:

Only cucks wear underwear
 Dec 8, 2018
Restricting your dick and balls is for cucks. So, only a cuck would wear underwear

thats probably why africans have big dicks - they dont have underwear restricting the growth of their penis

Utter nonsense — with a side order of racism!

Incels, please wear underwear. The more layers between your unwashed bodies and the rest of us, the better.

Also, seriously, dudes, much less chance of cutting off your dick with your zipper.

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6 years ago

I can only hope that a society built around size realism would be evolved enough to believe and support women when they come forward with these kinds of accusations.

Why would your society do that when women by definition have zero power? Why would your society be any better than any other hierarchy when, as you fully admit, people undeserving of power will be given plenty of it by accident of birth? If penis size does not indicate nor imbue one with goodness, as evident by the very existence large-bepenised rapists, why would your society be any better?

Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

So people without penises have absolutely no intrinsic value. Wow. Just wow.

6 years ago


I honestly don’t have an answer for that problem

The answer is obvious. Your ideas are utter nonsense that reflect neither what humanity is nor what it should be, yet you are not rational enough to ditch it and seek reality-based solutions or actual philosophy of any sort.

If there was any kind of rationality or patterned thought behind your “theories”, which let’s just be honest with ourselves there isn’t, the fact that you don’t have an answer for this incredibly common and EASILY foreseeable occurrence demonstrates you are not a philosopher. You are a fetishist pretending to be a philospher.

Who I am is evidence that your “ideas”, if we can dishonor the word idea enough to use it for this purpose, intentionally ignore the diversity among humanity. Some women have dicks. Some men literally do not. This girl does. The issue with men’s obsession with dicks is not a “dominance” thing, it’s that men are socialized to be obsessive creepy fetishists. Men who are not socialized that way display NONE of the so-called “real” traits you claim.

Your words are bunk. Emptiness. Supported not by logic nor credibility nor the work of those who actually have some of either. You assert without evidence, so I dismiss without requiring evidence. Put up some damn evidence or shut up and burn.

Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

Oh for the goddess’ sake. Just go suck some and stop pretending you have thoughts about things. Then stop and realize the universe DOES NOT revolve around dicks, and neither does human society.

You assert without evidence, I so dismiss. Put up (your evidence) or shut up (and BURN).

6 years ago


Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

Mate porn does less cock worship than you do.

Fuck off for making us part of your fetish.

6 years ago


I think most of you are misunderstanding why penis size matters. It isn’t for sexual reasons. You don’t need a penis for sex. Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

I think once you recognize that, the value of big dicks becomes obvious.

The only little thing about you that matters is your mind and knowledge of actual sociology, history, anthropology, facts, and… Well, everything.

The only reason penis size matters to anyone is because of toxic male insecurity and fragility. Stop worrying about dicks. No one cares.

You can kindly fuck off with shoving your small penis humiliation bullshit in here.

Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
6 years ago

Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

Amazing. Every word in that sentence is wrong. At the start of the Universe, there were no penises, because there was no Earth, or even matter. As Charlton Heston said as Moses, “Penises make poor mortar”. Good luck building a society with them. You will realize just how versatile your penis is not once you try to use it as a foundation. Value cannot be intrinsic, because things are adjudged to have value by minds. The Universe esteems a kilogram of gold not much differently from a kilogram of lead. Penis size doesn’t matter nearly as much as you think it does. If penises are so great and so divine, why do many people want to be rid of them?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


Penis size matters because the penis has intrinsic value as the foundation of human society and the universe itself.

Some would disagree with you.

The Goddess movement draws some of its inspiration from the work of archaeologists such as Marija Gimbutas,Gimbutas, Marija (1982) [1974]. The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, 6500-3500 B.C.: Myths and Cult Images. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-5202-5398-8.[37][38] whose interpretation of artifacts excavated from “Old Europe” points to societies of Neolithic Europe that were “matristic” or “goddess-centered” worshipping a female deity of three primary aspects inspiring some neopagan worshippers of Triple Goddess.

Heide Göttner-Abendroth, working in the 1970s to mid 1980s, called these cultures “matriarchies”, introducing a feminist field of “Modern Matriarchal Studies”. She presented a theory of the transformation of prehistoric cultures in which the local goddess was primary and the male god, if any, derived his power from the goddess. In what she terms the “Downfall”, which occurred at varying times throughout a multitude of cultures, the gods overcame the goddesses and made them subservient.[39]

Göttner-Abendroth’s terminology is [idiosyncratic]. The term “matriarchy” to describe these cultures has been rejected by many Goddess-movement scholars, especially those in North America, because it implies female domination as the reverse of the male domination present in patriarchy. These scholars make the point that such a reversal was not the case; rather these prehistoric cultures were egalitarian and had a social structure that included matrilineality – inheritance of assets and parentage traced through the maternal line.[2][37][40][41][42] According to Riane Eisler, cultures in which women and men shared power, and which worshipped female deities, were more peaceful than the patriarchal societies that followed.

Wikipedia, “Goddess movement”

6 years ago

…Penises are the foundation of the universe?

What, so do we live on top of a disk supported by four elephants on top of a giant turtle on top of a GIANT DONG?

Or are all atoms secretly made out of incredibly tiny penises? Is it penises all the way down? But wait, if the penises are incredibly tiny, then those are bad penises. Because everyone knows the value of a penis is how big it is. The entire universe is made of absolutely rubbish penises, then.

…well, I mean, that WOULD explain some of the more recent happenings in the world right now…

What on earth makes penises more important than any other arbitrarily-selected piece of flesh? Why is penis size supposedly the deciding factor in personal value and not, say, the length of one’s duodenum?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

But David! He was such a little bother!

(OK, sorry. Couldn’t resist. Walter, if you’re still reading, please don’t have an orgasm.)

6 years ago

I’ll start by saying that I don’t mean to derail the conversation and you can certainly tell me off if you want to, but here is my selfish question.
So I deal with penis size anxiety and I’m married and in a very good relationship, but I can shake the feeling that I’m inadequate in bed and my size/performance will ultimately lead to the end of our marriage.

The problem mainly is that I know I’m being irrational and I know that there is nothing really wrong with me but the insecurity exists nonetheless. My partner tells me not to worry, she loves me and my body, etc. But the anxiety causes me not to believe her, and I’m afraid I’ll never get over this. I know it’s all in my head and my internal problem, I’ve never actually been told that I’m inferior.

So yes, I know, this is my dumb selfish rant but it is important to me. Sorry if violates the “drama” part of the comments section but I truly value the commenters here. I used to comment here infrequently back in the day(like 3 years ago) and I don’t even remember my old user name but I just try to be an ally and call out misogynistic bs when I see it and since I’m a cis male I mainly try to educate other guys on toxic masculinity. Maybe I’ll be more active from now on.

6 years ago

I know Walter’s gone, but I do have to say that the thought of penises being the foundation of anything sounds pretty damn painful.

I’ll keep mine out of construction projects, thanks.

6 years ago

I dunno. Might be useful.

Universe is expanding too fast? Just point and laugh for a bit.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


No worries. You didn’t say anything anything wrong. Our culture promotes so many weird genital hangups, size for penises, smell for vaginas etc that’s it pretty normal and understandable to have these anxieties. I’m sure the Walter show wasn’t helping.

Anyway, welcome back!

6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit you win this thread!


Or are all atoms secretly made out of incredibly tiny penises?

I believe scientists, led by Prof Walter, are indeed trying to prove this. Which is why they built the Large Hardon Collider.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

I refuse to believe that Walter wouldn’t have insisted on only building a Small Hardon Collider.

6 years ago

Which is why they built the Large Hardon Collider.

I probably shouldn’t admit to how much that made me laugh. (It was a lot, though.)

Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
6 years ago

It took me a minute, because I read “Hardon” as “Hadron”. I only “got it” when I wondered why it was so funny, then I read it more carefully.

Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster
6 years ago

It took me a minute, because I read “Hardon” as “Hadron”. I only “got it” when I wondered why it was so funny, then I read it more carefully.

…it took me until I read your comment to get it, so you’re definitely not alone in not getting it at first.

Crip Dyke
6 years ago

David said:

Well, that’s definitely all the Walter we need. A bit more that we needed, really. I banned him.

So… you’re saying we were exposed to an unusually (and undesirably) long bit of Walter in this thread?

Ironically enough, I agree.

6 years ago

It took me a minute, because I read “Hardon” as “Hadron”. I only “got it” when I wondered why it was so funny, then I read it more carefully.

Gloriously, a decade or so ago the Daily Telegraph really did accidentally call it the Large Hardon Collider – and in a headline.

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