'bating irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

Sick of women? Date a succubus, mystical MGTOW recommends — and he’s not speaking metaphorically

Watch out boy, she’ll eat you up

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By David Futrelle

Some so-called Men Going Their Own Way really do go their own way. Take, for example, an anonymous fellow who showed up on the forums some time ago with some out-of-the-box dating advice for men who have given up on women: Why not literally conjure up a succubus, and have sex with her?

While MGTOWs often compare women to soul-sucking succubi, Mr. Anonymous wasn’t speaking metaphorically. He claimed to have evoked a succubus from the depths of hell, or wherever they live, and boasted that the two of them were having a grand time together.

“I’ve been involved with a Succubus (generic title for an infinite number of races of spirits, basically) and I can say that it has been a real blessing,” he explained.

Anonymous assured his MGTOW colleagues that succubi aren’t the monsters they’re generally portrayed as. “They are not ‘demons’ nor ‘angels’, nor were they ‘men or women.’ he wrote. “They are they.”

And these spirit ladies (who aren’t really ladies) have many advantages over flesh-and-blood women. For one thing, Anonymous explained,

they don’t understand feminism. At all. In their hierarchy it’s wisdom and power [that rule], regardless of gender. Frankly, they don’t even care to discuss it. I think it’s because the idea is so alien to their own society that they just don’t care.

Also, they’re apparently just dynamite in the sack, or at least in the spirit-world equivalent of the sack.

For a quick example, one night my succubus pulled me out of my body to “somewhere” and started shining brightly. My whole body started humming, and then I had 4 full body orgasms in about 30 seconds. I was then put back in my body, and awoke a quivering mass of flesh. A very bewildered, awed, person of quivering flesh. Lol.

Lol indeed! No way that could just have been a really vivid wet dream.

The only drawback? He’s lost all interest in human women.

The only downside I have experienced (which I consider a plus, actually) is that the desire to have sex with a woman is often shed. I find that is because, the way these spirits love and have spiritual sex with you, the intimacy is such that nothing will ever compare. No sensation will ever compare.

If this sounds good to you, you might wonder how exactly you can go about finding your own succubus lover, given that there is no such thing as an OkSuccubus or a spirit-world version of Tinder — Spinder, maybe?

Anonymous helpfully provided links to several guides offering the inside scoop on succubus-evoking rituals. And don’t worry! You don’t have to sell your soul to Satan in order for the rituals to work. “I’m not a satanist, theistic or otherwise so I don’t like the ‘pray to father satan’ line,” Anonymous noted of one of the rituals. “That’s not necessary, anyway, in my experience.”

But you do need “to be honest with yourself with what you really want in a succubus lover.”

Indeed, according to one of the guides he links to, it’s very important to let your prospective demon honey know what kind of relationship you’re looking for — whether you’re a one-succubus man or someone who prefers to play the succubus field. Monogamous succubi, the guide warns,

take monogamy VERY seriously and if a relationship is violated by a human being, the partner of the human being could in the worst of cases wind up dead. Demons are known like humans to become very jealous. …

You should find a Demon who is compatible with you. Remember, if you want a free, open relationship where you are free to have other sex partners, you must specify this in ritual.

This all sounds like great advice for the MGTOWs of the world Indeed, I encourage all MGTOWs to follow Mr. Anonymous’s lead and confine all their sexual activity to the, er, spiritual realm.

CORRECTION; Corrected the attribution of the post.

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6 years ago

IIRC, in the “Malleus Maleficarum” the authors claim that succubi steal sperm from men so that they can impregnate women as incubi, because demons lack the divine attribute of creation.

This also explained nocturnal emissions and illicit pregnancies without the inconvenience of scientific understanding.

What the OP is describing sounds almost like a tulpa, which is an entirely different phenomenon.

6 years ago


And one which has its own share of weirdness inherent to it, but that’s beyond the scope of WHTM.

6 years ago

Is the next post by this guy about how he has a dream-world spirit house right on the beach?

5 years ago

I’ve heard different retelling of how incubbi and succubi are. I apologize in advance if you follow other spiritual beliefs.

But from what I’ve learned a long time ago regarding demons, succubi are feeding when they engage with mortal men. That’s how they survive, by feeding off of their sexual energy. And returning again and again will leave the human man more and more exhausted until he eventually dies from either shock when the auccubi reveals their true form or from eing completely drained of energy. The succubi will obviously leave. They don’t love like how humans do but rather only see us as food sources.

Demonology and how other people talk about types of demons is interesting.

But it all goes to show you how much they wish women would chase them back. They desperately want women to want them. Or else they would be flooded with topics of their forums involving women. It’d be hobbies and advice on lifestyles. /shrug

5 years ago

Can tell by the comments here that none of you know anything at all about mgtow, succubi, conservatives, feminism or liberals. Holy crap, how do any of you function when your knowledge and ability to think for yourself, instead of what others tell you to think, is so very clearly impaired.

5 years ago


You okay fam? you seem to have a stick stuck up your ass.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

There is supposedly a comment by Lainy here, after the one by Faceless and a bit more than an hour old, but when I click the link to read it it won’t show it to me. What gives? How do I read the comment in question, if it exists, and if it doesn’t why am I being shown links to it (that don’t work)?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Well, that is REALLY weird. Apparently posting a comment here made the missing Lainy comment appear along with it, like it broke some kind of logjam.

5 years ago


There is a comment. The website is probably just being glitchy

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Where did my second comment go? Why aren’t my comments appearing on “recent comments” on this page or any of several others I tested? How do I fix this behavior so that I can properly catch up on unread comments here?

5 years ago

Mine does that all the time. You just have to press on the actual article instead of the link.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

OK, now the “recent comments” on a different page than this one is claiming that not only did my other comments post (that didn’t) but that Lainy replied to one of them (which I also can’t see). The only reasonable conclusion here is that different people are seeing different versions of this single page, and Lainy is getting to see comments by me and herself that I am blocked from viewing somehow!

Clearly this should not be happening. Everyone should see the site exactly as it is: every comment that has already been accepted, in particular. Showing different versions of events to different users is extremely broken behavior, and if intentional, morally wrong behavior. How can we actually have a community and communicate with one another if we are being presented with inconsistent versions of reality? We will just end up talking past each other if we cannot trust that we are all seeing the same thing at the same time!

I don’t know why the comment system started acting wonky. I don’t know why after OVER A YEAR nobody has lifted so much as one finger to put it back to working as it did before. But something has apparently escalated here. I never saw evidence before, until today, of it showing different versions of the same thread to different users at the same time.

What. The hell. Is going on?!

5 years ago


No dude, dude, you just got a take a massive brownie and roll with the punches. It’s a nicer places then twitter. Yeah sure it’s got it’s glitches but hey, the community makes up for it right? I’m like way off in left field though so I might just be talking to myself for all I know lol.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


Can tell by the comments here that none of you know anything at all about mgtow, succubi, conservatives, feminism or liberals. Holy crap, how do any of you function when your knowledge and ability to think for yourself, instead of what others tell you to think, is so very clearly impaired.

Not only are you faceless, your comment is 100 percent free of content.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

@Surplus, @Lainy
Surplus, as far as I can tell, you just have to wait a few minutes for the comment system to be consistent everywhere and for everyone. Occasionally — very occasionally — comments do not get posted. Simple solution: just repost them.

Lainy is right. Roll with the punches, possibly while eating an herb-enhanced brownie.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


I don’t know how many times we’ve explained to you that comments are hit or miss when they’re first posted. Just refresh in five minutes.

Not everything is a conspiracy to ruin your life.


I would actually love for you to explain to us what we don’t understand about succubi. That should be highly entertaining.

5 years ago

What, and reveal their power level??!!! You must be joking.

(We already know the battery is so flat the solenoid doesn’t even click – so don’t worry 😛 )

5 years ago

I don’t know why after OVER A YEAR nobody has lifted so much as one finger to put it back to working as it did before.

This place is run by one person. For free. He doesn’t even put ads on the site. And you don’t know that he hasn’t put any work into fixing it. Especially with software, it’s possible to spend months trying to solve a problem without finding a solution. Chill. It takes time for comments to show up sometimes. It’s not the end of the world. Maybe use those couple of minutes to breathe.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

@Surplus, Lainy, et al:
And as I noted before, there are actually perfectly good web design reasons (having to do with caching, performance, and database query complexity) that the part of the page which has to include all the actual text may not be internally updated as often as the part of the page which doesn’t have to include it.

And adding to kupo, not only is this place run by one person, he doesn’t even necessarily have access to the parts of WordPress that would control this. It’s not like David wrote all of this himself. You’re complaining to the wrong people.

Trust me, I’ve seen similar glitches with different parts of the page not being in sync with each other on other WordPress blogs. I’ve seen cases where the list of most recent articles in the side box contained one more or less article than the rest of the front page. It is not unique to here.

5 years ago

And as I noted before, there are actually perfectly good web design reasons (having to do with caching, performance, and database query complexity) that the part of the page which has to include all the actual text may not be internally updated as often as the part of the page which doesn’t have to include it.

This is another good point. And now that everything is turning into a service model and cloud solutions are more popular, people are going to need to get used to “eventual consistency” (eventually everyone gets the same data) on any non-critical data. If it’s a financial transaction? They’ll spend the extra transaction cost for strong consistency. If it’s a comment on a blog post? It might not match up right away.