alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism brett kavanaugh cultural marxism dozens of upvotes entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia hypocrisy irony alert jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis male supremacy men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism reddit transphobia

Jordan Peterson fans: “Embracing victimhood” is pathetic, unless you’re a white guy who wants to be Captain Marvel or run a med school or something

Hands up, white man! You’re CANCELLED

By David Futrelle

Browsing the Jordan Peterson subreddit today, I scrolled past the link to an article on a right-wing clickbait site asserting that “Hate Crime Hoaxes are More Common than You Think.”

I paused for a moment at a post denouncing “More State Enforced Cultural Marxism” — by which the OP meant programs to teach children that gay and trans people exist. I sighed a little at the post declaring that “It is time to talk about female privilege.” (Pretty sure it isn’t.)  

But I stopped dead at this post:

I honestly can’t imagine a more miserable existence than living a life spent embracing victimhood

Was this person reading the same subreddit I was? I scrolled up to the top of the page. Yep, I was remembering correctly: this was still the literal top unstickied post, with more than 200 upvotes, complaining about a joke on Twitter suggesting that perhaps it was a teensy bit silly for white dudes to get quite so bent out of shape about a woman playing Captain Marvel:

Toxic masculinity is bad. Also, every feeling (white) men have is worthless and invalid. Upvotes to the left!

Huh, I wondered. Was it possible that perhaps the victimhood-lamenters of the Jordan Peterson subreddit kind of, sort of, like playing the victims themselves?

No, I thought, that couldn’t be true.That would be too hypocritical, even for them, I must be wrong.

I mean, it’s not like the Jordan Peterson subreddit is chock-full of whiny laments by white dudes convinced they’re being denied their rightful share of success by evil SJWs and unqualified people of color.

Oh wait.

I've been told that the film industry now has quotas for white males working on shows (e.g. as writers), and will flat out refuse to hire otherwise-qualified people if they're a white male.
How to deal with the demonization of being a white male
Kavanaugh Shows Any White, Male Scalp Will Do For Progressives
Apple diversity VP has to apologize for suggesting there is diversity amongst "12 white men"

It’s not like some of them have convinced themselves that “neo-Marxist” SJWs and uppity “Black Females” are conspiring to destroy their careers, deny them healthcare, and take away their right to vote.

Black Female Yale University Newspaper Editor Urges Students to Spy on White Male Classmates to Be Able to Ruin Their Careers in the Future
Universal Health Care... For Everyone But White Men
Not even trying to hide the neo-Marxist agenda: Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?

It’s not like they’re furious that men might no longer be celebrated as the noble heroes responsible for every good thing accomplished in the history of Western Civilization — including all a dose paintings by da ottist youse all may know as da Vince!

No Heroes For The West. This Time: da Vince; Yet Another Example of How Cultural Marxists Won't Rest Until Every White Male in The Western Canon is Viewed as a Monster.

It’s not like they’re furious at the SJW’s supposed anti-white-male-doctor agenda — whether the doctors in question are real or fictional.

Harvard Medical School removes 31 portraits of former dept. heads because they are all white men
"It's a mistake to think that the only heroes are white men" says New Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker

In the comments to that post, one of the more reasonable Jordan Peterson fans concedes that maybe only “97-98 out of a 100” real-world heroes are men.

It must be hard for members of such a truly oppressed class to ward off the temptation to play the victim. I, for one, salute the denizens of the Jordan Peterson subreddit for their heroism in standing up against victimhood culture.


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Von Ragnar
Von Ragnar
5 years ago

Ah, good ol’ Peterson… projection ain’t just a river in Egypt.

Actually, it’s like a river Styx in Achilles story, except instead of wounds it granted him immunity to any and all kinds of self-awareness. Can someone know if he does have some kind of weak spot? Anything?

5 years ago


(if memory serves including a bunny)

Your memory is accurate:
comment image

5 years ago

Wonder Geek Powers: Activate

yup, there were more female Captain Marvels than male. 4 women, 3 men

DC had Captain Marvel (Billy Batson, now Shazam) and Captain Marvel, Junior (Freddy Freeman)

For awhile, the artist formerly known as Mary Marvel was called Captain Marvel as well

At Marvel, the first Captain Marvel was named, I kid you not, Mar-Vell,

The second was Monica Rambeau- a black woman

The third was another Junior, Mar-vell’s son (can’t remember his name)

The forth was Mar-Vel’s daughter, Phylla-Vell

And now, Carol Danvers

( there were a few other placeholders here and there a Marvel, for copyright purposes but those were one-offs for the most part

5 years ago

The third was another Junior, Mar-vell’s son (can’t remember his name)


Also the only kid Mar-Vell had who is not dead in the main Marvel continuity is Dorrek VIII, also know as Teddy Altman, or Hulkling… ie. the only one, who never got either the family of the superhero name of his father. This is what I call the curse of the Vell.

Gender Superposition
Gender Superposition
5 years ago

If you’re ever wondering just how intellectually bankrupt JBP fans are, use the word “ideology” and watch them claim how everyone who disagrees with them does so because they’re ‘possessed’ by an ideology, unlike the noble JBP fan, who has no ideology whatsoever.

5 years ago

Other than Mar-Vell, the only Marvel version of Captain Marvel I remember was Carol Danvers, and that was in the ’80s, so she’s not just canon, she’s been canon for longer than half the skidmarks complaining about her have been alive.

What were they expecting, a Shazam movie?

5 years ago


In the 80s Carol Danvers was (when not in coma… thanks to Rogue, which is yet another story) Ms. Marvel or Binary. Later she also called herself Warbird. For most of that decade (first appeared in 82) the title of Captain Marvel was held by Monica (she also was Photon, Pulsar, and most recently Spectrum). Some Marvel Characters go through a lot of codenames.

Also the “original” Mar-Vell Captain Marvel was so unpopular that he managed to stay dead in the comic books despite being an at least B-lister white dude (the only other I can remember was the first Thunderstrike).

5 years ago

My ex – unsurprisingly – has a Jordan Peterson book on display in his flat. I say nothing… I think it was the Twelve Rules for Eating Lobster*.

I did ask my son if his dad made him make his bed everyday. Apparently he does not. I’m quite sure my ex would be all for ‘forced monogamy’. He wanted to stay married but had zero interest in what I thought was wrong with the marriage.

*Possibly not exactly that title.

Von Ragnar
Von Ragnar
5 years ago

I don’t know why, but Mar-Vell sounds like a medicine for something. And Genis-Vell is even worse in that regards

Also, @Gender Superposition – “possessed by ideology”. You mean… are ideologies like a spiritual beings now? I mean: I know Marx talks about “spectre of Communism”, but I don’t think he meant it in literal way

Now to think of it, it would be either worst or best idea for fantasy setting: where every ideology is represented by the spirits, and people form shamanistic worship around them.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

@Von Ragnar:
That setting could actually work in the right hands. It’s actually not all that far off from how some gods were treated anyway…

(Wonderful, now I have another idea in my head. As if I haven’t had enough half-completed ones…)

5 years ago

What were they expecting, a Shazam movie?

If so, I’ve got great news for them–we’re also getting one of those, starring Zachary Levi.

5 years ago

@Von Ragnar

Kree names have the tendency to sound like medicine (Noh-Varr, Lan-Zarr), I’m guessing partially because the hyphenated given-family names and the odd double letters… and some are just lazy like Minn-Erva (she reeeeeally sneakily disguised herself as Doctor Minerva, at least she needed to hide that she is naturally blue).

Gender Superposition
Gender Superposition
5 years ago

I intended it the way I’ve seen it used, as a metaphor implying that the person is driven entirely by their acceptance of external beliefs.

But now I’m enthralled at the idea of a fantasy setting where ideologies literally possess people. Or perhaps one where people can ‘catch’ ideologies as a disease?

Also, I laughed at the spectre of communism joke. A+.

5 years ago

I’ve read a fantasy setting once that called anything violating the natural order a “demon” and treated them as conscious malevolent forces. For example time paradoxes were demons in it, or any ideology that would tell people that the world is not real (like solipsism… I read a con adventure module to it with the demon lord of that concept) or not worth it.

5 years ago

This is off topic so feel free to skip over it. I’m just asking cause I’m concerned and I don’t know what to do and I know many people here have a cat. So my cat Jessie is almost 16 years old. He’s an old boy and he’s lost a lot of weight recently. He is eating, drinking, and still going to the bathroom normally but he’s recently started craping in the bed instead of his litter box. The only other time he’s done this was with a rug that we had that he really didn’t like the smell of. He still pees in his littler box, he’s just crapping out side of it and sometimes he does it in it. I’m worried because he has trouble getting around now. He can still get up stares, get into bed, get up in a lounge chair with me, all of that. But his back legs are obviously weaker then his front legs. He walks normally with his front legs but with his back he does this strange circle motion and they shake as he walks. I don’t want to lose him and vet visits are expensive. I don’t want him to be in pain or his quality of life to be poor. Do you guys think this is just because he’s an old boy or should I be really worried about his health?

5 years ago

The problem with Peterson is that everything he says is either trivially true (don’t live a life of victimhood, etc.) or trivially false (white men are an opressed minority, etc.)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago


Old kitties tend to have health problems. I’d see a vet if you can.

5 years ago

@ Victorious Parasol

Yeah I was afraid that would be the answer. We had to put his sister down a few years back and I really don’t want to have to do it so soon with him. I have had him basically all of my life. We’ve grown up together.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

Off-topic, but get ready for the next round of crowing from the MRA crowd expecting female tears:

With women in combat roles, a federal court rules male-only draft unconstitutional (USA Today)

The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men’s rights group, and two men who argued an all-male draft was unfair.

The ruling comes as an 11-member commission is studying the future of the Selective Service System, including whether women should be included or whether there should continue to be draft registration at all. The U.S. has maintained an all-volunteer military after the draft was discontinued in 1973, but the Selective Service System was reactivated in 1980 as a contingency in case military conscription becomes necessary again.

Given how often this sore point has come up before, I suspect a lot of them still aren’t going to be expecting that many women will go “Yeah, so? We’ve been talking about this for a while.” Granted, I would expect more women to come down on the ‘conscription should be abolished’ side over the ‘men and women should be conscripted equally’ side, but that’s because a lot of them come down on the ‘conscription should be abolished’ side in general over the status quo.

5 years ago

@ Lainy I’m sorry about kitty. Do see the vet. Of course nothing is simple with older cats, but they can do so much now, at very least to keep him comfortable.

5 years ago

It could be as simple as him protesting something, but it could be health issues. But health issues aren’t always serious! Sometimes there’s an easy fix. Just take it one step at a time. Try not to imagine the worst scenario (I know, easier said than done). ?

5 years ago

I drop in on the Lobsterkin Reddit every so often. Since Reddit karma is completely irrelevant to me, I post what I believe to be reasonable, responsible opposing views to some of the posts there.

It’s about as effective as you’re thinking it would be.

5 years ago

RE: Captain Marvel

I’ve actually got a couple old Avengers books from the 80s that featured Monica Rambeau as Captain Marvel. I can’t remember where I found them (probably in some 25 cent bin at the local comic shop), but I had about three or four in sequence where Wasp has some leave of absence so they have to select a new leader among Captain America, She-Hulk, Namor, Thor, Black Knight, Hawkeye, Captain Marvel and… Doctor Druid. Captain America was Wasp’s second-in-command, but he had too many obligations (his own book), so he suggested Captain Marvel take over. Black Knight and Druid were too new to be leader, She-Hulk and Hawkeye didn’t want it, which left Thor and Namor as her only real competition, and even then, they were bickering too much to be effective leaders.

As the article says, Druid kept on trying to undermine her to the point of being thoroughly obnoxious. He really does come off as every Republican troll on social media.

5 years ago

Jenora —

They seem to think that women are all hysterical cowards who would rush back to the kitchen at the threat of being drafted. Coming from a country that had the draft for both men and women for 70 years now, I assure you they won’t, just in case you had any doubts.

BTW, in my experience, men who really were in tough combat roles tend to be nice guys (*really* nice guys, I mean, not “nice guys”). It’s usually the ex-fuel dump attendants or junior company clerks who go on and on about their glorious army days, and how women just can’t cut it as soldiers.

5 years ago


What were they expecting, a Shazam movie?

That one’s called SHAZAM! and comes out in April. The star released a video asking people to knock this shit off.