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Ruin your weekend with this grotesque “field report” from a MGTOW who had sex

Our thoughts exactly

By David Futrelle

So-called “Men Going Their Own Way” are so bad at the whole “going their own way” part of their little woman-hating credo that they sometimes have sex with women.

As you might imagine, this often does not go very well for either person involved. Consider this “field report” posted to the MGTOW subreddit recently by one sex-having Redditor, which may just put you off food and/or sex forever.

Had sex yesterday,” declared the MGTOW man who calls himself nowig.

Was a most disgusting, vile act.

i don’t know why i do this anymore. i really don’t.

None of us know why you do this. Aren’t you supposed to be going your own damn way?

the whole experience was traumatizing and disgusting. she was 26, around 5’2″ and petite.

That poor woman had no idea what she was in for.

making out on a park bench, i was careful to nibble around her mouth. there was something off-putting about her saliva maybe. a slight metallic aftertaste. this is true for the vast majority of girls though: i don’t like the taste.

I’m sure you taste utterly delicious yourself. Astringent, with a delicate aftertaste of bitterness and an entire life wasted.

getting back to her place, fumbling around in the dark to get her clothes off. disappointment at those 5-10 lb of concealed pudge.

How dare she be slightly less skinny than you expected!

she was totally put together in clothes, but had a falling-apart body with a thicker lower half and droopy sad tits

Dude, you are a droopy sad tit.

and this is a girl who works out and is in top 20% of americans her age.

She probably spent most of her next workout session wailing on a punching bag with fists and feet, imagining that it was your sorry ass.

touching her amorphous “spinner” bod, fingering her slimepit. i was so sadly deflated.

No one who uses the phrase “fingering her slimepit” has ever had good sex with anyone.

i felt an obligation to go down on her to prep her for the actual sex. so i did, and it was as awful as i imagined.

Yeah, I can’t imagine it was much of a treat for her either.

there was some acidic/fruity smell emanating, and i essentially used my lower lip to smush against her relatively clean clit, so as to avoid having my tongue come into contact with the main portion of her gaping moist hole.

I can’t imagine her “hole” was either gaping or moist at this point. It was probably trying to sew itself shut.

my dick was floppy and unenthused the whole time despite my having taken a cialis.

Dude, no amount of Cialis is going to fix what ails you, as your problems appear to stem from a giant deposit of toxic sludge in your brain. And where are you getting Cialis from, anyway? Do you go to Donald Trump’s old doctor?

i immediately went into nervous hyper-focus mode as i tried to get the condom on, stroke my dick into readiness, and finger and prep her while angling my semi-flaccid dick for the final insertion. trying not to be awkward while sweating from the prospect of failure.

Here’s me right now:


once it was in, i was able to pump for a good long while, but didn’t want to change positions so as not to jeopardize my erection.

i came into the condom and immediately rushed out to clean up. i noticed a thick layer of white slime had accumulated past the condom and on the upper portion of my shaft.

Dude, you are a thick layer of white slime.

i felt chills and literally shivered with horror as i rinsed off in the shower.

You and me both, dude.

i now have some inkling of why i hate dating so much, and why my standards for women and romance and abstract ideals are so high. it’s because the actual act of sex is so appalling, anything less than perfection in the other areas would fail to compensate

Dude, think for a moment about all the times you’ve had sex. (It shouldn’t take too long.) What do all of these experiences have in common?

That’s right: YOU. It’s not that “the actual act of sex is appalling.” Most people seem to enjoy it. It’s that the actual act of sex WITH YOU is so appalling that you should never, ever do it ever again, both for your sake and for the sake of every woman in the world, so that they don’t have to even imagine what it would be like to have sex with you.

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5 years ago

Can we add ‘state of one’s virginity’ to the list of things we are not ascribing bad behavior to?


Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
5 years ago

Can we add ‘state of one’s virginity’ to the list of things we are not ascribing bad behavior to?


Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Can we add ‘state of one’s virginity’ to the list of things we are not ascribing bad behavior to?

Holy shit yes.

5 years ago

Was a most disgusting, vile act.

Yes, I can only imagine it was…for HER.

That is, if it actually happened at all.

Which I have ample cause to doubt. It’s all just a little too convenient for migtoe propaganda to be believable.

Please, dude, just go your own damn way…in silence.

And preferably, to a desert island.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

I don’t think I added my vote for the proposed updates to the commenting guidelines.

I’m an ‘Aye’ for the suggestions, including the most recent one about virginity-blaming.

When someone is acting evilly, why not call it evil? And if you need to figure out why they’re being evil, maybe the fact that they’re evil is a much better explanation than wild speculation that they might be queer or ace or a virgin or have a mental illness (and possibly be in the closet/in denial about one or more of those)?

But really, the cause shouldn’t matter unless you actually know that person in an ongoing way and are working to help them change their behavior. in order to help someone change, the intentions and causes can be important.

In calling out bad behavior, naming intentions and causes (imagined or even real) is worse than a distraction: they frequently become an excuse to demonize people who simply aren’t at fault and don’t deserve the splash damage.

5 years ago

Re: Jesalin’s request:

Make mine another Aye. And also, what Crip Dyke said.

5 years ago

This mgtow failed at being mgtow. Just go and leave everyone alone mgtows, good grief. Nobody deserves to spend a night with a mgtow… It sounds so deh7ma izing and awful, especially being so vulnerable. His ‘field report’ sounds like he’s been browsing or that he’s lying about this whole ordeal.. I hope it’s the latter

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


The idea of being squicked by asexuality frankly baffles me. It’s like being disgusted that someone doesn’t want anchovies on their pizza (note: I like anchovies).

Agreed. Well, not about the anchovies, but… I mean, on a certain level, I can understand people who are squicked out by the thought of gay sex. (Not, I hasten to add, anyone who takes that squickedness and uses it as an excuse for homophobia.) Likewise, I can understand gay people who are squicked out by the thought of straight sex. If you’re really not into a given activity, and would rather not think about it… I mean, I’m squicked out by the thought of scat play. I’m not going to kink-shame anyone who’s into it, but I’d really rather not know if you are, and I’d really rather not think about it.

But being squicked out by someone for not doing anything? The hell is that about? There’s probably an analogy to, say, cheese-eaters faced with a non-cheese eating person, but even there, the cheese-eaters are more likely to be baffled than disturbed.

5 years ago

I’d also welcome adding something like “no speculating whether misogyny is caused by sexual orientation” to the comment policy

Me too – as a lesbian I have heard quite a lot of the ‘so that means you hate men’ thing. Some gay men DO find women’s bodies disgusting, and lesbians re men;s bodies, but it really isn’t that common, and is not accompanied by hating the person because of gender.

5 years ago

Emerging briefly from the lurkitude to upvote the Mammoth’s razor and additions to the comments policy.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

@Robert, Rabid Rabbit:
I suspect ‘squicked by asexuality’ is pretty much entirely a ‘that’s not normal‘ thing. Take someone like one of the incel types who’s been brought up to believe that men should always be ready to go and that one’s worth is entirely based on sexual conquests… and then someone who demonstrates that it is possible to just not care about that is an attack on their entire worldview that this is ‘the way things are’, which means it’s seen as an attack on them, because they just can’t be wrong about everything like that.

And we’ve seen more than enough examples of people who respond with violence to what they perceive as attacks on their worldview.

Jane Done
Jane Done
5 years ago

Nth-ing the proposed change to comments policy re: not ascribing bad behavior to sexuality (incl./as well as ace/aro), mental illness or virginity

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
5 years ago


Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

Nice line from today’s NYT report about white supremacism in the US military, explaining why the army might have difficulty stopping such people from enlisting. Essentially, it’s to do with the Mammoth’s Razor:

Recruits’ medical records are reviewed for signs of significant mental illness, but there is no formal psychological assessment that might detect extremist views.

3 years ago

I stopped reading the comments here (for time reasons) for like a month, and there seem to be way more…er, MRA-sympathizing…commenters than there used to be. Was there a policy change or something?

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