'bating alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism creepy cringe daily stormer irony alert literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism

Hot Local Stock Photo Models Want to Talk to You Now About White Genocide

By David Futrelle

It’s hard to think of a more embarrassing memetic self-own than the ubiquity of the “hot white girl complaining about white genocide” memes on the alt-right internet.

You know the ones: the memes featuring gauzy, artfully photoshopped pics of young women — sometimes very young — that are festooned with weirdly turgid captions about the alleged dangers of race-mixing and demands that “the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth.”

Almost none of the women in these memes are actual white supremacists. Like Bizarro World versions of college admissions offices sneakily photoshopping black faces into all-white crowds to make their schools look more diverse than they really are, the white supremacist meme makers have decided to solve their own demographic problem — the fact that there are almost no women in the alt-right — by drafting unwitting stock photo and glamour models (and even a few unlucky selfie-posters) to be the spokeswomen for the Aryan race, or at least the most racist portion of it.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. I wrote about former KKK Grand Wizard and current dirty old man David Duke’s penchant for posting pics of young hotties forced to spout racist sentiments. And I’ve written as well about the Daily Stormer’s attempt to turn Taylor Swift into an unwilling white-supremacist mouthpiece — at least until the Nazi memers had their hearts broken when they discovered that she actually hates them.

But whenever I poke around in the world of alt-right memery I fund myself struck by how persistent these memes — despite the fact that they’re basically one huge self-own, revealing the alt-right to be filled to overflowing with lonely, horny dudes obsessed with women (and teenage girls) way too young for them.

Also, I’m struck again and again by just how inept these guys are at making memes, with many of the memes in this particular genre clotted with embarrassingly prolix disquisitions on the alleged perfection of the white race, sometimes in type so small they’re hard to read.

Here are some of the most cringeworthy of the “Aryan Babe” memes I’ve come across recently.

Yeah, pretty sure she’s not thinking any of that.

I like how the word “JEWS” is highlighted, in case you happened to miss the anti-Semitism at first glance.

Dude, maybe next time use a pic without a watermark?

Well, that’s not any better.

Love to feature small children in racist memes about rape!

And speaking of children:

Speaking of “FORCED,” neither of these kids asked to be included in racist memes, dudes!

You may have to read this next one twice. Even though it’s so badly designed that it’s hard to read even once.

Graphic design is my passion!

These Nazi memers seem to be equally passionate about really young, or at least young-looking women.

At this point you may want a shower … for your eyes.

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6 years ago

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape) wrote on
February 22, 2019 at 5:49 am:

They’ve invented a new English poetry formula. A 14 word declaration in one line, must contain a call to some kind of action on behalf of the white race or some subset thereof. Applications to other languages pending, while purists are expected to insist on English only.

“Sandals with socks are tacky and defeat their purpose entirely, so please stop it.”

“Listen: Non-English-speakers don’t start to understand English just because you started talking more slowly.”

6 years ago

“To the man in the MAGA hat and ‘Free Helicopter Rides’ shirt: Fuck off.”

6 years ago

Every time I see one of these memes, I just think in the back of my mind “There is no way that the creator of this actually has taken the time to learn about the cultural traditions of their ancestors and actually practice them.” Because a lot of those traditions involve particular religions that are either long extinct or are so repressive that these guys have rejected it. So instead of seeing burgeoning Morris Dancing crews among the Anglophiles or Ceilidh-going among those of Irish descent, you see some snot-nosed middle-class 4chan dipshit posting pictures of Roman busts and columns with “Western Civilization” plastered over it.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Barbarians are at the gates
Must procreate with white woman
To spite the Jews

The Jews are watching you
As you watch cuckold porn
White genocide at hand

I just realized this poetry formula should be named “hi-Q”.

(combination of “high” and “IQ”)

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

My sister actually did Scottish Highland Dancing for a while. Her teacher was, I believe, the first Canadian to win the international championships for that. (And probably would have won it a couple of years earlier if the judges hadn’t pretty much all been Scottish.)

Anybody who talks about ‘white culture’ is also ignoring just how much internecine warfare there is about what counts as ‘white culture’.

In other news, the Metro Morning show today had an interview with Shaun Majumder, the mixed-race Newfoundland comedian who kicked off a shitstorm with a rap about ‘Beige Power’ in ‘This Hour Has 22 Minutes’ last year. His ‘Hate Tour’ is in Toronto tonight. Considering a lot of his routine is currently about just how utterly ridiculous a lot of these folks are, he’d be a good fit for this site.

(The Metro Morning podcast for today isn’t up on the website yet.)

6 years ago

I may regret asking, but anyone know why transracial adoption is included here? I’ve not seen this thrown up by them before. Do they mean white parents adopting non-white children? Do they mean white children being adopted by non-white families? Do they mean white children being adopted by Jewish families?

I guess I can think of many reasons they wouldn’t agree with adoption, all of which would eliminate them from the pool of people who would make good parents.

6 years ago

@Jenora Feuer

Loooooove me some Shaun Majumder. 22 Minutes of course is where I first saw him, but my family is huuuge into Republic of Doyle (bygone CBC show which is basically The Rockford Files but set in St. John’s) and he had a guest spot as a local ne’er-do-well in the pilot episode. And I was like “Hang on… is Shaun from Newfoundland?” Mind blown. It’s remarkable that with the exception of Colin Mochrie and Gavin Crawford, the entire main cast of 22 Minutes were all from Newfoundland. That’s basically where all of Canada’s comedy talent comes from.

Sadly, Republic of Doyle was never a show I could really get into because the cases always seemed peripheral to the personal stuff surrounding Doyle himself, but that is the show that I got my appreciation for the talents of Victor Garber (folks might remember him as Canadian Ambassador to Iran Ken Taylor in the film Argo). He’s very funny as an author that writes a character based on Doyle and follows him around on cases being a general nuisance.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago


I love the meme expressing anxiety over Europeans “being displaced in their own lands”, without a trace of irony or self-awareness. How many indigenous people have been driven off their land over the last millennium by European settlers with disease and guns?

I’ve also noticed how it’s always “white countries” rather than, say, European countries.

Sometimes these memelords attempt to point out an alleged liberal hypocrisy, in that the historical white colonization of Africa and Asia is condemned, but the modern mass immigration from Africa and Asia to “white countries” is apparently just fine and even desirable. This, of course, is a false equivalence. The reason people don’t much immigrate from white countries or to Africa/Asia is economic disparity, not generally any global political suppression of white immigration.

This false equivalence never mentions the historical white colonization of America and Australia, because those regions need to be counted as “white countries” now, and also there’s no modern mass immigration of Native Americans/Australians to Europe. The peoples in question have only survived in low numbers, and inasmuch as they seek economic opportunities, the obvious route is to assimilate into the colonial white society.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago


I may regret asking, but anyone know why transracial adoption is included here? I’ve not seen this thrown up by them before.

My best guess is, one particular nazi is deeply offended because a few rich white women are choosing to adopt several children from Africa. While rare, this technically contributes to non-white immigration, and also you might (likely mistakenly) think the choice of adoption CAUSED these women to have fewer/no white children.

6 years ago

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape) wrote on
February 22, 2019 at 9:12 am:

Barbarians are at the gates
Must procreate with white woman
To spite the Jews

The Jews are watching you
As you watch cuckold porn
White genocide at hand

I just realized this poetry formula should be named “hi-Q”.

(combination of “high” and “IQ”)

Nitpick: It’s not on one line.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

I am worried.

Worried that they’ll do something awful at the southern border (more than they already are, that is). That they’ll shut down the FBI investigations they face. That they’ll ramp up some fearmongering about “commies” in the Democratic Party, suggest heavily (and without a trace of irony) that Dems are in bed with the Russians, then dissolve the House of Representatives, endings its own investigations, and start quietly disappearing the more outspoken lefties like AOC.

That they’ll start World War III or something.

6 years ago

I have a sneaking suspicion what bothers them about race mixing is the mixing, not the race. It’s just another excuse they’ve found for why other people having sex is bad.

6 years ago


Ah. I had actually forgotten about that highly public face of transracial adoption. And they would be especially salty about women they consider to be beautiful using up thier parenting resources on non-white children rather than fulfilling their obligation to homegrow more hot white women.

This reason at least lets me believe that they don’t really know any adoptive famililes and at least don’t spew this nonsense to any people unfortunate enough to be around them outside of their computer.

6 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
I love the meme expressing anxiety over Europeans “being displaced in their own lands”, without a trace of irony or self-awareness. How many indigenous people have been driven off their land over the last millennium by European settlers with disease and guns?

Yeah, I was gonna say that whole thing was written without any regards to the idea of forced White colonization of other countries. That tells me something deeper about them though, that they really are terrified that PoC are going to do to them what they’ve done to millions of people throughout history.

I also cam across this interesting article:

As much as the genre imagines the future, it also remixes the past—often by envisioning Western-style imperialism visited on the Western world.

6 years ago

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape):

They also don’t take into account that the reason why these people are emigrating to European countries is sometimes from the displacement of their people’s that was caused by European colonization.

After all, economic disparity often occurs because Europeans came in, stripped those countries of their natural resources (to send back home), and then left those countries in political and economic shambles, which ends up encouraging and promoting internecine warfare in those areas from which the people are trying to escape.

There is a distinct lack of historical context happening here.

6 years ago

I saw a Tumblr thread a while back: somebody had found a version of these memes in which the stock-photo white woman was Audrey Hepburn; who as everyone subsequently pointed out, hated Nazis, had assisted the Dutch resistance, and later was an ambassador for UNICEF.

6 years ago


I know, right? It’s kind of amazing how little they know about the culture they’re supposedly trying to protect. The white nationalist version of European culture is so shallow and bland, and completely inaccurate. As someone who is deep into folklife, it drives me up the wall.

6 years ago

OK bozos, so many terrible things so I am simply going to point out that there are lots of pale skinned ginger Jews.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago


As much as the genre imagines the future, it also remixes the past—often by envisioning Western-style imperialism visited on the Western world.

And one of the classic examples of that would be War of the Worlds, published by H. G. Wells in 1897. (I wrote that before seeing that this is actually mentioned in the article you linked.)

The idea of ‘they’ll do to us what we did to them’ goes back a lot further, of course; there’s not much evidence that there ever was an actual New York Conspiracy of 1741 in the sense that people thought at the time, but people were so scared about the possibility of a slave revolt that they engaged in a serious ‘witch hunt’ to root out all the people who might possibly have been considering it. (Fred Clark over at Slacktivist is the main reason I know about this at all, from articles such as Slaves in the hands of an angry white God.)

Actually, when I say ‘goes back a lot further’, we’d probably have to go back to at least Roman times if not before…

6 years ago

Isn’t “parish from the earth” (misspelling intentional) a line from the Gettysburg Address?

6 years ago

I remember the intellectual thrill I experienced when studying history and realizing that the various peoples of the Earth had not, in fact, always been where they currently are.

E.g., the people we now think of as Europeans did not always live in what we now call Europe.

This is the kind of scholarship that confuses and enrages the hammerheads who make memes like these.

6 years ago

There are so many ridiculous things about those pieces of “art” that one hardly knows where to begin.

The most disgusting is the girl who sends her Jewish schoolmate out to be raped.

The most ignorant is the one with the bearded Jewish trope and the horrible English…yup, that guy’s grasp of the language truly marks him as the “vanguard of the white race.”

The most annoying are the endless girls in pigtails — obviously fresh from the Oktoberfest in Munich.

However, not one of those girls would go near one of these junior Fascists, because they have the personalities, body odors, and social skills of chimpanzees, their highest career achievement was to score 200,000 points in a shoot-em-up video game, and the only thing they talk about on a date is the same stuff they talk about on their websites — whining about Jews and conspiracy theories. They’d lose the girl between the opening drink and the opening course.

I bet that if girls who looked like Jennifer Lopez or Halle Berry or Maggie Q came on to these guys, they’d jump into the sack with them instantly….

6 years ago

@Brian Mason
Welcome to the comments section Brian.

6 years ago

OT: Awww, Grammy-nominated trans R&B artist Jackie Shane passed away!

While she was born in Nashville, apparently she was a fixture on the Toronto music scene for years:

As one Wonketteer said, Rest In Power, Jackie!

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Lumipuna;

I just realized this poetry formula should be named “hi-Q”.

Ouch-ie-POO!!! 🙂

Regarding the “hot Aryan woman” being thousands of years in the making, uhh, nah — none of these women are more than a few tens of years old at most. On the other hand, “whiteness”, the low melanin level phenotype, is likely only a few tens of thousands of years old.

The little bit I’ve read on the subject seems to indicate that the light skin conferred an advantage in absorption of vitamin D.

It looks to me like a founder effect, the result of a small population moving into Europe in the past, carrying with them some recessive alleles in wide enough distribution for either natural selection for vitamin D absorption to work with, or for dumb luck to work with. There’s very little genetic difference between “white people” from Northern Europe and fairer skinned folks from, the Levant or Central Asia, and many of the characteristics of “white people”, e.g. light colored hair, “porcelain” white skin, seem to blend when crossed with people who don’t have them. Eye color, particularly blue, seems to be very genetically fragile. The result is a blending of the skin tone and some other physical characteristics, and an almost complete loss of light hair and eye color.

In sum, this isn’t genocide, it’s genetics. If ya wanted your phenotype to last, ya should’a got dominant alleles….