'bating alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism creepy cringe daily stormer irony alert literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism

Hot Local Stock Photo Models Want to Talk to You Now About White Genocide

By David Futrelle

It’s hard to think of a more embarrassing memetic self-own than the ubiquity of the “hot white girl complaining about white genocide” memes on the alt-right internet.

You know the ones: the memes featuring gauzy, artfully photoshopped pics of young women — sometimes very young — that are festooned with weirdly turgid captions about the alleged dangers of race-mixing and demands that “the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth.”

Almost none of the women in these memes are actual white supremacists. Like Bizarro World versions of college admissions offices sneakily photoshopping black faces into all-white crowds to make their schools look more diverse than they really are, the white supremacist meme makers have decided to solve their own demographic problem — the fact that there are almost no women in the alt-right — by drafting unwitting stock photo and glamour models (and even a few unlucky selfie-posters) to be the spokeswomen for the Aryan race, or at least the most racist portion of it.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. I wrote about former KKK Grand Wizard and current dirty old man David Duke’s penchant for posting pics of young hotties forced to spout racist sentiments. And I’ve written as well about the Daily Stormer’s attempt to turn Taylor Swift into an unwilling white-supremacist mouthpiece — at least until the Nazi memers had their hearts broken when they discovered that she actually hates them.

But whenever I poke around in the world of alt-right memery I fund myself struck by how persistent these memes — despite the fact that they’re basically one huge self-own, revealing the alt-right to be filled to overflowing with lonely, horny dudes obsessed with women (and teenage girls) way too young for them.

Also, I’m struck again and again by just how inept these guys are at making memes, with many of the memes in this particular genre clotted with embarrassingly prolix disquisitions on the alleged perfection of the white race, sometimes in type so small they’re hard to read.

Here are some of the most cringeworthy of the “Aryan Babe” memes I’ve come across recently.

Yeah, pretty sure she’s not thinking any of that.

I like how the word “JEWS” is highlighted, in case you happened to miss the anti-Semitism at first glance.

Dude, maybe next time use a pic without a watermark?

Well, that’s not any better.

Love to feature small children in racist memes about rape!

And speaking of children:

Speaking of “FORCED,” neither of these kids asked to be included in racist memes, dudes!

You may have to read this next one twice. Even though it’s so badly designed that it’s hard to read even once.

Graphic design is my passion!

These Nazi memers seem to be equally passionate about really young, or at least young-looking women.

At this point you may want a shower … for your eyes.

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Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
6 years ago

Apparently one of these white supermen doesn’t know the difference between “perish” and “parish” or the difference between the words “woman” and “women”. It’s strange that he doesn’t want Aryan women to “county in Louisiana” or “administrative district of a church” from Earth.

6 years ago

I have no idea why that guy decided to add a massive watermark over the face of a stock model. I mean, we didn’t need “88” in the image to know that the guy was a white supremacist.

6 years ago

The watermark is the white power cross and a big “88.” Subtle. And the “it’s hard to read even once” one is a photo of Elle and Dakota Fanning. Every one of these is terrible.

6 years ago

The Audacity of the Caucasity.

Brian Mason
Brian Mason
6 years ago

Hey everyone! Looooong time lurker, first time commenter here. The Nazi meme with the two blonde girls was so repugnant I just felt the need to remark on it. Sending a Jewish high school girl to get *raped* by a pedophile just for being Jewish? Fuuuck.

I’m amazed some people can still think they’re Righteous Warriors for Truth after typing crap like that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The one with the Fannings is my personal favorite. Using a picture of fairly famous actors in your meme is not a terribly bright idea if you’re hoping to convince young men that pretty blonde women are all really into white supremacy.

Of course, many men think that waitresses and strippers who are nice to them for tips are actually into them, so maybe I’m giving their target audience too much credit.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

All those doe-eyed white children, being wiped out by diversity and adoption. You can almost hear Sarah McLaughlin singing in the background.

6 years ago

Dear misters, if the white ladies of you dreams are not cleaving to you, it is not because of jews or your pallor or your failure at graphic design, it’s the brain rot which you spew that drives them into the arms of dusky but urbane gentlemen (and/or ladies and/or undecided persons). If you wish for lily-white babeez of your own, it would be best to… well… actually I do not have any pithy curative advice for your people problem. Try to be less of a bellicose wanker, I suppose, or at least not anywhere people can see you. Anytime the words “white genocide” teeter on the tip of your tongue, think instead of kittens. Women like kittens. They can even be white kittens if you like.

6 years ago

“the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth.”

This from the same bunch of Nazi wanks who refer to every non-modelesque white woman (that is, the overwhelming majority of white women) as “fat ugly sluts”.

And they wonder why they have so few female takers for their “cause”?

6 years ago

I find it interesting that the women whose pics are chosen to play the “hot white aryan woman” role are, when not oh-so-stereotypically blonde, almost invariably redheaded, considering the historical tendency to equate being redheaded with being Jewish.

6 years ago

I really don’t like that I look like the women in those photos. It makes my skin crawl with the idea that guys like this are looking at me in a sexual way. Though the Latino man holding my hand might be enough to send them far away.

6 years ago

We JEWS want you to believe that whites becoming a minority in all their Homelands [sic] in the next 3 decades is a natural phenomenon not organized by we, JEWS, [sic] to get rid of our competitor the [sic] high IQ intellect [sic] White race. You should not believe that we JEWS reduce the birth rate of whites then [sic] replace them and race-mixing them [sic] with the millions of immigrants we bring during decades [sic]

You can tell this was written by a high IQ intellect person because of all the grammar issues.

6 years ago

“Because the beauty of the white Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth”: I suppose it’s no accident that this is fourteen words?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

This Woman, like all Europeans, is thousands of years in the making.

So, um, all non-European people just sprang up out of the ground yesterday?

6 years ago

Moggie wrote on
February 22, 2019 at 12:57 am:

“Because the beauty of the white Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth”: I suppose it’s no accident that this is fourteen words?

Not at all. In fact, it is the other set of Fourteen Words that they keep banging on about (the first, for those who don’t know, being “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”)

6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit,

No, given that the evolutionary record of the earth stretches back billions of years, I’m pretty sure that if Europeans are only a product of thousands of years of lineage, then they’re the ones who sprang out of the ground spontaneously.

I guess creationism only applies to white people?

On another note, I’d like to not parish from the earth. Being part of a parish in SPACE would be a pretty novel, I think. Much nicer than those boring, mundane earth parishes.

6 years ago

They seem to think that being blonde or red-headed is some kind of marker of racial purity, but in the pictures they’ve chosen, it’s quite often the product of a woman’s aesthetic choices.

There are many beautiful red-headed people in the world, but I am pretty sure a minority of them are carriers of the red-headed gene. Luckily that’s irrelevant to everyone other than Nazis or the kind of MRA who feels betrayed to find that women’s lips aren’t naturally bright pink.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

So, I’m from central Europe.

And considering where my grandparents are from my most recent ancestry likely contains a lot of Czech, Hungarian, Slovenian and Italian on top of German. And whatever else floated around the Austro-Hungarian empire.

Never mind the various waves of ‘barbarian’ migrations we had over the millennia.

So, name any ethnicity that stepped foot into central Europe in the last 2000 years, I probably have ancestors there.

Yes, I’m so white I more or less glow in the dark.

Racial purity is still a myth.

I’m AFAB. I will never have children. Ever.

Take that, white genocide.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


Dear misters, if the white ladies of you dreams are not cleaving to you, it is not because of . . . your failure at graphic design

Oh, I don’t know. It would certainly give me pause.

I can’t prove it or anything, but I’m pretty sure that Taylor Swift would feel the same.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Clumsy writing in service of hitting that magical 14-word count. Angels and ministers of grace, defend us.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

They’ve invented a new English poetry formula. A 14 word declaration in one line, must contain a call to some kind of action on behalf of the white race or some subset thereof. Applications to other languages pending, while purists are expected to insist on English only.

TB Tabby
TB Tabby
6 years ago

Personally I thought the “liberal NPC” meme was the biggest self-own, because they did a far better job making themselves look like they were mindless drones being programmed to give the same responses over and over than any liberal. This is pretty bad too, though.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Could someone please inform these “high IQ” gentlemen that genocide is not a verb?

I love the meme expressing anxiety over Europeans “being displaced in their own lands”, without a trace of irony or self-awareness. How many indigenous people have been driven off their land over the last millennium by European settlers with disease and guns?

White people moving to gated communities in the suburbs to escape the consequences of their own racist redlining policies is hardly the Trail of Tears.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Trail of White Tears: The Roger Stone* story.

* Insert any other member of Trump’s circle who’s in legal trouble as desired.

6 years ago


Barbarians are at the gates
Must procreate with white woman
To spite the Jews

The Jews are watching you
As you watch cuckold porn
White genocide at hand

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