'bating alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism creepy cringe daily stormer irony alert literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism

Hot Local Stock Photo Models Want to Talk to You Now About White Genocide

By David Futrelle

It’s hard to think of a more embarrassing memetic self-own than the ubiquity of the “hot white girl complaining about white genocide” memes on the alt-right internet.

You know the ones: the memes featuring gauzy, artfully photoshopped pics of young women — sometimes very young — that are festooned with weirdly turgid captions about the alleged dangers of race-mixing and demands that “the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish from the Earth.”

Almost none of the women in these memes are actual white supremacists. Like Bizarro World versions of college admissions offices sneakily photoshopping black faces into all-white crowds to make their schools look more diverse than they really are, the white supremacist meme makers have decided to solve their own demographic problem — the fact that there are almost no women in the alt-right — by drafting unwitting stock photo and glamour models (and even a few unlucky selfie-posters) to be the spokeswomen for the Aryan race, or at least the most racist portion of it.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. I wrote about former KKK Grand Wizard and current dirty old man David Duke’s penchant for posting pics of young hotties forced to spout racist sentiments. And I’ve written as well about the Daily Stormer’s attempt to turn Taylor Swift into an unwilling white-supremacist mouthpiece — at least until the Nazi memers had their hearts broken when they discovered that she actually hates them.

But whenever I poke around in the world of alt-right memery I fund myself struck by how persistent these memes — despite the fact that they’re basically one huge self-own, revealing the alt-right to be filled to overflowing with lonely, horny dudes obsessed with women (and teenage girls) way too young for them.

Also, I’m struck again and again by just how inept these guys are at making memes, with many of the memes in this particular genre clotted with embarrassingly prolix disquisitions on the alleged perfection of the white race, sometimes in type so small they’re hard to read.

Here are some of the most cringeworthy of the “Aryan Babe” memes I’ve come across recently.

Yeah, pretty sure she’s not thinking any of that.

I like how the word “JEWS” is highlighted, in case you happened to miss the anti-Semitism at first glance.

Dude, maybe next time use a pic without a watermark?

Well, that’s not any better.

Love to feature small children in racist memes about rape!

And speaking of children:

Speaking of “FORCED,” neither of these kids asked to be included in racist memes, dudes!

You may have to read this next one twice. Even though it’s so badly designed that it’s hard to read even once.

Graphic design is my passion!

These Nazi memers seem to be equally passionate about really young, or at least young-looking women.

At this point you may want a shower … for your eyes.

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6 years ago

Which is not even an achievement…it’s merely a toss on the genetic die roll. Their parents made that “achievement.”

And if their parents had done their job, the junior fascist would probably NOT be a junior fascist.

6 years ago

I apologize if this is a bit off-topic, but MAD’s “guide to race relations” from the 60s, from which I quoted, had many good observations about racists.

For example that “Black Power” extremists want seperate schools and neighborhoods and hate race-mixing – which is exactly what “White Power” people want (“Isn’t it nice blacks and whites can work together for the same cause?” MAD noted).

MAD also suspected that the KKK, with its titles of “grand cyclops”, “exalted dragon” and the like, has as much to do with people whose highest real-life title is “junior manure salesmen” feel important than with white supremacy.

Those guys at Mad magazine were geniuses in those days. They had a lot to work with back then. Sadly, their circulation is way down since they moved to Los Angeles.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

They also have stiff competition now, every time the mainstream media reports on anything even tangentially connected to the tangerine tyrant.

6 years ago

If they had an understanding of human history or artistic talent, they probably WOULDN’T be white supremacists.

6 years ago

Absolutely right….those skunks objectify their women…the girls in the photos and paintings are mere fantasy figures.

6 years ago

Part of MAD’s current problem is that something that happens on Monday has been chewed to pulp and spewed out by social media by the following Friday, and by the time the issue mocking it hits the stands it’s a week out of date.

I call it the Scaramucci Effect.

6 years ago

Part of MAD’s current problem is that something that happens on Monday has been chewed to pulp and spewed out by social media by the following Friday, and by the time the issue mocking it hits the stands it’s a week out of date.

I call it the Scaramucci Effect.

Monday? Mad’s a monthly magazine or a quarterly.

By the time it comes out, The Onion and Twitter have knifed the topic to death.

6 years ago

Kiwiwriter – there’s a vivid image.

6 years ago

Kiwiwriter – there’s a vivid image.

Thought you’d like it.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago


those skunks objectify their women

How dare you impugn the noble skunk by association with such people?

6 years ago

How dare you impugn the noble skunk by association with such people?

Jenora, you’re right…while wild skunks can be dangerous, especially if they’re rabid, they ACTUALLY make good pets…they can have their stink bags removed, and then they are very charming little indoor pets. They get used to people, can be trained to use cat litter boxes, and eat a mix of salad and cat chow.

That’s more than I can say for junior fascists.

6 years ago

I suspect that part of the deal, in their minds, is that if they are very good little racists, they will get a blonde girl with a flawless body who will love them for their pure genes and be traditional and submissive. And women like that are cool, it’s just all the other ones, who’ve been ruined by controlling society and stuff that they don’t like.

They all think that they are entitled to “Miss July,” as she describes herself in the centerfold information.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

I know someone who does have pet skunks. They’re clever little beasts; one of them figured out how to pull open the (admittedly old) refrigerator and get into the crisper drawer.

6 years ago

I know someone who does have pet skunks. They’re clever little beasts; one of them figured out how to pull open the (admittedly old) refrigerator and get into the crisper drawer.

Smart guy!

They require permits, I think.

3 years ago


The only way I can tell none of these were made by my dad is that my dad was a professional graphic designer and would at least be able to present his incoherent racism and xenophobia in a well-designed format.

The only solace I have to that is that he wasn’t like that before his years of raging uncontrolled diabetes and recent stroke, so maybe its the brain damage talking. Which is more than I can say for these asswipes.