'bating /pol/ 4chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer eek tattoos entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men patriarchy porn

Nazis lose it over an interracial cartoon couple in a condom ad, blaming “a Jewish agenda to deny white men sex”

This cartoon kills fascists

By David Futrelle

How do you make a Nazi cross?

The standard answer to this old riddle is some variation of “step on his foot.” These days you can achieve the same result by simply showing the Nazi in question an ad featuring a happy interracial couple — whether it’s an ad for cereal, sweatpants, or, for maximum effect, condoms.

Nazis and their fellow travelers online are currently losing it over a screenshot of a Durex ad featuring a cartoon couple apparently gearing up to celebrate Valentine’s day in bed. The problem? The man is black, and the woman — covered in tattoos and sporting pink and purple hair — is white.

breaking tradition this valentine's day? durex has you covered

Though Durex has run ads featuring interracial couples before, this particular ad seems so perfectly designed to enrage white supremacists — who hate brightly dyed hair, tattooed women and the idea of “breaking tradition” nearly as much as they hate people of color — that I can’t help but wonder if it’s even real. (I looked for it on Durex’s social media pages and couldn’t find it, and Durex’s press office hasn’t responded to a query I sent them about it yesterday.)

Regardless, the screenshot is being passed around by far-right “white genocide” worriers and they don’t like it one bit. They’re not offended because the “breaking tradition” line fetishizes interracial sex as something that’s especially exciting because it’s taboo, much in the way that cuckold porn featuring black men and white “hotwives” does. No, they just don’t like the idea of a black man — even a cartoon black man — getting his hands on a white woman. .

“They hate you. AND they know race is real,” groused one commenter on the blog Patriactionary, “Never forget.”

On 4chan’s famously racist and anti-Semitic /pol/ board, meanwhile, one angry anon denounced the ad for encouraging white women to break “[t]he tradition of not fucking pavement apes.”

But no one has gotten quite so angry about the cartoon couple as Daily Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin, who denounced the ad as propaganda for a nefarious Jewish plot “to deny white men access to all forms of sex” in a furious diatribe posted on his site over the weekend.

After complaining that it’s hard to even find an ad these days that “doesn’t have a white woman with a n***er,” Anglin laid into the ad itself:

This one is specifically extreme, because they are literally saying “break tradition and fuck a n***er” – as if this woman has a tradition of sex with white men. I don’t know any white women who have such a tradition. They are all a bunch of greasy, stinking n***er-fucking whores, many of them with foot fungus they refuse to treat.

In case you’re wondering about that last bit, it’s a reference to actress Brie Larson, once photographed on the red carpet in open-toed shoes that seemed to reveal feet that looked a bit fungusfied.

It’s funny though that you never see white men with black women. Or white men with anyone, actually. It is always a white woman, and usually she’s with a black man.

Really? Because I see white couples in ads all the time. And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more ads with white men and black women than the reverse, probably because ad execs think they’re less likely to result in them getting death threats from angry white dudes. (Interracial-porn producers, aiming for the id, are much more likely to pair black men with white women, a fact that also causes Nazis and other racist conspiracy theorists with much consternation. But we’ll get to porn in a second.)

It’s almost as if the creators of these ads are [pushing] a virulent Jewish agenda to deny white men of sex completely.

That’s … a bit of a leap.

Anglin followed up this big leap with another one, arguing that, sometime soon, sex-denied white men — whitecels? — would only be able to mate with Rosy Palm and her five daughters.

They are literally giving away OUR WOMEN – and yes, they do belong to us collectively – and then telling us to just go watch porn.

And porn, in Anglin’s mind, is even worse for white men than condom ads.

This is because porn keeps lonely white men docile. It is the most powerful drug with no obvious consequences. It is a massive dopamine dump. And it makes men okay with the fact that they don’t have girlfriends or wives.

Oh, but Anglin’s alleged Jewish conspiracy goes way beyond condom ads and internet porn.

The point is: you should understand that everything that is happening in the world is designed to target YOU. None of it is really coherent. You see these things that conflict in the liberal narrative – like women’s empowerment and porn, or homosexuality and Islam, or any number of other obvious things – and you ask how they can exist next to each other. And the answer is, because all of it harms white men.

Yes, that’s right. He thinks that Islam is part of a Jewish plot to destroy white men.

You look around at everything and it only makes sense if you say: “all of this is being designed for the explicit purpose of harming white men.” There is no other explanation for anything that is going on.

This is your brain on Nazism.

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6 years ago

Anglin’s “logic” is hilarious…white fascist incel men are denied sex because of a condom ad. Not because of their rancid personalities (and body odor).

And you don’t see white men with black women? That’s the fastest growing rate of interracial marriage, as Robert De Niro, Matt Stone, George Lucas, Max Gail, Serena Williams, and Prince Harry would tell you. Not to mention it’s pretty common on TV commercials now. I bet if Halle Berry or Janelle Monae came on to an incel, he’d be saying, “Yes, ma’am.”

And Islam is a “Jewish plot.” Boy, don’t tell that to the Israelis and the Palestinians…they’re real deep into the lie.

6 years ago

I’m not surprised that this add turned out to be fake. Everything about it seems tailor made to upset the nazis.

6 years ago

Kiwiwriter – that reminded me. The late unlamented Jack Chick promoted the myth that Islam was created by the Catholic Church to further impede ‘true’ Christianity.

Of course, there are conspiracy theorists who argue that the Masons, the Jesuits and the Jews are all working together behind the scenes. It takes a lot of red yarn to make those connections.

6 years ago

That’s why it’s useless to argue with a conspiracy theorist. They divide the world into four types of people:

Conspirators: Everybody who’s “in” on the conspiracy, and anyone with more power than a meter maid is “in” on the conspiracy.

Investigators: that’s the theorists. Hard-working people who are waging the holy war against unyielding tyranny to break through and expose the truth to the dupes.

Shills: Anyone who argues with them. They are part of the conspiracy, and are being used by the conspirators to maintain the tyrannical conspiracy state.

Dupes: People who just don’t care or don’t bother with their garbage. But the dupes are really on the investigators’ side, and once the investigators get that proof of the conspirators’ nefarious dealings, and expose it to the world, the dupes will rise from their armchairs, sodas, and TV sets, and join the investigator army, brandishing checkbooks in one hand, rifles in the other, to force the shills and conspirators to break down and confess their crimes against humanity….

which will lead to a new Utopia, with the chief investigator hoisted on the public’s shoulders to his rightful place in the Oval Office.

Where he will become paranoid about the other conspiracy theorists who will regard HIM as a shill. Or a conspirator.

6 years ago

You look around at everything and it only makes sense if you say: “all of this is being designed for the explicit purpose of harming white men.” There is no other explanation for anything that is going on.


Why does the sun rise every day? To hurt white men.
Why is the flight/train/bus delayed? To hurt white men.
Why did it snow again yesterday? To hurt white men.
Why does the store close at 8pm? To hurt white men.
Why do cats knock things off of tables? To hurt white men.
Why are goldfish cute? To hurt white men.
Why are there wood chips under the park swings? To hurt white men.
Why are there weather alerts? To hurt white men.
Why do cars run out of gas? To hurt white men.
Why do workers get paychecks? To hurt white men.

Everything makes so much sense now.

6 years ago

BlueNinja wrote on
February 21, 2019 at 6:04 pm:

You look around at everything and it only makes sense if you say: “all of this is being designed for the explicit purpose of harming white men.” There is no other explanation for anything that is going on.


Why does the sun rise every day? To hurt white men.
Why is the flight/train/bus delayed? To hurt white men.
Why did it snow again yesterday? To hurt white men.
Why does the store close at 8pm? To hurt white men.
Why do cats knock things off of tables? To hurt white men.
Why are goldfish cute? To hurt white men.
Why are there wood chips under the park swings? To hurt white men.
Why are there weather alerts? To hurt white men.
Why do cars run out of gas? To hurt white men.
Why do workers get paychecks? To hurt white men.

Everything makes so much sense now.

I’m picturing a hymn of sorts, sung to the tune of “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, that goes

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
Were made to hurt white men.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Of course, there are conspiracy theorists who argue that the Masons, the Jesuits and the Jews are all working together behind the scenes.

Most Jews aren’t aware of this, but the Masons are secretly working with the Welders of Zion.

6 years ago


“I speak for Mr. Bloom and myself when I say that YOU are the only man who can direct ‘Springtime for Hitler!'”

Yup, EVERYTHING is designed to hurt white men.

Given the fact that the Boston Red Sox were the last team in major league baseball to sign a black player, I’d have to say:

Why was there a Red Sox’ curse? To hurt white men.

6 years ago

Most Jews aren’t aware of this, but the Masons are secretly working with the Welders of Zion.

I’m going to “steel” that joke.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

Speaking of Satan (since Jack Chick’s theories were mentioned) and sinister worldwide plots to inconvenience the average white dude,

In Finnish, various swearwords invoke the name of Satan in one form or another. To use a historically famous example, a frustrated political or business leader might angrily denounce his underlings as “Satan’s bunglers”.

Now, it once occurred to me that it’s amusing to imagine “Satan’s Bunglers” as some kind of sinister worldwide cabal that rules everything behind the scenes, a la Dan Brown on steroids. In this scenario, everybody knows about the cabal, but people rarely dare to talk about it. They control everything from Brexit to US government funding negotiations. You never know who’s a member – except when someone screws up things for you (which happens often enough). That’s when you know, so you mutter under your breath, with a barely restrained expression on your face, “Satan’s Bunglers”.

(I hope this makes any sense!)

6 years ago

They’re just pissed ads for condoms imply other people are having sex. They’re not even honestly racist, it’s just their excuse du jour for why other people having sex is awful and wrong,

“He shouldn’t be having sex with her, he’s black!” “She shouldn’t be having sex with him, he’s a Chad!”, “they shouldn’t be having sex, she’s fat!” (To use just recent examples posted on this blog). The excuses change daily, the conviction that IT’S NOT FAIR and WRONG someone else is having sex when THEY’RE NOT stays the same.

6 years ago

To use a historically famous example, a frustrated political or business leader might angrily denounce his underlings as “Satan’s bunglers”.

Wouldn’t that be a bit of a self-own? Unless the implication is that his underlings are deliberately bungling their work for him because their true loyalty is to Satan, and not that he’s Satan and he just can’t get good help these days.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


Why does the sun rise every day? To hurt white men.

I hate to admit it, but there’s a grain of truth to this one. The sun’s purpose is to give white people sunburns, after all. Or tans, which is clearly a terrible plot to destroy the white race.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

There’s a Geico ad running currently with a white dude and an African American woman. As for Nazis, it’s always fun to piss them off, and if they’re denied sex in the bargain, all the better!

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago


“I speak for Mr. Bloom and myself when I say that YOU are the only man who can direct ‘Springtime for Hitler!’”

Oh dear. That movie is somehow even more offensive now, except for all the wrong reasons. Admittedly they couldn’t have known that one day humour and irony would be weaponized to indoctrinate the public into accepting neonazis into public life, slowly legitimising their views as worthy of debate (and eventually acceptance) in public discourse.

Then again I’ve always wondered if the fascist and white supremacist views that today are out in the open were always there in the past, just hidden behind closed doors.

Of course there’s no denying the statistical rise of violence caused by fascism and racism.

Hard to say. I guess I’ve just always assumed that humans will always move forward, always progress, that it’s not possible for white people as a group to become more racist now than they were decades ago, but maybe that’s wrong.

6 years ago

No….Mel Brooks has made a brilliant career out of satirizing and ridiculing Hitler.

If the Nazis of 1923 and 1932 were faced with ridicule then, they may not have gained power as easily.

Ridiculing them today is one of the best answers to them. They want the people they face to be

1. Terrified
2. Angry
3. Both of the above

Because if their opponents are terrified or angry, it makes the neo-Nazis feel important and powerful. All these neo-Nazis dreams of the day when they can saunter down the street of their home town, wearing an SS uniform and bearing the authority of the new Nazi state, a bottle of booze in one arm, a smokin’ hot blonde on the other, dispensing bonhomie (on old friends) and brutality (on old enemies) alike.

Ridicule makes them into clowns and buffoons. It reminds them they will get nowhere in life beyond mommy’s basement.

It’s similar to the Kook Klutz Klowns, who dress up in clown outfits to ridicule the Klan at their rallies. They work.

Make Nazis look stupid, childish, and foolish. Their power evaporates.

6 years ago

@ Kiwiwriter :

They were ridiculed before (and a bit after) 1933 – I’ve seen some of the cartoons. Whether more ridicule or less would have stopped them, I really can’t say – I suspect there were too many other factors (like the Weimar Republic’s various economic problems) involved to lay this one solely on the satirists of the time not having stepped up (apologies if I’m exaggerating your position– basically I’m for a multi-pronged approach when it comes to fighting fascists).

6 years ago

They were ridiculed before (and a bit after) 1933 – I’ve seen some of the cartoons. Whether more ridicule or less would have stopped them, I really can’t say – I suspect there were too many other factors (like the Weimar Republic’s various economic problems) involved to lay this one solely on the satirists of the time not having stepped up (apologies if I’m exaggerating your position– basically I’m for a multi-pronged approach when it comes to fighting fascists).

You are exaggerating my position…Weimar Germany was in a unique mess, and power was in the gutter, waiting to be picked up. The economy was a disaster, with the world’s longest breadline in the Kurfurstendamm, Versailles was a treaty just tough enough to annoy Germans but not tough enough to prevent re-armament, and the government was regarded as a socialist imposition of Versailles that had done away with Kirche, Kuche, Kinder, and replaced it with gay and lesbian bars in Berlin and the “disgusting” art of Fritz Lang and Bertolt Brecht.

Certainly a multi-pronged approach to dealing with Fascists is an excellent way to deal with them.

But ridicule should come first. Today’s Nazis are ripe for it.

David Duke chased other men’s wives and used his donations to get facial reconstruction surgery and study the laws of probability on Mississippi Riverboat casinos, which led to two things:

1. He was seen treating black and Latin croupiers with the utmost politeness.
2. He went to prison for tax evasion.

Kevin Strom and Erich Gliebe chased little girls.

Billy Riccio chased little boys.

William Pierce drove off four — FOUR — mail-order Eastern European brides, mostly because he forced them to watch dirty movies, and made dirtier ones of their sexual encounters. This while railing against “Jewish pornography.”

Christopher Cantwell became the “Crying Nazi” and ratted out his buddies.

Jeff Schoep, head of the National Socialist Movement, opposes crime, but has done time for burglary and larceny.

Davis Wolfgang Hawke, head of the “National Renaissance Party,” was actually Andrew Britt Greenbaum, a Jewish kid from Boston. When he called for a big rally in Washington, four people showed up. Not including him. The “party” dissolved rather than march, despite police protection.

Craig Cobb is 17 percent black.

There are other idiocies that come to mind, but those are good starting places.

Every time a Nazi rally gets cancelled for reasons that don’t pass the laugh test, or the grand demonstration that promises hundreds of goose-steppers brings forward about three, it’s time to laugh. Long and hard.

They make themselves look stupid.

6 years ago

We never see white with other races of people? This is coming from the same Andrew Anglin who flew to the Philippines for sex? How his audience and readers continue to dehumanize and fetishize east Asian women??

I wonder if he’ll explain this post away as a “joke” next time media outlets shine a light on him. He’s so vile as are his supporters two fold

6 years ago

We never see white with other races of people? This is coming from the same Andrew Anglin who flew to the Philippines for sex? How his audience and readers continue to dehumanize and fetishize east Asian women??

I wonder if he’ll explain this post away as a “joke” next time media outlets shine a light on him. He’s so vile as are his supporters two fold

He isn’t unique…I read that Tom Metzger went to England to deliver his line of bunk to some neo-Nazis, and then all hands went to a strip bar after that. I’ve never understood why they’re called “gentlemen’s clubs.”

Metzger was enraged that the English Mosleyites cheered, hooted, stamped, and whistled for Asian and black dancers, and accepted lap dances and other favors from them. It offended his racial sensibilities, and he stomped out.

And let’s not forget the segregationists of the 1950s who bopped black girls: Strom Thurmond has a black daughter, and “Bull” Connor gained his nickname not from his toughness, but from the size of his testicles.

That issue became public when, as Birmingham Public Safety Commissioner, he imposed a law that barred the use of city hotels for interracial couplings.

One of his political opponents tipped off the cops and a local newspaper that a Birmingham bigshot was breaking this law. The cops and the newsie raided the hotel room to find Bull in bed with his black mistress. The embarrassment all round was major, except for every white guy in Birmingham being impressed by the surreptitiously traded photos of Bull’s package…

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

@Kiwiwriter: I have some skepticism on humour being the number-one most powerful weapon against nazis when irony is being used so effectively as a tool for nazis (esp with regards to 4/8chan). But then I’m one of those absurd people who’s actually interested in facts and integrity. I guess if the right is so utterly immune to pointing out their own hypocrisy, in the age of post-fact politics mockery is the only option left.

6 years ago

@Kiwiwriter: I have some skepticism on humour being the number-one most powerful weapon against nazis when irony is being used so effectively as a tool for nazis (esp with regards to 4/8chan). But then I’m one of those absurd people who’s actually interested in facts and integrity. I guess if the right is so utterly immune to pointing out their own hypocrisy, in the age of post-fact politics mockery is the only option left.

One of the big differences I found between the far left and far right is that the far left, determined to change the world 24/7 has no sense of humor — everything is of earth-shattering importance and there is no time for a mere joke when capitalist oppression and warmongers are threatening to destroy the working class and start a third world war (at least according to their publications).

The far right HAS a sense of humor. the problem is, it’s an ugly, mean-spirited, nasty, vicious humor, filled with sarcasm and ugliness.

For example, they have visual memes of the main gate to Auschwitz decorated for Christmas, to welcome prisoners. Another disgusting one was used against that poor woman in Montana, which was aimed at her kid — candies leading to a gas oven. The endless use of Pepe the Frog is often followed by one of their number gloating about how liberals and antifas discomfited by the mere drawing of a frog.

I’ve seen a great deal of their “humor,” and they seem to be unable to realize just how offensive it is, and how it mostly succeeds in making them uglier and nastier. A gag designed around a kid following a trail of candy to his own death in a gas oven is not funny at all to nearly any parent.

I think that mockery back is pretty powerful. Better, probably, than street violence, which is what they want, so they can

1. Dish out counter-violence
2. Claim martyrdom

Longer in struggle but also helpful are legal proceedings when these clowns cross the line, e.g., Tom Metzger, Richard Girnt Butler, and now Andrew Anglin. But that is only restorative after tragedy.

You have to do a lot of things to shake up these guys. Another one that sometimes works is the outreach efforts by people who have escaped neo-Nazism and work to help those trapped in that world do the same.

6 years ago

One of the big differences I found between the far left and far right is that the far left, determined to change the world 24/7 has no sense of humor — everything is of earth-shattering importance and there is no time for a mere joke when capitalist oppression and warmongers are threatening to destroy the working class and start a third world war (at least according to their publications).

I haven’t found this to be true at all. This actually sounds a lot like the anti-#metoo crap, about how feminists just “can’t take a joke” because we don’t find rape funny.

6 years ago

I haven’t found this to be true at all. This actually sounds a lot like the anti-#metoo crap, about how feminists just “can’t take a joke” because we don’t find rape funny.

I guess I’m saying this poorly, because I have offended you.

My point is that the extreme left writes its material in very hard, angry, often sophomoric tones, without the slightest touch of humor. However, they would denounce sexism, to their credit.

The far right wing would do EXACTLY what you say, sneering at feminists for “not being able to take a joke” about rape.

The meanness in the far right wing is that the “humor,” such as it is, is NOT meant to be funny. It is sarcasm and the sadistic infliction of pain disguised as humor. The far-right guys know the joke is not funny (except to them), but act as if everyone SHOULD be laughing at the horrific joke.

I hope that’s a better statement of what I mean, but I expect it’s not.

Crip Dyke
6 years ago


Hitler … on ice!