'bating /pol/ 4chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer eek tattoos entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men patriarchy porn

Nazis lose it over an interracial cartoon couple in a condom ad, blaming “a Jewish agenda to deny white men sex”

This cartoon kills fascists

By David Futrelle

How do you make a Nazi cross?

The standard answer to this old riddle is some variation of “step on his foot.” These days you can achieve the same result by simply showing the Nazi in question an ad featuring a happy interracial couple — whether it’s an ad for cereal, sweatpants, or, for maximum effect, condoms.

Nazis and their fellow travelers online are currently losing it over a screenshot of a Durex ad featuring a cartoon couple apparently gearing up to celebrate Valentine’s day in bed. The problem? The man is black, and the woman — covered in tattoos and sporting pink and purple hair — is white.

breaking tradition this valentine's day? durex has you covered

Though Durex has run ads featuring interracial couples before, this particular ad seems so perfectly designed to enrage white supremacists — who hate brightly dyed hair, tattooed women and the idea of “breaking tradition” nearly as much as they hate people of color — that I can’t help but wonder if it’s even real. (I looked for it on Durex’s social media pages and couldn’t find it, and Durex’s press office hasn’t responded to a query I sent them about it yesterday.)

Regardless, the screenshot is being passed around by far-right “white genocide” worriers and they don’t like it one bit. They’re not offended because the “breaking tradition” line fetishizes interracial sex as something that’s especially exciting because it’s taboo, much in the way that cuckold porn featuring black men and white “hotwives” does. No, they just don’t like the idea of a black man — even a cartoon black man — getting his hands on a white woman. .

“They hate you. AND they know race is real,” groused one commenter on the blog Patriactionary, “Never forget.”

On 4chan’s famously racist and anti-Semitic /pol/ board, meanwhile, one angry anon denounced the ad for encouraging white women to break “[t]he tradition of not fucking pavement apes.”

But no one has gotten quite so angry about the cartoon couple as Daily Stormer head boy Andrew Anglin, who denounced the ad as propaganda for a nefarious Jewish plot “to deny white men access to all forms of sex” in a furious diatribe posted on his site over the weekend.

After complaining that it’s hard to even find an ad these days that “doesn’t have a white woman with a n***er,” Anglin laid into the ad itself:

This one is specifically extreme, because they are literally saying “break tradition and fuck a n***er” – as if this woman has a tradition of sex with white men. I don’t know any white women who have such a tradition. They are all a bunch of greasy, stinking n***er-fucking whores, many of them with foot fungus they refuse to treat.

In case you’re wondering about that last bit, it’s a reference to actress Brie Larson, once photographed on the red carpet in open-toed shoes that seemed to reveal feet that looked a bit fungusfied.

It’s funny though that you never see white men with black women. Or white men with anyone, actually. It is always a white woman, and usually she’s with a black man.

Really? Because I see white couples in ads all the time. And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more ads with white men and black women than the reverse, probably because ad execs think they’re less likely to result in them getting death threats from angry white dudes. (Interracial-porn producers, aiming for the id, are much more likely to pair black men with white women, a fact that also causes Nazis and other racist conspiracy theorists with much consternation. But we’ll get to porn in a second.)

It’s almost as if the creators of these ads are [pushing] a virulent Jewish agenda to deny white men of sex completely.

That’s … a bit of a leap.

Anglin followed up this big leap with another one, arguing that, sometime soon, sex-denied white men — whitecels? — would only be able to mate with Rosy Palm and her five daughters.

They are literally giving away OUR WOMEN – and yes, they do belong to us collectively – and then telling us to just go watch porn.

And porn, in Anglin’s mind, is even worse for white men than condom ads.

This is because porn keeps lonely white men docile. It is the most powerful drug with no obvious consequences. It is a massive dopamine dump. And it makes men okay with the fact that they don’t have girlfriends or wives.

Oh, but Anglin’s alleged Jewish conspiracy goes way beyond condom ads and internet porn.

The point is: you should understand that everything that is happening in the world is designed to target YOU. None of it is really coherent. You see these things that conflict in the liberal narrative – like women’s empowerment and porn, or homosexuality and Islam, or any number of other obvious things – and you ask how they can exist next to each other. And the answer is, because all of it harms white men.

Yes, that’s right. He thinks that Islam is part of a Jewish plot to destroy white men.

You look around at everything and it only makes sense if you say: “all of this is being designed for the explicit purpose of harming white men.” There is no other explanation for anything that is going on.

This is your brain on Nazism.

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Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago


I’m not sure what “far left” is, precisely (is WHTM far left?), other than a red flag that the person using the term is possibly anti-minority rights in some way or another (either a secret conservative or a “bothsidism” centrist).

Certainly I’ve come across self-proclaimed radical leftists, but the “radical” part seems, in my experience, to refer to the use of violence or disruptive protest (though that distinction may be less useful now that the right is seamlessly blending ‘civility’ and ‘submission’ and labelling anything less than silent servitude as “violence”).

All that aside, there is at least one (if not many more) satirical video(s) of radical feminists killing some random guy, something something #killallmen. It’s in one of those mgtow lists of “top 30 evil bad things feminists have said/done” that gets circulated in the manosphere.

Also there’s the running “mayocide” gag or something to that effect, common on reddit.

I’m sure there’s plenty more examples, but I use adblock to hide the comment section of every major platform I visit, and only use social media to hang out with friends IRL. This site is pretty much the only place on the entire internet that I directly interact with other web users, and even still I was able to think up a couple examples of of edgy “far left” humour. Methinks you need to try looking again or perhaps have blinders on.