cool story bro crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy reddit

Fat women are pretending to be pregnant to get seats on buses, MGTOW conspiracy theorist warns fellow men

Watch out, fellas! They might be faking!

By David Futrelle

The dudes who hang out in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are ever alert to the dangers posed to men by their sworn enemies of the female persuasion — from false rape accusers to the duplicitous harpies who try to make themselves look prettier than they really are with “fakeup.”

Not long ago, one MGTOW Redditor warned his collegues of a heretofore unknown danger to men: fat women pretending to be pregnant in order to force innocent men to give up their seats for them on public transportation.

In a post with the self-explanatory title “Fat women and their ability to fake pregnancies on public transport to get seats,” a man possibly named Jay_ellsworth told a horrifying story:

So i was on the commuter train earlier and it was super busy meaning a lot of people had to stand. There was this fat woman that had a pin saying baby onboard to indicate that she’s pregnant. She then asked the couple that was sat next to me if she could have one of their seats, and she got one of their seats.

As Patsy from AbFab might say (if she were an angry dude posting on Reddit):

Jay continued his tale of terror:

Now I’m not going to say she was lying about being pregnant, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt but because she was fat i thought to myself, this could be the easiest hustle ever for fat women that don’t get a seat on public transport. No one will ever question them and they will just give them their seat. I wonder how many fat, non pregnant women do that.

Clearly Jay has his female-fraud-detector turned up to 11, as we all should in these perilous times for men. He’s so sensitive to signals of possible female fraud that he’s able to witness an apparently pregnant women WHO MIGHT JUST BE FAT and NOT PREGNANT AT ALL getting a seat on a train, and to deduce from this that FAT LADIES PRETENDING TO BE PREGNANT to get seats on trains MIGHT JUST BE some sort of WORLDWIDE EPIDEMIC OF FEMALE SEAT-STEALING FRAUD!

Besides. even is she WAS pregnant, she was still FAT.

Even if she is legitimately pregnant, you can tell that she was fat before she got pregnant and she looks no different to any random fat chick that’s not pregnant, in fact there have been some fat women that have gone into labour without even knowing they were pregnant at all .

Yes, let’s all get mad about the hypothetical possibility that some fat woman who doesn’t know she’s pregnant will pretend to be pregnant (even though she actually is pregnant and just doesn’t know it) in order to steal his seat on the train?

So yeah i just wanted to share that, there are probably a few fat women out there exploiting being fat by lying about being pregnant to get seats on public transport.

Damn those being-fat-exploiters out there taking advantage of the non-fat!

Side note, what kind of pissed me off about the whole encounter is the fact that when the pregnant woman got the seat, she said thank you, and the woman in the couple is the one that responded by saying you’re welcome, but she’s not even the one that gave up her seat, it was her boyfriend that gave his seat up. Yet another woman taking credit for a man’s actions

I think we all owe a hearty “thank you” to the REAL HERO here, the dude who watched an apparently pregnant woman ask for a seat on a train and decided she might not really be pregnant and then got so mad about it that he sat down hours later and wrote a long post about it on Reddit.

Thankfully, Jay’s colleagues on the MGTOW subreddit appreciated his insights on this important issue.

“They’re just fat and wanting free seats then there are none,” replied DangZagnut. “Standard female entitlement.”

Another added his own evidence of this ongoing female fraud.

Many a time I have heard women on public transport say “I’ll just say I am pregnant” to their friend. Not sure how it works elsewhere but there’s apparaently a fine for not giving up your seat for a pregnant lady here. There’s like stickers inserted on train (or tram) windows as a notification.

Stay frosty, men! You never know when a fake-pregnant lady is going to steal your seat — or maybe have you arrested and sent to the cuck farms if you don’t give it up quickly enough,

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

So yeah i just wanted to share that, there are probably a few fat women out there exploiting being fat by lying about being pregnant to get seats on public transport.

“A few fat women”? This is super common. I’m not even fat — or of childbearing age — and I use this type of exploitation daily. Even when the bus is mostly empty, I’ll force a man to give up his seat. I’ve been doing this for decades now, and I always get away with it. Just one more perk of being a woman!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Many a time I have heard women on public transport say “I’ll just say I am pregnant” to their friend.

Of course you have. Many a time.

5 years ago

Still waiting for mgtows to start going their own way… Maybe start a hobby thread. Maybe start being decent humans. I read that reddit has mgtow2 which is branching away from theniaogyny but there are still guys who talk about gyno centric world. So I guess that mission statement failed

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
5 years ago

And what is particularly annoying is that even for those who actually are pregnant, they got that way without even consulting a man and only produce female children.

5 years ago

by parthenogenesis, obviously

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Many a time I have heard women on public transport say “I’ll just say I am pregnant” to their friend.

comment image

5 years ago

(Scratches head)

Even if it *were* true, that’s not much of an evil conspiracy, is it?

5 years ago

These jerks have never given up a transit seat in their lives, so what are they whining about?

Seriously how awful do you have to be to see basic human kindness and be angry it exists???

5 years ago


Pretty damn awful, as they’ve shown.

5 years ago

What a strange fantasy world they have to concoct in their heads just to feel like their misanthropy* is justified.

*Yes, they are overtly misogynistic, but I’m willing to bet that they hate people in general as well.

tohka wrote on
February 18, 2019 at 9:22 pm:

Still waiting for mgtows to start going their own way… Maybe start a hobby thread. Maybe start being decent humans. I read that reddit has mgtow2 which is branching away from theniaogyny but there are still guys who talk about gyno centric world. So I guess that mission statement failed

Sorry, but what is “theniaogyny”? Google drew a blank.

5 years ago

Still waiting for mgtows to start going their own way… Maybe start a hobby thread. Maybe start being decent humans. I read that reddit has mgtow2 which is branching away from theniaogyny but there are still guys who talk about gyno centric world. So I guess that mission statement failed

Wasn’t the a post here about a guy who when to a MGTOW reddit and asked why everyone was complaining about woman instead of talking about all their hobbies and ended up getting run out of town?

5 years ago

These guys are just mad that being a loud, obnoxious wanker doesn’t qualify them to claim disability. Or entitle them to free…well, ANYTHING, really.

5 years ago


Sorry, but what is “theniaogyny”? Google drew a blank.

I would assume a typo of “the misogyny.”

Rei Malebario
Rei Malebario
5 years ago

I use this all the time to get dudes to give up their seat. And I’m only a wee bit overweight and I’m not even a woman. I just stare a guy right in the face and say “I’m hella pregnant, motherfucker, so you better get up and let me have your fucking seat.”*

* I don’t really do this.

5 years ago

And what about all those women who get pregnant just for the seating privilege? With the easy availability of late abortions, this happens all the time probably!

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

Many a time I have heard women on public transport say “I’ll just say I am pregnant” to their friend.

Having about 3 hours of public transportation a day (when there are no problems), i have never heard a woman saying that.
Of course, i can be the lucky guy, always in a train car where women pretend to not pretend to pretend to be pregnant., while in other cars, women always made the genius move to say loudly, so that people all around them heard clearly, that they do not fear to pretend to be pregnant (and probably not only to extort seats, but also to force their companion in union, and to freely stuff themselves with strawberries with whipped cream).
That or he is just a sore liar. Hard choice, hard guess…

5 years ago

Talonknife wrote on
February 19, 2019 at 12:59 am:


Sorry, but what is “theniaogyny”? Google drew a blank.

I would assume a typo of “the misogyny.”

Oh, doy, that makes sense ?‍♂️. My brain was trying to think of what Greek root “thenia” would be.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

@Rei Malebario

I just stare a guy right in the face and say “I’m hella pregnant, motherfucker, so you better get up and let me have your fucking seat.”

Dude, that is exactly my method. High five.

5 years ago

I use this all the time to get dudes to give up their seat. And I’m only a wee bit overweight and I’m not even a woman.

So do I! Even though I’m bald, bearded, and over 60. If I meet skepticism, I just say I’m transitioning and accuse them of transphobia and ageism! Works every time!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee


It’s true. I once got pregnant just so I wouldn’t have to clean the cat’s litter box. Then, the day before my due date, I hopped on the bus, made a man vacate his seat for me, and rode to the abortionplex at the Mall for a last minute abortion. Easy!

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
5 years ago

Fines for not giving up your seat to a pregnant woman? Not heard of that. How is it enforced exactly? Is this the gynocratic police state they are so afraid of?

Birdie Bird
Birdie Bird
5 years ago

All public transport should be equipped with pregnancy tests. “If you want my seat, pee on the stick”. Or a gynecologist.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
5 years ago

Wonder what they’d make of an observance underway on Dayton, Ohio’s public transit system? During Black History Month, the first seat beyond the front handicapped section is reserved for the spirit of Rosa Parks, bearing a large placard comemmorating her civil rights activism. I have yet to see anyone disrespect this–and, indeed, people finished with their day passes have lain them in Ms. Parks’ seat (possibly to be used by subsequent corporeal passengers.)

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

Seriously how awful do you have to be to see basic human kindness and be angry it exists???

Thank for this!

Chris Oakley
5 years ago

Sounds to me like Jay_ellsworth is one stop short of a bus route, if you know what I mean.

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