By David Futrelle
Will the evil Judeo-Masonic (((Illuminati))) cabal that apparently determines what sort of pants that people wear stop at nothing?
Evidently not, if this meme from a now-defunct racist conspiracy site is anything to go by:
I had no idea that one’s choice of pants determines who you have sex with and whether or not you have a career.
But the site that originally posted this meme, Smoloko.com, described itself as “a independent run news-organization which strives to deliver educational and informative information and news” on such topics as “false-flag terrorism, the (((Illuminati))) central banking cartel [and] world-wide Judeo-Masonic misconduct,” so clearly they must know more about such things than a humble blogger such as myself.
H/T — r/ForwardsFromHitler
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So many pettins for Sneakers.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Though I love (almost) all of the posters on WHTM, Buttercup never fails to delight with comments like this.
If WHTM is a box of chocolates, Buttercup is reaching in & getting the caramel.
Yoga pants are skin tight and practically see through. This was not acceptalbe public dress 20 years ago. why is it okay now?
@ Contract Jack,
And 100 years ago, pants — of any kind — weren’t “acceptable public dress” for women. So what’s your point? Styles change; the notion of “modest clothing” changes too (culturally and geographically as well as across time). I mean, men pitched a fit, in Europe, when some women started wearing bloomers! Appeals were made to public decency, and dire warnings of modesty’s breakdown. And yet…society somehow didn’t crumble.
Dress codes for women that rely on modesty-policing, as though women are responsible for men’s conduct, are straight-up victim blaming. Dont think yoga-pant-wearing women look acceptable? LOWER YOUR GAZE. Like, all the way to the ground.
So, Contract Jack, you think
And 100 years ago, pants — of any kind — weren’t “acceptable public dress” for women. So what’s your point? Styles change; the notion of “modest clothing” changes too (culturally and geographically as well as across time). I mean, men pitched a fit, in Europe, when some women started wearing bloomers! Appeals were made to public decency, and dire warnings of modesty’s breakdown. And yet…society somehow didn’t crumble.
Dress codes for women that rely on modesty-policing, as though women are responsible for men’s conduct, are straight-up victim blaming. Dont think yoga-pant-wearing women look acceptable? LOWER YOUR GAZE. Like, all the way to the ground.
@Contract JACK
Leggins are skin tight and sometimes see through depending on the fabric, I have many different type of leggings, the see through ones go under dresses, the not see through ones go with sweaters and hoodies. Yoga pants, how ever are made of athletic material, they are yoga. They are not see through and not as skin tight as leggings. Women in those pictures are wearing leggings not yoga pants. Secondly, to answer your question. Because we are improving. If I could have it my way people could walk around with practically nothing on so long as their Genitals and anuses were covered for hygiene propose. I walk around with as little clothes as humanly possibly when it’s hot outside. Mind your business, let people live their best life, it’s all good.
@ contract jack
Some conservative Byzantine Romans blamed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire on the increasing popularity of trousers.
You’d have been right at home there.
Would you believe, Jack: specifically to annoy you. I know, I was surprised also.
@ Alan Robertshaw,
Plus ça change, plus c’est le same damn thing.
Twenty years is not that long ago. I Google image searched fashion in 1999. One of the first images? Jessica Beal in a see through dress.
So, no, see through things were not unacceptable back then. I also vividly remember skin tight bike shorts being popular in the early 90s. Midriff exposing tops were popular in the mid and late 90s. Miniskirts were also in during that era.
Even Princess Di wore little bike shorts!
Jessica Beal and I have basically the same dress.
Love those bright white running shoes!
Who wants to bet that Contract Jack has a bee in his bonnet about women who wear “ugly”, baggy clothes as well as the yoga-pants wearers?
@Bookworm in Hijab
Oh probably. We can some how show to much skin and not enough. they can never just let people live.
We should hang out and see if the two of us side by side could cause Contact Jack and his ilk’s heads to implode from cognitive dissonance. ?
@Bookworm in Hijab
Yeah man, sure. I have the belief that everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin and clothes. Werther that is being covered head to toe or wearing very little.
@Bookworm in hijab, Lainy
Is it wrong of me that I would pay money for the show of the two of you walking around making misogynists’ heads implode?
@rabid Rabbit
No not all. Especially since it would just be them getting upset at two women just living their lives how they want to live it. That’s what is always funny to me about dudes getting upset about how I dress.
Of course, given what these people are like, there’s a fair chance that instead of their heads exploding, they’d just start gawking and going “OMG, are those two about to lez out??? HAWT!!!”
I like the first version better.
@ Lainy,
And THAT is probably the key to the whole reason they get upset. How dare women choose how we want to live?! Misandry!!!!
“Dress codes for women that rely on modesty-policing, as though women are responsible for men’s conduct, are straight-up victim blaming. Dont think yoga-pant-wearing women look acceptable? LOWER YOUR GAZE. Like, all the way to the ground.”
@bookworm in female slavery clothing:
So is it okay if I walk around with my penis hanging out? Do modesty laws apply only to men? Please cite legal resources in your answer.
@Contract JSCK:
Well, I don’t know. Do you think these men are suitably dressed?
![comment image](https://www.beyondtheyalladog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Paris-in-Horne-Gallery.jpg)
![comment image](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*Tq9G-HkxkyiPFpAR7BMz3g.jpeg)
![comment image](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*0KCYko56JuoJCgDz9DMBaQ.jpeg)
![comment image](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*UC95-IevnppBYaH7h87YEQ.jpeg)
(Well, really, all of the images here: https://medium.com/damiocheanul/how-to-identify-medieval-art-1450-1550-8dfbf3a1ba11)
![comment image](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e2/6e/fa/e26efa71b4943e562cd4c88718ed6000.jpg)
@Bookworm in hijab:
Congratulations! You made it this long before the racist asshats showed up!
I’ll take “Who is wholly disconnected from modern fashion” for $5000, Alex.
@Rabid Rabbit: Not an argument.
FYI, given the sheer volume of trolling I’m getting in response to my simple questions, any person responding with insults or irrelevancies will be deemed to have lost the debate, and any future replies will be ignored.
Good day to you sir.