alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny racism women shouldn't work yoga pants

Jews are using yoga pants to genocide the white race, weirdo racist dingbat charges

They’ve even got dogs wearing them now!

By David Futrelle

Will the evil Judeo-Masonic (((Illuminati))) cabal that apparently determines what sort of pants that people wear stop at nothing?

Evidently not, if this meme from a now-defunct racist conspiracy site is anything to go by:

I had no idea that one’s choice of pants determines who you have sex with and whether or not you have a career.

But the site that originally posted this meme,, described itself as “a independent run news-organization which strives to deliver educational and informative information and news” on such topics as “false-flag terrorism, the (((Illuminati))) central banking cartel [and] world-wide Judeo-Masonic misconduct,” so clearly they must know more about such things than a humble blogger such as myself.

H/T — r/ForwardsFromHitler

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5 years ago

Well, they clearly don’t know how to spell “shiksa”.

5 years ago

Dear all men,

Please stop complaining about yoga pants. What are you thinking?

A sensible man.

5 years ago

I wish these sods would shove off. I practically live in yoga pants and leggings with a hoodie or sweater, that’s living my best life.

5 years ago

Smoloko is dead?


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

“informative information”

Think I’ll wear some stretchy genocide pants to the grocery store tomorrow.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

Uhm, what’s Anita Sarkesian(sp?) doing in that meme? That makes no sense. Not that the rest of it made sense….

5 years ago

…now if I could just find yoga pants with working pockets…

5 years ago

Anyone here read Umberto Eco’s Prague Cemetary? It’s a slightly fictionalized account of how the same basic conspiracy text was repeatedly recycled — with different conspirators — before being turned into the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Delurking for this
Delurking for this
5 years ago

“informative information”


Thank you. Today, I needed a really good laugh.

5 years ago

That doodle woman is that a racist caricature of Anita Sarkeesian? Why?

Is this is a Gamergate reference?

5 years ago

@ Ooglys

I think they just found the image, which was made by gig, and thought “oh, here’s a similar caricature but feeeeeemaaaaale, let’s throw that in there to!”

5 years ago

* by gg. I noticed it got auto corrected to late lol

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


It wasn’t really a racist caricature of Sarkeesian: it existed independently of her and before she came to popular attention. however, once Sarkeesian did come to that attention, GG used just such a caricature to represent her. (The clothes were done a bit differently though.)

Thus, post GG, “that picture is Sarkeesian” becomes intelligible as a snide reference to the ubiquity of this caricature and the laziness of these meme makers in addition to the baseline (and inescapable) criticism of anti-semitism.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

In fact, you can see a Mammoth post about the caricature right here.

5 years ago

Look, assholes, go try some yoga pants on and then we’ll talk. Maybe some comfy pants will calm you down. Doubt it tho

5 years ago

Who says women in yoga pants aren’t modest? Oh yeah…race-obsessed white men with their minds forever in the gutter. That’s who.

And anyone who sees a Jewish conspiracy to…I’m not sure what, exactly…in such unconnected things as yoga pants, female careerism, and mixed-race children, most definitely has their mind in the gutter. Because only a headful of raw sewage could come up with such nonsense.

5 years ago

Also, those tight pants in the photomontage are actually leggings. Yoga pants have a looser leg that flares at the bottom.

(I should know, because I practically live in those suckers. Leggings too, although I prefer to layer them under other pants when it’s cold out.)

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago
5 years ago

Pretty sure this is just an excuse to ogle young female butts while desperately convincing oneself the owners of the butts deserve any disrespect they are getting.

“Women in tight pants are the stupid tools of an evil conspiracy directly aimed at my reproductive organs” is far-rightese for “I resent women for not finding me as sexually attractive as I find them”.

5 years ago

This feels like a rerun. Well, not exactly a rerun, but a new blend of a lot of very specific elements which often go together. So maybe a themed clip episode?

Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

I agree with Mogwitch. It’s an excuse to ogle young women combined with an excuse to disrespect and maybe even assault them.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

If there are no pockets, I’m not wearing ’em.

I still remember the day I wore this gorgeous dark red dress to a work function, and when a co-worker admired it, the first thing out of my mouth was “Thank you! It has POCKETS!”

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

[T]he dog isn’t wearing yoga pants either, but pantyhose.

I was once a politically progressive feminist. Then I read a piece of FAKE NEWS on We Hunted the Mammoth. Now I’m going to have to rethink everything.

I couldn’t find any pics of dogs in yoga pants.

Mr. Futrelle, it is my understanding that everything, including dogs in yoga pants, is on the Internet.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Shiskas? Everyone knows that it’s spelled shishka and that a shishka is a boy. Full name: Shishka Bob.

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