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Porn star and accused sexual abuser Mercedes Carrera: The only women the MGTOWs ever loved?

Carrera, in the middle of what she described as a “rant about feminists whining … about mean tweets while they ignore cultural child rape”

By David Futrelle

Mercedes Carrera — the porn actress recently charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse — has devoted much of her energy over the past several years to cultivating some of the worst people in the world, from the Gamergate mob to the fascist street gang known as the Proud Boys. And she’s won herself a lot of fans in the process — many of whom are now pretending they never knew her.

During her heyday as an anti-SJW activist, she even managed to win over some men who are not generally known as big fans of women: Reddit’s gang of Men Going Their Own Way. Or at least a good portion of them.

MGTOWs, as readers of this blog are well aware, pretty much hate all women — including those who purport to be their friends and allies. But for some reason (or reasons) they made an exception for Ms. Carrera.

Back in 2017, one MGTOW Redditor posted a video from Carrera that she (accurately) described as a “rant about feminists whining to the UN about mean tweets while they ignore cultural child rape.” In light of the charges against her today, this particular topic seems a tad ironic. But at the time her rant, full of attacks on feminists and praise for men, made a few MGTOW hears beat a little faster.

“I always liked pornstars,” wrote the OP.

1- They plummet the value of pussy like noone else can.

2- Boners for days.

But, holy shit this woman just took it to a whole new level.

While many of MGTOW Redditors were skeptical, what with her being a woman and all, a few were even more effusive than the OP in their praise, including one fellow who poured out a virtual manifesto extolling her and what he sees as her “male mentality.”

Mercedes Carrera may be a special case, she has said before she has a male mentality due to being in the autism spectrum, I am friendly with Mercedes Carrera, and have spoken to her on many occasions, she is one of the few women I give credit to … she is impressive. …

I also spoken to porn stars that are just as pathetic and weak, if not even more pathetic and weak, then your average women/girl/female.

Huh. For a man allegedly going his own way he seems to spend a lot of time chatting with porn stars. Perhaps this MGTOW would be better described as a MGHOWEFPS – a Man Going His Own Way Except For Porn Stars.

Mercedes Carrera does get my vote, we agree on almost everything, 99% of the time, she has even spoken my words in her videos before, and we often share the same conclusion. She … support[s] the idea that women should not get special treatment in law or even sociality at large….

I have a feeling she has a distaste for much of her gender’s traits, she is smart and mentally tougher then many girls, and is quick to point out how pathetic women tend to be. She can handle herself in debate and is willing to take criticism or controversial ideas in a manure manner typically.

A “manure manner?” I think he meant “mature,” though his typo is actually more accurate.

I also spoke to another porn star that is on Mercedes Carrera friends list, but is a typical loser women who is basically ran by how insecure and inferior she feels to be a bitter women who is only worth sex and is bitter about her life due to being worthless except for sex and insecure about how no one will ever care about her for anything else. …

TL:DR: Mercedes Carrera is great, and is a example of how good a women can be, … .

Now that she’s been arrested for multiple counts of alleged child sexual abuse, you can’t find a single MGTOW Redditor singing her praises. No, they’d rather use her less-than-flattering mug shot as an excuse to rant about the alleged evils of makeup.

“Jesus Christ she looks like a fucking train wreck in that mug shot,” wrote one MGTOW Redditor several days ago in a thread on her arrest.

That’s her no make up face. Her real face. Make up needs to be out lawed. Women are walking lies wesrjgn that shit

Yeah, that sounds more like the MGTOWs we know and don’t love.

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Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

Should I ask what the ‘cultural child abuse’ was she was referring to here? Like, the child marriages (done in ‘those countries’ but not The West), or age of consent/majority laws that (are supposed to) makes such things illegal, or…?

6 years ago

My money’s on child marriages in foreign countries, specifically any with a large Islamic presence. Seems like the classic “feminists need to protest real things, not rando dudes propositioning them in elevators.” Thanks, Dawkins.

6 years ago

Wow, that guy trying to insult that other porn star… Like, the f*cks up with that grammar? Had a real hard time trying to decode that thing, but all the bitterness and insecurity kinda smells like projection to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
6 years ago

Miggies and repulsive can often be found in the same space. Yeeesshh.

6 years ago

@Valkyrine : what’s up with that grammar, I think, is that he is not a native speaker of English. I could be wrong, of course.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

Moral #1: You’re only a Cool Girl until you’re not–and your Get Out Of Misogyny card can be revoked at a moment’s notice, whereupon they’ll gnaw you off like a gangrenous limb.

Moral #2: Any dubious things you may have said or done to establish yourself as One of The Guys will then be held against you by not only decent people but the clique you were sucking up to.

Moral #3: Don’t molest children–or, indeed, anyone. (Some Anvils Need To Be Dropped. )

6 years ago

“Male mentality” is not a thing.

And if it were, it wouldn’t be praiseworthy.

In a woman OR a man.

Also, dude, fuck off with all stereotyping of autistic people, please and thank you. Go Your Own Damn Way from that, can’t you?

6 years ago

The other parts of his comment(s) were understandable (to read), it was only when he got to insulting this other lady that his ramble descended into an incomprehensible mess with no punctuation, which is why it seems like his ranting got the better of him.

6 years ago

To a MGTOW people with human feelings = pathetic losers.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

1- [Porn stars] plummet the value of pussy like noone else can.

Hmm. I wonder how porn stars “plummet the value of pussy” and still make a living from their sex appeal.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

That’s her no make up face. Her real face. Make up needs to be out lawed. Women are walking lies wesrjgn that shit

You hate makeup. I loathe terrible, sloppy, careless, lazy typos. Don’t type “wesrjgn” when you mean “wearing.”

6 years ago

@Valkyrine maybe so. Heaven knows my typing deteriorates when I rant!

6 years ago

I will never understand the make up thing. How stupid do you possible have to be to believe that a woman’s face actually look like that. A 14 year old boy I can understand thinking that but a grown man. Really?! That’s like me, a grown woman, thinking that muscular men in movies can naturally look like that.

6 years ago

Hey errybody. Kinda sad I missed the previous troll-tastic thread about this topic (I might post there too with any thoughts), but I did want to sound off on this topic because I am an *ahem* avid porn consumer and have most certainly noticed my own personal politics affecting my tastes.

I’m a guy with a pretty long memory for things I commit to it. So when I read that James Deen was an abusive prick, any clip or photoset I’m browsing, I close immediately upon seeing him in it because even if I happen to like the other performers in the scene, the fact that it has an abusive prick in it kinda spoils the mood. Mercedes Carrera was something very similar, although thankfully I was not familiar with her before she became the GamerGate icon. Still, every so often as I wanted to watch a scene with a favoured performer, she tended to co-star in them, which I think is more a comment on how the various porn genres are grouped (being older and presenting as Latina, she tended to be in “MILF” or “Sexy Latina” scenes). I tended to avoid those ones as well. I can go on at length about the social media presence that a lot of performers go into, but I’ll leave that as a separate post.

But more than just my own personal tastes and the commodification of body types in various porn genres, there was something far more sinister about Carrera that she was willing to exploit her fellow performers for her own personal gain. I still vividly remember when she was castigating quote-unquote “feminists” essentially for not raising as big a social media stink about performer Cytherea’s assault. It was a pretty obvious pander to the “feminists are sexless hypocrites” notion that a lot of the Gators maintained that didn’t really catch on, but that was the last I had heard from Carrera until now.

But a couple days ago, once this story hit the fan, I watched a stream of Kevin Logan and Kristi Winters where they played one of Carrera’s appearances on Gavin McInnes’s show and wow… it was bad enough that she was playing the “cool girl” trope to a T, but she went out of her way to play gatekeeper for her industry, decrying the fact that “everyone thinks that they can do porn” and “that it’s not as glamorous as it was back in the day.”

Okay, Georgina Spelvin, let’s roll that back a second. If there’s one thing that’s actually kinda nice about the internet is that the democratizing forces have taken down a lot of the gatekeeping that was enforced not only by the medium itself (film vs home video vs digital files), but by the production companies. The genre has gone from a handful of marquee names with the same basic body type to a virtual panoply where practically any body type you can think of has its own subgenre (certainly some more problematic than others, but they exist nonetheless).

Hearing that come from Carrera really was a “holy shit” moment for me because I thought that every actress had experienced the industry pressures to the point that there was at least a general, if informal, solidarity between performers. I saw that to an extent after August Ames took her own life, with many performers calling out the dogpilers that seemed to be the last straw for Ames. Given how fickle fandom is and how physically and mentally demanding the industry is, I always thought that at least the performers had each others backs.

With Carrera, apparently not. Apparently people of other shapes and sizes detract from the “glamour” for people like her. I gotta wonder if that ever got back to friends of hers in the industry, but from my vantage point, seems like its only to the good that the industry has one less toxic figure in its midst. Just wish James Deen wasn’t let back in….

Just as an aside on the social media aspect, it is refreshing to find out which performers have a social conscience and which don’t. I realize that performers have their own brands and want to reach as far an audience as possible, but the ones that are just terrible people tend to out themselves pretty quickly (looking your way, Brandi Love and Ryan Connor).

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

there’s actually a lot of confusion about how muscular men/people should look

Also, when Gracie Hagen’s (NSFW: full frontal nudity)Illusions of the Body came out it made a pretty big stir.

So yeah, adult men/people don’t actually realise that fit people with visible muscles and just people in general don’t always look photo-op perfect 24/7 regardless of pose and lighting.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

OT: Meanwhile, on Twitter, some doofus tries to ‘splain “vulva” and “vagina”. And gets it wrong. And doubles down. Even when Dr. Jen Gunter gets involved.

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago


Despite the ease of access to (certain) information, IMO there’s an epidemic of poor education, especially in the US. The latest Science and Engineering Indicators report shows that the american people’s basic understanding of the world is really quite poor (see Chapter 7 Table 7 – 1 ). More than 1 in 4 americans don’t know that the earth revolves around the sun, and over half don’t know that lasers are light-based or that electrons are smaller than atoms. And that’s not even getting into scientific facts that the powerful male ruling class likes to politicise, like female biology or evolution, much less social understandings like body image and personal well-being.

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

@Cat Mara:


comment image

6 years ago

And somethink funny today the new twitter made by Vox Day died after 48 hours. The geniuses behind it mised the GDPR. If the both lived in the USA okay, but they live in Italy and Finland…

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

@Lainy: also, to make myself look less like the “well, actually” girl, I’d like to add that I didn’t even know that having visible folds on the stomach when bending over is perfectly normal and healthy even in incredibly fit people. It wasn’t until I saw an ad at the bus stop for a theatrical play about dance, in which a quite musclular male gymnast was photographed jumping in the air and bent at the waist that I discovered what real bodies look like, and that reddit thread I posted actually helped me a lot with body image insecurity (a few women have posted there too). Photoshop culture is endemic in western society and it’s totally warped common perception of “health” on all areas of the spectrum of body shapes.

6 years ago

OMG, that vulva-mansplaining thread is gold! WTF is wrong with that guy?

OT: Joan of Leeds, 14th century nun on the run and role model:

A marginal note written in Latin and buried deep within one of the 16 heavy registers used by to record the business of the archbishops of York between 1304 and 1405 first alerted archivists to the adventures of the runaway nun. “To warn Joan of Leeds, lately nun of the house of St Clement by York, that she should return to her house,” runs the note written by archbishop William Melton and dated to 1318.

Melton, writing to inform the Dean of Beverley about the “scandalous rumour” he had heard about the arrival of the Benedictine nun Joan, claimed that Joan had “impudently cast aside the propriety of religion and the modesty of her sex”, and “out of a malicious mind simulating a bodily illness, she pretended to be dead, not dreading for the health of her soul, and with the help of numerous of her accomplices, evildoers, with malice aforethought, crafted a dummy in the likeness of her body in order to mislead the devoted faithful and she had no shame in procuring its burial in a sacred space amongst the religious of that place”.

After faking her own death, he continued, “and, in a cunning, nefarious manner … having turned her back on decency and the good of religion, seduced by indecency, she involved herself irreverently and perverted her path of life arrogantly to the way of carnal lust and away from poverty and obedience, and, having broken her vows and discarded the religious habit, she now wanders at large to the notorious peril to her soul and to the scandal of all of her order.”

That’s a lot of sass for a medieval nun.

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago

@Moggie: I have to wonder if she actually did pursue a life of “carnal lust” or if the church just baselessly accused her of that to justify hunting her down.

6 years ago

@Jane Done, well, from the church’s point of view, I guess “not being a nun anymore” = “life of carnal lust”, by definition. I don’t think you could get a no-fault divorce from Jesus in the 14th century.

6 years ago


OMG! #goals

@Jane Done

Just want to say I’m really grateful for that second link; thank you.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


“He’s a really nice guy, but he’s just not doing it for me, you know? He can keep the sackcloth, I’m not asking for alimony or anything, and I hope we can still be friends, but…”