By David Futrelle
Mercedes Carrera — the porn actress recently charged with multiple counts of child sexual abuse — has devoted much of her energy over the past several years to cultivating some of the worst people in the world, from the Gamergate mob to the fascist street gang known as the Proud Boys. And she’s won herself a lot of fans in the process — many of whom are now pretending they never knew her.
During her heyday as an anti-SJW activist, she even managed to win over some men who are not generally known as big fans of women: Reddit’s gang of Men Going Their Own Way. Or at least a good portion of them.
MGTOWs, as readers of this blog are well aware, pretty much hate all women — including those who purport to be their friends and allies. But for some reason (or reasons) they made an exception for Ms. Carrera.
Back in 2017, one MGTOW Redditor posted a video from Carrera that she (accurately) described as a “rant about feminists whining to the UN about mean tweets while they ignore cultural child rape.” In light of the charges against her today, this particular topic seems a tad ironic. But at the time her rant, full of attacks on feminists and praise for men, made a few MGTOW hears beat a little faster.
“I always liked pornstars,” wrote the OP.
1- They plummet the value of pussy like noone else can.
2- Boners for days.
But, holy shit this woman just took it to a whole new level.
While many of MGTOW Redditors were skeptical, what with her being a woman and all, a few were even more effusive than the OP in their praise, including one fellow who poured out a virtual manifesto extolling her and what he sees as her “male mentality.”
Mercedes Carrera may be a special case, she has said before she has a male mentality due to being in the autism spectrum, I am friendly with Mercedes Carrera, and have spoken to her on many occasions, she is one of the few women I give credit to … she is impressive. …
I also spoken to porn stars that are just as pathetic and weak, if not even more pathetic and weak, then your average women/girl/female.
Huh. For a man allegedly going his own way he seems to spend a lot of time chatting with porn stars. Perhaps this MGTOW would be better described as a MGHOWEFPS – a Man Going His Own Way Except For Porn Stars.
Mercedes Carrera does get my vote, we agree on almost everything, 99% of the time, she has even spoken my words in her videos before, and we often share the same conclusion. She … support[s] the idea that women should not get special treatment in law or even sociality at large….
I have a feeling she has a distaste for much of her gender’s traits, she is smart and mentally tougher then many girls, and is quick to point out how pathetic women tend to be. She can handle herself in debate and is willing to take criticism or controversial ideas in a manure manner typically.
A “manure manner?” I think he meant “mature,” though his typo is actually more accurate.
I also spoke to another porn star that is on Mercedes Carrera friends list, but is a typical loser women who is basically ran by how insecure and inferior she feels to be a bitter women who is only worth sex and is bitter about her life due to being worthless except for sex and insecure about how no one will ever care about her for anything else. …
TL:DR: Mercedes Carrera is great, and is a example of how good a women can be, … .
Now that she’s been arrested for multiple counts of alleged child sexual abuse, you can’t find a single MGTOW Redditor singing her praises. No, they’d rather use her less-than-flattering mug shot as an excuse to rant about the alleged evils of makeup.
“Jesus Christ she looks like a fucking train wreck in that mug shot,” wrote one MGTOW Redditor several days ago in a thread on her arrest.
That’s her no make up face. Her real face. Make up needs to be out lawed. Women are walking lies wesrjgn that shit
Yeah, that sounds more like the MGTOWs we know and don’t love.
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Joan of Leeds, Bride of Kee-rist I Am So Done With This Shit ?
Also, WTF? OK, so it’s the Daily Fail that did it, I shouldn’t be surprised… This is a pretty funny take on it, though. https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2019/feb/11/shelf-policing-how-books-and-cacti-make-women-too-spiky-for-men
I was wondering where I’d heard this autism = man-brain nonsense before. It’s the infamous (and inexplicably not laughed out of the profession) Dr. Simon Baron Cohen. The oft-debunked psychologist who believes that autism is the truest form of the superior man brain and nature invented woman brain to clean toilets for their husbands. Ugh.
I suppose it’s hard to laugh someone out of the profession when everyone will assume you’re laughing at the comedian, not the scientist.
@magnesium and @Rabid Rabbit
A friend of mine had to have some dealings with Simon Baron Cohen during his stint in academia in the early Noughties. Apparently the number one cause for concern for Simon Baron Cohen is the fact that he is “comedian” Sascha Baron Cohen’s cousin. It’s kind of weird and also funny to think which one of those two is the bigger source of embarrassment for the Baron Cohen name at any given time.
I wonder if there’s a Cohen out there who happens to be a baron and has been growing gradually more awkward about being introduced as “Baron Cohen” in the last couple of decades.
@Rabid Rabbit
Well, I just did a little Wikipedia-ing (I know, I know…) and apparently there is a Baroness Cohen of Pimlico in the House of Lords. I’m not sure if a lifetime peerage is inheritable, but there’s a chance that any sons of hers might eventually become Baron Cohen of Pimlico. :O
Not being heritable is what makes it a lifetime peerage.
I was thinking that, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks for the information. š
Mgtows say she’s a good woman because she doesn’t have a woman’s mind? (because autism does that but doesn’t, because that’s not how any of that works)
I’d feel bad if some mgtows were gay but couldn’t express it or explain it due to maybe conservative upbringing and shame from that but at same time, they praise and welcome genocide of women and hope for it soon. I wonder if many them don’t care for her charge because the victim was a girl.
@Cyborgette: no prob