By David Futrelle
It’s not uncommon for aging libertines to have second thoughts about the casual hedonism of their youth. Neil Strauss followed up his 2005 book The Game, which brought the “pickup artist” subculture into the mainstream, with The Truth, in which he confessed that his celebrity as one of the world’s most famous PUAs had in many ways ruined his life and the lives of those around him. (Still, he didn’t return the royalties from his earlier book, as far as I know, or take it out of print.)
Roosh V, who had his own brief time in the spotlight as the world’s most hated PUA, has taken a similar turn in recent years, albeit with much less self-awareness than Strauss. Roosh once made his living with a series of self-published books offering country-specific tips on how to effectively manipulate women in Europe and South America into bed without getting arrested on rape charges.
Now he’s become a far-right moral scold, railing against the sexual “degeneracy” he once so enthusiastically promoted. (He still sells his Bang books though, and recently came out with his latest tome, imaginatively titled Game.)
In a recent post on his self-titled blog — which remains active even though he abandoned his more popular Return of Kings site a few months back — Roosh takes aim at contraception, blaming it not only for helping evil elites depopulate the world but also for destroying love itself, at least for the women using it.
Roosh begins by assailing contraception as a tool of conspirotorial elites bent on reducing the world population — something he thinks they also do by promoting such other alleged social evils as “homosexuality … feminism, transgenderism, and divorce laws.”
But he thinks that the effect contraception has on the female psyche is much more insidious.
Contraceptives allow virtually risk-free casual sex, an act that used to be the most intimate of intimates, reserved for only a husband or wife. Sex used to be a huge practical and emotional decision, on the level of buying a house.
Seriously! Just filling out the forms for a sex mortgage used to take hours!
Now, it is more like choosing which restaurant to eat dinner at, but even the latter takes more care as you check reviews and ask around to assess the restaurant’s quality. Now, men are ready and able to put their penises in any woman, no reviews needed, and it’s even worse that women have become just like men in having sex for the most fleeting of reasons based on their primal desires.
If the idea of women being able to have sex when and with whom they desire does not immediately cause you to run screaming in horror, Roosh helpfully spells out the terrible and irreversible damage that casual consensual sex can do to a woman’s “bonding glue.”
Her what, you may ask? Let’s let Roosh explain:
Before you think I’ve turned into some kind of sex puritan, it’s important to understand that we are all born with a set amount of bonding glue. This glue is required to connect with a member of the opposite sex for love that is practical or romantic for the goal of creating a family. Each episode of casual sex, which contraceptives enable (along with other medical advances like antibiotics that treat sexually transmitted diseases), permanently reduces the amount of bonding glue you possess.
Still unconvinced? Roosh tries another metaphor:
The best way to explain how bonding glue works is to use the old analogy of adhesive tape on a box. When you want to ship a package, you seal it with tape. The recipient can open the package by peeling off the tape, which will retain some stickiness, perhaps enough to ship a new package, but far less than when it was fresh off the roll. If you keep applying and removing tape from a box, it will soon not stick at all. Each time you have casual sex, you’re applying tape to a box and then removing it.
Uh, dude, I think you might be doing sex wrong. Are you sure you’re watching porn and not YouTube unboxing videos?
In any case, the bonding glue on the sex packing tape is a very particular sort of glue, in that it’s apparently much longer-lasting when a man handles it, at least in Roosh’s view.
Women lose far more bonding glue than men with each sexual encounter. I believe that most women will only retain enough adhesive to sleep with between one to five men in their lives before irreparably damaging their ability to love any man. This is why contraceptives are disproportionately targeted to them—if you can get women to have casual sex with only a handful of men, your depopulation agenda will be a guaranteed success.
Men, meanwhile, can pack and unpack their sex box with hardly any effect on their sex packing tape, “barely los[ing] any bonding glue with a casual sex encounter. “
Indeed, Roosh is convinced that the 15 years he spent roaming the world in search of women to “bang” had virtually no lasting effect on his ability to love because, he explains,
I was self-aware enough to slow down fornication when I felt it was beginning to damage me, with sufficient bonding glue remaining. I’ve also met many men with notch counts higher than mine who can still bond with women in a reasonably healthy way (as much as modernity allows), but a woman with the same notch count is likely to develop a severe mental illness. Any child she makes will be accidental and raised in a broken home. …
[T]he best chance of creating a successful family is when the woman had all of her bonding glue intact.
I should note that at no point in his post does Roosh bother to provide any actual scientific evidence that might even remotely back up his claims, nor does he even explain what, biologically, he means by “bonding glue.” Presumably he’s referring to oxytocin, a hormone involved in bonding and childbirth. But who knows? Maybe he really thinks cis women are full of glue and that some of this glue gets stuck on each new condom-clad penis that enters them.
In any case, Roosh is convinced that the solution to this glue-depletion problem is for men to raw dog it every time they have sex.
The healthiest approach to sex for men is sleeping with women without the option to use contraceptives or other forms of modern medical assistance. If you couldn’t use a condom, she couldn’t use birth control, there was no option of abortion, and there were no antibiotics to treat the gonorrhea she could give you, would you still sleep with her? If the answer is no then you shouldn’t sleep with her, because you will lose bonding glue for a purely hedonistic experience.
Still, he insists, this is much more of an issue for women and their bonding glue than for men and their glue sticks.
It’s more important for a woman to imagine this scenario than a man, because she can only make a few mistakes before forever saying goodbye to the possibility of love and family. I went on an international bang tour for fifteen years and found love in a hopeless place, but can you imagine a girl doing that? The only thing she’ll find is a bottle of wine to chase down her antidepressant pills.
Dude, just because every woman you’ve ever had sex with felt like shit afterwards doesn’t mean that all straight-sex-having woman feel this way, whether they’ve had sex with one man, or five, or a hundred, over the course of their lives.
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Yeah, nobody tell Roosh that my wife of 19 years lost count of how many people she slept with when it got over a hundred….
Also, I have to wonder: does lesbian sex use up this mythical sex glue?
So, according to Roosh, among other BS, the elites invented antibiotics to help with their _de_population agenda? That must be the least successful agenda ever.
love when someone makes up complete nonsense and then talks anchor it like it’s objective truth and proves all their bullshit ideas.
seriously, I love it.
I don’t know if this has been said, but my god, this id what the traveling abstinence youth group used to sell at the churches I went to, right down to the tape metaphor.
My god, he can’t even be original with his misogyny, he’s gotta cage from Focus on the Fuckin Family.
That’s a difficult question to answer given that it’s honestly very hard to tell how the mythical “bonding glue” is supposed to work. Is it entirely a thing to do with sexual/romantic bonding or just a person’s capacity to love in any sense? As somebody raised earlier on, if, after their sixth sexual partner, a woman is no longer capable of loving any man, does that mean that she doesn’t love her father? Her brother? Her male best friend? If the bonding glue is entirely a sexual/romantic thing, then what other pseudo-biology causes us to love our friends and family? Or our pets? I think that Roosh has no concept of love in any wider sense beyond sexual and that any other kind of love would just confuse him.
@epitome of incomprehensibility
This feels like one of those weird self-own analogies where it ends up proving the opposite of what it’s supposed to. People care far more about a gift for what the gift is itself than how it’s wrapped. Like, literally nobody cares about the quality of gift wrapping so much that a lack of wrapping would ruin their opinion of an otherwise awesome gift. So, unless the point of the wrapped gift analogy is to say “sex is always the same amazing gift, you just might have to be more careful getting into it”, it doesn’t make any sense.
@ Alexis Filth
Yup, the fundy church I went to had the same approach
David, David, David, you KNOW better than that….
With apologies to Roddenberry ‘n’ Cap’n Crunch… er, Kirk
“… Sex… the Final Fantasy….
“these are the ravings of the peer-group EmArAy Pee-Yoo-Ay Migtow…
“Its never-ending mission: To make up… strange new words…
“To seek out new lies and new demonizations…
“To blindly go where no ‘man’… should ever go… to score….”
epitome of incomprehensibility:
Does it help if you show him a video of the unwrapping?
Since “ups” is the Finnish spelling of “oops”, I’d worry about accidents with them.
On the other hand, “fed ex” sounds like a nonplussed former partner who isn’t delivering your packages any more.
Technically, no more than sex with men, but because you get doggie hair all on the tape, it’s one’n’done with dogs
Why only a handful? Wouldn’t women lose their stickiness more efficiently if they were having casual sex with ALL THE MEN, instead of just taking their turns with Chad?
OK, Roosh probably thinks that when women decide to have casual sex, they automatically gravitate to the most attractive men. When women’s promiscuity increases, it means Chad gets to work harder. Meanwhile, after fucking 1-5 individual Chads, the women become unable to stay in relationships, which means less sexual prospects for the non-Chad men, fewer babies and ???????? more profit for the Underpants Elites.
I do wonder if Roosh also genuinely believes that he only “bangs” women who already have de facto decided to get laid by just someone tonight. In that case, pick-up artistry and men’s general effort to be promiscuous wouldn’t necessarily increase women’s promiscuity and the downfall of Western civilization. (though this goes blatantly against the idea that there are “easy women” and “classy women” and only skilled PUAs can make the latter want casual sex)
Although, in that case, pick-up artists would be “stealing” women from each other, and from any other man who seeks casual sex with women. Indeed, you could see pick-up artistry as a way to allow more equitable distribution of casual sex opportunities, assuming said artistry mainly benefits men who aren’t natural born Chads.
Nevertheless, it seems Roosh basically comes to the point of preaching chastity at men – not to protect women’s chastity, but men’s – before turning around and contemplating that really seriously, chastity ought to be preached at women. It’s very convenient for him and his “ebook hustle” to at least pretend believing that even the most predatory pick-up artistry has no effect whatsoever on women’s promiscuity, which is also unlimited by the general availability of men.
I don’t know about that. My wife enjoys the act of unwrapping. Of course if we are talking about the sex analogy, she has told me she would rather have many cheap gifts to open rather than one big one so read that into the analogy as you will…
Funny thing is, there’s this type of glue specifically for human skin, used in film, prosthetics, etc. It’s called pros-aide.
You know what the best thing about it is? It can be made re-sticky nearly indefinitely, even after it dries (which makes it perfect for applying, adjusting, re-adjusting and removing prosthetics).
Your glue analogy is false.
@Sean S
The point is to reduce women to chattel, subservient incubators, as they were in the “good ol’ days”, which is in the best interest of any megalomaniac or mediocre man.
That is unbelievably harsh, I’m sorry you had to go through that.
Funny, I was raised by far-right fundies but I’ve never before heard about the “wrapped gift” analogy. ‘Course I also grew up on hand-me-downs due to financial necessity.
The most disgusting part of that list is the ratio. I’m guessing the guy lives in a misogyny bubble, but even still there are way too many likes and not enough comments.
I dunno about you but whenever I accidentally stick two pieces of tape together it’s nearly impossible to pull apart. I guess that means lesbians make the best pairing of all lol
That’s called patriarchy.
His bathroom mirror?
@Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape):
Well, that’s almost certainly not a new euphemism for a strip-tease, so it might actually help…
Moggie, Moggie, Moggie. You keep forgetting you don’t exist.
helping evil elites depopulate the world
Wait, what? They’re not doing a very good job. You’d think “elites” would have more skill.
Maybe by “bonding glue” he means “time and energy”. For example, ” it’s important to understand that we are all born with a set amount of [time and energy]. This [time and energy] is required to connect with a member of the opposite sex for love that is practical or romantic for the goal of creating a family.”
If one keeps their investment minimal – or casual – the resulting relationship won’t be strong.
The bit about men being less impacted or women getting worn out is just the same tired slut shaming that all the sex puritans use. It would be cool if they came up with something new.
Hi guys, Is it fair game to refer back to a recent thread? A couple of you were talking about the Dune series the other day, and I’ve always wanted to ask this but have never found the right group.
I devoured the first Dune book, read the next couple, and wandered off eventually, so I don’t know where this sits on the timeline. But I seem to remember an episode wherein the sister (it’s been a while) has sex with a cloned revenant named Duncan Idaho, and somehow “pair-bonds” him to her as a virtual slave through sexy sex. When MRAs and such talk about “pair bonding,” is this what they mean? Some special mystical magickal Thing that binds a woman to her man? Does it only work on inexperienced partners? Is this The Glue? Can anyone work this spell?
Asking for a friend….
@Rabid Rabbit:
Sigh, yeah. It seems unfair that I still need to go to work, despite not existing.
I always thought that the chewing gum analogy was the worst.
If a person’s virginity is a stick of gum and they give it to their new spouse (ONLY after the magic words have been spoken by a clergy and duly witnessed, of course, plus the state and legal stuff), then they’re stuck chewing the same old wad of gum for the rest of their days.
Which sounds to me like either a reason to skip the sex thing altogether (because ABC gum is yucky even if it’s your own) or a PSA for polyamory rather than a good reason for chastity.
A piece of candy might work better: Your virginity is a piece of yummy candy and once you give it to someone, it’s gone. But then, it still fails for any number of reasons, but foremost to my mind: If I have a piece of yummy candy, I want to eat it myself!
Now I wish I could produce candy from my vagina.
My lovely abstinence-only class used “toothpaste spit” as the metaphor for a used female. Classy!
So glad to be more than one of Roosh’s signs of degeneracy.
Also I haven’t had a chance to bake in my armor yet but I’ve definitely been channeling degeneracy rays to counter his Ultramasculine Bread Science cooking in a dress the past couple weeks.
Thank you for reminding me of that scene in Charles Stross’s Accelerando.
Thank you so very, very much.
One thing I’ve never understood about the claim that “elites” are trying to depopulate the world, is that if that’s the case, why is there so much pushback against reproductive rights?
Sorry, it’s been so long since I read the Dune books. I just can’t remember.