bestiality beta males chad thundercock doggoes dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy not a cult stacies

From Dogpill to Fishpill: Incels think women regularly have sex with dogs. But dogs aren’t the only animals that make them jealous.

Chadfish (Image taken from

By David Futrelle

So have you heard of the “dogpill?” Apologies in advance for possibly ruining your dinner, or your entire day, but if you haven’t, the Dogpill is what incels call their, er, theory that many of the very same women who refuse to have sex with them are regularly, and enthusiastically, having sex with dogs.

And the incels aren’t joking. I mean, yes, they do joke about the dogpill on a fairly regular basis. but they also fervently believe it’s true, and many of them work themselves into a rage over it on an almost daily basis.

“These dogs have had more sex with human Stacy’s then any of us ever will,” an incel calling himself Blancmange recently complained on the forums alongside three blurry pictures of dogs he apparently screenshotted from bestiality porn videos. He continued:

It’s a sad awakening when you realise that even dogs are getting Stacy’s in their prime…

These dogs aren’t smiling for nothing…and there are literally thousands more dogs getting it from young Stacys who would rather fuck a dog, even a shaggy muttly looking mongrel than a beta male human.

A rather startling number of incels, apparently unable to tell the difference between creepy fetish porn and real life, have convinced themselves that a significant portion of women regularly have sex with their dogs, if not exclusively, at least when their regular Chad is too busy fucking other women to stop by for a booty call.

“[E]very female that chose [sic] to get a dog and lives on her own is fucking that dog,” one commenter has proclaimed. “And about 60% of girls that have a family dog have done something sexual with the dog.”

No incel ever cites any evidence for these sorts of assertions, because there is none. As I noted in a previous post, the only even-slightly reliable-seeming survey I found on the subject suggested that less than 2 percent of American women have ever had any kind of sex with any animal. But don’t tell that to an incel, because they’d rather believe that every woman they see is a secret dog-fucker.

“Anytime I see some single whore on instagram who is in her mid 20’s and posts pictures of her and her big ass dog together I have to imagine that dog is fucking her snatch,” an incel called bluecollarCEL tells Blancmange. “Unbelieveable.”

“[D]ogs are having more sex and loving relationships with human females than the average man,” another regular commenter on the forums lamented.

“I used to think the dogpill was a meme,” still another wrote dejectedly.

But it turned out, it wasn’t a meme, it was real. … The dogpill is the literal ultimate pill, there is no further degeneracy allowed for a woman to commit …

At this point a man shall ask himself if there will ever be a turning back, or if the dogpill is the point of no return for a society, that is, that the moment you reach it, all hope is to be lost.

The regulars on the forum not only believe the dogpill is real; they’re utterly obsessed with it, complaining about Chad dogs nearly as often as they complain about Chad humans.

But dogs aren’t the only animals the incels think are getting more girlie action than they are. If you poke around in the archives at, you’ll find references to a astonishing array of animal-based “pills.” I’ve seen posts about such alleged “pills” as the Horsepill, the Catpill, the Donkeypill, the Monkeypill, the Camelpill, the Gorillapill, the Sealpill, the Dolphinpill, the Frogpill, the Chameleonpill, the Opposumpill, the Ratpill and, yes, the Fishpill. (Note: The site is currently under a ddos attack, so I was unable to set up archive links for most of these and the links that follow; some lead to webcaches.)

Some of these supposed pills are little more than jokes. But others are taken as seriously as incels take the Dogpill — that is, very. And in some instances, even when the incels realize that there is no actual cross-species sex going on, they are still angry, and bitterly jealous, that women are paying attention to animals other than them, that women who would never touch them enjoy petting their pets.

So let’s look at some of these “pills” and what incels say about them.

The Horsepill

After the Dogpill, the animal pill that causes incels the most misguided concern is the Horsepill, which I wrote about in some (gross) detail here. Many if not most incels seem to believe that “[w]omen have always fucked horses,” as one commenter blithely put it. But some think that the practice is getting more and more common as contemporary women (allegedly) get sluttier and sluttier. As an incel commenter called MilkTeaPill  explained this theory in a post last year,

dog dicks aren’t big enough for foids these days. They need that BHD (Big Horse Dick). 1-2 feet of horse dick pounding their insides. …

They can’t get enough of that multi foot dick stretching out their human pussy. They love it when horses cum liters of horse seed into them. This is literally every foids dream. …

Horse dick is the new standard that is the point I was making. … Soon enough there will be horse get aways were hundreds of foids go to a ranch for a weekend to get HORSED.

Still, few think this (allegedly) widespread practice is quite as (allegedly) widespread as dog-fucking. As one more, er, moderate incel explained:

Dogs are more common because of their size and availability. Horse dicks are massive, very few women can take it. Usually older women, women who’ve given birth, and women who have properly managed to stretch themselves enough with toys. Pony’s are more common than actual horses but it does happen.

Yes, I’m sure your stretched-out grandma is regularly rolling in the hay with her favorite stallion.

The Catpill

Incels like to joke about young feminists ultimately turning into sexless “cat ladies” in their later years (after age 30 or so), but they’re also aware that quite a few of the women they’re actually attracted to own cats. And this makes them very, very angry.

While incels retain enough of a connection, however tenuous, to reality to know that the, er, mechanics of cat-fucking are such that very few of these cat-loving women are literally having sex with their cats, incels are still jealous the cats are getting physical affection from human Stacies. Some incels even manage to get mad about the hypothetical sex they think these women would like to have with their cats — or with the larger, more Chadlike, species of cats that typically live in zoos.

After discovering a video posted to Reddit of a woman, possibly sans clothes, snuggling in bed with a caracel, one commenter groused that “[w]omen would rather fuck large felines than look your way.” When some female commenters online joked about wanting to marry a particularly majestic lion featured in a Facebook video, one incel posted their comments to as an example of “RageFuel” because, as he put it, “[w]omen would rather have sex with this lion than with you.”

The Ratpill

When one incel came across a video of a “Stacey” petting and giving light kisses to her pet rat, the way some overenthusiastic pet-owners sometimes do, he quickly went and reposted the video on as an example of “SuicideFuel,” titling his post “When a literal rat gets more action than you do.”

“Why do these never end?” replied another incel. “I wasn’t prepared to take this especially RN. Her facial expressions make me want to hit her.”

“[W]omen have no soul,” another concluded.

How screwed up do you have to be to get jealous of a literal rat?

The Sealpill

Even the mostly jokey animal “pills” are tinged with bitterness. When an incel calling himself, er, manlet cUnt ran across a photo of three attractive young women posing with seals in a sort of mock prom photo, with the seals’ flippers wrapped around them like a prom date’s arms, he posted the picture on, declaring that

you know its over when literally a seal has had more physical contact with the opposite gender than you have.

Pretty sure that’s because the seal is a lot more pleasant to be around.

The Fishpill, a.k.a. “Hydrowhoring”

It’s weird enough to get jealous of rats and seals for getting more attention from women than you. It’s even weirder to get jealous of a fish being used as a dildo in a porn video. When “sealpill” inventor manlet cUnt found video featuring exactly this happening, he posted it to with the note, noting that the fish in question “has more validation than you will ever get. “

“[A] fucking fish has more smv than me,” replied another commenter, “first dogs, now this. im one more suicide fuel vid from roping.”

I’m assuming he was at least mostly joking. But with these guys it’s never completely clear, since even the most jokey “animal” pills seem to leave a bitter taste in the mouths of those incels who post about them.

What on earth does all this mean?

While incels have been talking about women (allegedly) having sex with animals for years, discussion of the “dogpill” and other animal pills — from the jokey ones like the Fishpill to those, like the Horsepill, that many incels seem to take utterly seriously — has grown tremendously over the past year or so, and even more in the last few months.

As ludicrous as the Dogpill might appear to anyone outside the incel world. I have to take it as a sign of the movement’s increasing radicalization. On some level, I think, many incels realize that the rage they feel over their so-called “involuntary” celibacy is extreme, that many people endure long dry stretches in their romantic and sexual lives without wanting to murder the entire human race.

So incels frequently turn to “RageFuel” posts — generally emphasizing the alleged perfidy of women in general or some especially wicked woman in particular — not just to stoke but to justify their rage.

Animal pill posts are almost perfect “RageFuel” — providing convenient targets for rage in the form of women performing what most people would consider sexually depraved acts, while simultaneously allowing incels to wallow even more abjectly in their own self-pity as men so lacking in sexual appeal that women would rather have sex with literal dogs than with them.

Beliefs don’t have to be rational in order to provoke or justify violent action. The Pizzagate conspiracy theory is ludicrous nonsense, but it inspired a man to literally march into the Comet Ping Pong restaurant with an assault rifle and start shooting. Charles Manson ordered his followers to brutally murder seven people because he thought it would spark a race war that would ultimately put him in charge. The assorted conspiracy theories associated with QAnon have a bizarrely baroque complexity, virtually defying explanation. Yet QAnon followers talk about taking up arms if the mass arrests of alleged globalist pedophiles that Q has been promising don’ t take place sometime soon.

Could “the Dogpill” by itself inspire some especially desperate and unhinged incel to launch his own murderous assault on innocent women and men, a la the incel “martyr” Elliot Rodger? Unlikely. But it’s part of an evolving ideology that seems to get more radical by the day — and that has already led several young men to “go ER,” with tragic results.

So as ludicrous as the Dogpill “theory” is as a putative description of reality, it’s worth taking seriously as a symptom of increasing incel radicalism.

We live in strange times, and they’re just getting stranger.

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5 years ago

*looks at the caracal gif*

Yeah, I’d rather have a cat in my bed than a hate-filled misogynist any day of the week too.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

^Exactly. And I’m allergic to cats.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

“All these women are touching animals instead of MEEEEEEEE!”

Angels and ministers of grace defend us from incel rage.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

For a slightly more savoury, and cuter, take on seals…

Full Metal Ox
5 years ago

…there is no further degeneracy that a woman is allowed to commit…

Oh, I have absolute faith that you’ll come up with something–the possibilities are bounded only by your inexhaustibly vicious imagination.

“I saw Goody Stacy with the DEVIL in the form of CHAD! And her mangy little dog, too! And the horse she rode in on!”

5 years ago

Closes thing to any of this that had ever happened to me is I was outside playing in the snow. I jumped into a big snow drifted and had troubles getting out. Ended up falling on my stomach then the neighbors mastiff came over and humped me.

5 years ago

That list of animal ‘pills’ paints pictures in my mind, that will haunt me forever. Opossumpill??!!?

My late tomcat Roscoe was super Chadly, I must say.

5 years ago

In fairness, I think a lot of people would rather have sex with a lynx than someone who worships Elliot Rodger.

5 years ago

Well, I DID specifically download a Skyrim mod to find a Khajiit husband for my snow lynx assassin. Come to think of it, he was big and black too…

5 years ago

After discovering a video posted to Reddit of a woman, possibly sans clothes, snuggling in bed with a caracel, one commenter groused that “[w]omen would rather fuck large felines than look your way.”

This typo left me wondering what flavor of incel a “caracel” would be. One who believes that his caramel-colored skin makes him an incel?

5 years ago

I would pet the shit out of that friendly caracal. Especially after that chirrup! But no, incels, I wouldn’t have sex with it, because I’m not a pervert like you all.

The word “fishpill”, on the other hand, reminds me inevitably of this:

In Putin’s Russia, fish bite YOU!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

As with the rest of the alt right, it’s all about projection:

The Kinsey Report
The publication of the Kinsey report means for the for the first time that frank talk about sex is no longer the sole domain of the church and psychoanalysts.
By Martin Gumpert
March 25, 2009*

17 percent of farm boys have intercourse with animals.

*This book is clearly a republication. The book referred to is most likely Sexual Behavior of the Human Male (1948).

5 years ago

I just have to object to the phrasing that “overenthusiastic” pet owners kiss their pets. I have a very handsome cat and a beautiful dog, and I regularly give them both smooches on their perfect heads, because I love them very much.

jone (social justice cleric)
jone (social justice cleric)
5 years ago

I guess (hope?) they are slowly coming to a groupthink realization that “Chad” is just how a man acts in a certain context or situation, so they are now projecting their angry entitlement onto an animal that cannot verbalize it’s complexity.
I don’t think dogs even have complexity, I’m a cat person.

I’m not saying no woman ever has sex with a dog, humans are very creative sexually. I don’t even think it’s wrong as long as the dog likes it…though it makes me squeamish to think of the scenario.

I mean dogs, by their purposefully designed obsequious nature, tend to consent to anything their master does….

Did I mention I’m a cat person?

But seriously, have you seen a dog’s penis?
And they are threatened by that….hmm….

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Incels, I have to admit that the company of my female cat and male cat is vastly, vastly superior to your company.

But to have sex with cats?

Heck, no. I insist that my partners come from my own species, the only species I find sexually attractive.

Just so you know, animals cannot consent to sex with a human. Sex between a human and an animal would be rape, an abhorrent crime.

Yes, I’m a social justice warrior.

5 years ago

All these dudes watch beastiality porn. They are wanking it while commenting how disgusting women are.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Whoops! I meant to say this:

*This book review is clearly a republication.

5 years ago

@jone (social justice cleric)

No, having sex with animals is not OK. They are not capable of giving informed consent.

5 years ago

At this point, I have to ask:
I”ve seen women hug trees! Let’s make the barkpill for all those foids who give trees more attention than MEEEEE! Or those new-age Beckies with their crystals! Surely that calls for the mineralpill! They have sex with those resonating wands!
If I can imagine it happen, then it must happen! And that enrages me!
Wait! Women are constantly touching air! And gravity! And neutrinos! Pills, pills everywhere!

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Incels should spend some time watching Maru. They’d probably mellow out a bit.

jone (social justice cleric)
jone (social justice cleric)
5 years ago


You’re probably right.
Bestiality isn’t something I ever intentionally think about as it’s not in my list of weird erotic preferences. I do like to avoid shaming people for their sexual preferences in general.

Admittedly though, interspecies sex does “feel” wrong, and I suppose I have attributed the creepiness of it to the social taboos surrounding the practice and other vaguely disturbing things like incest.

However, incest can be consensual verbally…though it isn’t always. I don’t know the statistics.

My therapist once told me of clients of hers: two brothers who have had a sexual partnership since their teens.
My nose crinkles involuntarily at the thought, but then again, they aren’t hurting anyone.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


Women are constantly touching air!

Incel: Breathing it in . . . Breathing it out . . . Why can’t they “breathe in and breathe out” my penis? Would that be so much trouble? UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Air, I hate you so, so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ditto for women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 years ago

At this juncture, I’d just like to recommend that incels stop taking the airpill.

And, you know, all those other pills too.

In fact, just stop BEING fucking pills, dudes.

jone (social justice cleric)
jone (social justice cleric)
5 years ago


And I would like to discuss the fact that other primate species are known to engage in sex acts with different animal species. Regrettably, I saw that video of the chimp and frog.

And since humans are primates, that makes the ethics of interspecies sex a morally gray fuzzy area to me.
Maybe bestiality is, to an extent, a natural consequence of the hierarchy of evolution.
That doesn’t make it inherently right. Or wrong.

It makes me deeply uncomfortable to say and think that, but reality is under no obligation to make my brain happy.
Most of reality is morally ambiguous.

I’m not asking you to justify your point of view; it’s true humans are capable of thought patterns more advanced that those of other species. And I do believe it is our responsibility, since we have built our societies far removed from nature’s influence, to make choices based on our advanced cognition and not simply on what is “acceptable for animals.”

I was wondering if you have any further musings to add to my limited perception of the issue? I’m always trying to know more, so I can argue more effectively with misogynists.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

Just a few thoughts:

1) Have they ever considered that the vast majority of pet dogs are neutered? Considering that their definition of sex is probably limited to PiV intercourse, how does this even work? (Or is it just more evidence that women are castrating bitches?)

2) Cats… hooked penis… rough tongues… Yeah, no.

3) No, Catherine the Great didn’t actually die having sex with a horse.

4) OK, so, see, the rat one, I can actually see where they’re coming from, even beyond the video in question. Rats like warm enclosed spaces, and are therefore notorious for snuggling in ladies’ cleavage whenever they have the chance. And women who aren’t immediately freaked out by rats tend to find this adorably hilarious. So from that point of view, rats probably do get more action than these guys do. And quite right too.

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