bad anatomy bad science dehumanization empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit wombs

“The womb is the most advanced 3D printer,” MGTOW Redditor proclaims. “If only we could remove the woman.”

Printing a baby

By David Futrelle

The misogynistic doofuses who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way have some, well, intriguing thoughts about human biology.

Consider this proposal from a MGTOW Redditor called omino23, who thinks that human wombs could be used for much more than just making babies.

omino23 6 points 3 days ago 
The human womb is the most advanced 3d printer. If it can produce a machine with the complexity of a human being then it should have no problem making a machine with the complexity of an iphone. If we could just remove all the extra stuff that is not needed, like the woman, and keep the womb alive and functioning while also completely mastering making DNA do what we want it to, we could produce ANYTHING we wanted with a womb. (thanks to Frank Herbert and the Tleilaxu)

Yeah, ladies, stop bogarting all the wombs! We want to make some kickass iPhones! And maybe some awesome video game consoles that sort of might be alive, like the one from David Cronenberg’s eXistenZ:

(Note: Not all women have wombs and not everyone with a womb is a woman, not that this really seems to be a consideration to omoino23.)

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5 years ago

These people need a basic, elementary-level biology lesson asap, jfc

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

eXistenZ … that was the “dueling movies” counterpart to The Matrix, was it not?

5 years ago

Yes, only much weirder and with much worse special effects

5 years ago

Regarding the OP, I have to wonder how serious these fuckheads really are when they post shit like this. I mean, they have to understand that what they’re saying is total bullshit and the Dune novels were science fiction, not peer-reviewed technical treatises, right?

I know they’re not exactly a bunch of geniuses and they don’t seem to understand…well, much of anything, really, but seriously: fiction is in the damn genre title.

5 years ago

Yes, wombs have lots of materials like aluminum, lithium, cobalt, copper, tungsten, gold, silver, copper, tin, etc, in high enough quantities to make iPhones. That’s why we people of the womb always carry iPhones around with us. We made them ourselves!

5 years ago

I pop out a new iPhone at least once a week. Don’t all womb-having people do the same?

dr. ej
dr. ej
5 years ago

As a biologist, this is really all I can say.

comment image

5 years ago

This was somehow even more ignorant that I was expecting (and that bar was very low to start with)
5 years ago

This gives the Darwin, a 3D printer being designed to make all the parts for a new 3D printer, a new context.

5 years ago

I pop out a new iPhone at least once a week. Don’t all womb-having people do the same?

I’m working on the prototype for the Galaxy S11 as we speak. *rubs lower belly* I can feel it buzzing sometimes.

5 years ago

About as realist as the Matrix using humans as battery.

Chris Oakley
5 years ago

The womb’s a 3D printer?!! ? That idea’s even more messed up than the Rams offense was last night in the third quarter.

5 years ago

The difficulty I’ve been having lately with my workplace’s merely 2-D label-printer must be cramps, then.

On the other hand, I’ve never felt so secure in my job – I can’t believe anyone else in my office has the right mix of cunning and patience currently necessary to get the device to spit out the required labels.

5 years ago

This guy read about the Tleilaxu and went “What a great idea! If only we could do that for real!”

That is utterly horrifying.

5 years ago

I just – the sheer stupidity of this is leaving me struggling to find words. Uteri (uteruses?) don’t create anything, they’re just very specialised containers.. This has to be trolling, surely? I mean, I know they’ve said utterly moronic things before and are basically the most wrong of anyone ever on pretty much every topic, but this is a whole new level.

5 years ago

Let’s remember everyone: Those are the “women don’t know science and facts!” people. The “woman are hysterical harpies” guys.

Seriously, though, this is like the worst part out of the Ringu books (the part that they completely omitted from the movies), but cranked up to 100.

5 years ago

Whaddya know, I compared them to the Tleilaxu a couple threads back, and now they’re straight-up doing it themselves! They seem to have missed the part where the Tleilaxu were considered grotesque and disgusting by everybody in the Dune universe for their hideous experiments, and it was in fact their millennia-long mistreatment of women that gave rise to the bloodthirsty Honored Matres, who proceeded to lay waste to the Tleilaxu worlds.

It kiiiiiinda helps to, you know… finish the story before you start wanting to copying any actions from it. Narrative arcs rarely reward villainy.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

This isn’t science. It’s badly-conceived (pun intended) magic.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

Whoop, here we go again: another stupid analogy from the techno-fetishist peanut gallery intent on seeing the whole world through the lens of their personal obsession. Wombs are not 3-D printers, any more than brains are computers¹.

Seriously, what next? Eyes are webcams? ?

¹ It’s like the world has gone full circle from the 50s when popular science articles would describe computers as “electronic brains”; now brains are “meat computers”. Go figure.

Christopher Green
Christopher Green
5 years ago

I hate that these people read the same weird scifi I do 🙁

5 years ago

@Victoria Parasol : you’re right ; they believe in magick.

For them, regardless of the problem, there is a simple magic formula to follow to fix the problem. And if it fail, it’s due to sabotage and the fifth column.

It’s similar to how PUA think that with a recipe book they can score an hot wife. It’s similar to how Trumpist think a wall is a solution to immigration. It’s similar to the trickle down economics (lower taxes and everyone will get better !). In a sense, it’s similar to a lot of self-help book and folk remedy.

Comic books, videogames, and probably plenty of other form of distraction do have that internal logic of “there is a clear and straightforward solution to our problem” (generally involving violence). The thing is, they are escapist distraction because in general, it’s not the case in the real world !

Jane Done
Jane Done
5 years ago


I seem to recall the same being said about fascism: it’s a simplistic (non-) solution to complex problems.

Somehow I feel like western society’s incessant want of quick fixes is partly the fault of poor public education. And probably also capitalism.

5 years ago

I don’t even have the first idea what this guy thinks about biology that this makes even the SLIGHTEST sense to him.

5 years ago

What some people don’t get is that there’s a difference between Science Fiction, which forms the bulk of popular sci-fi and is about exploring current-day issues in alternative settings, and Science Fiction, which explores how society might change in the light of radical new technologies. This is not the same as the soft/hard distinction (soft = technology as magic, hard = reasonable extrapolations from existing knowledge). This can cause confused ideas about what is realistic futurism because binary thinking tends to sort it into Soft = fiction focus / Hard = science focus when it’s not necessarily that way at all.

And then when you add in that any extrapolation, reasonable or not, is at least mildly colored by the bias and agenda of the one making it… things can get pretty stupid if the person making them believes that they’re extra super objective masters of logick. Which means they’re biased as hell and unaware of it thanks to being deep in Dunning-Kruger territory.

So… yes, artificial wombs will probably be a thing some day, no they will not get rid of women and it will in fact probably be marketed to women first, there will probably be some fringe all-male subcultures which make use of them which most of these guys would refuse to join due to not being gay, and unless we become a purely biotech society womb-based technology will not replace inorganic replicators / fabricators / assemblers / nanofactories / whatever they end up being called once “3-D printer” no longer seems like an adequate term.

5 years ago

So, MRAs/MGTOWs simultaneously (!!) believe that uteruses, and the people containing them, have no important involvement in creating children except to be the substrate for Manly, Manly, Chad-like Men to ejaculate little homunculi into to be gestated, AND that uteruses are, with enough Manly, Manly Science, infinitely hackable 3-D printers of the future?
Surely they can use their Manly Logic-y brains to see the conflict here?

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