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Let’s use eugenics to create a utopian world without women, creepy incel Redditor proposes

JB didn’t mean it literally, though

By David Futrelle

It’s getting outright genocidal over there in the Braincels subreddit.

Yesterday, one incel Redditor by the name of numbnow suggested, without a trace of irony, that the world would be a much better place if women were to be literally eliminated.

“Can You Imagine A World of Men Working Together With Eugenics?” he asked in a creepily cheerful post on the subject.

Imagine if the human species became a race of men; divorced of the female gender.

The world as one giant incel circlejerk. What an utter joy to contemplate.

I think that the blackpill will be looked on as equivalent to the enlightenment era in later centuries tbh. One day we will have a civilization that fully acknowledges and accounts for this knowledge, women won’t vote, they might not even exist anymore aside from AI.

This guy takes the “sexbots will replace women” line literally.

Just imagine the accomplishments which we could attain without the female. We could be exploring other worlds already; seeding our species throughout the cosmos. No drama, no bullshit.

Dude, I don’t know if you’ve heard of a thing called “history,” but men have basically been in charge of human civilization for several thousand years, and, uh, there has been rather a lot of drama and bullshit.

Just imagine a race of genetically specialized Ubermensch completing the dreams of man.

The only “dream” the typical incel has is to complain about women rejecting them 24 hours a day. After getting rid of sleep, these “genetically specialized Ubermenschen” of Incel Planet would probably have to genetically recreate women so that that they’ll have someone to complain about.

No inequality, just a civilization of brotherhood and betterment throughout the universe. What a beautiful cope..

Numbnow’s grand plan got a mixed reaction from his fellow incel Redditors. But most seemed to like the idea of using eugenics to defeat the evil “foids” — aka “femoids,” aka “women.”

One suggested that the aspiring Ubermenschen could achieve many of the same results by simply engineering women to have lower standards when it comes to men.

“I would support using eugenics to eradicate hypergamy in foids,” proposed JucheforWhitePeople.

We could create a breed of loyal, compassionate foids. After foids have dictated sexual selection for aeons and caused countless men to suffer, I think such actions are more than justified.

After stopping foids from breeding with dark triad sociopaths, we could also solve so many problems, such as all the war and crime in the world. They only exist because foids like these thugmaxed men.

Yes, the guys proposing to either eliminate women or to somehow reprogram them to put up with any amount of bullshit from their male partners still somehow think of themselves as the good guys. Because that’s the incel way.

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Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Hence it being “Er, it’s a one foot cube…”

Well, that was just backwards on NASA’s part. They should have told MIT, “the equipment bays on the command module are x by y by z. Either it fits in one or we send the boys around to install it somewhere painful, is that understood?” ?

(I like that the command module team had such little confidence in MIT that they decided to incorporate a sextant into the design)

I don’t know, there’s something oddly satisfying that in the midst of all that high technology, it was still possible to navigate the old-fashioned way, using the stars. In fact, most early space probes steered by locking on to a bright star, usually Canopus (Mariner 4 was the first), and may still do for all I know.

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;

— John Masefield

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ cat mara

It wasn’t just any old sextant; it was a space sextant!

comment image

and may still do

I used to buy meteorites off a guy. He’d been part of the team that developed the star tracker system Trident uses to navigate.

(GPS might be taken out in the first moments of any war; but presumably the stars will still be there.)

5 years ago

Okay, I like where they’re going with this but, instead of women, let’s get rid of men.

5 years ago

Karen, you mean of this kind of men? But I guess the joke I think, is that by their absurd very logic it would make more sense ^_^.

Julienne M Alford
Julienne M Alford
5 years ago

Do these guys ever take an overview of civilization? Societies in which women have no choice in their mate tend to be the more violent ones.

5 years ago

Do these guys ever take an overview of civilization? Societies in which women have no choice in their mate tend to be the more violent ones.

5 years ago

@Myra: I would think the society being violent would be the cause of women not having choices, though, not the other way around. I would also think they’d be all for that… until they find that they’re still on the bottom of the social heap, which makes them subject to that violence and doesn’t improve their chances to get women.

5 years ago

“Advice to Young Ladies” by A D Hope.

A poem I suspect most of these incels have never even heard of, much less read.

5 years ago

re: Warhammer 40.000

That’s why my favorite faction in the whole thing are, and always will be, the Orks. They’re big, green, goofy reminders that this whole thing should never be taken too seriously.

In the grim darkness of the 40th millenium, there’s only war. And vehicles that become faster just because they’re painted red.


5 years ago

re: Warhammer 40K

This is why my favorite faction in the whole thing is, and always will be, the Orks. They’re big, green, goofy reminders that this whole setting is not to be taken too seriously. Waaagh!

5 years ago

Yeah, if I were to play 40K I’d go with Orks. There’s some Chaos Marines that’d be fun to paint, though…

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Computer programmer and CS graduate chiming in: there are actually a few (known) limitations even with “pure thoughtstuff”. The so-called “halting problem” is one, and has among its practical consequences that there’s no way to program an operating system to be 100% accurate at guessing whether an application that’s currently unresponsive has hung irrecoverably and needs to be restarted or will eventually stop being busy on its own.

Then you’ve got to deal with the limitations on the hardware, which computes at a finite speed and has finite memory. In connection to that there are minimum time and space complexities of commonplace tasks. For instance, sorting a list of size n takes an amount of memory proportional to n and an amount of time proportional to n log n. It cannot, to anyone’s knowledge, be made faster than that, and shrinking the memory needed means applying data compression of some kind to the list itself, which will both add more time and only reduce the space needed by a constant factor at best.

Of course a lot of these techbros probably haven’t taken actual university CS courses, and a lot of the rest paid attention just enough to pass the tests and promptly forgot it all. Most have probably had at some point run into a situation where something they wanted to do was too slow, or produced out-of-memory errors, but the more bro-ish ones probably just think that means they need to wait for better hardware. Or quantum computers or something. Wait till they discover there are limitations on those as well …

5 years ago

@Cat Mara

The way bio-essentialists go on, you’d swear that the Y-chromosome was some kind of essence of masculinity

So, the tattered remants of an error- and disease-prone system, which will either be replaced by a new system in the future or humans will go extinct?

Sounds a bit like essence of masculinity to me…

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago


So, the tattered remants of an error- and disease-prone system, which will either be replaced by a new system in the future or humans will go extinct?

“You denied the existence of toxic masculinity yet… it seemed… the toxic masculinity was inside you all along! MUHAHAHAHA!!!”

comment image

Seriously, when it was first discovered that the Y chromosome was decaying, back in the 70s, a lot of the “kill all the menz” radical feminists back then were like, “haw haw men are doomed!” I don’t think it works like that. Sexual reproduction is too useful a trick for driving natural selection for it just to disappear– with a handful of exceptions (e.g., the rotifers) and a few species of reptile and insect capable of reproducing via parthenogenesis when they have to, no high-complexity organisms have abandoned it once it was adopted in their lineage. The SRY gene and its friends will probably just up sticks and move to another chromosome once the Y becomes an inviable host for them because having male and female humans from the perspective of our selfish genes is just too useful.

I am not an evolutionary biologist but I understand that chromosomes are not stable on geological timescales. So in the breakdown of the Y chromosome, we might be seeing the beginning of a speciation event, probably similar to the one that happened when the common ancestor of ourselves, Neandertals & Denisovans split off from the common ancestor of chimpanzees and bonobos x million years ago. One of the key differentiators of a species, and one of the reasons why an individual of one species cannot produce viable offspring with a member of another, is a difference in the number of chromosomes. So, yeah, in a sense, our species in its present form is going extinct. In another sense, we’re evolving into another one. Goodbye homo sapiens, hello homo this-time-we’re-really-sapiens-we-swear, I hope ?

When the world is a danger to you
Do you rise up in rage, or do you
Keep getting stranger?
I do!

(Possibly the world’s first transhumanist love song!)

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago


I’ve occasionally wondered what people with the capacity for programming skills did before the Post-industrial Revolution. Nothing particularly earth-shaking, is my guess.

My guess would be weaving and other textile work— which is pretty important, but falls under the “technology that gets ignored because at some point in recent history it got designated as feminine” umbrella.

5 years ago

I’ve occasionally wondered what people with the capacity for programming skills did before the Post-industrial Revolution. Nothing particularly earth-shaking, is my guess.

My guess would be weaving and other textile work

This seems relevant :

TL;DR a group of knitters teamed up with a neural network to put the neural network’s patterns into reality. Due to the neural network’s limitations, the human knitters had to do “code-debugging” to make something physically possible.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ moon custafer

My guess would be weaving and other textile work

Wasn’t a lot of computer tech derived from the textile industry?

I seem to recall punch cards were first used on looms; and to get back to my Apollo nerdery, the memory for the guidance computer was literally woven by women weavers.

Ooh, that sounds like a tongue twister.

5 years ago

@Cat Mara

Sexual reproduction is too useful a trick for driving natural selection for it just to disappear … The SRY gene and its friends will probably just up sticks and move to another chromosome once the Y becomes an inviable host for them because having male and female humans from the perspective of our selfish genes is just too useful.

Having sexes is useful, but having sex chromosomes is stupid and bad because it leads to all sorts of problems and associated weird-ass work-arounds and coping mechanisms (therefore, if it was designed, it was designed by an idiot who didn’t know what they were doing).

Anyway. Losing the Y chromosome might not matter, even if SRY goes with it (see and there are tricks for a Y-chromosome to usefully repair itself (I’m fuzzy on this sort of thing, but this might be relevant: and there are species that use stuff like gestational temperature of eggs to determine sex (not that humans could do that, but, y’know, you don’t need sex chromosomes to have sexes).

In any case, we have a good 4 million years before it is likely to be a problem, and there’s a good chance that things will just keep struggling on after that anyway. Still makes for the occasional moment of entertainment in the short term, though.

5 years ago

@Alan Yep. “Core memory”. A grid of wires, with tiny magnetically changeable ferrous donut-shaped things that were the actual storage. Looks very much like loosely woven fabric. Cost several arms and a leg for any reasonable amount of storage space. Approximate price at the time the last core memory was sold: $0.01 dollars per bit.

Current price per bit of similar memory: 128 GB for $24. After some math (probably a bit off) 2.34E-11 dollars per bit.

Kinda makes you wonder about Apple’s pricing now, doesn’t it.

Lunzie Mespil
Lunzie Mespil
5 years ago

Ok, just suppose for a moment that someone actually does figure out a way to conceive and grow babies without women, so they can keep the human race from dying out while they do all their super-manly no-woman stuff. Small human beings require huge amounts of care. Who’s going to be taking care of them? The guys proposing this certainly don’t seem to have the necessary patience or empathy.

5 years ago

Re: who is going to take care of the babies in the all-MRA all-incel womenless utopia?

I suspect it will be associated with class, or race – and certainly with inferiority – almost instantly.

5 years ago

I probably have asked this one already, but were braincels supposed to be discriminated against for being too smart or too stupid (assuming it’s “brain-cel” not “bra-incel”)?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Well, let’s see:

Heightcel — not enough height
Wristcel — not enough wrist circumference
Braincel …


5 years ago

February 4, 2019 at 6:37 am
I probably have asked this one already, but were braincels supposed to be discriminated against for being too smart or too stupid (assuming it’s “brain-cel” not “bra-incel”)?

For being too smart. Just like “Christcels” were unlucky because they were too religious, “ethnicels” for being too ‘ethnic’, Blackcels for being Black, etc.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
February 4, 2019 at 7:05 am

Well, let’s see:

Heightcel — not enough height
Wristcel — not enough wrist circumference
Braincel …


That works too.