bad science crackpottery feminization homophobia macho macho men masculinity MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy playing the victim soyboys toxic masculinity transphobia twitter

Bazinga! Globalists are trying to feminize men with weed, robots and The Big Bang Theory, internet dumbasses charge

Sheldon, what exactly are you up to?

By David Futrelle

You may have already heard of the alleged globalist plot to feminize cis men by seducing them into drinking soy lattes, thus turning even the most macho dudes into easily controllable “soyboy” cucks. You may have heard that the government is (allegedly) putting chemicals into our water that turn frogs (and presumably male human beings) gay. You may have even seen videos of young boys in dresses happily singing songs from Frozen with their dads.

But you may not realize the full extent of the allegedly Soros-financed alleged plot to allegedly turn men into girly-men. I’ve been doing some research on the vast repository of human knowledge known as Twitter and I must sadly report that the globalist cabal is using a wide assortment of tools to turn real men into sissy boys. Here are a few of them:



TV shows like Will & Grace, Modern Family, and … The Big Bang Theory?

Follow Follow @DiehardDesigns
Replying to @bunnyknows @GossipCop
Big Bang Theory's attempted to feminize the superhero fan. It has worked on some weak minds. Real men don't watch it.

Weird PETA ads suggesting that vegan dudes fuck better:

White guys trying to rap in commercials:

The idea of “toxic masculinity.”

TV shows suggesting that maybe men might want to trim their chest hair:

And, less we forget, razor commercials trying to inspire men to be better:

Stay vigilant, men! You never know what might be secretly trying to make you a cuck.

H/T — @TakedownMRAs, who tweeted about that MGTOW (see above) who thinks weed feminizes men.

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Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
6 years ago

Jeez if they wanted a reason to hate the big bang theory they could just try watching it.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

If only these conspiracy theories were true, and mass distribution of the right razor or whatever would “pussify” the men in the militaries of the world, with the sorts of effects the conspiracy theorists associate with that term. There’d be an end to war almost immediately.

(Of course it wouldn’t really work out that way. Every nation would end up with an army of Amazons … quite formidable, actually.)

6 years ago

Feminize or degrade a man, and you can sell a woman a ketchup popsicle while she is wearing white gloves.


OK, I think I’ve decoded this one (assuming “popsicle” = “ice lolly”):

Although ketchup has the same sugar content as a popsicle, it contains yucky savoury ingredients and is therefore not a valid flavour. It’s also frozen, which is undesirable in glove-wearing weather. The gloves are white, and apparently can’t be removed before eating, so they’d get stained if the lolly starts to melt. But if the advert appears to be insulting/degrading men, then the woman’s misandrist urges override her critical thinking and she’ll buy whatever it’s advertising immediately.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

The media response to the Covington thing is an indication the US is moving closer to genocide:

The precursors to genocide are all in place. Those red hats and those goonish kids wearing them aren’t something to brush off. The events they’ve precipitated aren’t an irrelevance. They are signs and portents. What we saw is always a part of the story of how it started: with gangs of thugs wearing emblems of their allegiance (like those red hats) intimidating their targets in the streets free from consequence and egged on by their Dear Leader and the machinery that supports him.

Gender Superposition
Gender Superposition
6 years ago

It’s always funny watching the right attack the center as being part of a leftist plot. A few things stick out to me here:

1. Metrosexual being supposedly leftist despite the grossness of claiming a sexuality label to describe mere style;

2. The big Bang theory is leftist even though it’s steeped in misogyny like a full bodied tea and served with the hate crime that is Sheldon Cooper, something the autistic community has not forgotten, and;

3. Like TERFs, MRAs deploy the “haven’t you noticed there are way more trans femme people than trans masc people?” Despite the statistically demonstrable fact that we exist in equal numbers with each other, and they only notice us trans femme types more because of their transmisogyny (among other factors).

Also if the government is loading everything with feminizing chemicals, why the duck emoji is transitioning so hard?

6 years ago

I’m speechless. What’s wrong with any of those things?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago


I know I should focus on the bigotry here, but mainly I want to know what the fuck this guy thinks punctuation is for.

Periods are feminizing. They also allow women to interrupt, which is intolerable.

No, the manly way to mark the end of a thought is to randomly Capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence.

6 years ago

Phytoestrogens are also found in broccoli, carrots, apples, oranges, coffee, legumes, rice, lentils, potatoes, mint, sesame seeds, hops and grains. So basically, it’s abundant in almost every dietary staple people all over the world been eating since agriculture was a thing. And because it’s in hops and grains, that means it’s in beer and whiskey as well.

Wait, you mean plant hormones are in – gasp – plants!? The conspiracy runs so deep!

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

The real headline here for the toxically masculine would seem to be this: Beer will make you into a soyboy beta cuck as much as soy itself will.

<evil grin>

6 years ago

I haven’t seen any car commercials featuring white guys rapping badly. I’m not sure how that’s feminizing men, but to be fair, it does sound awful.

6 years ago

So, hang on… apparently I can sell literally any product, providing it has an ad showing a guy getting kicked in the groin?

Goodness me. I must have missed that episode of Mad Men.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

“Your future sex robot could be hacked and programmed to feminize you”

So I get a robot wife and somebody hacks her and then she starts nagging about my caveman habits like a real woman would and eventually I submit to considering unmanly things like home decoration.

6 years ago

Wow, so much to unpack in this. I’m still of the opinion that the adherence to performative masculinity is a sunk-cost fallacy thing. Because I’ve noticed that the people who rant about “feminized men” and “pajama boys” are the ones who are hardly specimens of the ideal they claim to cherish. Look no further than Seb Gorka or Paul Joseph Watson, who no doubt think of themselves as alpha. Even the ones that do fit that physique… I wouldn’t put it past them that they’re using some kind of steroid to boost muscle growth (*coughCernovichcough*). But the guys with the Brick Top and Clint Eastwood avatars are probably closer to Gorka or Watson: they bought into the “macho” idea of toxic masculinity and have been chasing it their entire lives, only to get upset that people who have rejected that path are obtaining the kind of cultural cache that they were told they couldn’t obtain being just an ordinary emotionally-mature man. They can’t admit that maybe this ideal they’ve been chasing isn’t really worth it, because what the hell have they done with their lives if that’s the case?

Even I had my moments of aping it in childhood, but I felt pretty crummy afterwards and made amends pretty quickly to those who were hurt by it. I’m huuuugely glad I didn’t take that path.

It’s telling, though, that if these clowns aren’t using suit-and-tie cartoon avatars, they’re using fictional tough guys who were clearly either sadistic villains like Brick Top or emotionally-damaged drifters like Blondie from Good, Bad and the Ugly.

*inhales* And now to sound off on Big Bang Theory. This is a show that plenty of internet denizens have dumped on for being capital “N” Not Funny, along with being ableist, racist, homophobic and misogynistic. But I am baffled by how it appeals to my elders. It’s so odd; I absolutely loathe this show with the passion of a thousand suns and yet both my mom and dad find it the funniest show on TV and own every goddamned season on DVD.

I can only think that it’s a way that the olds can look at all the geek culture that they had to learn about and buy for their X-ennial kids through the prism of a fictional group of geeks that act like their own geek children enough to relate. Kinda like “Haha, I remember when Billy liked the Power Rangers and I had to buy him the Megazord! He took that with him to college, he did!” But what they don’t realize is that it’s incredibly condescending and superficial; we took away some actual life lessons and critical themes from these works that our parents may have just seen as some shallow fad that cost them a pretty penny at Christmas.

That’s all I got, because the characters are awful and they don’t know geek culture (just last weekend I was over and I watched Once Upon A Deadpool with my mom and she had to pause it to ask me what “X-Force” was.) At least they have other better series they like… like Bones or Republic of Doyle.

6 years ago

An interesting link for the topic of toxic masculinity to give to the next troll.

Other point, Elementary is part of the Conspiracy, a show starting Sherlock Holmes. Never watched it, looked like to similar to Sherlock to be interested to me, but huh?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago


My in-laws love the BBT, but both of them worked for NASA, and they’ve said that the characters resemble various people they’ve known over the decades before their retirement. Mr. Parasol and I have various kinds of nerd cred (fandom as well as professional geekery), and we don’t like the show. *shrug* If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hot dogs.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 years ago

@David, Bina:
Ahh, Farrakhan. That explains it all. (Well, in much the same sense that saying ‘Alex Jones’ explains it all, in that it explains that it doesn’t have to make sense to anybody but a serious conspiracy theorist.)

Among other things, there’s been some active collaboration between Farrakhan’s ilk and the anti-vaxx movement over the last couple of years.

6 years ago


Elementary has a woman of color Dr. Watson, and combined Irene Adler with Moriarty. Yeah. It probably started as a cash in on the popularity of the BBC Sherlock series but it has way less “seasonal rot” (ie. the phenomenon of season quality tending downwards) compared to that.

My mom watches both.

6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

Ayup. On one hand, I want to say “there’s no accounting for taste”, but it’s one of those things you just want to puzzle over, like “is there something personal in their enjoyment of this show that’s a reflection on my and my brother?”. My folks are educated as well (dad’s an engineer, mom’s a Ph.D. psychologist) and they both love the show. Galecki and Parsons are about ten years older than I am, but still that same kinda cohort of X-ennial. I could certainly be wrong in my analysis, as I was less into comics than the characters on the show and our fan obsession was certainly not to that extent. Maybe they just like dumb sitcom humour.

Well, back to puzzling over how they thought Book of Henry was a good movie….

6 years ago

I did know about Watson. And perhaps that is the reason because the count it, but it still has freaking SHERLOCK HOLMES as the maincharacter, so yeah call me astonished (It is on my list of show I will watch perhaps some day)
Re BBT, I normally don’t care about comedy, I have seen a few episodes when I was with friends, I remember it wasn’t as bad as Two and a Half Man, Srubs and How I met your mother I remembered as more to my liking. (was the blog)

6 years ago

If the very definition of “man” is superiority, you will cease to be a man if you have no-one to be superior to.

Those nincompoops already don’t have anyone to be superior to because they’re such abject losers.

6 years ago

So glad to see the response here about BBT. Being in science and a fifty something person, this show is very popular in my age group and many people try to use it as a jumping off point to relate to me. They are always surprised I don’t watch it. For all the reasons stated so well here, as well as the fact that I have had to work with many misogynistic science bros over the past 35 years. Been there, done that, not interested in a show about it.

6 years ago

I’ll be honest, BBT lost me at its radio ads. They apparently have their laugh track permanently set at “hyena” and given the jokes they were using it on my thought was “If that’s the best they can give us…!”

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

OT, but this has me laughing my head off:

Prankster buys Wolves of Odin domain, turns it into furry fan site

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit


Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit – omg perfect!!!!