By David Futrelle
You may have already heard of the alleged globalist plot to feminize cis men by seducing them into drinking soy lattes, thus turning even the most macho dudes into easily controllable “soyboy” cucks. You may have heard that the government is (allegedly) putting chemicals into our water that turn frogs (and presumably male human beings) gay. You may have even seen videos of young boys in dresses happily singing songs from Frozen with their dads.
But you may not realize the full extent of the allegedly Soros-financed alleged plot to allegedly turn men into girly-men. I’ve been doing some research on the vast repository of human knowledge known as Twitter and I must sadly report that the globalist cabal is using a wide assortment of tools to turn real men into sissy boys. Here are a few of them:
TV shows like Will & Grace, Modern Family, and … The Big Bang Theory?

Weird PETA ads suggesting that vegan dudes fuck better:
White guys trying to rap in commercials:
The idea of “toxic masculinity.”
TV shows suggesting that maybe men might want to trim their chest hair:
And, less we forget, razor commercials trying to inspire men to be better:
Stay vigilant, men! You never know what might be secretly trying to make you a cuck.
H/T — @TakedownMRAs, who tweeted about that MGTOW (see above) who thinks weed feminizes men.
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I find the Big Bang Theory part hilarious because you know, dosn’t the show kinda you know promote the more misogynistic and bigoted parts of nerd culture aka the parts of nerd culture that have toxic masculinity in them?
Nothing says alpha male like constant paranoia about everyone and everything trying to feminize you.
Mayu Kitsune,
Right? Between Howard’s sexual harassment of Penny (and various female guest stars) in the early seasons and Sheldon’s proclivity towards scientifically unsound evopsych, BBT is most assuredly not a feminist show.
The erasure of trans males in the tweet from Michael Tatum is telling. I know a lot of young trans FtM teenagers, but they seem to go under the radar. Part of this is due to more females being allowed to be ‘tomboys’, and being male is ‘aspirational’. They also tend to pass easily. MtF are seen to be ‘downgrading’ and giving away their God-given power by transitioning to a lowly and sub-human female. These are the things I was told when I was younger and a member of the Plymouth Brethren, who talked me out of transitioning bevause of their ‘male headship’ doctrine. They thought I was trying to steal male priviledge and mock the Lord.
I’m surprised that so many people still believe in the ‘gay frogs’ rubbish that Alex Jones used to bang on about. It was even a question on QI the other day, about whether oestrogen gets into the water supply from urine fromwomen taking the pill, but it seems it actually comes from farm yard manure run off.
Surely, if this was ‘feminising’, it would not just feminise men, it would hyper-feminise all women so trans masculine and NB people like me could not exist at all could we?
@Kitsune I hadn’t realised that, but that makes sense. Also BBT is a global conspiracy to convinces people that half-arsed Flanderisation of characters is comic genius.
@Mayu Kitsune – I agreed with opinion (not mine, heard elsewhere) that Big Bang Theory is blackface for nerds.
Speaking of ‘Frozen,’ one enterprising incel on rgif.is (rgif = ‘raping girls is fun), Nathan Larson’s new website, has written a poem/song about a mass shooting, to the tune of “Let it Go.” If you want a screenshot or link, let me know. I won’t quote it here because it’s abhorrent, but I assure you that by comparison, the worst Vogon poet of all time would be better. I wish I were kidding.
I have yet to see a. Little girl…perform as a drag king.
Then check out these ladies–who begin their training in childhood: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takarazuka_Revue
@Virgin Mary
Remarkably, there is a trace amount of truth in Jones’ claims. Amphibians (and fish) can and do become feminized by the trace amounts of estrogen and estrogen mimics in runoff. This, of course, does not mean that the effects on humans are identical, merely that amphibians (and fish) are fragile creatures who mostly live and develop in the water.
“Ghetto marijuana” will FEMINIZE you? That’s funny, coming from a bunch of jittery, insecure white boys who are worried about all the virile, well-endowed Big Black Men, jacked on pot and supposedly coming to steal “their” (note quotes, there for a reason) white women.
Migtoes. If only they had any idea how inadvertently funny they are. Certainly H. Bomberguy knows:
Goddammit, can none of these numbskulls wrap their heads around the idea that feminism isn’t a campaign to make men girly. It’s a campaign to no longer equate being female with bad/ wrong/weak/lesser. All of this shit immediately stops being a problem or something to be outraged about the minute you stop believing that something being even vaguely feminine means being inferior.
First, why would mgtows care about this? Aren’t they going their own way away from women and civilization as a whole? So many times we’ve seen them talk about leaving the world to watch it burn (because women existing is ruining everything) Why even care that men aren’t MASCULINE MANLY PUNCH A BEAR men anyway? They’re the same people wishing governments would relinquish and strip away women’s personhoods and rights as people because women are ebil
Wish they’d stay quiet and talk about their fishing trips than fuel more misogynists.
Second, that warning about sex bots? I guess sex bots are part of the evil agenda now too. Remember reading that they’re tools to oppress men, suppress hetreosexuality by making men robosexual(I wish I was making this up omg) and control population growth for the NWO!
I kinda saw it coming, since if those bots come from a large company they don’t want to support like Gillette now lol, it’ll always be an Us vs Them.
I kinda want to add how intertwined conspiracy theorists and the manopsphere are. Women being people and having rights to them means there’s evil in this world that’s coming to attack masculine manly men. The LGBTQ+ gaining attention, respect and representation means there’s evil in the world. Transgender people finding their voice and power to overcome transphobic and bigotry means there’s evil in this world… I’m seeing a pattern. Huh.
Today in taking Futurama too literally
Bina, the “ghetto marijuana” thing is, I think, a reference to a conspiracy theory put forth by Farrakhan and others saying that the govt. is putting chemicals on weed to specifically feminize black men.
I think I’ll paste another tweet in there that makes this clearer.
Ah, okay. Still weird, but a whole ‘nother species of weird.
And of course, still not a shred of proof exists. I mean, how WOULD the government do that if the pot is illegally grown by persons (presumably) unknown?
Same tbh. Are the white gloves necessary in the feminization of men the world over in the pursuit of profit?
My father’s a real man. Take that, Twitter losers.
Metrosexual was a label pushed hard by the left? Huh. And here I thought it was self-applied by a bunch of dudes who liked skinny jeans but wanted to make it extremely, 100% clear that they were definitely not gay.
I think Olábánjí is on to something here, pity he doesn’t use it to reflect.
Let’s not forget that Big Bang Theory is ableist as fuck as well.
Phytoestrogens are also found in broccoli, carrots, apples, oranges, coffee, legumes, rice, lentils, potatoes, mint, sesame seeds, hops and grains. So basically, it’s abundant in almost every dietary staple people all over the world been eating since agriculture was a thing. And because it’s in hops and grains, that means it’s in beer and whiskey as well.
Wait a….Oh SHIT Roosh, weren’t you were taking up baking bread as a hobby?!
Industrial robots don’t unionise, can work 24×7, don’t need to be paid, and do the work equally well every single time. Why do you need to look beyond capitalism to explain their appeal to industry?
I know I should focus on the bigotry here, but mainly I want to know what the fuck this guy thinks punctuation is for.
There are those defending everything from gendered bullying and discrimination to rape and other forms of physical violence with “Men must be allowed to be men”. Despite they by this basically say that men are made to be rapists and bullies with no hope of improvement, they still claim it is the feminists who are the man-haters.
I guess the key lies in what “be a man” really means.
If the very definition of “man” is superiority, you will cease to be a man if you have no-one to be superior to. Equality is a threat because it will destroy the power dynamics that make you who you are.
If you live by this, you will get angry at everyone who refuse to play their roles: women who are not accepting their inferiority (and thus your superiority), fallen men stained by the feminine, and people who cannot be squeezed into the binary necessary to keep up the hierarchy.
Surely there are better ways to “be a man”.