By David Futrelle
I don’t know what planet incels live on, but some of you ladies might want to move there, at least if you enjoy endless sex, not working, and … murder.
The latest True Fact I have gleaned from the Incels.is forums is that “The average woman lives a life comparable to a good looking male billionaire.” Who knew? But according to a prolific Incels.is commenter calling himself Getlooksordie,
All women do the same shit:
– non stop fuck and party the hottest members of the opposite sex
– constantly travel to exotic places
– everyone is always nice to them because they are female
– they are above the law (a woman can literally kill a man and only get community service)
– huge social circles with friends
– they don´t have to work if they don´t want to. Hubby will betabuxxx.
Is this true, ladies? What are you hiding from us?
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Incels must be obsessively browsing famous instagram models feeds to say this then believe that all women are the top 1% of beautiful women with luxurious glamorous lives and the rest are… white noise..
@Full Metal Ox
Because you are the evil, obviously. Do pay attention, it’s important to know which side you’re on!
Of course, that doesn’t answer the question of why you aren’t committing your man-murders using ridiculously expensive and impractical devices, while wearing a fancy costume.
Would rate myself as just average…yet that resembles 0% of my life. Am I womaning wrong or just living in reality like a normal person…
So I understand *fuck* the hottest members of the opposite sex, but how do I *party* them?
And where are they handing out the trips to exotic places, because I haven’t gotten the share I’m entitled to yet!
And why have so many forgotten to be nice to me, on account of my being a woman?
And I’m not inclined to murder, so I don’t think I’ll test the “community service” theory, but I haven’t been able to get out of speeding tickets.
Maybe I should ask Mr. Incel those questions. I’m obviously not doing something right.
It is all true. Just last week, my BFF came home with the disembodies head of some person and just had to grab a rake fro an hour before they sent her off to some exotic holiday spot to party hard and kill some more.
This is how reality truly is.
If you get all your information from sitcoms and The Wolf of Wallstreet.
I got charged with assault against an officer after he lied and said I spit on him, and then beat me for it. Because he said always trumps she said—much less they said, when it comes to nonbinary folks like me. ?
ACAB, btw.
I fear the currency known as betabuxxxxxxxxxxxxx is suffering from runaway edgy spelling inflation.
These guys must never get out of their TV rooms. Why else would they think Keeping Up With the Kardashians is real?
…did this guy just watch one of the Emmanuelle films and think that’s what all women do? Because as cool as it would be, only a handful of women have actually been to space.
…that series took some… interesting turns.
Kat. I know I’m late. But I would just like to say thank you for sharing this with me. I am so sorry about your mother. She sounds like an incredibly strong person. I’m also sorry about her passing. I don’t know if it was recent or a while ago but that doesn’t matter since that type of pain never really goes away. This was all very personal so thank you for opening this part of your life.
Thank you so much for this. I rarely find things funny but this actually made me laugh out loud.
I’m so sorry that happened to you. *hugs* if you would like them.
AMAB = assigned male at birth
AFAB = assigned female at birth
ACAB = ?
@ Surplus
ACAB = “All coppers are bastards”
Popular knuckle tattoo.
(There’s a cool French version too; but I can’t remember it)