entitled babies evil sexy ladies madonna/whore men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny slut shaming

When a Man Going His Own Way meets the woman of his dreams

His Dream Girl

By David Futrelle

Deep inside even the most cynical Man Going His Own Way beats the heart of a true romantic. Or at least that seems to be the case with one anonymous MGTOW who has confessed his dark secret on the forums: sometimes when he sees a woman his heart goes pitty-pat.

“Even in my Red Pill state,” he wrote,

I occassionally see a woman who just looks perfect and is my idea of the “dream girl”

Aw, that’s so sweet! Maybe there’s hope for … oh, wait, there’s more:

but don’t worry, it doesn’t take long before I realize she is a whore.

Damn, I guess I should have known that was coming, especially since the title of his post was “That moment you realize the woman of your dreams is a whore” — which, in retrospect, should have been a dead giveaway.

In a followup comment, our anonymous friend revealed that he has not only grown disillusioned about real women but also about, well, photos these real women without any clothes on.

Responding to another commenter extolling the virtues of anime waifus, anonymous declared that he too is a fan of 2-D women, though he prefers photos of actual living women to drawings of imaginary ones, Trouble is, whenever he looks at them he can’t help but remember that the women in these pictures are actual living women and he gets sad because all actual living women are whores.

I like photos of real women but I do prefer them in photo form as well. Growing up I would make up personalities for them and never realize that they were in fact sluts despite them posing nude etc.

But no more! The scales have fallen from his eyes!

Anonymous’ somewhat counterintuitive conclusion from all of this? It’s men, not women, who are the truly romantic ones.

Just goes to show that the theory about men being stupid horny dogs who just want to f~~~ is just that – a myth. Most guys seem to want some kind of romantic ideal. Women just can’t match our expectations.

I guess it’s hard for women to be simultaneously hot and naked and pure and virginal, huh? Must be the fault of the women, and not this dude’s literally impossible expectations.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

O, thou art fairer than the
evening air clad in the
beauty of a thousand stars…

“Men are the true romantics.”

5 years ago

All the screaming, gaslighting, manipulation, stalking, abuse, rape, and murder……PURE ROMANCE

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

I occassionally see a woman who just looks perfect and is my idea of the “dream girl” but don’t worry, it doesn’t take long before I realize she is a whore.

Nah, not worried at all. I’m sure you’ll realize your dream of becoming a serial killer.

5 years ago

I was scared for a moment that a MIGTOW managed to get a girlfriend. I wouldn’t wish a MIGTOW on anyone.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

If you’re going with all that, you could at least give it some artistry:

When my love swears that she is made of truth
I do believe her, though I know she lies,
That she might think me some untutor’d youth,
Unlearned in the world’s false subtleties.
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
Although she knows my days are past the best,
Simply I credit her false speaking tongue:
On both sides thus is simple truth suppress’d.
But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
And wherefore say not I that I am old?
O, love’s best habit is in seeming trust,
And age in love loves not to have years told:
Therefore I lie with her and she with me,
And in our faults by lies we flatter’d be.

Complaints over 500 years old? Yawn.
Thinking that your complaints are new and insightful? Yawn.
Sexist as fuck? Trash now.

5 years ago

This got me thinking of one of my favorite poems. Probably because of all the marvelous poetry from a few days back here on WHTM I just read.

The poem is called Dagen svalnar (“The day is cooling down/grows cold”) (1916, Edith Södergran). I’d say it is about the fragility of love, the fear of having one’s dreams crushed, a woman receiving a man’s love which she fights to keep, but at the same time she isn’t really sure she wants it. There are hints that his love will ruin the purity she has struggled to build, and that he treats her badly. (My interpretation, I like to read but I am not by any means an expert on literature.)

The last verse goes like this (my translation, there may be errors):

You were seeking a flower
and found a fruit.
You were seeking a spring
and found a sea
You were seeking a woman
and found a soul
– you are disappointed.

Classic sexism to first create a 2D picture, The Dream of Woman, an ethereal perfect creature existing for your pleasure and convenience only, and when you actually get more, a 3D person of flesh and blood and guts and soul, you get disappointed.

5 years ago

When my wife first (accidentally) farted in front of me, she said “Of course, our relationship will never be the same again.”

5 years ago

The level of fragility of the guys in that thread is incredible. At one point, an anon (possibly the OP?), says:

About 5 years ago I was crazy about this woman, fell in love with her. Anyway we were chatting about stuff one night and threesomes came up, she told me that when she was in college she was going to do a threesome with 2 guys but every time it looked like it was going to happen they backed out. She said it really p~~~ed her off.
I stayed with her anyway but it really took the shine off my feelings for her knowing that she would have been very keen to have both of them like that.

Like, it’s one level of fragility to be unable to form a healthy relationship with a woman because of her actual past sexual history, it’s a whole extra level of super fragile to be unable to accept her for things that she might have done but didn’t.

Half a decade before getting together with you, this girl didn’t have a threesome and this is the kind of “whorish” behaviour that puts you off all women? No wonder that relationship, and any since, didn’t work out!

5 years ago

And you can bet your bottom dollar he wouldn’t have turned down a threesome with two women.

5 years ago

A threesome with two women isn’t the same at all, because they’re all whores so it doesn’t matter anyway.
Unless I’m interested in them. Then they better be pure and virginal. But also into threesomes. But the kind I like. Not the kind the women like. Because biology?


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love how dream woman = looks perfect. Nothing about compatible interests or lifestyle. Intelligence, humor or kindness. Just looks.

Maybe, just maybe, if they took the time to get to know women as people instead of constructing an unrealistic fantasy based on looks alone, women wouldn’t be so disappointing?

5 years ago

“Just goes to show that the theory about . . . is just that – a myth.”
this just in! theories are the same as myths!

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


I love how dream woman = looks perfect.

Yeah. I noticed that as well.

5 years ago


Yeah, you have to assume in a setting in which “we were just chatting about stuff and threesomes came up” that he might have engineered that “just coming up” in conversation so as to encourage her into the possibility of a future threesome with another woman, but the idea that she had wanted one in the past with two men is nevertheless beyond the pale. As David said, the Madonna/Whore whiplash in this discussion is incredible.

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago

O, thou art fairer than the
evening air clad in the
beauty of a thousand stars…

I almost died laughing.

On the other hand, and as has been pointed out, it’s very telling that these people are in love with “looks” and not content of character.

Likewise, that point about “making up their personality” is another red flag. They don’t want someone who can be their own person, they’d rather have someone who will conform to their wishes and expectations, regardless of whether or not this would make her happy.

They want what every single abusive spouse wants: control and dependency. If this is not a red flag, I don’t know what is.

5 years ago

I love how dream woman = looks perfect. Nothing about compatible interests or lifestyle. Intelligence, humor or kindness. Just looks.

Another teensy problem with prizing looks above all else is that when you actually end up living with this paragon of pulchritude, the chances are that you’ll discover just how much work goes into maintaining that look, and how understandably unenthusiastic she is about keeping this up behind closed doors. Certainly not to please someone who should be shacking up with her for many, many more important reasons than that.

5 years ago

How do you think he “realized” that the woman/women he fancied were (supposedly) whores? Do you think they were just random women he happened see on the sidewalk or if he actually knew them personally? ?

5 years ago

How do you think he “realized” that the woman/women he fancied were (supposedly) whores?

Oh, that’s easy. He’s a MGTOW. They think all women are whores.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
5 years ago

These guys seem to have an uncanny valley about love and human emotion.

They’re at this place where they’re not wholly alien and they’re not capable of real human love. It’s like they feel this sick parody of love that would either drive them to be abusers or serial killers

I cheer for any woman or romantic partner who dodge them

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

@Valkyrine I suspect it’s a case of….ASSFAX(TM)! 😀

5 years ago

What’s wrong with whoring?
I mean, certainly it isn’t a wise choice for everyone.
It is ironic though, that they say men should avoid relationships and instead have sex with whores, and then they think somehow whoring is a bad thing.
Such is the male supremacy.

In the meantime, the whore earns all their money and buys a house and a college education, and is hired at the place the miggys work as their boss. And promptly fires them upon scanning their web history.

There can be justice in the world. Keep fighting.

5 years ago

comment image

Such logic. Very science.

5 years ago


Like, it’s one level of fragility to be unable to form a healthy relationship with a woman because of her actual past sexual history, it’s a whole extra level of super fragile to be unable to accept her for things that she might have done but didn’t.

Chasing Amy was twenty years ago and guys still have these ridiculous hang-ups.

5 years ago

They want to control every action of women.
Her past, her present, and her future. All under his rule.

jone (social justice cleric)
jone (social justice cleric)
5 years ago


I can’t tell what kind of car that is, that has doors opening on the wrong side. The valet doesn’t look confused, but I sure am.