open thread

Snot-nosed Nazis: A belated weekend open thread

By David Futrelle

Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a couple of days; I’ve been taking care of some personal stuff (nothing dramatic, just very time-consuming). But there’s so much going on in the world I thought I’d put up an open thread.

Talk about Trump’s shittiness, the shutdown, the dueling Fyre Festival documentaries, the blizzard here in the US, or maybe those snot-nosed racist high school students harassing Native American elder Nathan Phillips, a veteran conducting a ceremony to honor the war dead in DC

On that last point, here are some videos; watch only if you are ready to be enraged. The students, from a Catholic high school, were in DC for the “March for Life,” evidently ran into Phillips by chance, and decided to harass him for being Native American, I guess.

On a somewhat lighter note, there was the whole Ben Shapiro/Baby Hitler thing. Here are several , er, enhanced versions of his remarks at the March for Life on the classic time-travel quandary — “would you kill Hitler when he was a baby?”

Despite Ben’s qualms about killing baby Hitler, he doesn’t actually give a shit about babies and other civilians from enemy countries killed in wars.

In other news:

Speaking of crappy food:

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6 years ago

“No one is preventing me from staring right at you and dragging my butt across the carpet, so why wouldn’t I?” *locks eyes* *slowly scoots*

Deasperate Ambrose
Deasperate Ambrose
6 years ago

P.H. ~ History isn’t a snapshot, it’s a movie. The SS began as an “elite”, with all manner of strict qualifications for admittance. By the end of the war even the Waffen-SS was pretty-much CONSCRIPTING warm bodies.

When it comes to the party itself, the date on which one joined meant a great deal. Prior to ’33, you were more likely to be an “old warrior” and a true believer. From ’33 on, you were more likely to have joined to save your job (f’rinstance). That does NOT mean that that there were no true believers after ’33, however.

Same thing with the “ground-pounders” (as my brother calls them): I’m willing to bet they were mostly dog-faces fighting for Germany, interspersed with some fanatics who were fighting for Hitler. Probably more Nazis among the officer class, but even that wasn’t guaranteed. If I recall, Rommel never joined the party at all.

My point being that, the farther down you go in the ranks, the less likely you are to find ideologues.

6 years ago

Valintin I apologize- I didn’t convey that I was trying to be sardonic with the LGBT voice remark.

Good for you, though

Reread what I wrote – the kid smiling wasn’t the one who yelled, “that’s homophobia” as far as I know.

The kid in the hat was a jerk, disrespectful, and culturally insensitive/ and probably a racist. but is what he did racist? Not even Nathan Phillips says it was,from what I understand. That he would have to walk around the jerk put him in mind of how white people treated his, and that upset and angered him.

6 years ago

@Pavlovs House

Thank you for that! I have been an observer, not a participant in the whole DA thing, but while his disrespect for women was irritating, his sycophancy toward you was really starting to creep me out. Also MISTER Futrelle.

Off to bed now. Good night, all!

Desperate Ambrose
Desperate Ambrose
6 years ago

“What the flying fuck?!?! You think I’m not noticing the “hey, bro’, you and me, how ’bout those dumb chicks, huh?” inference?”

No, I’m thinking you MADE UP the “hey, bro’, you and me, how ’bout those dumb chicks, huh?” inference in your febrile brain.

I am civil to those who are civil to me. And you have been, for the most part, civil.

Sorry I misconstrued that.

Desperate Ambrose
Desperate Ambrose
6 years ago

“The ONLY reason you are still here is bc the regulars are PLAYING with you.” Oh, is THAT it? I hadn’t noticed.

“When they get bored and tired of your transparent attempts to troll they will ask david to ban you, FROM OUR HOUSE.” In the meantime, I’ll be here.

Now, really, “night-‘night, everyone.

6 years ago

Couldn’t stick the flounce, I see. Sad.

Poor DA. He thinks he’s being so cunning.

6 years ago

“The ONLY reason you are still here is bc the regulars are PLAYING with you.” Oh, is THAT it? I hadn’t noticed.

Several of us have explicitly referenced it – you’re really slow on the uptake, aren’t you?

In the meantime, I’ll be here.

Being mocked, getting your ass kicked . . .

6 years ago

Took him only 30 min to come crawling, i mean SCOOTING, back into OUR HOUSE.

6 years ago

And yet it still cant learn how to use blockquotes. Pathetic

6 years ago

@Nazi apologist

but can we give even Maga hat wearers some slack

Why the fuck would we cut gleeful fascists slack? There is no reason to ever treat anyone wearing that hat as anything other than the despicable garbage they proclaim themselves to be when they put on a symbol of fascist bigotry. For any reason. And wanting to do so puts you, yes you, on the side of fascism, and makes you, yes you a vile quisling at best. It’s not a good look.

6 years ago

What’s the game plan here for Desperate Ambrose? He’s basically being the disruptive student in study hall just because the teacher stepped out for a bit. He relishes conflict. How on Earth does he sleep at night? I mean, literally, how does he manage to sleep restfully with a belly full of fire, considering that this appears to be a pre-bedtime ritual?

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
6 years ago

… my dude… Ambrose, come on.

You can’t go:

I’m certain that plenty of our fellow-posters are pissed off because I disrupt their little mutual-admiration society.

And not think that we will understand what you mean. Ypu are creating a group that consist of you and Pavlov’s House, that is what the word ‘our’ means.

He is perfectly right in his interpretation. That is how an english speaker will read that phrase.

It is a technique that is used by jerks all the time, so yeah, we recognise it.

I am willing to believe that you have never needed to examine how you use language to include and exclude people, because you seem like a person who has never thought about that.

But this is pretty basic structure, my dude.

Also, so glad that you get to play devil’s advocate for shits and giggles. Must be nice to be an educated cis hetero man.

6 years ago


He sleeps peacefully on a diet of smugness and his own farts.

I agree with your assessment tho. I figure he would last another day or two till je gets banned

6 years ago


Also, so glad that you get to play devil’s advocate for shits and giggles. Must be nice to be an ill educated cis hetero man.

Minor edit were needed. He’s displaying a quite impressive level of smugnorance.

6 years ago

The kid in the hat was a jerk, disrespectful, and culturally insensitive/ and probably a racist. but is what he did racist? Not even Nathan Phillips says it was,from what I understand. That he would have to walk around the jerk put him in mind of how white people treated his, and that upset and angered him.

Did you see in the video how closely the kid is standing to Phillips? Do you think he would do this if, say, Phillips was a white priest of the same age walking toward him chanting a prayer?

I blame the chaperones, they should have broken things up when the kids first starting showing mob behavior.

At this point in time, wearing a MAGA hat = I’m a racist, sorry/not sorry.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I love it when trolls try to make a friend here and get rebuffed.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Another incel decided to commit mass murder. Luckily this time, the threats were taken seriously and he was arrested before anything happened.

6 years ago

And, big shocker, he’s already got a record for stalking…

6 years ago

I guess the problem is, we’re not defining toxic ambrose in a way that masculinity aproves.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


At this point in time, wearing a MAGA hat = I’m a racist, sorry/not sorry.

At this point in time, wearing a MAGA hat says roughly the same thing as wearing a Klan hood or a swastika armband, as far as I am concerned.

6 years ago

Alternative link for Europeans:

(wwth’s link pops up “forbidden” for me – a lot of outlets never bothered to comply with the EU privacy law)

6 years ago

According to Nicholas Sandmann, the students got permission for their raucous behavior-color me skeptical, but then I’ve never chaperoned a large group of boys from a private high school. Maybe standard procedure for conflict resolution while on a field trip is disrobing, chest thumping and chanting a fight song?

Sandmann says a student asked adults with the school group if they could sing their “fight song to counter the hateful things” that were being directed at them. As can be seen in the video, one boy, who had received permission, Sandmann said, began to disrobe and banging his chest as the rest of the students began a chant. Sandmann is clear that the students would not have done it without adult permission.

6 years ago

Do you have to eat the clock too?

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

Criticism time, Ambrose. I suspect this will bounce off your hide but I’d be remiss if I didn’t try.

“This is just a lark for me”, “None of you are real, you cease to exist when I turn off the computer” (Yes I know that’s hyperbole), “What you care or don’t care about is irrelevant to me.”

Well, I mean, this is all fine, but it’s silly to think these things and then expect to be taken seriously. By your own admission, you’re here for fun, you seek out the most contentious comments instead of the ones engaging you seriously. When people tell you to tone it down your reply is “you can’t make me” instead of, you know, working towards a mutual solution.

You might not like being labeled a troll, but it describes your behaviour to a tee. You’ve earned the reaction you’ve gotten here.

I’m curious. This is a lark for you, you say. Entertainment. And yet you’ve also said that we basically don’t matter to you. What’s entertaining about it if we don’t matter and you don’t care what we say?

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