By David Futrelle
Sorry I’ve been AWOL for a couple of days; I’ve been taking care of some personal stuff (nothing dramatic, just very time-consuming). But there’s so much going on in the world I thought I’d put up an open thread.
Talk about Trump’s shittiness, the shutdown, the dueling Fyre Festival documentaries, the blizzard here in the US, or maybe those snot-nosed racist high school students harassing Native American elder Nathan Phillips, a veteran conducting a ceremony to honor the war dead in DC
On that last point, here are some videos; watch only if you are ready to be enraged. The students, from a Catholic high school, were in DC for the “March for Life,” evidently ran into Phillips by chance, and decided to harass him for being Native American, I guess.
On a somewhat lighter note, there was the whole Ben Shapiro/Baby Hitler thing. Here are several , er, enhanced versions of his remarks at the March for Life on the classic time-travel quandary — “would you kill Hitler when he was a baby?”
Despite Ben’s qualms about killing baby Hitler, he doesn’t actually give a shit about babies and other civilians from enemy countries killed in wars.
In other news:
Speaking of crappy food:
Here we go again.
It’s NOT your house ‘Chips. I don’t have to knock and be admitted.
What you care or don’t care about is irrelevant to me.
Book recommendations? Before you read Bartov or anything on World War II you should do what I *already recommended*: read core texts of women’s studies, gender and power. Even just one. Get a textbook.
I don’t know enough about what intro. texts they use in undergraduate women’s studies classes nowadays…
…but I bet someone on here does and whatever SHE recommends I would probably read. People here are smart, **including many of the women on here whom you CONSTANTLY DISRESPECT**
Are you really perplexed by their anger considering how you behave?
Desperate Ambrose:
Crip Dyke:
Desperate Ambrose:
To which I respond:
Why is it that you can never respond with actual substance to the objections of your critics. Could it be because message boards are the places you come to lose?
P.H. ~ ‘Least I’m willing to admit when I’m speculating. Please bear in mind, this is a lark for me, not life and death.
Hold on for just a second. I thought there was a word for Christians who believe most of the same dogma as the Catholic church, but rejected the moral and spiritual authority of the Pope and the Curia.
Hold on, I’m thinking…it couldn’t be… Protestant?
In general, I’m not a huge fan of discussions about religion. My grandfather (with whom I’ve many disagreements) is a retired Baptist preacher man. My parents are Lutherans (which is really Catholic-lite, if you want to make everyone mad at you while still speaking the truth). I’m currently a Methodist, who’s dabbled in Presbyterianism.
Honestly, most of the Protestant denominations are pretty similar, with minor variations in beliefs and morals that they’ll fight to the death to prove are super different and more true than anyone else’s beliefs, even if they believe pretty much the same damned things!
For real, you know how many different Presbyterian denominations there are? At least 29 in just the US. Basically, no matter what a particular Christian believes, they can probably find at least one Church or denomination that feels the same way. So arguing about “But MY church doesn’t believe that!” is pretty damned pointless, because maybe they don’t? How about the other 500,000 churches?
Individual Christians of all stripes? They can be pretty awesome people, just like individual Jewish folks, Muslim folks, and agnostics.
Individual churches? They vary. Some are really awesome, and some are absolutely terrible. Some are pretty damned sure they’re awesome, and don’t seem to realize that they are actually pretty terrible.
However, while I don’t think it’s productive to paint all Catholics or all Christians as terrible OR good, I think it is VERY appropriate to examine critically the social, political, and spiritual stances of those organizations. Like, as people have mentioned repeatedly, the stances that major denominations have taken that have caused earthly suffering, abuse, or death, because what I’d consider misguided attempts to save souls took precedence.
I love my Catholic peeps, but the Catholic church has a bad rap for its historical treatment of minorities, as well as its current treatment towards sexuality and sexual abuse. Which, apparently is a thing you don’t want to discuss even though it’s more relevant to the actual topic of this entire fricken blog than the garbage you DO want to talk about. So, hey, I guess that’s that?
A lot of Protestant denominations have similar problems; the Methodist church in America might be heading towards a full on schism and are trying to do a special session in February to try and keep the mega-organization from fracturing.
Several Christian groups also participated within the last century in the US government’s attempt to wipe out native Alaskan languages and cultures with youth internment camps (cough, cough, I mean “boarding schools“), so…
…It’s not like we Christians have a huge moral high ground to stand on as far as respecting indigenous people. Seriously, there are still people alive who were subjected to forced assimilation.
Still, this blog is totally the wrong place to discuss Catholic (or Methodist) drama. You’d think if you wanted to actually have a good discussion about Catholic beliefs, you’d actually go somewhere with a high concentration of Catholics? Or a high concentration of Atheists who WANT to discuss specifics about organizational doctrine.
Somehow, I don’t think that’s what Mr. Lawyer-Who-May-Or-May-Not-Live-Directly-On-The-Beach** wants to do. No, he’d rather we all have selective amnesia and not remember him tossing about gendered insults like candy! He’d rather not discuss the bad things people actually want to discuss, because that’s better for another thread! He wants us to treat him super seriously like the even-tempered and ultra-rational man he is quite sure he is.
**I’m not sure DA is a sock of our previous fifty-something lawyer who lived directly on the beach and had a devoted gorgeous wife, but was also a 20-something year old something-or-other. I’m waiting for a few more tells. We really need to make a database for our repeat offenders, one of these days…
Actually, this is the book I recommend you start with:
Finlayson, Lorna. An Introduction to Feminism. Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, 2017.
if you have to make claims like “this is all a lark” and “it’s not life or death” it actually sounds like you mean the opposite.
basically you saying “I’M NOT OWNED IM NOT OWNED – YOU’RE OWNED!”
Anyone know that Finlayson book? I haven’t seen it but I know that Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy series is good, so if a book is in that and published by them I usually will veer towards trusting it is a reliable survey/intro. text
Sorry, P.H., I don’t believe my posts are what’s making them angry. I’m certain that plenty of our fellow-posters are pissed off because I disrupt their little mutual-admiration society.
Folks are responsible for their own feelings. And how they deal (or fail to deal) with them. Fair enough, right? Especially since nobody here seems to have any regard for mine.
Valentin –
The mere fact that I am suggesting that the narrative being pushed is not being fair concerning the kid’s actions does not suggest that I have never listened to Native American voices.
Shaming me with that slur does nothing to address the conversation.
And, several folk here have disapeared that I wrote noting to contradict mr. philip’s’ account
As a matter of fact, I have been
in indigenous Americans, their history, culture and experiences since I can remember- but perhaps I can’t truly understand their ecpierinces in life. I can accept that. However, you have come an unwarranted conclusion that, ironically, seems intended to silence my own voice. How dare you presume to understand the voice of an Lgbt male?
In more fun discussion, LESBIAN written like an acronym:
Ladies Excruciating Sick of Bigoted and Infantile Abuse from Nuisances
It’s not perfect, because by that definition of Lesbian there’d probably be a lot of straight women who’d fit the LESBIAN criteria, and a few lesbians who wouldn’t also be LESBIANs, but it’s an attempt.
I’m also not a fan of the infantile adjective, because babies can be well behaved.
I thought that was the Episcopalians. 🙂 (All the ceremony and half the guilt, as an Episcopal friend once put it to me.)
We did have one, once. The problem is that they all run together after a while.
“if you have to make claims like this is all a lark and ‘it’s not life or death’ it actually sounds like you mean the opposite.”
If that’s the way you choose to read it, there’s nothing I can do about it. As Hunter Thompson said in another context, “I’m too old to worry about whether they like it or not.”
…because I am one?
Of course you dont care if i care about you defending a pedo ring. Only people i know that are like that are rape apologists and pedos. Which one are you?
Btw i dont take kindly to misogynists stinking up threads.
You have no fucking power here you pathetic troll.
You made a baseless assertion (with some pretty fucking racist connotations) and can’t back it up.
Anyone need a refresher on the lawyer who lives DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH?
Have at it ‘Chips! No skin off my nose.
‘Night, all.
I would pay green money for a mammoth troll wiki like book. It would be oh so awesome to read
First you say this:
[in the context of the Iberian conquest of the New World in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries]
“Be that as it may, while the commanders might well have been the equivalent of Waffen-SS, my guess is that the soldiers were more akin to the Wehrmacht.”
So you made a guess that there might be an analogy. Got it.
Then you say this.
“Oh, I’m sure there were devoted Nazis in the Wehrmacht as well.”
So….now I am curious, please, what exactly DID you mean then, when you suggested a “Waffen-SS to conquistador” and “Wehrmacht to foot-soldier in the conquistador forces” analogy?
It’s hard for me to guess a meaning or reason regarding why that original analogy might make sense other than if you had the “Clean Wehrmacht” notion in mind. Maybe you did mean something else, but I’m just curious. Any explanation you you are willing to give is welcome.
Also, you should still read an introductory scholarly work on feminism.
If you really are interested in military history or the history of colonial Latin America, you’ll need it. (Take a look at the concept of intersectional analysis and explanation in history for insight regarding why.)
I never knew how seagull lawyer engineer guy was also a Niceguy! Ahhhh good times lol
The problem is that you seem to be manufacturing excuses to make them better. Read the student’s statement. He desperately latches on to anything that’ll make him look good – if he really was denouncing homophobia, I’m sure he’d puff that as much as he possibly could.
Poor little troll. At least you have your totally real wife!
“I’m certain that plenty of our fellow-posters are pissed off because I disrupt their little mutual-admiration society.”
“…our fellow posters….”
What the flying fuck?!?! You think I’m not noticing the “hey, bro’, you and me, how ’bout those dumb chicks, huh?” inference?
I am NOT on your side. *I* admire the posters who are pissed off at you. They are well-spoken and articulate, and care about people in this world who take a lot of shit undeservedly. Some of these people face danger in their life every fucking day just for being who they are and walking down the fucking street at the same time. And yet they survive and resist.
Aaand he’s flounced.
As I said, it’s more fun to kick you around. It’s very entertaining when you stamp your little trolly feet in impotent rage.
Valintin I apologize- I didn’t convey that I was trying to be sardonic with the LGBT voice remark.
Good for you, though
The ONLY reason you are still here is bc the regulars are PLAYING with you. When they get bored and tired of your transparent attempts to troll they will ask david to ban you, FROM OUR HOUSE.
Edit, ninjad by hippodameia