alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism beta males bullying cringe cuck entitled babies evil SJWs gender policing homophobia incoherent rage mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men racism rape culture soyboys Stefan Molyneux toxic masculinity

Angry dudes prove “toxic masculinity” isn’t a thing by screeching about a Gillette ad and calling other men soy boys, cucks, and f***ots

Gillette ad from 1905. Has the razor company now alienated its manbaby customer base?

By David Futrelle

Gillette’s new ad challenging toxic masculinity has got a lot of people talking. Unfortunately, most of them seem to be angry dudes attacking Gillette for challenging them to be “The Best Men Can Be,” and using the ad as an excuse to call other men “soy boys,” cucks, sissies, pansies and f***ots.

The ad, which took on an assortment of related issues ranging from bullying to sexual harassment, has gotten 5.6 million views on YouTube since it was released Sunday. It’s also gotten more than 400,000 “dislikes,” nearly four times the number of likes.

If you haven’t seen it yet, here it is. I have mixed feelings about giant corporations trying to position themselves as progressive entities, but the ad itself is pretty good, as these things go.

So what are the online, er, critics saying? I spent a while reading through some of the reactions on Twitter, where the video was also posted, and, well, let’s just say that, just as comments on any article about feminism prove the need for feminism, Tweets about videos challenging toxic masculinity prove the need for videos challenging toxic masculinity.

Let’s start with Jeffrey here, who conveys some of the flavor of the response with this weird attack on Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks, who appears briefly in the video as an example of a journalist talking about the #MeeToo movement.

Follow Follow @JayRosewater
#GetWokeGoBroke #fuckgillette #gillette  Dear Gillette, the thought of this hag shaving it's twat with your razor has unfortunately put me off buying them ever again.    Hope you can sustain your business selling to soy boys and hairy dykes.   Good luck buttercup!

But most of the attacks weren’t misogynist attacks on women; they were, rather, misogynistic attacks on the allegedly insufficient masculinity of the Gillette executives behind the ad, and on those the ad was designed to appeal to.

Did I say men? I meant “soy boys.” Or at least that’s what the commenters meant.

Follow Follow @StevenPlount
Replying to @Gillette
You idiots. I will never use anything you sell ever !!! You need some marketing directors with some balls instead of the soy boy snowflakes that thought up this bullshit advertisement . Good bye and good riddance!!
are you a Soy-Boy-non- gender-binding-beta-male ?

Do you constantly lean to the left like some kind of mindless robot?

Do you have zero self-discipline/commonsense and believe everything the MSM tells you ?

? do;
 “than soft-cock Gillette Shavers are for you
I'd like to know when BAD Boys real men stopped getting all the beautiful women.  It hasn't stopped.  No woman wants a wet noodle soy boy.  So @Gillette stop your virtue signaling real women like real men.

Apparently, all the excess testosterone in these manly men’s systems has rendered them incapable of original thought. These aren’t the most creative of people.

Still, some eschewed the “soy boy” insult in favor of assorted old-school insinuations of inadequate manhood.

The best THEY want us to be are mewling beta males.  Shaming the man-apes into submission is the narrative. #FuckGillette
I won't buy any Gillette products henceforth.  These preposterous attacks on masculinity are not going to work.  America doesn't deserve a nation of feminized sissy boys!
Men are not limp wristed girls, ok some are, but a real man is just that, a man. We wont give up our masculinity for gillette or anyone else. Go ahead and be a pansy if you want to. I will not.
What in God’s name is wrong with you people? You want men to be sissies, or mommy’s boys or something? Get over the PC crap and sell MENS products! When I run out of Turbo blades, I’m done with your brand! CEO must be a mamas boy now, huh??

Others mixed-and-matched old and new school insults with gleeful abandon.

Remember cucks, hairy femonists prefer that you shave your balls before surrendering them.
Gillette is the only razor with a patented soy based comfort coating so betas can shave their pits to please their girlfriends who refuse to.
Gillette ad brought to you by pansies, swishes, and soy boys.
Any real Man in his right mind would NEVER join a Emasculated Beta Org that is for Sissy Beta Soyboy

Others descended into straight-up homophobic attacks:

Do I have to shave my balls too, faggots?
Lick my ass u fucking cucks maybe u faggots can switch from razors to dildos fucking queers jam ur razors up ur assholes

Others went with everyone’s favorite transphobic slur.

Gillette The Best A Tranny Can Get

Such an inventive play on Gillette’s famous slogan “The Best a Man Can Get.”

And it’s not like anyone else thought of that joke. Oh, wait.

Bye-bye Jill-ette "the best a cuck can get"
The best a total faggot can get.
Gillette: The Best A Bitch Boy Can Get. #TheBestMenCanBe
Gillette. The best a soy boy can get!
the best a pansy can get

Yes, I’ll have the combo, please.

Gillette, the best a soy boy, beta male, NPC, cuck, can get.

On second thought, I’ll have one with everything.

But perhaps the strangest contribution to this whole debate that I ran across while, er, researching this piece by bumbling around on Twitter came from our old friend Stefan Molyneux, the culty Canadian “philosopher” and YouTube blabber, who had this observation about the ad:

Not one Jewish dude in the Gillette anti-male film about the #metoo movement?

Seems kinda anti-Semitic to me.

Stefan is suggesting, in a sly if not-quite-plausibly deniable way, that the ad is somehow going easy on Jewish men and exempting them from the “toxic masculinity” accusations, almost as if there were some big Jewish conspiracy on Madison Avenue to go along with the one in Hollywood.

How do I know this is what he’s getting at? Molyneux is an increasingly open anti-Semite who pretends to oppose anti-Semitism; he regularly tweets regurgitated anti-Semtiic talking points and, in a tweet the other day he explicitly denied that he has any Jewish blood in him. Which is evidently a big concern in the circles he hangs out in these days.

My question, of course, is how he can tell that none of the guys in the ad are Jewish. I mean, there are a LOT of boys and men in the ad, and it kind of seems statistically likely that at least a couple of them are Jewish. But evidently Stefan’s Jewdar is better than mine.

Turns out Stefan wasn’t the only one thinking about Jews. So were these guys, and they weren’t quite so subtle as Stefan in their tweets.

It’s only the white men portrayed as the evil ones. Minorities were the white nights. @Gillette should review actual rape statistics and see they’re disproportionally committed by people of color, and the vast over representation of sexual harassment & rape by Hollywood Jews.
and the director of the ad is Kim Gehrig. Woman? Check. Jew? Check. Every. Fucking. Time.

(I’m not quite sure how this fellow decided she was Jewish; I found no indications as to her religion online. “Gehring” is a German name but as far as I can tell not one specifically associated with Jews. Not that anti-Semites are big on accuracy.)

So I guess the problem isn’t just that a lot of men are poisoned by toxic masculinity. I guess a lot of them are also Nazis, who turn every discussion into an opportunity to talk shit about Jews.

I mean, we knew that already. But how convenient to be reminded of both facts so colorfully in this little collection of tweets.

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6 years ago

Re: personae

Wouldn’t it be funny if our internet personae were actual Personas (from the video game), i.e. manifestations of our deepest darkest selves? And wouldn’t it be funny if this posting persona was Ambrose’s Persona? (No, it wouldn’t. It would be mildly tragic, actually.)

Re: “ménage”

From the French, literally meaning “household” or “housekeeping”, but now more commonly used in English as a contraction for “ménage à trois”, which literally means “household of three”, but is euphemistically referring to a mutually agreed-upon arrangement in which three people have sexual relations with each other.

“mutually agreed-upon… sexual relations”


What about this particular situation resembles a ménage à trois, Desperate Ambrose? It’s a pretty bad analogy. And how is this term not sexual in nature?

And if you did mean to refer to us as a “household”, well. Firstly, that’s a terrible analogy, again: this is a comments section on a blog. Secondly, why go to the effort of lapsing into French, when a perfectly serviceable English word (i.e. “household”) already exists and would cause less misunderstanding?

– Ariblester

(“Mr. Ariblester”, if we’re not on first-name basis, Desperate Ambrose)

(Also, is “Desperate” an adjective, or is that your persona’s given name?)

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

(Also, is “Desperate” an adjective, or is that your persona’s given name?)

He doesn’t believe in adjectives. I think he’s accusing all people named Ambrose of being desperate. Which seems pretty mean to me!

6 years ago

My Fiancé currently has a roommate just like Ambrose. He can’t stand him either and most of there conversations end up like the comment section.

6 years ago

Dumb Ass is a lawyer? Does he live DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH?

6 years ago

He does not need to prove anything to any 30+ or SPINSTER on this website.

6 years ago

@Desperate Ambrose

. For the record, Kat, yes you are fictional. At least for my purposes. Once I get up from my desk, you cease to exist. Hence, the reference to a “real person” waiting in bed for me.

That’s an impressive level of solopsism, my dude. Tell me, do you believe that the POTUS ceases to exist when you turn off the news?

6 years ago

Once I get up from my desk, you cease to exist. Hence, the reference to a “real person” waiting in bed for me.

Maybe they just haven’t developed a sense of object permanence. Most children will develop it between 4 and 7 month, but some take two or three extra decades.

6 years ago

So I was right about the whole “dismissive of our online personas” thing. Huh. Not really surprising, it’s just rare for me to see things like that confirmed.

…Unless I was the one who gave him the idea to say that, but if that were the case, you’d think he’d have also paid more attention to the “chew toy” hint.

Also, add in my thanks to Crip Dyke for that bit of hilarity. It’s a barely even exaggerated summary, yet you pulled it off so well.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

Well, Ambrose got dull quickly.

Back to the OP, First Dog on the Moon summarized the whole teapot-tempest quite well:

I particularly liked the #notallmen moment: “Exactly! Just because I like to threaten women on the internet doesn’t mean Dennis does!”

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

For the record, Kat, yes you are fictional. At least for my purposes. Once I get up from my desk, you cease to exist. Hence, the reference to a “real person” waiting in bed for me.

So . . . hurt. So terribly hurt.


Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit
Ninja’d by a rabbit! I liked that piece of dialogue best too. It put me in mind of Paul Elam and his crew of misogynists getting together in a restaurant and drinking beer. Was that two summers ago? Three? So much crapola under the bridge since then!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

A few guys have tried to gaslight me, but none has gone so far as to try to convince me I don’t exist.

Yes, Desperate Ambrose, you did say that I was fictional for your purposes.

The other guys had pathetic backup arguments too.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago

Desperate Ambrose also claimed to worship the ground his wife of 35 years walks on. So, if we follow his logic, since he doesn’t exist, his wife definitely doesn’t exist, especially for our purposes, so there’s no one waiting for him in bed after all. Also, since she doesn’t exist, the ground she walks on can’t exist either, so his whole religious system is based on a blatant impossibility.

Also, Ambrose, I won’t get into the whole question of how worshipping women is part of the problem, but maybe consider worshipping your wife instead of the ground she walks on? That just seems displaced, not to mention a bit insulting.

6 years ago

I love the way Desperate Ambrose just keeps (desperately) trying to swagger and brag about how WHTM and all who sail in her mean nothing to him, nothing … and yet he just has to keep trying over and over again to prove his disdain.

It’s like he can’t quite believe nobody has fallen at his feet yet in awe of his manly bluster (oh dear, waving those legal initialisms about – a thing of self-pwning beauty); he’s had his arse handed to him repeatedly, by multiple people, but he just can’t get his head round it much less try to argue in good faith to deal with any points. Still waiting for an example of “toxic masculinity” being used to shut down an argument, old chap. Still waiting for you to explain why you’re complaining about it despite not knowing what it means – by your own admission – and refusing to read even so much as a wiki.

Poor DA, manly bluster is supposed to work, dammit! It always works at home, and it positively slays ’em in the supermarket … but here people actually have the effrontery to disagree with him! They point out his inconsistencies – including by quoting his very own actual words that he wrote his very own self right there on the screen! Doesnotcomputedoesnotcomputedoesnotcompute repeat repeat add moar bluster!

Thank you and chapeau to everyone who’s done this troll up like a kipper, and made such a beautiful and highly edutaining job of it too.

6 years ago

Wait, you mean you don’t scream “Thou art I!” at the top of your lungs whenever you click “Submit Comment”???

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
6 years ago


It’s supposed to get you a job on the Supreme Court, dammit! Why’s it not working???

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

There is a famous SF novel from the 60s, John Brunner’s Stand on Zanzibar that won many awards at the time. It’s set in a horribly overpopulated near-future Earth and told in a choppy, cut-up style from multiple perspectives that was influenced by the writing of media commentators like Marshall McLuhan and meant to suggest someone feverishly channel-hopping (which showed some prescience on Brunner’s part as most of his readers at the time wouldn’t have had access to more than a handful of channels on their TVs). At multiple points in the novel, it cuts to a character sitting alone in his apartment, giggling uncontrollably and repeating over and over, “Christ, what an imagination I’ve got!” As a kind of meta-commentary– that of a literal imaginary character commenting on the unreality of the events within the novel itself– it is amusing and maybe a little profound. In real life, it is just irritating and the kind of debate-club “gotcha” one routinely expects from the intellectual heavyweights (sic) of the manosphere. Thank you, next.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

I love how quickly he pivoted from “my REAL wife is waiting in bed for me” to…dare I say it…pearl-clutching: “I never mentioned sex! She was asleep! How dare you!”

Virtually everybody over 12 knows what someone means when they say a person is “waiting for them in bed”. Otherwise, why even bother to mention it? Why choose to invoke that image if you didn’t also want to invoke the connotations?

Reminds me of the guys who use racist dogwhistles, and when called out on it, try to hide behind the more innocent interpretation. “What? You’re the racist, since YOUR mind went there!”

It’s an annoying debate style that retrograde men love: use weasel words, play “gotcha” by changing the interpretation of their statements after the fact, and steer the debate into an endless bog of pedantry. That allows them to duck responsibility in the event that someone challenges them. By pretending to be injured and misunderstood, they can put their opponent on the defensive (see also DARVO, see also “You haven’t watched all of Jordan Peterson’s 1000 videos, so you can’t possibly know what he’s talking about”).

tl;dr Own your shit, trolls.

6 years ago

Theres a bit of a shocker in the Majority Report thread: A Peterson fan who hasn’t yet “cried context and let slip a million hours of video.” They’re actually using their own words and understanding.

Its refreshing in a way. Then again, so’s the shade of a septic tank in the desert.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

I’ve haven’t really been involved in this, mostly because of a combination of a persistent chest infection and because my time zone seems not to overlap much with that of our, um, guest. Also, the view from the spectator seats has me like:
comment image

But this comment stood out for me:

barging into a space with an established group of commenters…

Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that there was an application process for your little Mutual Admiration Society!

Well, of course, what would a blog’s comment section be but a mutual admiration society? Why else would people come here and leave comments if they didn’t like the other people doing so? One could just lurk, or read the articles posted on the main page passively through an RSS reader. It’s not the Army. We didn’t enlist; we weren’t pressganged[1]. We’re not obliged to be here. It’s telling that Desperate Ambrose cannot conceive of a human organisation based on mutual appreciation rather than one on authoritarian lines. There’s domination tells all over the place; all the references to “Mr. Futrelle” and the idea that we are here at David’s sufferance, just like Ambrose is. If this were a real-world gathering, Ambrose would be sidling up to David right now, brewski in hand, nudging him in the ribs, going, “dames, huh?” and rolling his eyes at the rest of us, trying to ingratiate himself with who he perceives as the “alpha”.

[1] At least I wasn’t. If David approached any of you in a seedy waterfront bar and said, “aaar, I be formin’ a blog and be in need of trusty hands to work the bilge in the comments, will ye take me shilling?” you’d tell me, right? Are there shanties? Tell me there are shanties!

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

What do you do with a drunken MGTOW
What do you do with a drunken MGTOW
What do you do with a drunken MGTOW
When he barges in here?

Point out all the holes in his logic
Laugh at his thoughts biologic
Wait for him to get hypnagogic
When he barges in here!

(repeat chorus)

Wish he could say something clever
But it’s quite the rough endeavor
Sometimes flounces take forever
When he barges in here!

(repeat chorus)

Raise a glass to our Mammotheers
Some of whom have been here for years
Making silk bags out of pig’s ears
When he barges in here!

Crip Dyke
6 years ago

Just for you, Cat Mara:

Oh, the year was 2019
– How I wish I was at Kinkfest now –
And a url came from the queen
To the misandristest bloggy I’ve ever seen
Cats bless them all!

I was told
We’d mine the ‘net for ManBoob gold
We’d ban all trolls, drink men’s tears
Yes, I’m a happy dyke on a feminist blog
Just one of Futrelle’s privateers

Oh, snarking posts then made the rounds
– How I wish I was at Kinkfest now –
And feminist friends, menschenkennerin,
Would take them in and add mocking too
Cats bless them all!

I was told
We’d mine the ‘net for ManBoob gold
We’d ban all trolls, drink men’s tears
Yes, I’m a happy dyke on a feminist blog
Just one of Futrelle’s privateers

… tbc …

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol, @Crip Dyke: ???

Crip Dyke
6 years ago


It should have been commenteers.

Had that brainstorm too late, now, didn’t I?

Crip Dyke
6 years ago

Hah! I’m not the only deranged sea-shanty-butcher!

But if this is bigger than just my one-off, we’re going to have to find a place to put all the lyrics. Perhaps we should put together a songbook of feminist sea shanties! I can collect them at my blog if David doesn’t want to host them here…