/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism butts copypasta entitled babies evil black women evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism

Terrible Copypasta Thursday: “The THICC meme is a jew psyop created to normalize obesity, indolence and racemixing”

Sir Mixalot: Puppet of the Jews?

By David Futrelle

When you hear someone talking about a woman’s winsome thickness, you may find yourself flashing back — at least if you’re an old like me — to Sir Mixalot’s Baby Got Back. But there are some people out there who evidently start thinking about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 

Consider the following terrible copypasta, which seems to have originated on 4Chan’s /pol/ back in 2017,  alleging that the current popular obsession with big butts and other appealingly oversized body parts is the result of some sinister secret scheme masterminded by, well, you take a wild guess.

The T H I C C meme is a jew psyop created to normalize and celebrate obesity, indolence and racemixing. This is done in order to reprogram our basic sexual urges, so that what we find sexually attractive subconsciously promotes a lifestyle of passive over-consumption, waste and materialism. Who profits from your sedentary existence? Big pharma and multinational conglomerates intent on turning you into docile, drug dependent, welfare supported consumers. Furthermore, the typical T H I C C body type is far more prevalent in non-whites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic lineage. I wonder who could be behind this? Don't fall for their tricks!

Damn, I guess I already have!

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Raven, Nudger of Dead Things and Loremaster of Dark Ugly Places
Raven, Nudger of Dead Things and Loremaster of Dark Ugly Places
6 years ago

… I thought you’re not meant to use the word “thicc” at all if you’re not a black American because it was appropriated AAVE and thus continuing to use it would be racist…

I don’t really have a reason to use the word contextually in the first place myself, so I don’t have any kind of strong thoughts or feelings about it one way or the other, but I’ve seen someone complaining at other people using it and telling them to stop it if they’re not black (and especially if they’re white).

6 years ago

Furthermore, the typical THICC body type is far more prevalent in nonwhites. Therefore, this manufactured trend surreptitiously goads the white man toward sullying his genetic lineage.

Yep. We all know Dutch and German girls are never pudgy. Never a big stem or stern in the bunch. Just check out all the pictures which’ve been painted of them over the last few hundred years, if you don’t trust me.

Rubens was a race-traitor!!!!

Must’ve been, considering that he was surrounded by skinny Belgian women all the time, and if he hadn’t been a self-hater he would have painted what he saw. Don’t you think?

6 years ago


Yep. We all know Dutch and German girls are never pudgy.

Yeah I no way resemble my German peasant ancestors. I’m just too lazy and stupid to understand calories in/calories out /s

Never mind the idiots spouting that bit of idiocy seem to neglect that humans are not machines and not only do some bodies extract more nutrients and yes, calories, from food than others, but some bodies burn more calories just breathing than other bodies do when moving. But hey, who cares what decades of science on weight and weight loss actually say when you can mock fat people to make yourself feel superior, I guess.

I miss the old Junk Food Science blog. It’s still up, as far as I’m aware, but hasn’t been updated in years.