By David Futrelle
I ran across this Tweet this morning from an intrepid Jordan Peterson debunker on Twitter and, well, it’s pretty much spot on:
For evidence of this, we need look no further than some of the off-the-cuff comments about birth control and the allegedly scary consequences of women controlling their own sexuality that Peterson recently made to a small audience that included, among others, Charlie Kirk, “Bumble Jack” Posobiec, and weirdo MAGA couple Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle at Turning Point USA’s annual Student Action Summit.
As Sam Seder points out in this clip from his Majority Report show, Peterson seems to be pushing the idea that what he sees as feminists’ preoccupation with sexual consent is basically a left-wing “sexual taboo” roughly equivalent to the right-wing “taboo” against gay sex. (Peterson being Peterson, he doesn’t quite come out and say this outright.)
Sam has been taking on Peterson’s nonsense for some time. Here’s another video in which Sam discusses a Peterson appearance on the Joe Rogan show in which Rogan, an oddball in his own right but still pretty sharp, gobsmacks the Canadian beef-eater by pointing out a very basic issue with his promotion of “enforced monogamy.”
While Peterson’s utterances do seem to be getting weirder by the day, he’s been saying awful crap about the often fraught relationship between women and men for years. And for a time, during a sort of pickup artist phase, he did so dressed like a 1930s gangster.
Sam’s got a video on that, too.
And this guy is seen as a leading light in the “intellectual dark web.” It’s really a testament to how fucked up this political moment is that a cornball weirdo like Peterson is taken seriously by anyone at all, much less the adoring throngs that attend his talks and watch his videos and buy his books.
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…also, Marxism!
Shows what you know. We neo-Marxist NPCs aren’t huge Bezos fans.
OMG!!! Please please please this has to be our 329 year old seagull engineer who lives on the coast named Andrew!! He’s left so many silly hints; the soy boy latte is a dead giveaway. EEEE!! I’m so excited.
Okay! I’ll be concise, since erudition seems to bore you.
There’s information out there that supports flat earth theory and geocentrism if you want it.
Turns out that being available and being true are different things!
Carefully referenced, never read. I was gonna go through your citations but realize that a) you didn’t read them yourself and b) you don’t care whether you’re wrong about them.
Same with Jordie P’s bullshit. Citations that don’t say what he suggests they say, refuted by the very people he cites for support. He’s a grifter, smearing just enough of a veneer of evidence on his schtick so suckers will think he’s got support behind him.
Nah, that wasn’t the Chinese, that was the turbo-capitalists who decided they wanted cheaper labour and didn’t care that they were hanging the rest of the populace out to dry. As it always has been.
Lol, what? So, was that a threat that we’re going to have to defend ourselves from aggressive, masculine cultures? Or was that the only Chinese literature you could think of?
MRAs, forever demonstrating the need for feminism in the form of their objections to it.
Better stick that flounce, Jason D.
Aw, bless. Lobster son called us NPCs! Nothing proves a superior intellect like apeing a troll meme that was trendy for about a week several months ago.
Hey, Jason? Just because you’re a shitty father who would rather troll the internet than care for his children, doesn’t mean that men are biologically programmed to be shitty father’s. It doesn’t mean that women are biologically programmed to be nurturing.
As far as we have records the Neandertals were lovely people who would have probably been very nice neighbours. I miss them, my cousins-we-never-got-to-know <3
I do always love how half the Peterson fans cry “he’s not alt-right! You’re taking him out of context!” while the other half rants about cultural Marxism and NPCs and the superiority of white men. Curiously, the former half never calls out the latter half for making the fandom look bad. They just get mad at us.
SunnyJason D, it takes no more effort to write correctly and grammatically when you actually care about what you’re writing, when you’re actually putting thoughts on the screen instead of just squeezing out a bunch of secondhand memes (NPC? yawn) like a toilet bowl of half-formed slippery turds you don’t even have the decency to flush after you. Ever hear of Josh Olson? He’s a Hollywood screenwriter. He wrote a famous article called “I Won’t Read Your Fucking Script“. It’s funny, you should read it; in it he says:You can’t fucking write because you don’t fucking read. It’s obvious you didn’t fucking read most of the links you posted here. You’re shallower than the skin on day-old custard. Did you actually read the actual paper cited in The Journal article? My paper-fu is weak because it’s nearly 8 years since I finished my master’s but I can manage the discussion. One sentence in particular caught my eye:
In other words, a woman in a less gender-equal country, on perceiving what a sausage party the STEM fields are, might be inclined to hold her nose and go into one of them anyway, figuring it’s a way to make big bucks; whereas a woman in a more gender-equal country might feel she doesn’t have to make that compromise. This is a bug, not a feature. It is a detriment to the STEM fields generally that we are losing people of ability, and I don’t want to live in whatever glue-huffing bizarro world you and JB Surfnturf inhabit where this is considered a desirable outcome. When I think of how human progress has been held up by ignorant shitehawks like you intent on keeping the STEM fields a boys’ club, it makes me furious.
By the way, I’m sure that “you girls” was meant as an insult but sorry to disappoint you. I’m a man: a straight, white, cis male atheist with 2 engineering degrees. I should be right in JBP’s demographic, but I’m not: I’ve nothing for contempt for him and his mob of dim-bulb rubes with their debate-club philosophical talking points and white boy grievance culture. Fuck off.
Oh, my. The great Petersonian Jason D has come and gone, and I never got to fully interact with him.
So, did I miss something, or did he drop a bunch of links, claiming they “proved” whatever he was going on about; and then flee and call us losers with too much free time when @Scilfreja and @Viscaria actually looked up the links and refuted him?
My name is Scildfreja and Cat Mara is my favourite poster in the Citadel.
Also, did anyone notice that Jason thinks that this blog is Twitter? Or maybe he Tweeted “typical NPC Twitter” at someone recently that he just had to bust it out again, even though he’s not on Twitter.
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes:
Oh, wow, this just reminded me of a novella I once read by James Tiptree Jr (aka Alice Bradley Sheldon, who wrote “The Screwfly Solution”) called “The Colour of Neanderthal Eyes” that is just one of the most brutal things I’ve ever read. The Neanderthals themselves don’t feature in it (they’re mentioned in the coda) but Tiptree basically takes that creepy old SF trope of “tell us more about this thing called ‘kissing’, Earthman” and just twists it in ways that, well, only the author of “The Screwfly Solution” could. I’m not sure I’d recommend it but keep an eye out if you ever see it…
Scilfredja : I take a bet on 0.
Also, I take offense on that guy using the name of a country without knowing anything about it. That’s par for the course mind you, I am not sure he know anything about any country.
Antone who wants more Peterson bashing should try-
@Jason D
Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize the onus was on me to prove that imaginary Canadian pronoun jail wasn’t real:
The Senators sure did when they passed Bill C-16, so go cry to your Internet Daddy about all the non-existent pronoun political prisoners not clogging up Millhaven at this very moment, dipshit.
I try very hard to bash Jordan Peterson, Simon, I’ll have you know.
Who’s Antone? And why do they want to encourage Peterson bashing?
Petersons are fragile flowers! They should be protected from aggression and offense. The poor dears simply can’t handle the crash and rigour of contentious debate!
At least that’s how it seems, based on how quickly they flounce, and the vacant retorts they bleat before vanishing.
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes:
Only seeing this now because of the weirdness with the caching… you’re too kind ?. As usual, I am in awe of your paper-fu.
People with Hapsburg genes have been a statistically significant percentage of the rulers of Europe. Monarchy is therefore a bio-truth. God save the Lobster Queen.
(with apologies to ContraPoints)
ECHO…..Echo…..echo…..CHAMBER…..Chamber…..chamber…..you Neo-Marxists are hilarious. And extinct (Just like the Mammoth!) in about 5 years as the population turns on your tiresome bullshit.
Aww. I missed a context squealer being dissected?
So three videos from left-wing loonie Sam C heavily edited to ensure JP’s words are taken out-of-context? Now I get it, this (terrible) blog is a liberal echo chamber for butt-hurt psuedo-intellectuals from Sweden, but cmon people. Why dont you watch the shit yourself and make up you own goddamn minds instead of having this asshole tell you your opinions? It how you all became NPC in the first place by listening to ass-hats like this. Free your minds! Break free from your ideological cocoons. Ech, I get like weird shivers just commenting in an evil place like this, I’m gone.
Peterson sets off all my bullshit alarms.
He speaks in this dense inaccessible academic prose, using all sorts of references to people like Nietzsche, Jung, and jargon that only academics really use.
Yet his followers are almost all laypeople, without any background or training in the fields of psychology and philosophy. Whenever I see them they sound like Otto in A Fish Called Wanda, spouting words and phrases they can’t possibly understand.
Sorry, @Scildfreja. Bad phone typing on my part.