By David Futrelle
It isn’t just the white supremacists who are mad about Bird Box. No, it turns out that at least one black supremacist has some big problems with the Netflix post-apocalyptic horror hit as well. And his issues with the film are even weirder than theirs.
Some white supremacists are taking aim at Bird Box, as I noted in a recent post, because they think the film — whose most heroic figures are a white women and a black man — is some sort of SJW propaganda designed to denigrate the straight white male.
But the black conspiracy theorist behind the virulently anti-white and anti-Semitic Race Rules blog is angry at the film because he doesn’t think the handsome black hero of the film would really be into “preggo over-the-hill skank Sandra Bullock” who “looks like a damn tr***y.”
Mr. Race Rules starts off by noting that he doesn’t like “race-mixing” in movies because there really is no such thing in the real world. Strap yourself in here, folks, because this is where things start to get really weird. “[T]he so-called races are actually different species,” he writes.
Blacks are the only humans and everyone else are all animal humanoid hybrids or what I call manimals.
And even though Sandra Bullock’s self-sacrificing boyfriend in the film, played by Trevante Rhodes, presumably doesn’t believe that white people are literal “manimals,” Mr. Race Rules still doesn’t believe that “someone as good looking as that brother” would want anything to do with
a pregnant, pale, curveless, pig-nose beast like Sandra Bullock in real life … Black men that are attractive rarely go after skanks unless they have been hurt by black women, they are drunk or high or just goddamn brainwashed to fuck manimal bitches for some reason like porn.
Love that he manages to blame black women for what he sees as Rhodes’ poor romantic choice. Weird how dudes who rail against the alleged evils of white women — regardless of their own race or political views — almost always seem to hate black women at least as much, if not more.
Mr. Race Rules is also annoyed that Rhodes’ character turns out to be what today’s white supremacists would call a cuck — raising kids fathered by men of a different race. Sorry, species.
To make matters worse the dumb ass nigga was going to be raising two white kids with a white woman as a black man. What the fuck is that? Reverse reparations?!?!? I’ll never take care of some white bastard kid. She didn’t even want them herself just like most white females who always pretend to love their kids. Ain’t buyin’ it. White females are full of shit…..literally and figuratively.
Despite the much-discussed diversity of the Bird Box cast of main characters, there are no black women in roles more prominent than “Woman in Entryway.” Mr. Race Rules thinks he knows why.
“Did anyone notice this one last very important thing?!?!?” he asks.
NO BLACK WOMEN!!!!!!! That was no fucking accident. The elite worship the black woman. It is their doorway to the future through the black womb since pinkazoids are all dying out….much of it from their own compulsive self-extermination.
They never want to disrespect the black womb-man too much on the big screen because they know where we all come from. There’s no problem slaughtering and incarcerating record numbers of black and Latino males but they have to protect the black womb to ensure their genetic future for now. Most black females still don’t get it. Once the manimals get what they need from you….YOU’RE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!
Just FYI, black “females!”
But Mr. Race Rules’ theories about white manimals and black womb-men aren’t even the weirdest part of his, er, review of Bird Box. No, that honor has to go to his discussion of “falcon Heru the Hero.” Who, you ask? Let’s let him, er, explain:
The movie had a few interpretations as far as I could see with my 3rd eye partially open. One is the blind fold was blinding the pineal gland showing how everyone is really unconscious these days from all the poison and brainwashing. Second the bird box (B+B=2+2=22+Master Builder) showed how the falcon Heru the Hero is actually being held in a box or this Matrix and keeping his 3rd eye (really 1st eye) from awakening by the parasitic elite and their minions using light-bending technology to prevent the light code frequencies from returning through our ancestors.
Okey dokey then.
For a little context: Heru is another name for the falcon-headed Egyptian god Horus, and is apparently a major part of the esoteric conspiracy theories that Mr. Race Rules and a number of other similar theorists espouse. But I haven’t looked into the details of this yet, because my poor brain has already been taxed enough for one day, and I suspect that now yours has been as well.
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@for anybody on the fence about late term abortions
I highly recommend reading the article Rhuu just posted. It WILL leave you in tears.
It’s taking me a long time to detangle the fundamentalists childhood brainwashing bullshit from my heart and brain. This article further solidified my pro-choice beliefs.
@cornychips – It’s really hard to detangle this, I’m really happy that helped. I was certainly tearing up while reading it as well.
If you want to read more about this sort of thing, I’d recommend the abortion tag over on Dr. Jen Gunter’s blog. She’s really frank about it, which I respect.
(Sorry, don’t want to find the link on a work computer, but the tags are right there on her blog.)
Here’s a link!
@kupo and rhuu
Thanks for the links and recommendation!
Thank you, Kupo.
Yes, thank you very much for all of your effort tracking down those links and resources! It is very appreciated! <3
And thank you as well, kupo!
You’re welcome! It’s not right that she is singling you out, here. You have perfectly valid complaints about her behavior. ❤
@Hippodameia – I’m sorry, I should have acknowledged you earlier. Thank you for being plain spoken. I hope that Katie can read your posts, and see that they are translating what it feels like is happening, again and again.
Perhaps not now, but maybe in a few months when she has some distance, much like what happened in the other thread.
Your anger is understandable.
It is simply because everyone else said they thought certain things. She definitively accused me of motivation like she is psychic and could see into my brain what I was definitively doing and what my motives were. I can’t believe people are saying that’s okay. Anyone would find that offencive.
What you intend and what you actually do can be two separate things. You may not have intended to start an argument, but, well, just look at these two threads. You sure did it.
TL;DR your motivation may not have been to pick a fight (in fact, I’m fairly sure that your motivation was to tell us how mean we had all been to you and to have us all fall over ourselves to apologize, no fighting required), but pick a fight you did.
Katie, I forgot to bold the section header, but see the On “I Didn’t Come Here To Pick a Fight” part of my previous comment.
It may not have been your intention to start a fight, but people are not pulling the accusation out of thin air. There’s some other stuff that you’ve been doing that also acts as confrontation fuel, but I really need to go to bed on time tonight.
So I’m a liar and a troll now because I want to understand something. I’ve been here since it was manboobz but I’m a troll. I’m obviously not wanted here anymore cuz I don’t get this and won’t pretend I do? I don’t know why but I’m being straight up insulted because Im asking questions and not just following the party line. Wow. Why is everyone focusing on my worst part of my comments and ignoring my sincere apologies and gratitude? That’s all that’s relevant? After years of commenting here in good faith I’m a troll and a liar cuz I’m confused. Catalpa you say I’m not listening. Why are you saying I want apologies when I said the opposite more than once? At this point I’m literally being insulted because I don’t understand something and many people in this progressive open minded site see no problem with that. I don’t get that either.
Thank you Contrapangloss, your comments were appreciated. At least you don’t think I’m a lying troll. Please go to bed and sleep well. Happy dreams
Could you answer if whatever your mom thinks abortion is a sin or if fetus is only potential life, because it can’t be both if she is being honest, right? I hope I’m not coming of too confortational, but that is a contradiction in what you have told us, yes?
I’m actually really pleased because I think I’ve convinced her that it is not a sin at all like I very much resented the fact that she did not tell me anything about pregnancy especially when she f****** almost died having me apparently I did not learn this till the last few months. She is tiny as me it runs on her side of the family all the women are tiny and she had to have an emergency C-section because she weighed 118 lb and I weigh 9 pounds and it wasn’t happening
I accidentally pressed send before I was done we’ve been conversating since that thread and if God is love then wouldn’t he take that potential life and put it in a place where it will be better later because generally if people are having abortions it’s because they need to because of money or responsibility issues or they’re too young or a thousand things or even if it is just because they want to it’s their body that’s their prerogative. This is what I said to my mother. But if God is love I don’t think he will consider that it’s a sin because it’s not done out of wanting to harm, it’s done to make the person’s life who is pregnant better. And we’ve been going back and forth but at this point I think she tentatively agrees with me I do not think she would stand up and be counted in front of everybody at her Catholic Church though, just to be clear and fair and honest.
I’m just beyond offended now that I’m being called a troll when I’ve been here for longer than some of the people who are calling me that simply because I’m asking a question. I’m not calling anybody names I’m not just playing Devil’s Advocate in trying to piss people off I think it is very obvious I am trying my very hardest to comprehend this and how does that in anyway make me a troll?
And at this point some people are actually just projecting things onto me that I literally never said. Like this is unbelievable to me. People who are usually open-minded and intelligent are just saying I’m a liar and a troll definitively no matter what I say. Apparently in this one case women shouldn’t be listened to. In this one case my lived experience is don’t matter apparently I’m just a troll and a liar. According to some people at least. I repeatedly said I do not want apologies I do not want acquiescence. I want to understand.
Anyone who says something different is straight up calling me a liar and some people think that’s perfectly okay. Apparently that’s some few people call Progressive open mindedness here
Do not.
Why not?! I use that phrase for a reason. Seriously do you not see this people are literally calling me a liar and a troll when I’ve been here for years because I’m asking questions in good faith. But because I honestly don’t know why as I’ve been saying forever I am a liar and a troll that shouldn’t be listened to. That seems fucked up to me. First I was sure and I said so I was wrong and missing something large and wanted to understand because everyone else share the same viewpoint. Now I’m not positive. Not too long ago black people were considered definitively lesser than white people everyone just believed it. Just because they all shared the same Viewpoint they weren’t right. I’m here asking questions because I want to understand something and people started calling me a troll started calling me a liar simply because they decided it was the case. Do you honestly not see why I brought that specific aspect up I think it applies very well
Why not?! I use that phrase for a reason. Seriously do you not see this people are literally calling me a liar and a troll when I’ve been here for years because I’m asking questions in good faith. But because I honestly don’t know why as I’ve been saying forever I am a liar and a troll that shouldn’t be listened to. That seems fucked up to me. First I was sure and I said so I was wrong and missing something large and wanted to understand because everyone else share the same viewpoint. Now I’m not positive. Not too long ago black people were considered definitively lesser than white people everyone just believed it. Just because they all shared the same Viewpoint they weren’t right. I’m here asking questions because I want to understand something and people started calling me a troll started calling me a liar simply because they decided it was the case. Do you honestly not see why I brought that specific aspect up I think it applies very well
Because you being a woman is not a free pass to do and say whatever you want and then accuse us of being misogynistic for not agreeing with you.
No. You’re being called a troll because of your behavior, not because someone made an arbitrary decision about you. I have not seen anyone call you a liar so you’re going to need to back that statement up.
Before I say anything because I know people are going to take this and misinterpret no I don’t think people are arguing with me because I’m black also I don’t know how that double posted and I’m sorry.
Maybe this is me overreacting it is very possible I’m an emotional person. But people literally saying what I feel and my motivations are different from what I expressly stated. Why is that okay ? Can you not understand why not just as a woman but as a queer black woman that is beyond hurtful. Sure the erasure of all women’s views and lived experiences in a lot of ways is horrific. But if you honestly can’t understand that it is indescribably worse for black women I don’t know what to tell you and that is what I feel. I feel like people are just ignoring what I’m actually saying to put it all in a script that they are used to hearing.
As a black woman specifically(queer is sometimes relevant but not always because that’s something that people can’t just see without you telling them) I have had to live with my opinions and experiences and literally everything being worth less than anyone else’s. Depending on the topic and the context it goes white man white woman black man black woman or white man black man white woman black woman. That is the order of whose opinions and lived experiences are more likely to be listen to and valued. At least in my living experience.
But I am specifically saying over and over again I don’t want apologies but people are saying yes you do I’m saying I don’t want acquiescence people are saying yes you do. Why is that okay in this case? When I have said a thousand times is all I want is to understand. And the fact that you phrased it that particular way “just don’t” kind of says something in my eyes. I don’t think that part is specifically because of my race, but for some reason apparently you feel you can dictate to me or something, cuz you didn’t ask, you demanded.
But still with all this I am the rude lying troll because I’m literally asking questions. People have done that thing where they put my words in boxes and made things in italics that were disagreeable can someone please show me where I’m doing something other than asking questions and being confused because I don’t think I deserve being called a liar and a troll for asking questions and being confused and I think at this point anyone would be pissed.
And since black women are always at the bottom of the f****** totem pole and that’s how it feels right now. It feels like I am being attacked for asking questions and wanting to understand when I did not do the same to those bitches on Jezebel. For some reason this really brings that to mind. Because I’ve had white feminists ask me questions that were so much more racist and offencive than what I asked here including as I said earlier that bell curve s***. But if they were asking in good faith I really did try to answer and help and educate even though I’m not obligated to because that makes the world better for everybody.
Again to be very very clear I’m not saying people are doing this because I am black. I am saying that we are always at the bottom of the totem pole as black women as far as our opinions and lived experiences being listened to so it still kind of resonates that way no matter what the reason is.
People are saying I want apologies, people are saying I am a troll, people are saying I am lying, when I have literally distinctly said the opposite of those things. I said I don’t want an apology, what do y’all owe me an apology for? That would be absurd. Because I want to understand what my mother is doing that was so bad and hurting people just because she believes something and I think the worst thing I’m doing is obsessing over it, which sure I’ll accept that’s inappropriate(cuz she’s my f****** mother which makes it important already and I have mommy issues kind of) but now apparently that makes my opinions and everything else lies? When I’ve been here in good faith for years. In some cases longer than the people who are accusing me. I honestly don’t understand why this is okay and people are just like yeah call Katie a liar and a troll.
Like people really think I’m doing this to amuse myself? Seriously?! Isn’t that what trolling is? A number of people have said I’m obviously upset, whether or not people think I should be or I’m justifiably or irrationally upset I think it should be obvious that it’s is the case that I am upset.
How does that make me a liar and a troll? And how does it make it okay in this case to say my statements are just Lies when it’s not okay in other cases ever pretty much. Someone who can do that little box thing can see how many times I’ve said no I don’t want apologies or acquiescence I want comprehension. At this point obviously people are just insulting me for reasons I can’t comprehend. They are literally ignoring exactly what I wrote and saying I want the opposite because they know better than me and that’s okay with everyone or not everyone but a bunch of people.
You are saying one thing and then acting another way. You also contradict your own arguments constantly so it’s not exactly easy to even interpret what you’re saying. If telling you intent is unimportant and describing your behavior how it looks from our perspective is calling you a liar then I don’t know what to tell you.
I could go back through your posts and find the literally dozens of things you’ve said that aren’t just asking questions like you requested, but what would be the point? When people show you where you’re wrong you either ignore it or tell us we’re misinterpreting you. Then you later get angry and say you admitted you were wrong when you didn’t actually.
I’m not going to do that. Not only because it won’t be productive, but also because it’s irrelevant, as one of the most common tactics we see on here employed by trolls and dissenters is Just Asking Questions. It’s so common we have a mocking term for it: JAQing off.
Seriously? I said repeatedly I don’t want an apology for example. What good would an apology do and why would I want one. It won’t help me comprehend this. But catalpa says I just want everyone to apologize to me. And that is not the only time someone claimed my motivations were the literal opposite of what I personally wrote. That is exactly calling me a liar
So because trolls also ask questions I must be a troll? Are you kidding me? So I commented for years in good faith, but just all of a sudden decided to be a troll? Does that only sound absurd to me?