anti-Semitism crackpottery cuck entitled babies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogynoir misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism transphobia white supremacy

Weirdo black conspiracy theorist hates Bird Box because “no good-looking brother would want a pregnant, pale, pig-nose beast like Sandra Bullock.” And that’s just the beginning.

Sandra Bullock and Trevante Rhodes in Bird Box

By David Futrelle

It isn’t just the white supremacists who are mad about Bird Box. No, it turns out that at least one black supremacist has some big problems with the Netflix post-apocalyptic horror hit as well. And his issues with the film are even weirder than theirs.

Some white supremacists are taking aim at Bird Box, as I noted in a recent post, because they think the film — whose most heroic figures are a white women and a black man — is some sort of SJW propaganda designed to denigrate the straight white male.

But the black conspiracy theorist behind the virulently anti-white and anti-Semitic Race Rules blog is angry at the film because he doesn’t think the handsome black hero of the film would really be into “preggo over-the-hill skank Sandra Bullock” who “looks like a damn tr***y.”

Mr. Race Rules starts off by noting that he doesn’t like “race-mixing” in movies because there really is no such thing in the real world.  Strap yourself in here, folks, because this is where things start to get really weird. “[T]he so-called races are actually different species,” he writes.

Blacks are the only humans and everyone else are all animal humanoid hybrids or what I call manimals.

And even though Sandra Bullock’s self-sacrificing boyfriend in the film, played by Trevante Rhodes, presumably doesn’t believe that white people are literal “manimals,” Mr. Race Rules still doesn’t believe that “someone as good looking as that brother” would want anything to do with

a pregnant, pale, curveless, pig-nose beast like Sandra Bullock in real life … Black men that are attractive rarely go after skanks unless  they have been hurt by black women, they are drunk or high or just goddamn brainwashed to fuck manimal bitches for some reason like porn.

Love that he manages to blame black women for what he sees as Rhodes’ poor romantic choice. Weird how dudes who rail against the alleged evils of white women — regardless of their own race or political views — almost always seem to hate black women at least as much, if not more.

Mr. Race Rules is also annoyed that Rhodes’ character turns out to be what today’s white supremacists would call a cuck — raising kids fathered by men of a different race. Sorry, species.

To make matters worse the dumb ass nigga was going to be raising two white kids with a white woman as a black man. What the fuck is that? Reverse reparations?!?!? I’ll never take care of some white bastard kid. She didn’t even want them herself just like most white females who always pretend to love their kids. Ain’t buyin’ it. White females are full of shit…..literally and figuratively.

Despite the much-discussed diversity of the Bird Box cast of main characters, there are no black women in roles more prominent than “Woman in Entryway.” Mr. Race Rules thinks he knows why.

“Did anyone notice this one last very important thing?!?!?” he asks.

NO BLACK WOMEN!!!!!!! That was no fucking accident. The elite worship the black woman. It is their doorway to the future through the black womb since pinkazoids are all dying out….much of it from their own compulsive self-extermination.


They never want to disrespect the black womb-man too much on the big screen because they know where we all come from. There’s no problem slaughtering and incarcerating record numbers of black and Latino males but they have to protect the black womb to ensure their genetic future for now. Most black females still don’t get it. Once the manimals get what they need from you….YOU’RE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

Just FYI, black “females!”

But Mr. Race Rules’ theories about white manimals and black womb-men aren’t even the weirdest part of his, er, review of Bird Box. No, that honor has to go to his discussion of “falcon Heru the Hero.” Who, you ask? Let’s let him, er, explain:

The movie had a few interpretations as far as I could see with my 3rd eye partially open. One is the blind fold was blinding the pineal gland showing how everyone is really unconscious these days from all the poison and brainwashing. Second the bird box (B+B=2+2=22+Master Builder) showed how the falcon Heru the Hero is actually being held in a box or this Matrix and keeping his 3rd eye (really 1st eye) from awakening by the parasitic elite and their minions using light-bending technology to prevent the light code frequencies from returning through our ancestors.

Okey dokey then.

For a little context: Heru is another name for the falcon-headed Egyptian god Horus, and is apparently a major part of the esoteric conspiracy theories that Mr. Race Rules and a number of other similar theorists espouse. But I haven’t looked into the details of this yet, because my poor brain has already been taxed enough for one day, and I suspect that now yours has been as well.

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6 years ago

Blacks are the only humans and everyone else are all animal humanoid hybrids or what I call manimals.

Oh, I had a much different name for those back when I was a kid:

comment image

A part of me wishes I kept up with that series, because much like ReBoot, apparently it went to some daaark places as it went on, despite the protagonists being high school kids.

Actually, it kinda brought to mind how teenage children were often pressed into military service, whether conscripted into the ranks or pressured into service by a noble family. Back in the age of sail, midshipmen in the Royal Navy were often children as young as 12 and Ensigns in the British Army could be that young as well. There was a story that Admiral Lord Nelson, who himself began his naval career at that age, was approached by an admiring midshipman and Nelson asked him his age. When the midshipman replied he was 13, Nelson reportedly said “Too young. Too young.”

Did anybody else read those Animorphs books?

Dr. Thang
Dr. Thang
6 years ago

Holy balls, that last quote, is this what people who aren’t huge nerds feel like when I make deep Tolkien or Elder Scrolls references? Guys like this and white supremacists, of which there doesn’t appear to be much of a difference, are so delusional I feel like I need a Silmarillion worth of lore about the little fantasy world they live in to understand a word they’re saying.

Also, I keep seeing the term “hotep” floating around, am I the only one who doesn’t know what that means? Am I just super dumb?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago


I’ll explain it to anyone who’s curious but Google is obviously more capable than me LOL

That’s being far, far too generous to Google. Google can find pages about something, but it can’t by any stretch of the imagination explain anything. Only a human can do that: usefully summarize or give a quick explanatory précis of the basics of something. To be sure, Google will likely find a few such introductory explainers when the topic is searched … of varying quality and reliability, mixed in with other results on the topic, and if you know absolutely nothing about that topic as yet you won’t have a good grasp of how to sort out likely reliable and reputable results from ones that are crap, too advanced, biased, or what-have-you.

That being said, it might be useful to search some other places than google. Wikipedia and RationalWiki might be decent resources on something like this.


A part of me wishes I kept up with that series, because much like ReBoot, apparently it went to some daaark places as it went on, despite the protagonists being high school kids.

Actually, it kinda brought to mind how teenage children were often pressed into military service

There seem to be similarities, in that regard, also with Harry Potter: high school age kids as protagonists, goes to some daaark places, and they more or less end up sucked into a war and having to be soldiers.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@KatieKittie *hugs* if you’d like some. As to why people lash out? Any number of reasons, mainly having nothing at all to do with you. I think right now all progressives are feeling on edge because of the worldwide right wing enstupidation (yes, that’s a word *snicker*) and general nastiness.

@David *puts on amateur Egyptologist hat* FYI Heru is the Egyptian name, Horus is the Greek name. (It’s not a made-up name, in other words.)

6 years ago


As a general rule, attempting to learn anything by playing devil’s advocate or going “I believe X; change my mind” is a terrible way to learn anything, because it’s immediately frames the following exchange as an adversarial debate. Which is the last thing that you’d want.

It is basically impossible for one to accept new knowledge when they are forced by the format of the debate to defend their old assumptions and beliefs.

If the hope is that through the debate, any potentially incorrect assumptions will be meticulously rebutted and dismantled, keep dreaming. This has never happened in the history of rhetoric.

(That was hyperbole; I actually don’t know if my previous statement on the history of rhetoric is true or not. But that’s not the point of rhetoric, is it? And what is a debate but a rhetorical exercise?)

In addition, if this happens in a public forum, it may also lead to said devil’s advocate being rebutted by several people in succession, resulting in the devil’s advocate feeling like they are being mobbed and overwhelmed. The chances of any of the counterarguments being remembered, much less accepted, drops off pretty quickly.

Of course, if all of this is coupled with the devil’s advocate unilaterally redefining terms with already well-established meanings (thus confusing the discussion) and being ignorant of giant swathes of the necessary background knowledge (thus lacking a common objective basis on which to build their argument), and then getting very defensive once this is pointed out (thus exhausting any goodwill on the part of the opposite party), then it would not at all be surprising if the result is that everyone becomes confused and agitated. One might even say that they become… hostile.

So, don’t do that.

6 years ago


Welcome back! Is it the pro-life debate from several months ago that you’re referring to? The commentariat wasn’t hostile towards you because you were asking questions. It’s because you repeatedly defended people who identify as pro-life. The same thing would have happened to people who spent time here defending people who identify as incels, or as white nationalists, or as any other widely known disgusting movement of that stripe.

If you want to ask questions without making a defense of people who identify with abhorrent movements, you’re more than welcome to do so. I don’t feel like this should be a very difficult criteria to fulfill, so you shouldn’t have to worry.

6 years ago

@ Dr. Thang

Hoteps are essentially a group of black supremacists who throw a lot of ancient Egyptian mythology into the mix because they believe the pharaohs were all black folk.

My personal favorite definition listicle about hoteps comes from an article in The Root from a few years back:

Damon Young wrote:

Anyway, as for some signs that a person might be Hotep, look for the following:

1. a steadfast belief in illogical conspiracy theories

2. an arrogant adherence to respectability politics

3. sexism and homophobia that vacillate from “thinly veiled” to “If being gay is natural, how come there ain’t any gay elephants?”

4. unbowed and uncompromising support for any black man accused of any wrongdoing, even if said man’s guilt is clear

5. ashy ankles

6 years ago
Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
6 years ago

That guy I’m working for ATM seems very hotep, he’s from Zimbabwe tho, does that count?
He’s a religious fundamentalism and anti choice anti gay anti feminist and thinks everyone is racist against him. He likes grandstanding and reads a lot of End Times Prophesy stuff.

6 years ago

This guy would find much in common with Klukkers, funnily enough….

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago


3. sexism and homophobia that vacillate from “thinly veiled” to “If being gay is natural, how come there ain’t any gay elephants?”

Shit, no-one tell him about the giraffes!

(PS Is it wrong that every time I see your ‘nym to wish I had one? Um, asking for a friend)

6 years ago

@ Cat Mara

No, it’s not wrong…hell, I wish I had one – and the mystical, Scáthach-taught skills required to wield it.

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

@Virgin Mary: That might well just be the lingering taint of the forceful christening of africans that colonialism heaped upon them. Hoteps, Black Israelites, 5%’ers and the Nation of Islam are US-homegrow.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago


No, it’s not wrong…hell, I wish I had one – and the mystical, Scáthach-taught skills required to wield it.

Eh, throw a magic spear made from a sea monster’s spine with your foot– how hard can it be? ? The clean-up afterwards? ?

I wish Netflix or someone would have a go at doing a version of The Táin though I imagine it would be a hard sell:

“Hello, Netflix? You guys should totally do The Táin! What is it? It’s a medieval Irish legend. C’mon, everyone does Robin Hood or King Arthur, do something different for a change! The Táin‘s got everything: magic, sex, cattle theft, enough murder and violence to give even George R.R. Martin a sickener! Who’s the hero? This lad Cúchulainn. Is he good-looking? Yeah, he’s a bit of a fuckboy but the girls will love him. Well, right up till he has his warp-spasm anyway. Oh, it’s kind of a berserker rage where he swells up to five times his normal size, his skeleton revolves around inside his skin and a big ol’ jet of blood comes out of the top of his head, your CGI department will have a field day! And he has a magic spear that opens up like an umbrella inside people and fills them with spikes, isn’t that frickin’ awesome?! Hello? Hello?”

6 years ago

@Cat Mara

I’d be worried about how they’d fuck up Medb’s character; she may be central to a bunch of Irish mythology, but she blatantly gets more than her fair ration of grief for being a very strong female leader (even if she is a bit of a bastard on occasion…but hell, show me an Irish hero who isn’t. (Except Fergus mac Róich. Because Fergus.)).

…but The Táin would make an awesome miniseries, if they did it right. I’d love to see how they handled the whole “he killed eight men in a square formation with a single stroke and left the man in the middle alive” feat. I always pictured the guy in the center being really short….

6 years ago

Did someone say Cúchulainn?

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

@Cat Mara And they’d all be speaking Gaelic with subtitles!!

…no? 😀

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

@Gaebolga: Medb gets a Standard Misogyny Makeover™ in The Táin because it’s basically being transcribed by Christian monks and how very dare a woman own property anyway! ☹️

In fact, the whole text of The Táin is kind of defective to begin with because there are so many holes in it: it was obviously written down centuries after the first tales that made it into the cycle were first composed and so much of it is missing context. For example, the translator’s notes for one of the editions I have mention there are chunks of poetry scattered through the narrative which, when translated into English or even Modern Irish, don’t really make sense but just sound kind of cool; presumably, these were left in because they made for a good recitation. Or, like the Wikipedia article on the artefact points out, there’s obviously some kind of ritual or occult significance to the Gae Bolga that’s been lost by the time the story came to be been written down. Like, why does Cúchulainn have to throw it with his foot, or why does his charioteer have to float it down a river to him?

…but The Táin would make an awesome miniseries,…

For a long time, I thought it wouldn’t work because Cúchulainn (and Irish heroes generally) are mostly too unlikeable: they come from a culture where modesty was not considered a virtue and boasting about one’s exploits was regarded as a necessary skill. But maybe in these degenerate times of “personal brands” we could just spin him as the original “Instagram influencer”… ?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

@Fishy Goat:

And they’d all be speaking Gaelic with subtitles!!

…no? ?

Sounds good to me!

Makers of Star Trek: Discovery: We have our actors speaking Klingon! It sounds super-badass!
Makers of hypothetical Táin The Mini-Series: Beir greim ar mo bheor, le do thoil

6 years ago

One of the things I like about this place. The posts are good, but the comments send me on google quests.

6 years ago

@Katie kitten420

Part of the reaction you may have gotten is that like a lot of online progressive spaces, this place is dominated by white feminists. While white feminism has contributed positive things, it also amplifies and tries to justify white female fragility. Part of that fragility is feeling attacked when confronted with different ideas. Now, all of the ideas cited by the site’s host are terrible. But slight, honest disagreement gets much the same reaction here.

6 years ago

Too late to edit: SOME of the people here.

TB Tabby
TB Tabby
6 years ago

Anyone trying to claim “black people can’t be racist because racism is only institutional” can be shown this guy.

6 years ago

Part of the reaction you may have gotten is that like a lot of online progressive spaces, this place is dominated by white feminists. While white feminism has contributed positive things, it also amplifies and tries to justify white female fragility.

So arguing against “pro-life” arguments is white female fragility, now? ??

6 years ago


Please feel free to read through all six pages of the comments thread that KatieKitten420 referred to (the “debacle”), starting here, before ascribing the hostility demonstrated to “white female fragility”