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If you’re looking for the worst possible way to ask a woman for feet pics, I may have found it for you

And now for something com-feet-ly different

By David Futrelle

The best way to ask a random woman on the internet for feet pics is, of course, to NOT ask her for feet pics.

The worst way? Well, check out this horrible thing I found in a Twitter thread of women sharing the worst online interactions with creepy dudes.

I’ve read a lot of screenshots of a lot of shitty interactions but the passive-aggressive chutzpah of this one kind of stopped me in my tracks.

Here’s a dude who’s either 1) using his grandfather’s cancer as an excuse to pester a woman for feet pics or 2) pretending his grandfather has cancer in order to get feet pics. I suppose option two is marginally better than option one, but they both fall into the category of “completely unacceptable.” It’s like deciding which kind of poop you want in your poop sandwich.

Dudes, if you’re doing anything even remotely like this in your interactions with women, you really need to take a long, hard look at your life. And if you still can’t imagine your life without feet pics, find a woman who is selling them, and pay her for her time and trouble. If you’re broke, there’s something called Google Image Search, which can give you as many pictures you could ever need of whatever particular body part or parts you fetishize.

I mean, Jesus Christ dudes, get it together.

H/T — Thanks to @twenty_yards on Twitter for sharing this message, which was sent to a female friend of his.

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6 years ago


Thank you for that–I did not want to have to have “Jordan Peterson foot fetish” in my Google Search History file at the NSA. I mean, my search for how much meat is on a human body (it was for an RPG scenario)? They can have that, but I have SOME standards when it comes to my reputation.

And yeah, that sounds like the sort of inanity he spouts. He invariably fails at even the cherry-picked bits of science he tries to cite, getting the details so laughably wrong that it boggles the mind.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
6 years ago


(btw, your nym always makes me smile)
You’re a much braver person than I, watching that JP clip. I love that it doesn’t seem to occur to him that sexual proclivities can have social or cultural causes, not just biological ones.
I don’t know if anyone’s been following his role in the Wilfrid Laurier lawsuit (or lawsuits plural), started off by Lindsay Shepherd? (she who apparently used to count white babies in shopping malls). Contrary to most people involved in lawsuits, JP just won’t shut up about this one.

6 years ago

Unless the video involves Jordan Peterson copping to an attraction to club foot, I think I’ll give it a pass.

Seriously, Peterson has some Salvador Dali-level sexual neuroses he needs to work through if that video of him babbling about how much “the left” cares about consent to an audience made up of Charlie Kirk, Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle is any indication.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@dashapants – Reminds me of the surrealist film L’Age d’or, which includes a woman sensually sucking on a statue’s toes. Of course, you could say that toes = penis substitute and statue = boyfriend. Apparently the main couple in it (woman/man, not woman/statue) keeps trying to have sex but things/people keep stopping them (this is from the Wikipedia page, since I don’t remember the film having much of a narrative) 🙂

Anyway! In real life, I’m sure there are humans of various genders who are into feet, but… like anything, Chris, let’s not harass strangers about it, ‘kay? “My grandpa is dying, give me feet pics” – yeesh.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

I love that it doesn’t seem to occur to him that sexual proclivities can have social or cultural causes, not just biological ones.

I been wondering about that a lot, because the pseudorationalists of the world really lean on biology and genetics a lot (without actually knowing any, of course).

These days, whenever any of these dorks say “biology says X! Evopsych argle-bargle genetics!” my brain translates it into “I really need to de-legitimize your position for my own mental health, so I’m going to use my big science club on it.” Doesn’t matter if they only have the faintest grasp on the reality of the troublesome leftist propaganda or the science they’re using, the important thing is that they get to feel like they’re right and that they’ve won.