By David Futrelle
Do you want to convince small children that you’re some kind of magical being, while at the same time repelling the absolute worst men in the world? This blurry screenshot from Tumblr might have the answer for you!
I think Amby Jane is onto something here. As anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time already knows, misogynistic douchebros have a lot of strangely intense feelings about women’s hair. They all seem to love long hair, hate short hair, and grow positively apoplectic when women dye their hair “unnatural” colors (most of which are actually perfectly natural).
“Always in search of the next way to destroy their nature-given beauty, Western females have begun to dye their hair at alarming rates,” warned the pseudonymous Winston Smith on Return of Kings, back when that blog was still a going concern
It has to be stopped. …
[A] girl having hair dyed with a non-traditional color is a leading indicator of instability, mental illness, and an inability to function within a healthy relationship.
In Smith’s backwards brain, women with brightly-colored hair aren’t just unattractive to him; they’re objectively ugly, according to SCIENCE.
“[H]umans have hard-wired attraction preferences for the physical appearance of their mates,” he asserted.
In the same way that we are uncontrollably disgusted with the sight of an obese person, our lizard hindbrains make a split-second judgment against women with dyed hair because unnatural looking hair (whether it’s short, falling out, or unnaturally colored) was a symptom of disease and infirmity in our ancestral habitat.
These guys love making up stories and calling them science. There are plenty of people who are not only not “uncontrollably disgusted” by fat people; they actually prefer their partners plump. And I rather doubt there were a lot of blue-haired diseased people in our species’ environment of evolutionary adaptation, given that there is literally no disease out there that turns people’s hair blue, unless I slept through that day in biology class.
Meanwhile, the self-described Men’s Human Rights Activists over on A Voice for Men are convinced that blue hair is enough of a threat to the fundamental rights of men that they created a special tag for it: “Sluts With Blue Hair.”
Amazing human rights advocacy there, fellas!
It isn’t just Return of Kings writers who think that science backs up their hatred of blue haired women. So-called Red Pilled dudes regularly compare dyed hair to the natural adaptation called “aposematism,” in which potential prey animals warn predators through signals like brightly colored skin that eating them won’t be much fun.
In a discussion several months ago in the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, a Red Piller called VasiliyZaitzev explained that he sees brightly dyed hair
as a form of aposematism, in much the same way the certain coloration on frogs warns predators that the frog is poisonous.
Even guys who claim to be “Going Their Own Way” away from women get angry when these women dye their hair. In the MGTOW2 subreddit a month ago, a guy calling himself Robotmasher argued that dyed hair is a
signal to you that you should keep a healthy distance from them, and not give them any attention. They are in essence doing you a favor.
None of these guys seem to realize what a massive self-own this argument is. If blue hair is a form of aposematism designed to ward off predators, and it wards you off, what exactly does that imply about you?
As a male-human-predator-repeller, dyed hair seems to be doing the trick, at least to some extent, in that it really does seem to scare off the sorts of guys who turn to sites like Return of Kings and the various Red Pill subreddits for advice about women.
In a recent discussion of the blue hair strategy in the WitchesVsPatriarchy subreddit — yes, this is a thing — a number of women noted that the brightly-dyed hair thing was working for them both as a predator-repeller and a child-delighter.
“When I added a chunk of purple to my (already short) hair, I got fewer catcalls AND my niece is obsessed with it, so, yes,” wrote a Redditor called pamplemouss.
“I’ve had fewer catcalls, but lots more kind compliments,” wrote a self-described Sapphic Witch with blue hair.
And, of course, little girls everywhere stare in awe at me, then immediately ask their parents if they can have hair like mine.
Alas, the strategy is not without some possible downsides. Several women in the WitchesVsPatriarchy discussion reported that while they repel the dudebro they now got more creepy attention from “guys who seem to almost fetishize ” brightly-colored hair.
“Do not recommend burgundy/purple if you want men to leave you the fuck alone,” wrote one annoyed hair-dyer.
I recently dyed my hair and I’ve gotten so many freaking men using it as a jumping off point. Some perfectly polite and pleasant, some definitely not so. But whatevs, I like this color and I guess cat calls aren’t gonna stop me?
Other women reported that men now came up to them to pester them about their hair. “When I had pink hair,” wrote rileyfriley,
I didn’t get hit on hardly at all, but every man felt the need to tell me that men don’t like weird colored hair. So it was an added bonus that I routine got to tell men that women don’t like when they speak.
So the blue hair thing is far from a perfect solution, at least for women who want to avoid harassment from men entirely. But if your aim is to piss off some of the worst dudes in the world, dying your hair blue will almost certainly do the trick.
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Well, I have been thinking of a minty green for my hair… it’d be perfect with my pink clothes!
Hey, that’s my line.
Something about being covered in chains and metal spikes seems to keep guys civil around me. I’ve only ever been catcalled by gutless guys in the passenger seat screaming as they drive past on a busy street.
“as a form of aposematism, in much the same way the certain coloration on frogs warns predators that the frog is poisonous.”
Yeah…and it kind of has the opposite effect on me. Strangely, though, I’ve never been poisoned by a woman with dyed hair.
What’s a good non-natural hair colour for a guy? I was thinking blue, green might be a bit over the top, help me out guise.
I always love when the manospherians use animal species that aren’t remotely related to humans to make sweeping declarations about human behavior.
I guess women should just look as plain as possible while men wear bright colors to impress because birds? I know PUAs talk about “peacocking” but they never seem to acknowledge that peahens aren’t all gorgeous* and brilliant looking. Instead they demand we spend all our time on our looks.
*I actually think peahens and other not so brightly colored birds are gorgeous too. I just like animals in general. But that’s beside the point.
Sister’s bloke does a deep purple – but his hair is naturally really really black. Looks good though.
@ silly-bollocks:
I’ve definitely seen guys wear green. I mean, if you’re doing non-natural colours, it’s really not a gendered look anyway, so go with what you like. I do think pink or purple may work with a wider variety of skin tones than blue or green, though.
That sounds pretty cool.
Yeah I have black hair so I’m not sure about pink. Might have to stick with purple?
getting old and wrinkly works too….and it’s a lot less effort.
When I was female-presenting, red hair, no matter where on the spectrum from auburn to fire truck red, got me the worst attention from men, especially when I was commuting on the train. Like, full-on rubbing against me when I was still able to stand. Unnaturally red and in a severe ballet bun, and dudes would still try to make me a sex toy in public. I had one guy yank out my hair pin to grab a handful of my curls. (Admittedly, they were very pretty natural ringlets, but for the love of little apples, that’s assault!)
I clearly should’ve dyed them blue. But I suspect that a short blue curly haircut wouldn’t have put off the amount of people that try to pet very curly hair, alas.
Buzzing my head when I first started to transition to male was the most liberating thing I ever did in my life. I didn’t realise how much damn baggage was caught up in my hair until it was on the floor in a heap equivalent to about 5 tribbles.
@ silly-bollocks:
If your hair is dark, you’ll probably have to bleach any sections you want to dye, for the colour to show up.
My hair has grown out a bit, but the ends are still blue, teal, and purple. I get a lot of compliments on it and I’ve had several people (women and kids) admire my “mermaid hair”. I’m really fortunate that my housemate has her cosmetology license, but I can recommend some good dyes if anyone wants some!
Right now a Feminist is debating a Incel live on the The NonSequitur Show on youtube.
Oh god now the Incel is talking about the sexuality of 12 year old girls
My 20-year-old nephew-of-sorts, whose base hair color is that dark sable just short of black, has been rocking a Bing-cherry-red forelock in keeping with his established personal color scheme of red and black, so that’s another option. (He could come across as elegantly Mephistophelean were it not for his goofball demeanor.)
In short: approach hair color as you would any other fashion accessory: go with color that you like and that suits you.
And yet so many of these guys have a fetish for anime girls, who frequently have colourful hair.
So the other month, a guy in my gaming group mentioned “the mental illness haircut”. I wasn’t directly in the conversation, but I knew exactly what he was complaining about. In his words, “any chick with her hair a weird color and that ugly buzzcut is mentally ill.” I pointed out that I’ve both had my hair dyed blue, and had the sides shaved off. Only reply I got was, “you’re a guy, you’re a guy”, repeated.
Super fun. There’s a reason it took so long to come out.
@ David
Aluminium poisoning can. I acted in an inquest where a contamination incident had turned people’s hair blue, and green.
I should dye my hair a “poisonous color”
I mean if I look like one of those cute Lil poison tree frogs I’m happy
Maybe bright blue
Or that bright red that irritaionally pisses Red pill shills off
I’m already fat so it’ll be Overkill
Glorious Overkill
I’ll freely admit that whenever my husband dyes his hair a fun color I get turned on by it, sounds like the creepy fetishizing guys have the same thing but couple it with, you know, being creeps.
Hmmmm, you don’t suppose that nature also gifted women with a uncontrollable disgust to obese, bald, ungroomed and unbathed men, as indicators of their possible disease and infirmity, and unsuitability as mates?
Oh, who am I kidding? Men agree that EVERY man, no matter how personally repulsive, is marriage material. Why would a woman’s opinion matter?
Oh me, oh my! I used to color my (greying) hair a color one friend called “crayon blue.” FWIW, this happened because of a healthy relationship — that is, I’d been dying my hair to a younger version of its “natural” color for years, husband joked that if I was going to use dye I should go for “something like blue, not something hair-colored,” I went to a salon to get it done right (because I’ll do my own color, but bleach?!?!? NO WAY!). And when I came home — having made a point of having the appt on a day he was at home, and not saying anything other than “‘I’m getting my hair done” — we did both have a good laugh. And a good, ahem, well.
I had no idea that we’d both somewhat-randomly chosen The Perfect Hair Color for attracting good and repelling manboys. I think it’s time to start coloring my hair blue again…
Which is why the mutations that led to red and blond hair were immediately heavily selected against, leading to the populations carrying those genes dying out in short order.
As though any women is in danger of being eaten by a red piller.
How did poisonous (as opposed to venomous) animals evolve?
I can see how, once poisonous animals were established, there was evolutionary pressure on predators to avoid eating them; but how did they originate in the first place?
It’s great that you can take any predators with you, but once you’ve been eaten anyway, how do those genes get passed on?
There’s probably a really simple explanation, but if anyone knows I’d love to hear.
There’s a guy I see occasionally when I take the bus who always has a bright purple or green (I think those are the only two I’ve seen him with, he might have had blue at some point, but that might have been a different guy) streak in his hair, and it looks fucking amazing on him. Trust me, if you can wear it confidently as part of a personal style, any colour can look good on anyone.
I mean, Markiplier had pink hair for a while, and I still think it was his best look. Jacksepticeye spent almost two years with green hair, to the point that I still have to do a double take when I see him with his natural hair colour now.