boobs empathy deficit entitled babies mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs fight boob tyranny with an inventive new meme

Man being oppressed by boob tyranny

By David Futrelle

I found this in the MGTOW subreddit. And, no, it doesn’t make any more sense to me than I suspect it will to you.

I mean, first off, breasts don’t simply fall off when women get older. Yes, they may get a little droopier with age, but, trust me, MGTOW dudes, there are parts of you that are going to get a bit droopier as you get older too.

Also, I’m not sure that George Washington makes much sense in a meme about temporary boobs. Temporary teeth, maybe.

But the MGTOWs were pleased with the meme, giving the post more than 500 upvotes and using it as an opportunity to talk about how boobs are actually terrible, at least if the woman attached to them is over the ripe old age of, er, 20.

anongogogo 5 points 6 months ago It's either fake tits or saggy tits. It's disgusting. permalinkembedsavegive award [–]Enzo95 2 points 6 months ago Tits usually hit the wall at 20. Legal age here is 18, so it's a 2 year window if you're a grown man. If you're an alpha teenager QB in High School your window will be 4 to 5 years. And that's it my friend. Titties are overrated.

Excuse me?

Another MGTOW Redditor took the opportunity to talk shit about the boobs of the woman he is allegedly fucking.

reduction-deduction 10 points 6 months ago What tits? You cannot really say if the tits are good just by taking a look at the bra. My current fuckbuddy has terrible tits(28yo), but i could not tell that before i saw them live. Quality of the tits in the late time has hit the bottom permalinkembedunsavegive award [–]ArmondDillo 7 points 6 months ago Yes, just more illusion, like fakeup. I don't care that much about boob size, but when you see how much smaller they are then when in that high tech bra, you can't help but feel disappointed. Just like every other part of these modern whores, once you know the truth, you're left with nothing but disappointment.

It’s like sour grapes, but with tits. Sour tits.

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6 years ago


PS: Is it just me, or does the Anime Boob Queen have unnaturally small pupils?

That’s just the art style of Senran Kagura. They focus more on the color of the iris than the pupils unless the pupils are the focus.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
6 years ago

I have what I call annoyingly big boobs. Try finding H-cups outside speciality stores! And no bra is not an option due to under boob sweat and back and neck pain.

And since mine are very tear drop shaped (just like my mum’s) they’ve been saggy practically since I got them.

Pro tip: All natural boobs sag to some extent. The bigger the boob, the more the sag. Gravity is a harsh mistress.

Guys, all big boobs that don’t sag are silicone.

As for things going saggy in men: My grandfather always complied about the bells getting longer than the rope. I’ll leave deciphering this to the reader.

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

@William Hooper: I believe the photo is from a Russ Meyer-film, the quintessential Auteur of, ahem, trashy titillation in the 1970’s.

Also “I’m leaving! I really am this time! Don’t try to stop me! Why aren’t you trying to stop me? You’ll be sorry!”

6 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

December 28, 2018 at 3:54 pm

Part of me wants to know why 20 is the hit the wall age. 20 year olds don’t exactly have wrinkles, get hair, slow metabolism and other signs of ageing. Part of me is afraid of the answer.

And well you should be:

It’s because they want plausible deniability after originally getting caught saying 18 was the wall (ie, that only underage girls are acceptable).

This has nothing to do with their physical youth at all. Rather, it has to do with the fact that the older a woman gets, the more likely she is to be in a position (in terms of awareness and confidence) to call them out on their bullshit.

They want sexual objects they can easily manipulate, and are angry that tactics that at least occasionally work on a 15- or 16-year-old girl are somehow less effective at 23.

(“Pedophilia” is a mental illness; sufferers who do not act out on their impulses should be given support, partially in the form of assisted living that keeps them away from temptation. “Hebephilia” is a contraction for “Manipulative, Domineering Asshole”.)

6 years ago

It looks like one of those ironically terrible absurdist memes people make sometimes, but I’m ashamedly certain that it was meant to be serious.

A. Noyd
A. Noyd
6 years ago

Tabby Lavalamp says:

Are they starting to get angry at anime drawings of women now?

Wouldn’t that be ironic since anime titties look the way they do to gratify the Japanese equivalent of MGTOWs.

6 years ago

@Autonomous: It sure is– it’s from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! and you’re looking at the one and only Tura Satana.

6 years ago

Mine have been saggy since puberty and they didn’t clear AA size until I was pregnant with my firstborn. This whole MGTOW conversation about tits is kind of like me saying I would never buy a current-model Rolls-Royce because of the quality of the woodwork.

6 years ago

These modern whores and their fakeup and their high-tech bras! If only I was born in the good old days, when breasts were all shaped like pointy torpedos and women’s underwear reflected that.

comment image

I can’t believe makeup was invented in 2006 just to lie to my boner.

Pretty Pink Punanni Princess
Pretty Pink Punanni Princess
6 years ago

George Washington: Looook intooooo maaaaai aaaaaaaiiiiissss. Yoooou don’t waaaant hhherrr. You don’t nnneeeeed her. All you need is Papa Waaaashington. He can make you feeeeeeel reeeeaaal guuuud. He can take out his wooden teeth and take you to places you’ve neeeeeeever been beefooooorrreeee…..
6 years ago

I’ve even seen a couple parodies of this. Sorry I don’t have any on hand.

Donna G.
Donna G.
6 years ago

My books are big and yet not saggy because they’re more round than tear dropped. Lots of men don’t understand that droopiness has more to do with shape than size or age.

Oh wow, I’m 50 and while I wouldn’t say they’re saluting the sky anymore, mine are definitely still up there and I’m a DD cup. Almost makes up for my big calves that I hate!

The Boob Tyrant Queen
The Boob Tyrant Queen
6 years ago

First it was butts
Now it’s boobs
What other things oppress MGTOWs?

(Besides modern cartoons, bigger girls on magazines, female reboots, etc)

Uggh just no

epitome of incomprehensibility

high-tech bra

Padding something with extra material = advanced technology? Wait until you hear about buttons. And zippers. And (going back to bras) adjustable straps.

It’s too bad women are in control of the world and are using all this amazing high-tech equipment for evil.


Lumipuna (formerly Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (formerly Arctic Ape)
6 years ago


Women have an advantage in bra surgery, men in pocket science.

6 years ago

Thanks, MGTOW, for that newsflash: Tits Are Temporary.

Here’s a newsflash for you: MGTOW Are Temporary.

Everything is temporary if you just wait long enough.

6 years ago

It sure is– it’s from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! and you’re looking at the one and only Tura Satana.

Her real name, gloriously.

And MGTOWs and incels might well find it the most terrifying film ever made: it’s about women with big boobs who don’t give a shit what the men they meet think – and quite a few of them don’t survive the encounter.

I haven’t seen it this side of the millennium shift, but am I right in recalling that the boobs in question stay under wraps throughout? As implausible as this sounds for a Russ Meyer film?

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
6 years ago

high-tech bra

Fun fact — the space suits for NASA are made by the International Latex Company, parent company of Playtex.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ epitome

Padding something with extra material = advanced technology

Check out the origin of the word “bombastic”.

To save you time, bombast was the padding used by Elizabethan men to make their calves and arms look more shapely.

Hence its modern use to mean inflate or exaggerate.

6 years ago

And this is why men are pathetic because they need something to stop them from getting off. Meanwhile, women don’t need it.

6 years ago

Tura Satana’s life story is amazing.

This is one of those incidences where MGTOWs almost start heading in the right direction, and then just go right off the rails. The way that breasts are over-fetishized in this culture is ridiculous. Babies are supposed to go hungry or be fed while their others sit on toilets because seeing them used for their original purpose makes people think they’re seeing something sexy.

The over-sexualization of larger breasts is especially irritating. Or maybe I just think that because I’ve been saddled with giganto-boobs since I was twelve. Now that I’m older, they’re saggy and ugly, I get skin irritation underneath, and my neck and back always hurt. Yet straight men feel the need to joke about how awful breast reduction surgery is. [mutters about justifiable homicide]

Yep, the miggies almost had a coherent thought there. But of course they had to veer into the stupid lane.

6 years ago


That traffic sign they use to represent themselves is pretty much perfect, then.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Lumipuma –

Women have an advantage in bra surgery, men in pocket science.

Nice one! 😛

@Lindsay Irene – agreed! I mean, bi woman here, I find breasts good-looking, but I’m not about to treat other people’s as if they just exist as eye candy. And that’s not just because of my experience having breasts*. Most men enough imagination to empathize with people that have slightly different bodies. Attitudes like this –

Yet straight men feel the need to joke about how awful breast reduction surgery is.

– are ridiculous.

*Now that I think about it, every human has breasts. Women’s just stick out more. 🙂

6 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

Thank you. That made me laugh and I needed it. I want to use the line while holding a torpedo bra in place of the cross.

The power of my breasts compels you! Goes off laughing again.

PS – I’ve never understood the farthingdale thing, which epiphanied the idea that maybe a lot of the things we do in terms of secondary sex clothing improvement might all be equally ridiculous.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago


Tura Satana’s life story is amazing.

Wow — you weren’t kidding. Thanks for that link!