By David Futrelle
I found this in the MGTOW subreddit. And, no, it doesn’t make any more sense to me than I suspect it will to you.
I mean, first off, breasts don’t simply fall off when women get older. Yes, they may get a little droopier with age, but, trust me, MGTOW dudes, there are parts of you that are going to get a bit droopier as you get older too.
Also, I’m not sure that George Washington makes much sense in a meme about temporary boobs. Temporary teeth, maybe.
But the MGTOWs were pleased with the meme, giving the post more than 500 upvotes and using it as an opportunity to talk about how boobs are actually terrible, at least if the woman attached to them is over the ripe old age of, er, 20.
Excuse me?
Another MGTOW Redditor took the opportunity to talk shit about the boobs of the woman he is allegedly fucking.
It’s like sour grapes, but with tits. Sour tits.
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As the possessor of what Mr. Parasol calls a magnificent rack, I feel the urge to scream “THE POWER OF BOOBS COMPELS YOU!” in the direction of the nearest MGTOW.
Ok, I’ve looked at that meme over and over again in the past few minutes and have come to the following conclusion:
Seriously, maybe its me, but what important point are they attempting to make there?
The point they are trying to make is that they aren’t strong-willed enough to not be shackled in permanent slavery by the view of a nice pair of mammaries.
Which is exceptionaly harsh on themselves methink. But might be true.
Based on what I can see of the shape of the anime breast behind Slaveholder George’s head there, yes, those are very temporary and she’ll only have them until the football or rugby team needs their balls back for the big game.
(I’m still trying to decide what it means that whoever slapped that meme together used an anime/manga drawing of a woman instead of a photo of an actual woman. Are they starting to get angry at anime drawings of women now?)
Thanks, MGTOW, for that newsflash: Tits Are Temporary.
Here’s a newsflash for you: MGTOW Are Temporary.
My books are big and yet not saggy because they’re more round than tear dropped. Lots of men don’t understand that droopiness has more to do with shape than size or age.
No MGTOW is ever going to see them though.
Part of me wants to know why 20 is the hit the wall age. 20 year olds don’t exactly have wrinkles, get hair, slow metabolism and other signs of ageing. Part of me is afraid of the answer.
Personally, I try to avoid hitting walls with my tits. Therefore, even at nearly 54 years of age, my tits have not yet hit the wall. I am impressed by me!
I didn’t have anywhere else to put this, so I put this here. I think its informative and explains the differences between the White Manosphere and the Black one:
There is one notable difference between the Black Manosphere and its white counterpart. While white men want to see traditional gender roles returned out of fear of a declining social status, Black men, as New Yorker writer Doreen St. Félix noted, are invested in these same gender roles because they want male privilege on par with white man, which they believe has been historically denied to them. These men must frame Black women as disobedient and too masculine because, in their minds, it explains why they feel that their own masculinity is being undermined.
“Boobs are overrated.” Might as well keep telling yourself that. You’re never going to see any in real life.
I have seen this meme before, a number of times in a number of formats recently. Usually prawnography in the back and some deus vult mother hubbard in the front being all look at me as in the above picture. It’s all from that stupid No Fap November, “motivational” memes.
It’s one reason I can’t get behind the idea that the whole hashtag-nofap movement isn’t misogynist. A part of why they believe masturbation is bad is because of thinkin’ about dirty, sinful, slooty no-good wimmin. Foul temptresses trying to steal the strength of men, inside their own thoughts.
And yes, trolls-who-watch, I know. I know. It’s just a joke.
Turns out that the kinds of jokes you consider funny says a lot about the sort of person you are.
Other point related to the OP: Lol, these guyse understand bras as well as they understand makeup.
Once again (… or is it “still”) the men-who-claim-to-be-going-their-own-way-but-actually-obsessing-obsessively-over-women obsessing over women.
God forbid anyone from MGTOW tried to become an AA counselor. “OK, the only thing you have to do to walk away from alcohol is to obsess about alcohol everywhere you go, talk about alcohol to everyone you know, and to never pass up an opportunity to DRINK THE F*UCKING STUFF WHILE CLAIMING YOU’VE GIVEN IT UP ENTIRELY!”
I wish I had the energy to create a men who’ve really gone their own way website: talkin’ ’bout fresh air outside, good food, nice friends, cool movies/music/TV (without bashing or lusting after the wimmin involved), travel to non-sex tourism destinations, wiping one’s butt for hygienic purposes unrelated to banging women… I could go on.
But why bother. They wouldn’t like it. They only want to obsess over the evils of women.
I think the creator of this meme can be best described in the words of that esteemed British social commentator David R. Lister: “What a smeghead!”
Well, George does have some bedroom eyes going on there. Just side-eye-fucking the whole world. Why wouldn’t you want to look into them?
@Scildfreja Unnyðnes
So the Catholic Church is officially misogynistic now because they consider masturbation a sin. God I hate how religious conservatives run this world. Better the world were without them.
I think that the catholic church was officially misogynistic well before now. But I agree!
I have been struggling to put this into words, but you are right about the black manosphere. I have been working with a client from Zimbabwe who believes that feminism was a liberal conspiracy and women need men to look after them, he is also strongly anti-LGBT and anti-choice. He seems the most MGTOW man I’ve ever met, he doesn’t want anything to do with female relationships, but he actually paid someone to pretend to be his girlfriend for a while, and you should here the way he talks to her and other women like her. I really do not know why I got this contract (video editing, audio recording, social media PR) but I guess he thought he could fuck me about. I can’t wait to get my sex change underway so there’s an end to this sort of crap 🙁
Yes, a fake woman drawn with gravity-defying boobs created for the sole purpose of titillating men’s desire for physically impossible beauty standards is proof that women are deceiving men with their ugly boobs.
These guys have their heads up their own asses so far they’re chugging hydrochloric acid.
How do you read that craptastic subreddit without your brain melting? Just reading IncelTears is enough to make my head spin in circles.
I find it amusing that ArmondDillo thinks women using clothing to alter the appearance of their breasts is a 21st Century invention.
I’m 51 and my boobs have yet to hit the wall. I’ve had nothing surgical done on them, aside from a lumpectomy for a benign lesion over two years ago. They’re real, and they’re spectacular.
And no, migtoes, you can’t have pictures of them. You can’t have ANYTHING of them.
You’re not worthy.
So sauce for that first image anime girl please? :V
EDIT: I believe that’s a pin up of Yumi from Senran Kagura aka the big tiddy anime ninja game

It’s a trashy series but I love it.
The next time some guy stares at my boobs, I’ll say “Excuse me, Ben Franklin, my Declaration of Independence is up here.”
The Photo of the Fierce ,Buxom Brunette is Hilarious ! Looks like an outake from a Sophia Loren/Anna Mangnani film : Poor Incel Terrified by Tits and Screaming in Bad Italian.
I was flat for years. I miss those days. Boobs are bothersome – requiring bras to work and bras are costly! I think I “hit the wall” as soon as a grew a pair. Bras hurt. I didn’t grow obvious breasts until my 30’s. At first I was happy – finally – curves! Then – no more going braless for professional stuff, ugh. Back hurts! Bras make the backache much worse. If I could remove them for free, I’d do so.
If these dolts are really concerned about being deceived by women in push-up bras, then I would invite them to google corsets. And bustles. And farthingales. And stomachers. And I would also advise them that they need to stop stuffing socks down the fronts of their pants.
They also need to stop pretending they’re actually Going Their Own Way from anything.
PS: Is it just me, or does the Anime Boob Queen have unnaturally small pupils?