By David Futrelle
Hope you’re all enjoying today, whether you celebrate Christmas or you’re just having a Tuesday. Here’s an open thread, for celebrating the day (whatever it means or doesn’t mean to you), venting about Christmas weirdness involving relatives, making jokes about Trump, whatever you want.
If you want more Christmasy content, check out my last two posts: Hot for Santa: The Unbearable Horniness of Vintage Christmas Ads and Have an Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Christmas with these really creepy vintage ads.
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For you, today was probably the greatest day of the year. But, for me, it was Tuesday.
Another child has died in US custody. Merry fucking Christmas:
Just Tuesday for me, too.
Now I’m furious and wondering about the family of that poor, dead child and if they’ll ever find out what happened.
At least my Christmas isn’t ruined. ETA: but my Tuesday is. Gonna go have a drink, anyway.
I’m extremely lucky in that all of my immediate family is some flavor of liberal. I mean, there’s a scale, from me (basically a communist and one dead child in ICE custody away from hucking molotovs) to my older brother (kind of libertarian, but also supports equal rights for everyone) to my brother-in-law (kind of fiscally conservative), but we all hate Trump and anyone who collaborates with him. We’re also all atheist/agnostic, but we love Christmas. It’s just not about Baby Jesus for us. It’s about deep-fried turkey, giving each other presents, and pie for breakfast the next day. Also getting shnockered on the bowls of sangria I never stop mixing. Merry Christmas/Solstice/Tuesday!
The Trumpists seem to be staying home today, considering how that AP article has an unusual volume of pro trump tweets that include but aren’t limited to saying they’re diseased vermin.
@Ooglyboggles, TBH I just couldn’t bring myself to read the comments. I’m not feeling so good about humanity right now.
I have another argument-starting T-shirt on the way! I’m extremely excited, because this group only started making these because I asked. Previously, this slogan was only available on tote bags.
It says “Feminists don’t hate men. Well, #notallmen.”
Can’t talk. Had country-style ribs with homemade barbecue sauce for dinner. There are also cookies.
Losing my medical insurance due to parents’ imminent separation. Learned abput this from parent initiating separation during christmas dinner with them.
Happy Tuesday All!
We’re still here and I just had an odd food related idea, while sitting on the toilet.
A sort of “vintage” thing too. Those “decorative” bottles of pasta. Like this:
I have one of these, or once was, it’s a tall spiral shaped clear bottle, I tossed the pasta in it out, and put some bubble bath in, it’s now a bathroom decorative object.
The thought that just came to me: Were you supposed to eat the pasta that was in these bottles? Or was it all just meant as decoration?
Remember when these were big? Speaking of Giftmas prezzies .. how many of us got gifted with one of these . . . things.
Friend here is reminding me of the similar bottles of – stuff, “Stuff in Liquid in Decorative Bottle”, ha, presumably pickled veggies – same thing. Were you supposed to – eat that? Or was it just meant to be a decorative object?
We all remember these things, none of us gambled on eating the contents.
I totally WOULD eat this, just to try it.
How do you even prepare it? Do you slice pieces off and eat it cold, or do you cook it somehow?
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. It sounds as though it’s two traumas: your parents separating and losing your medical insurance. I know that you were thinking about transitioning. Maybe hearing this news on Christmas made the whole thing even worse.
Please talk to your therapist or us or whomever you choose about this life-changing event.
Spring will arrive. In a few months, yes, but it will get here. I’m not sure how long it will take to get Trump out of the White House — but I hope it happens soon. Good things are on the way. Believe in that. Believe in yourself. Take good care.
I had a peculiar Christmas as I fell and fractured my skull. I love being British (despite a lot of things, Brexit included) because numerous people working for the NHS spent their Christmas Day looking after me.
It turns out walking an energetic dog when you’ve had a lot of wine is stupid. My sister and her partner must have been terrified, but got me the help I needed, and looked after the dogs while I was in hospital (which is particularly nice as they aren’t dog people).
I’m feeling very delicate, and very stupid for causing so much worry. But I love the NHS.
So glad you got the help you needed! I’m also glad the dogs were looked after. You’ve had an interesting Christmas. I hope your New Year’s is less so — but very happy.
Has anyone heard about the Sweet Sue brand Whole Chicken in a Can? It just slides out of the can, stuck in it’s own gelatinous broth. It’s beyond nasty.
What I remember is the homemade gifts of all the dried ingredients for cookies layered in a pretty jar, with a ribbon around it. You then added the eggs, etc.
Ack, Weatherwax! Glad to hear you’re on the mend.
I’m sorry to hear that. Someone I know was injured when he tried to climb a ladder in the rain, while wearing flip-flops. The ladder slid out from underneath him, or he slipped off and fell. He broke one of his feet in multiple places.
This was at least 6 weeks ago, and he’s still on the mend.
@Weatherwax, glad to hear you aten’t dead. I fear so much for the NHS under the tories – always, but particularly post-Brexit.
@Herbert West
If you are talking about the can in the header, I’d empty the contents into a saucepan over a lit burner and stir/simmer until it was a hot game soup or stew.
Wow! It’s amazing what can be put in a tin now days. I’m impressed!
Ooglyboggles –
I’m so sorry about both! For insurance, please look into Medicaid, if you qualify.
That’s rotten.
If your state doesn’t have an extended open enrollment period for the ACA exchange, you should be able to enroll under a qualified life event.
Am I the only one bothered–for thematic rather than aesthetic reasons–that the wretched little sapling that attracted Charlie Brown’s compassion is now itself a buyable licensed thing?
@Full Metal Ox:
No, you’re not the only one. That just seems a violation of the entire point. And probably something Schulz himself would have hatred for similar reasons.
Forget it, Ox, it’s end-stage capitalism.
I’m so disappointed that GAME’s ‘Christmas tinner’ is a hoax. We have GAME stores in my country, and none actually stocked this delight. I hope they do the right thing and make it real next year, I so dearly want to try it