By David Futrelle
The Federalist has once again delivered a hot take so blazingly bad that the entire internet, it seems, has risen up to point and laugh at it.
The conservative site, a veritable factory of extremely bad takes on subjects ranging from The Mueller investigation to feminism, posted a piece by writer John Sweeney yesterday informing us all that “You’re Not Allowed To Knock Trump For Stormy Daniels If You Watch Porn.” According to Sweeney, you see, watching porn is basically adultery, so watching Stormy Daniels have sex is basically the same as having an affair with her.
Now, there are any number of things wrong with this, er, argument — not the least the fact that the real issue with Trump and Stormy Daniels isn’t the sex; it’s the hush money payments, which pretty clearly violated campaign finance laws, making Trump himself the unindicted co-conspirator in a felony case that’s already sent his former top lawyer to jail.
But let’s focus on the even dumber argument at the heart of the piece, the idea that watching porn is the same as committing adultery — at least if you’re a married dude. (In Sweeney’s world, everyone is straight and only men watch porn.)
“Culturally we may not believe it,” Sweeney asserts,
but each time a married man watches pornography, he commits an act of adultery. … We don’t wait for our wives to leave the house to watch baseball.
Sweeney restates his basic premise perhaps a half-dozen times, but never actually presents a straightforward argument that would justify his conclusion.
Instead, he focuses on a slightly different scenario — a situation in which a husband engages in virtual sex with a woman online:
[I]magine that a woman returns home from work only to find her husband on a video chat, engaging in virtual sex with a woman he met online. … Direct physical contact is sufficient, but not necessary to commit adultery. …
[H]iding behind a computer screen is nothing more than a technicality, providing neither excuse nor justification. It is easy to see, then, that watching pornography is not substantively different or uniquely innocent.
Perhaps realizing that he hasn’t quite managed to convincingly argue that last bit — his equation of virtual sex and porn — Sweeney presents a different hypothetical scenario: a husband watching a live cam show. “His behavior here is no different than the previous hypothetical,” Sweeney asserts.
If a man can commit adultery through a computer connection, does it really matter who is on the other end?
Well, yeah, it does. There’s a difference between an intimate, interactive sexual encounter between two people — even if it’s virtual — and watching a show put on for dozens or hundreds of viewers.
Notice, then, how similar this is to watching pornography. The only real difference is that a typical pornographic video is pre-recorded.
This is like saying that talking to someone — in person or on the phone — is the same as reading a book by them. In the first case you are interacting with a specific person; in the second you are part of an audience and have no personal connection with the author.
The only scenario out of the three that could be considered “cheating” is the virtual sex scenario, because it involves a personal connection of sorts with another human being. Private cam sessions might also be considered cheating — emphasis on the “might.”
Are any of these things exactly the same as having an affair or having sex with a sex worker? No. And it’s up to individual couples to define what does and does not count as infidelity in their relationships.
Some might consider virtual sex with an almost-stranger to be much less of a big deal than, say, a partner publicly flirting with a neighbor, even if there is virtually no chance that this flirtation will lead to any kind of sex. Moreover, nonmonogamy has rules as much as monogamy does. Someone in an open relationship might be fine with their partner having sex with multiple other people on a regular basis — but forbid their partner from seeing a sex worker or getting a lap dance.
Different people draw boundaries in radically different ways. And that’s their business. Wantonly expanding the definition of adultery to encompass everything even vaguely sexual — including porn watching — is neither honest nor helpful.
Sweeney’s porn=adultery argument is strikingly similar to one I’ve run across again and again from NoFappers and incels and assorted others in the manosphere — the notion that those who watch porn are cuckolds, in that they are watching women having sex instead of having sex with them.
“All the porn you watch is basically Cuckold Porn.,” a NoFap Redditor calling himself keysomea declared in a post a year ago.
Why? Here is the explanation: You are basically watching another guy fuck the women that you would want to fuck and taking pleasure in that by masturbating to that.
While it makes a certain sense for someone trying to avoid masturbating to porn — the primary goal of the NoFap movement — to cast aspersions on the act of masturbating to porn, this argument is set forth even more energetically by incels.
“Watching porn makes you a cuck,” someone called Heightframeface declared on the Incels.is forums earlier this year.
How can people, especially incels, watch a Chad fuck a girl who’s making tens of thousands of dollars by being a digital prostitute? This is the ultimate form of cuckoldry. …
“Porn Fappers are cucks,” agreed another commenter in yet another thread on the Incels.is forums.
You Who watch Tyrone or Chad plow Stacy on the regular are cucks stuck in jewish agenda.
You enjoy seeing a superior man have sex With The girl you wish to screw daily and enjoy that.
And this isn’t the only way in which incels have broadened the definition of “cuck.” As I noted in a recent post,
incels have expanded the definition of “cuckold” to include every man who has sex with a girl or a woman who isn’t a virgin. In other words, if a woman has ever had sex with a man other than the one she’s currently with, she’s basically cucking her current man as much as if she were to have sex with another man right in her boyfriend or husband’s bed while he watches, humiliated.
Many incels become fixated on this idea. When they see a woman they find attractive, all many incels can think about is all the other guys that (they imagine) she’s been with.
And somehow this always leads their brains to thoughts of semen. “Can you talk to a girl knowing that her mouth has been filled with semen?” asked one Incels.is commenter. It’s something that these guys think about on a daily basis — causing them to feel worse about themselves and to hate women even more.
Incels aren’t the only woman-hating woman-wanters to make this argument, which is also fairly common amongst MGTOWs — those similarly womanless men who, unlike the incels, claim that their womanlessness is the result of their own deliberate choices. “How cucked do you need to be,” one MGTOW recently declared in a Reddit rant, “to put a ring on someone who took it up the ass and swallowed when she was younger?”
It’s easy enough to see why NoFappers, incels, and MGTOWs have adopted such a ludicrously capacious notion of cuckoldry. NoFappers define porn use as cuckoldry because they’re trying to stop using porn. Incels adopt the same definition not because they’ve given up porn — most seemingly haven’t — but because, somewhat paradoxically, it enables them both to play the “cucked” victim of porn and to look down on “normies” who also use porn.
Similarly, incels and MGTOWs are happy to castigate men who have sex with non-virginal women as “cucks” because it makes them feel better about their own celibacy (whether they consider it “involuntary” or their own choice). And it gives them yet another excuse to slut-shame any woman who have any sort of sex life at all.
So are there similarly political motives behind Sweeney’s weird expansion of the notion of adultery to include watching porn?
At the outset, Sweeney insists he’s not making the argument in his article’s title — that people who use porn have no right to criticize Trump’s affair with Stormy Daniels — in an attempt to absolve Trump of his sins. “This [argument] by no means justifies President Trump’s behavior,” Sweeny declares.
He slept with another woman while his wife was home caring for their son, and he deserves every second of criticism from his affair with Daniels.
Well, perhaps, but it seems pretty clear that by equating literal adultery — something that most people consider a Very Bad Thing — with something that most people indulge in and that very few people now see as a big deal, you are by definition minimizing the significance of Trump’s adultery, no matter how you try to deny it.
Beyond that, Sweeney’s main goal seems to be to use porn to attack the sexual revolution that began in the 1960s.
“If anything can be attributed to the sexual revolution, it is the widespread popularization of pornography,” he asserts.
It is the crowning achievement of a culture that treats sex flippantly, stripping it of its beauty and purpose, leaving only the bodily function. We have reduced sex to transactional entertainment and created a generation of pornography-addicted consumers, hiding behind the anonymity of a computer screen.
Whatever your feelings about porn, to portray its current popularity as the “crowning achievement” of the sexual revolution is, I think, profoundly dishonest. The sexual revolution was about many things, but at its essence it was about sexual freedom, enabling those who lived through it or who grew up in its wake to approach sex with less stigma and needless guilt.
It’s given women sexual autonomy they never had before, and helped to enable LGBTQ folks to fight for and win basic rights previously denied them. It’s revolutionized the way our society thinks about sexual consent, helping to reduce rapes and to render unacceptable the sort of sexual harassment that used to be rampant in the workplace.
We still have a long way to go on all these issues, but there’s no question that the sexual revolution has helped us to make progress on all of them.
Sweeney tries to present himself as a sort of white night for married women victimized by their husband’s “virtual adultery” in the form of porn use. But his real agenda seems to be to push back against a sexual revolution that has benefitted women in countless ways.
His piece isn’t simply a bad take; it’s an insidious one. He’s doing no favors for the women he pretends to be defending.
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“Every time I kiss you, I’m gonna be tasting 37 other guys!”
— Dante Hicks, 1994
I agree that watching porn is not cheating. Despite this I did give up porn when I had a girlfriend. My rationale was that, I’m with this wonderful, beautiful woman, I should be directing my attention towards her and not other women.
Because he would be forced to admit (or assumes it to be self-evident) that his main source is The Holy Bible, and thus that his argument is either watertight or based entirely on religious arguments:
In Matthew it says that if you look at a woman with lust you are committing adultery, so this is not exactly a hot new take…
I am not about to read a Federalist article but without having done so I gather the innovation here is, as DF suggests, to blame it on the sexual revolution. But, on second thought, is that so very innovative? I mean, doesn’t it reduce to blaming the hussies for tempting men away from the “good” (=passive) wives? I think we’ve heard that one before.
But if you’re watching, say, Stacy and Becky getting it on without Chad, where’s the cuckolder?
If I’m only allowed to object to one or the other, I’d probably prefer that my husband wait until I’m out of the house before watching baseball rather than porn. Baseball is so boring. That’s right, I said it!
Maybe I would change my mind if the average porn vid was also 3 entire earth hours long.
Logically speaking, the bible can be used to justify executing masturbators. 🙂
Landover makes the argument!
I love the assumption that every wife disallows her spouse from watching porn. Plenty of women don’t mind. Plenty of couples watch porn together. It’s funny. Conservatives think feminists and/or progressive women are man hating harpies who you can’t have a pleasant relationship with, but really, it’s apparently right wing women who are outlawing porn in the household.
Oh, but he doesn’t go far enough!
Can you talk to your parents, knowing that – if they’re your bio-parents – they had to have sex to conceive you? Embarrassing, right? And even if they’re not your birth parents, they may have had sex in the same building as you! Under the same roof!
And what about chairs? Can you even sit on them anymore, knowing that other people who sat on them also pooped out of the same butts they use to sit with? Imagine all those butts pooping! Now imagine them sitting on chairs! Shocking, right?
Can you even drink water anymore? Earth has had water for most of its existence and multi-cellular life has been around for about a third of it. Think of where all those water molecules have been! Can you be completely comfortable knowing that you’re drinking former dinosaur piss? Maybe even… dino semen??
These are serious concerns!
Well, I don’t watch porn, so…KNOCK KNOCK, MOTHERFUCKER!
I also note in passing the irony at work here; aren’t the so-called red states the ones with the highest rates of porn use? An awful lot of closet adulterers out there, in other words. No wonder they love Donnie…he lives out their dumbest fantasies. And gets away with it legally, morally and ethically, too…
“Oh, darling, my wi-fi waves are going to make you reach the seventh OSI layer of heaven. Let us put your cable in my wet hot RJ45. Aah, i can see you are gifted. Do you prefer we are jpegging or mpegging ?”
And so on and so on. It is funny that something such digital as a computer can have so many analogies…
Anyway, that takes a lot of imagination to see adultery or cuckoldery in using a computer (and your hand, possibly). You can say the same for many things in fact : you see two dogs doing it ? Adultery ! You see your neighbor kissing his wife when going to work ? Cuckoldery ? Why ? We do not do why ! That is, and you do not have to think about it. Easy life, easy life, the one where you do not have to think by yourself.
I know alot of people who don’t watch porn in relationships and wouldn’t be happy with their partner watching it.
That said, it’s on a whole different level than physically cheating with another person.
@ Epitome
I remember being astonished when I worked out my parents had to have had sex FIVE TIMES! I mean… why???
And faint memories of an Italian joke about how we know the Holy Family was Italian:
The son lived at home until he was 30, his mother thought he was God and he was convinced his Mum was a virgin.
There are versions of this elsewhere: stereotypes may vary.
Whenever I see a Federalist hot take mentioned on twitter, someone will pop up and ask, fruitlessly, who funds the Federalist. So, is it suspected of being a Russian operation?
And plenty of women have more exotic tastes in porn than their male partners. My wife has shown me stuff that I never even imagined existed. (Nothing illegal, just incredibly weird.)
The writer Alan Bennett shares the same birthday with his brother, born a few years earlier, and they worked out that they must both have been conceived during an August Bank Holiday weekend. Whether or not there was any possibility of conception happening at any other time of the year is of course impossible to say, although Bennett strongly hinted that there might not have been.
Which in turn reminds me: my wife and I have a policy of responding to any sexual questions from our kids both truthfully and bluntly, so naturally when our daughter asked me when I last had sex with her mother, I said “some time last week”. It’s hard to describe how appalled she looked – she must have privately conceded and come to terms with the fact that we must unavoidably have had sex nine months before she was born, but the notion that we might have done it since, and for pleasure, simply didn’t compute.
In order for cucking/adultery to take place, the cuckee must have some sort of real-life relationship with the adulterer. These guys have redefined it so that just seeing an attractive girl is enough. As if they own every porn actress they see. Is the logic that once you fap to it, it’s yours? Even if the target has no idea you exist?
Tucker Gets It Wrong (surprise!)
read it…
it’s funny!
They probably think that’s even worse somehow, being cucked by a girl.
@Weird Eddie:
Presumably, Tucker’s “gingerbread people” segment was partly an attempt at humour. I mean, when he says “You don’t even want to know how many bathrooms there are now in gingerbread houses. A lot”, I think I’m supposed to laugh, rather than yell “that doesn’t work, idiot, because home bathrooms aren’t gendered”. It’s a reminder than right-wingers really shouldn’t attempt comedy.
From the Slate article:
Wait, that actually happened? Driving away our listeners to own the libs?
What exactly is their objection to someone having had semen in their mouth? I mean, humans put all sorts of things in their mouths.
Is the problem that it’s a bodily secretion? But people drink milk and eat eggs all the time, and these are things that come directly out of cows and chickens.
Is the problem the taste? But people also drink bourbon and lapsang souchong and all manner of awfulness (ymmv) for various reasons (stockholm syndrome?), so objecting on the grounds of taste is silly, seeing as plenty of things taste worse and people pay money to put them in their mouths.
Most incels I think will argue that the awful thing is that it’s someone else’s semen, but I think their problem is that they’re disgusted with themselves for all the wrong reasons, so the notion of their semen in someone’s mouth is terrible to them, thus semen in general is bad.
On the other hand, have they considered such difficult choices as semen versus goat milk? Straight from the source? Frankly, their panic about semen-guzzling ladies is patently ridiculous.
Ah, one of my favourite subjects. That thing that is such a barometer of cultural attitudes that the movers and shakers of our society are still reticent to discuss despite consuming it at the same rate as the rest of us hoi polloi.
Does Mr. Sweeney here know that they actually make silicone molds of adult performers’ anatomy for the purpose of selling them as sex toys? Or that it’s possible to both be in a committed relationship and enjoy said toys or said pornographic content as part of ordinary relations? These concepts seem to have passed this guy by, or he is aware of them and this is far more cynical column than I gave credit for. Because if this is meant to be a defense of Trump, it’s not a very good one. I’d have to agree with David’s assessment that this is just pushback against the sexual revolution, as a lot of these right-wing columnists do (looking your way Ross Douthat).
Anybody else getting Davis Aurini flashbacks with some of this? The whole “all sex is transactional” and the “tut-tutting” about anything that deviates from Handmaid’s Tale-style missionary was verrrrry skull-boy.
The part I find the least believable about all of this is that the following critique of late-stage capitalism:
allegedly appeared in the Federalist, of all places, rather than say Jacobin. 🙂
@ Moggie:
This quote from Tammy Bruce is, to me, very descriptive….
While I wouldn’t use the term “worry”, I think, yeah, we ALL ought’a consider, in advance, what we’re gonna say!! What’s telling about Bruce’s response is the assumption that conservative, white, xian, “merry christmas”-supporting people DON’T have any responsibility for the effect their speech has on others….
(… one might even say that, while “might” does not make “right”… “white” DOES!!)
And back on the topic, Penthouse Magazine — Right-Wing Mouthpiece???
Y’know, all this nonsense spewed from the manosphere and the right wing leads me to conclude that the spewers are angry they are no longer 3 years old. And then I feel I should apologize to the non-whiny toddlers out there.
Not just that, where do they get the idea that this a thing that all women desire? I know it’s a turn-on for some women but it’s bloody obvious in a lot of porn that the performers clearly feel it’s one of the clichés of the form that needs to die. Especially when the guy is taking his own sweet time and the woman’s eyes are clearly glazed over wishing for it to be done and wondering if she left the gas on at home…
I remember reading somewhere that “money shots” started in porn as a way of proving that the sex wasn’t simulated, but in my teenage edgelord days I read some of the works of the Marquis de Sade (protip: don’t ?) and such scenes occur in his works so IMO it’s more likely a dominance thing than anything else. Semen smells funny, it has a weird texture, so shooting it onto a partner’s body or into their mouth is an act of degradation… and if they get off on it, why, that proves just how depraved they are under their civilised façade! Also, in de Sade’s nihilist philosophy, doing so is an act of rebellion, thwarting the biological drive to reproduce by literally “spilling one’s seed” in the Biblical sense… he was a messed-up guy. That Quills film that portrayed him as a harmless smutty raconteur and FREEZE PEACH martyr was so full of shit…