/pol/ 4chan bad anatomy bad science men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape sexual abuse

Possibly the worst sentence I have ever read

What the fuck did I just read?

By David Futrelle

So I’ve been doing a lot of weird search term combos lately, to see how various manosphere obsessions intersect. And the strangest combinations of terms often lead me to threads on 4chan.

I found the following comment in a thread on 4chan’s /pol/ forum that popped up when I searched for “yoga pants” and “race-mixing,” though the comment itself only contains one of these terms. It’s probably the most horrific sentence I have ever read, and all by itself it might possibly ruin your whole day.

CONTENT WARNING: Child sexual abuse.

generally the bigger the tits n ass correlates to an earlier activation of hormones due to getting diddled as a kiddle, so if you see a tittymonster in yoga pants you can bet she was raped by a degenerate boomer as a <10yo child, so yeah the mental issues are going to be all-encompassing, literally got fucked up

So yeah.

While this sentence is not, you know, true, it seems to be a sort of distorted extrapolation from a real research study published by two Penn State researchers last year which found that the stress of child sexual abuse can accelerate puberty in girls by as much as a year. Which is, to quote Mr. Anon here, fucked up.

So here are some prairie dogs hugging. because at this point I think we all need something a little less depressing to think about.

That’s a little better.

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Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


Austin G Loomis
6 years ago

…in the immortal words of David Rees, “Is this really the only planet I can live on?”

6 years ago


*closes laptop to go make Christmas cookies*

6 years ago

Hmm, let’s break out the checklist:

Scientific ignorance: check
Sketchy logic: check
Degrading term(s) for women and/or their anatomy: check
Boatloads of squick: check

Why yes, that is an MRA post!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ok, but I have big boobs and I didn’t go through puberty early. Actually, I was a late bloomer.

6 years ago

I’d heard this theory about early sexual abuse of girls resulting in early puberty, decades ago. The person who told me it had, er, questionable attitudes towards underage girls. I was a teenaged girl at the time.

6 years ago


I just got a phone call from my spouse, who told me his quadriplegic brother was taken to the ER with stage 4 sepsis.

My quick Google indicates sepsis only has 3 stages. Is there anyone with a medical background who can help me out?

I know it’s bad news. Not surprising to me, but still bad news.

6 years ago

I can’t understand the sentence.

But I like the Prairie Dogs.

6 years ago

Dormousing It

I didn’t know that sepsis was staged, but I have survived it. My step dad has survived sepsis more than once. It is always a serious diagnosis and outcomes are very difficult to predict. I know that isn’t helpful but it is true.

How he responds to antibiotics will determine some of the outcome. The quadriplegia is a complicating factor that will make predictions even harder. I’m so sorry. This is awful for all of you. I hope he is in intensive care getting the treatment he needs. FWIW, my sympathies are flying over the internet to you and yours.

6 years ago


Thank you for responding.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

That’s gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.

Now, trigger warning here: I’m gonna talk about my own abuse real quick.

It didn’t really advance my puberty, I don’t think. I’ve always been a member of the Itty Bitty Tiddy Committee, but it did age me MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY.

And that might also be due to the verbal and emotional abuse I was also subject to before it grew into the awful clusterfuck that got that demon locked away in prison.

I was expected to grow up fast because I had to clean and care for younger siblings while their father sat around and did nothing because “Oh, I have bad legs, pity meeee and clean and babysit and make me coffee.”, and all of this began when I was like 7 or 8. And hell had no fury like that of when I eventually fucked up as a FUCKING CHILD will do.

And it truly fucked me up. I think this is part of the reason why I’ve got such a hard time functioning properly as an adult is because I’m still in “survival mode” as it were.

I don’t go out on work nights because I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere after school.

I associate dissapointment with anger, so I just keep my head down and stay quiet while an authority is talking to me, even if I have something to say in my defense.

I’m also terrified of fucking up minor things, to the point where I will break down sobbing because I am so scared of severe consequences.

And it’s because of shit like this that I didn’t actually have a childhood. I had to grow up because I lived in the monster’s den, where weakness was exploited and only caused hurt. I learned that adults were not to be trusted and I could only rely on myself. I had to withstand and endure, because what else could I do?

I mean, this whole thought process has me fucked up, y’all. The only real good thing about this is now that i’m an adult, I can try to give myself the childhood I never really had through toy collecting and video games.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

As an English major, I want to take a permanent marker to that sentence.

As a human being, I want everybody to have a good childhood without emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. What I think of those who abuse children would violate the comments policy.

Pearl Clutcher
Pearl Clutcher
6 years ago


I hear you, and I’ve been a*** myself. I have similar issues but therapy and hard work have made things easier… slowly…

Recovery is possible even if it’s not linear. For me, giving myself a childhood as sn adult was a big part of it too.

Glad to hear that *#”;”/= got jailed. You did so well.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

Hugs for anyone who’s survived or is going through hard times right now. Dormousing_it, I hope your brother in law responds to treatment. Thinking of you and your family.

That’s utterly horrifying to think stress hormones hasten the very thing abused kids need least – a sexually mature body. Is it possible that the correlation is backwards, and early bloomers are more likely to attract the attention of pedophiles?

6 years ago

Does anyone ever attempt to slap the living shit out of posts such as that one?

I’m being serious. I don’t have a Reddit account. I am seriously considering the prospect of joining JUST to tell these uninformed people how very wrong they are. (Yep, sounds like a fool’s errand.)

Letting these terribly uninformed people remain uninformed is unacceptable. Especially when they have the ear of other young, ignorant people whose main learning hub is other ignorant Redditors.

Pagan Reader - Misandrist Spinster

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Kitten butts:
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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Hugs/brain bleach for Dormousing It, Paradoxy and anyone else who needs or wants it.

Pagan Reader took care of things on the kitten end, so I’ll add some puppies.

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Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago


Amazing how such few words could condense so many types of vileness.

Pseudorationalists are the worst. Justifying all of their horrible beliefs with the thinnest glaze of hand-me-down evidence without the bravery to peek and see if they might be wrong. Utterly horrid.

@Carrie, it might be fun to brigade reddit or 4chan sometime, though I’d only do it through a VPN or anonymizer or something. A subreddit would just ban you for being an sjw, but that’s not something 4chan can do really… hmm.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
6 years ago

read more of the thread. All my love to anyone who’s feeling called out by this troglodyte saying these things, it really is horrible <3

6 years ago

@Dormousing: Former EMT, current engineering student:

… I’ve never heard of a fourth stage of sepsis (last time I did any reading there were definitions for Sepsis-1, Sepsis-2, and Sepsis-3.

There is one 4 point scale that can be associated with a sepsis diagnosis, and that would be a SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment), where 4 is not good news.

So, I’d say that if I heard sepsis and 4 together, I’d assume the situation is probably pretty bad. However, human bodies can be amazingly resilient and they can be heartbreakingly fragile; some patients who are very ill with sepsis (on top of other complications) respond well to treatment and pull through, and some folks who get transported with flulike symptoms die. I don’t know what the case will be for your brother-in-law.

Internet hugs if you need them, and I hope your spouses’ brother improves, and his doctors and nurses and CNAs do well. And that your spouse gets the support he needs. And that you have the support you need, regardless of what happens.

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6 years ago

@Dormousing_it, my best to you, your brother-in-law and your entire family.

6 years ago

@paradoxical Intention: That’s terrible. It sounds to me like you struggle with self-acceptance. Collect rooms full of toys and video games, if it makes you feel better.

I can commiserate, because my father’s misogyny, alcoholism, and self-hatred left him unable to parent effectively, especially be a parent to girls. But I never had it anywhere as bad as you did. I eventually forgave him. I think his guilt feelings were a factor in his death.

Thanks to everyone who responded about my brother-in-law’s sepsis. And, for the cute animal pics.

6 years ago

As someone who first noticed men leering and getting all gross right about the time my mosquito-bite boobs started budding at the ripe old age of ten, I really question the cause-and-effect sequence proposed by this creeper here. I was molested AFTER I started developing, not before.

Also, the fact that I ended up growing to a bra size that’s awfully hard to find on the racks is down not to being molested (and the hormones that THAT is supposed to stimulate) but the fact that I gained a lot of weight on the Pill. Which I took for my irregular periods, not so I could go around slutting it up.

Also, OT: The kitty in the picture is German, if that flag on the wall is any indication. Es leben die deutschen Katzen!

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
6 years ago

@Dormousing_it–all the best to the family. I hope things go as well as possible.

I wear a 40I bra, and was not abused as a child. I don’t think these things are connected, either, I think it’s just genetics plus weight on one hand, and luck of the draw on the other.

6 years ago

@ Dormousing_it

I hope your brother-in-law pulls through.