bad anatomy bad science crackpottery dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit semen

Men “bring life into the world” because their sperm swim, while the eggs just sit there, Galaxy-Brained Redditor explains

His boys can swim!

By David Futrelle

Turns out that women aren’t just improperly appreciative of men because back in the cavemen days it was (allegedly) the cavemen that hunted the mammoth to feed their lazy women sitting eating bon-bons in their caves.

Women also don’t appreciate all the hard work that sperm do, swimming all the way to the eggs while the lazy eggs just sit there eating bon-bons in their caves.

At least that’s the claim being made by this big-brained Redditor:

Men bring life into this world. (self.unpopularopinion) submitted 10 days ago by I-hate-trump Im tired of women patting themselves on the back for having kids and claiming there would not be babies if it was not for their vagina. Men put life into women, our sperm literally swims. If it's swimming it is the beginning of life. The egg is totally secondary. And you know what? Its doesn't stop there. We are our there working, fixing shit when it breaks, fighting the wars and are expected to being home the bacon....all the while women can opt out of work anytime to be a "wonderful mother". I'm calling bullshit.

Don’t laugh! This guy has SCIENCE on his side. 17th-century science, at least.

At the tail end of the 17th century, after the invention of microscopes allowed scientists to see those little swimming spermies for the first time, the smart set of the day decided that these vigorous little fellows just had to be the real source of life on earth. As biologist Robert D Martin notes in an article in Aeon,

philosophers and some students of reproduction [held that] the egg was merely a passive receptacle waiting for vigorous sperm to arrive to trigger development. And sperm? The head of each contained a tiny preformed human being – a homunculus, to be exact. The Dutch mathematician and physicist Nicolaas Hartsoeker, inventor of the screw-barrel microscope, drew his image of the homunculus when sperm became visible for the first time in 1695. He did not actually see a homunculus in the sperm head, Hartsoeker conceded at the time, but he convinced himself that it was there.

He thought it looked like this:

It’s pretty cute, I have to admit — look at those teensy little fingers and toes! But I still like the Homer Simpson sperms better.

H/T — Found this one via the Blue Pill subreddit

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6 years ago

OT: Which is worse, these reddit mgtows or tumblr mgtows? With reddit, it’s just their text. But unfortunately stumbled upon some mgtows on tumblr like futuristicmgtow, igorbloodscene and darkmorningstarlucifer and they’re unsurprisingly vile. But it’s creepy seeing them reblog cute stuff like funny vines of animals and then turn around to call women useless c/nts. Alot of them also like to say that they’re normal irl,l too, with a grand high paying job, multiple homes all over the country, plenty of money saved, good gym and wellness routine and that women like them. (but because they’re mgotw they always reject their evil ways because women are evil and must be all destroyed) – it sounds so.. LARPy..??

It’s also horrific how these guys are excited about some post-economic /societal, apocalyptic scenerio where they get to hurt women freely. Or excited about wanting to kill off half of the species.. simply for being born female..

I’m sorry I need brain bleach. There’s so many awesome guys out here. Its hard to see these mgtows desiring to convert them into angry misogynist because misery loves company. I’ve read alot of those ex redpill stories from guys who call this manosphere a cult. It sure looks like it.. Ugh.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

@Dormousing_it 22 years ago there were medicines that my gynocologist said were safe. But I’m old enough to have peers who were affected by thalidomide and I was very reluctant. I lost 5 kg in 6 weeks.

At that point 3 things happened almost simultaneously:
1) The placenta was pretty much formed, making any drugs less risky.
2) I ran out of excess body fat
3)The vomiting stopped. Hallelujah, it stopped.

And I went on tohave a healthy baby who isnow a handsome young man.

6 years ago

@Sheila Crosby: So, you lost 11 pounds* when you should have been gaining weight. I’m glad it finally resolved for you. Going through that nausea and vomiting must be hell on earth.

I know they sometimes prescribe cannabinoids to cancer chemotherapy patients for the nausea, among other things., but they’re probably not safe during pregnancy.

*I’ve still got to convert the metric to imperial☺, and probably always will.

6 years ago

@Weird Eddie

women will be great, but will be treated as deadbeats, and that men will be deadbeats but be treated as great.

Well, that was kinda my point. Women are treated that way because they failed to meet impossible standards, and men are treated that way because they can easily surpass expectations.

Probably relevant:

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
6 years ago

@dormousingit I don’t think you’re supposed to put on more than a pound or two in the first three months, but you’re not supposed to lose weight.

On the other hand, the weight really piled on during the last month. I was hungry all the time.

Yeah, it wasn’t fun, but he’s easily worth it. On the other hand, I get very annoyed with the anti-choice people who talk as though there are no health risks and no discomfort involved.

6 years ago

My little sister is a wonderful mom. She has a foster teen and 2 kids of her own under 10.
I’m not a mom at all because I focused my adult stage on career and multiple partners and paying my house off.
But don’t these idiots know where eggs come from?
They leave the ovary, travel down the Fallopian tubes and enter the uterus. It’s not like they just sit there.
Not that anything these geniuses ever say makes much sense. But are they intentionally stupid? Do they wake up every morning and say, “I’m going to make rapid assumptions about things I have no idea about today and announce them as fact, just like I did yesterday! Yay for me!!”
??? I am continuously baffled.

6 years ago

December 17, 2018 at 8:18 pm
@Sheila Crosby: So, you lost 11 pounds* when you should have been gaining weight. I’m glad it finally resolved for you. Going through that nausea and vomiting must be hell on earth.

I know they sometimes prescribe cannabinoids to cancer chemotherapy patients for the nausea, among other things., but they’re probably not safe during pregnancy.

There’s actually no evidence it isn’t safe during pregnancy and some slight evidence it may even be beneficial. Many women do choose to use it to help with HG, and others wish they dared use it, but are scared of losing their children to CPS, because it has helped many women when the prescription drugs failed entirely or came with awful side effects