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By David Futrelle
NoFappers — they call themselves fapstronauts — give up masturbating to porn because they’ve convinced themselves that it drains them of their “life force” and makes them lethargic and dull-witted.
Some fapstronauts with suspicious minds have begun to wonder if draining men of energy has been the secret intent of porn all along — and then start asking themselves just who might be behind such a dastardly scheme.
One NoFap Redditor thinks he’s found the villain: feminists.
“Maybe, and just maybe, feminists have realized what PMO [Porn Masturbation Orgasm] does to men,” oruto1058 wrote in a post on the NoFap subreddit,
It makes us beta. Weak, fragile creatures unable to make attempts at real women and instead wait for them to make a move on us. We slowly kill our testosterone and our ability to focus and create and instead we become followers ready and willing to do what we are told.
Uh oh!
Maybe the feminists (militant) have realized that there is no way to end the patriarchy from an academic discourse so they come at all men through guerilla tactics i.e. make porn more readily available and encourage all men to indulge.
These days there may be more sex-positive feminists than there are antiporn feminists. And there are feminist pornographers. I’m nonetheless fairly confident that “the feminists (militant)” aren’t the prime movers behind the porn industry — unless you think there’s a secret feminist agenda behind real porn titles like “Dirt Pipe Milkshakes” or “Dude, Where’s My C*nt?”
But go on.
That is why we are seeing a generation of weak men unable to fend for themselves. Men unable to lead their communities.
oruto1058, evidently worried that he was starting to sound like a big ol misogynist, added a caveat that actually made it worse:
This is not to imply that women cannot do so but PMO is definitely make it harder for men to have such ambitions.
He finished with a question:
Does any of this make sense or is it just a conspiracy cooked up in a struggling addict’s head?
Pretty sure it’s the latter, dude — as a number of the NoFappers responding to oruto1058’s post also also suggested.
But others thought he was on to something.
“You’re completely right,” RicardoABB308 decl;ared.
Different cultures have relevated [sic] the importance of sexual energy retention. … the feminism agenda is looking forward to make men weak through sexual liberation. It is a crime against men nature, allied to science as a religion. If it says PMO is healthy, you’ll follow its message.
Revolt against modern world!
That last bit was presumably a reference to Revolt Against the Modern World, a book by Italian fascist philosopher Julius Evola that’s very popular amongst the more pretentious members of today’s alt-right — in case you’re wondering about the sort of reading material some NoFappers are keeping on their nightstands.
KingJonStarkgeryani was also convinced that the feminists were behind it all:
Femmism [sic] created the sexual revolution that led to the birth of the porn industry, o yeah it certainly seems like the stuff they call advancement leads to thensiffering [sic] of millions of men.
“Thensiffering?” Does he mean “the suffering?”
Evidently the new mental sharpness one is supposed to attain after giving up masturbation doesn’t extend to typing or proofreading.
Others, while convinced that there is some nefarious villainy behind porn, weren’t convinced that the OP had found the real culprits.
“No, it’s not the feminists lol,” swilson99 declared. “If anything it’s the frickin Illuminati.”
Well, yeah, they’re the ones making the really good porn. Everyone knows that. Have you seen “Eye of Whore-us?”
Read about this jerkass. He was livestreaming his Fortnite game session when his pregnant partner rightfully got mad at him for not paying attention to her and the kids. So this weedy little creep got up and hit her.
I hope she dumps his butt and takes him to the cleaners!
I’m not surprised a few idiots like him are defending his on-air assault.
TRIGGER WARNING: Don’t watch the original video.
@Mish: I’d love to read your thesis, if you’re able to share it!
I would like to say that this kind of macho culture we have is toxic. Even men who are asexual or demisexual like myself are pressured into needing to ‘have sexual experience’. I went ahead just out of curiosity to find out what its like and my esteem was destroyed, I feel like shit despite getting further validation I am actually demi or asexual. Didn’t like it one bit.
I hate this kind of culture and what it did to me, only after finding out did I truly know my real ‘sexuality’. That being demi ranging to asexual. Looking back it was not truely my own wishes but that of a certain group that pressured me.
I agree that noone should be pressured into sex or see it as the be all and end all.
Sexuality shouldn’t be censored or seen as shameful but it shouldn’t be forced upon, either.
I’m a millennial, anti-porn, radical feminist. Am I worse then, because I’m actually hoping violent and degrading porn disappears completely for the GOOD of men, as well and women and children and what it’s doing to them…..
My evil agenda involves the belief that porn encourages unhealthy and dangerous attitudes towards sex and ruins relationships between men and women, as well as influencing young children.
Send me to the gallows!
They’re also wrong about feminism having anything to do with progressing porn. The porn industry co-opted feminism to sell themselves as something sexually progressive and is predominantly defended by far left leaning 3rd wave feminists. Same way they sold us cigarettes as liberating.
Just saw this news item and wondered whether ut might explain the Fapstronauts: https://apple.news/AxwgculgERJeS-_8eIHWDSg
I’m against degrading or violent porn, too, and would like it to disappear so that it would stop being a bad influence on men and women. Almost like one can think sex-positive erotica and sexual liberation can coexist with the idea that some erotica is patriarchal and a bad influence, or something!
But, y’know, keep blaming it on “far-left-third-wavers”.
Actually, for fun: can you define what you mean by that? What’s the difference between a second wave and a third wave feminist?
Your answer will be scored.
I am so sorry for this late reply! I’ve been trying new email apps on my laptop and phone – it has not gone well. Despite glowing recommendations for Mailbird and eM Client, my experience was not good. I’m still catching up with missed messages, and very grateful that it’s the slow time of the year 🙁
I’ve checked the uni library and unfortunately my Honours thesis hasn’t been digitised. I did that degree back in the dinosaur time. So the library has a hard copy, and I have a hard copy (somewhere), but it’s not shareable. My PhD is digital, but didn’t really focus on the sexuality debates.
I already follow you on Twitter, so I was hoping to DM you with a link for the Honours one, but no good.
They think masturbation is draining their life force? Their humours must be out of balance. they probably need a good blood-letting!