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Feminists push porn to make men weak through excessive masturbation, NoFap conspiracy theorist explains

He used to be an alpha dog. Them he got addicted to porn

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By David Futrelle

NoFappers — they call themselves fapstronauts — give up masturbating to porn because they’ve convinced themselves that it drains them of their “life force” and makes them lethargic and dull-witted.

Some fapstronauts with suspicious minds have begun to wonder if draining men of energy has been the  secret intent of porn all along — and then start asking themselves just who might be behind such a dastardly scheme.

One NoFap Redditor thinks he’s found the villain: feminists.

“Maybe, and just maybe, feminists have realized what PMO [Porn Masturbation Orgasm] does to men,”  oruto1058 wrote in a post on the NoFap subreddit,

It makes us beta. Weak, fragile creatures unable to make attempts at real women and instead wait for them to make a move on us. We slowly kill our testosterone and our ability to focus and create and instead we become followers ready and willing to do what we are told.

Uh oh!

Maybe the feminists (militant) have realized that there is no way to end the patriarchy from an academic discourse so they come at all men through guerilla tactics i.e. make porn more readily available and encourage all men to indulge.

These days there may be more sex-positive feminists than there are antiporn feminists. And there are feminist pornographers. I’m nonetheless fairly confident that “the feminists (militant)” aren’t the prime movers behind the porn industry — unless you think there’s a secret feminist agenda behind real porn titles like “Dirt Pipe Milkshakes” or “Dude, Where’s My C*nt?”

But go on.

That is why we are seeing a generation of weak men unable to fend for themselves. Men unable to lead their communities.

oruto1058, evidently worried that he was starting to sound like a big ol misogynist, added a caveat that actually made it worse:

This is not to imply that women cannot do so but PMO is definitely make it harder for men to have such ambitions.

He finished with a question:

Does any of this make sense or is it just a conspiracy cooked up in a struggling addict’s head?

Pretty sure it’s the latter, dude — as a number of the NoFappers responding to oruto1058’s post also also suggested.

But others thought he was on to something.

“You’re completely right,” RicardoABB308 decl;ared.

Different cultures have relevated [sic] the importance of sexual energy retention. … the feminism agenda is looking forward to make men weak through sexual liberation. It is a crime against men nature, allied to science as a religion. If it says PMO is healthy, you’ll follow its message.

Revolt against modern world!

That last bit was presumably a reference to Revolt Against the Modern World, a book by Italian fascist philosopher Julius Evola that’s very popular amongst the more pretentious members of today’s alt-right — in case you’re wondering about the sort of reading material some NoFappers are keeping on their nightstands.

KingJonStarkgeryani was also convinced that the feminists were behind it all:

Femmism [sic] created the sexual revolution that led to the birth of the porn industry, o yeah it certainly seems like the stuff they call advancement leads to thensiffering [sic] of millions of men.

“Thensiffering?” Does he mean “the suffering?”

Evidently the new mental sharpness one is supposed to attain after giving up masturbation doesn’t extend to typing or proofreading.

Others, while convinced that there is some nefarious villainy behind porn, weren’t convinced that the OP had found the real culprits.

“No, it’s not the feminists lol,” swilson99 declared. “If anything it’s the frickin Illuminati.”

Well, yeah, they’re the ones making the really good porn. Everyone knows that. Have you seen “Eye of Whore-us?”

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Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack

what’s the difference between nutting during sex and and nutting in the hand? does vaginal juice replenish a chad’s energy or something? maybe the hand lotion is full of soul-sucking chemicals?

maybe there was never any difference at all.

6 years ago

These guys think porn started in the 60?

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.

6 years ago

If these guys rubbed one out they would be much less miserable. I think the leaders of the machosphere/alt-wrong/etc. know this and that’s why they forbid it….

Gotta ban all the stuff that helps them cope; masturbation, therapy, self-improvement, basic empathy, etc.

Gotta keep them a bunch of screw-ups….gotta keep them dependent on the B.S. ideology….gotta keep the crab bucket effect going….

….there’s money to be made….attention to get….followers to control….

….all these guys getting healthy answers and outlets would destroy the whole scheme.

That’s my theory. What do you think of it, guys?

6 years ago

I can’t wait for them to go full Skoptsy.

6 years ago

What’s a Skoptsy –

The Skoptsy (Russian: скопцы; singular скопец “castrate”; also transliterated as Skoptzy, Skoptzi, Skoptsi, Skopzi, Scoptsy, etc.) were a heretical sect, within the larger Spiritual Christianity movement in the Russian Empire, best known for practicing castration of men and the mastectomy of women in accordance with their teachings against sexual lust. The term is a descriptive one used by the official Russian Orthodox Church.

O-O Well then.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
6 years ago

Wait. I thought that feminists were evil no fun buzz kills who want to prevent men from ever so much as seeing a boob?

6 years ago

@Ooglyboggles, Nequam

Wow… and I thought the Circumcellions were weird.

6 years ago

@Oogly: There’s a really weird shout-out to them in the vintage SF book The Stars My Destination; their future versions go in for full-body sensory deprivation, IIRC.

6 years ago

Well, at least tumblr will still have an audience next week . . .

6 years ago

Ok, I’ll bite. I’m a feminist. What have I been doing to encourage porn? Other than not having sex with every man I meet and thereby frustrating the hell out of them, thus driving them to their own resources?

I like the idea that porn is created by feminists. I’m seeing in my mind’s eye the scene from Lace by Shirley Conran (many a teenage girl’s ahem personal aid) where an old man tells the teenage Lili she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to. Feminism in action!

But I’m slightly disappointed to find out that the Illuminati don’t turn out to be feminists all along.

/massive amounts of sarcasm

6 years ago

I can’t wait for them to go full Skoptsy.

Especially “the greater seal.” The lesser seal is for beta cucks.

Didn’t some of the members of the Heaven’s Gate cult have themselves castrated?

epitome of incomprehensibility

I like this “maybe and just maybe” format.

Maybe, and just maybe, Internet porn became widespread because there was a demand for it and it made money…? Nah. Has to be feminists with a secret agenda!

tim gueguen
6 years ago

They apparently haven’t heard the old Who tune “Pictures of Lilly.” Or read about the old fashioned stag movie. Or shunga. Or a whole bunch of other sexually explicit materials that existed throughout history.

Julius Evola sounds like he was a real charmer.

6 years ago

Testosterone makes you focused and creative? Sounds like just the kind of thinking you get from a wanksock.


occasional reader
occasional reader
6 years ago

Ah, they are all tricked ! It is not Jews, nor feminists, even not Illuminatis !
It is Aliens ! In order to conquer Earth, of course. Because while you watch porn, you do not brace yourself for the upcoming alien apocalypse ! Best plan ever !

Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

Nobody tell them about The Pearl. It’d blow their little minds.

David Futrelle
David Futrelle
6 years ago

AsAbove, yeah, some of the Heaven’s Gates guys were castrated, I think most of them.

The Phantom Cheese, Wearer of Problem Glasses
The Phantom Cheese, Wearer of Problem Glasses
6 years ago

Feminists invented porn? Learn something new every day, I suppose. Sounds like our old friend NWOSlave.

dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago


Maybe the endless repetition that feminism is a big, old and diverse movement that accommodates multiple ideas and approaches finally paid off? They’ll blame us for everything and its opposite explicitly from now on!

6 years ago

I mean, I’m a feminist and I sometimes write erotic fanfiction, so I suppose that I am contributing to the porn agenda.

The stuff that I write is all queer and I’m pretty sure that 90%+ of the people who get off on it are women or nonbinary folks, but it’s good to know that I’m contributing to the destruction of men.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

For people prone to depression, it is true that orgasm can mess with brain chemistry and leave one feeling sad, fuzzy, achey, and physically drained afterwards. Post-coital blues is definitely a thing. It doesn’t lower testosterone, though.

If abstaining makes them feel better, then go for it. No need to wrap it in layers of pretentious, quasi-mystical woman-hating bullshit. Evidently they’ve bought into the myth that Real Men rut dozens of times a day, and they need a sour grapes excuse for nofap because “orgasm makes me feel lousy afterwards” is too beta.

That is why we are seeing a generation of weak men unable to fend for themselves. Men unable to lead their communities.

It’s fascinating how manosphere-incel-anti SJW types seem to spend virtually every waking moment raging and shitposting all over the internet (seriously,
quora.comment.section….don’t these guys ever take a break?) and then get angry that they’re not real world Leaders of Men and Pillars of the Community. In previous generations, you see, governorships just fell out of the sky. Must be the wimmenz holding them back!!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

I mean, if you look at all the recent scandals and #MeToo stories, lust certainly hasn’t hindered our current crop of politicians and moguls from rising to power.

6 years ago

I find this paragraph kinda sums up the strangeness of this mindset, which is based in a real anxiety but comes to the absolutely wrong conclusion:

That is why we are seeing a generation of weak men unable to fend for themselves. Men unable to lead their communities.

Yeah, there’s a reason I don’t own a house right now, and it’s not because I’ve been weakened by my stroke-a-day habit. It’s because I’m paid peanuts and homes in Toronto cost your firstborn child and immortal soul.

It’s like these people are too frightened of the logical conclusion because it’s not something they personally can change. They seem terrified of the work involved in any kind of collective action that goes against the grain of the society they’re living in, where they actually have to go toe-to-toe with powerful interests. So instead of coming to that realization, they do the Jordan Peterson thing of “just do something that’s in your control, but harbour a loathing of women while you do it”. So they blame unclean rooms for men not succeeding in life, and it’s evil feminazis that kept men trolling on Reddit and 4chan for 14 straight hours.

They might as well blame house centipedes for their lack of life success for all the sense it makes. “The only thing standing between you and the billionaire lifestyle… is scutigera coleoptrata. Smack them with a rolled-up newspaper until you feel better about yourself.”

And yet… they lament not being “leaders in their communities” when it’s fairly obvious they have no interest in their own communities. With communities being built more and more online, I know more about furries near and far than I do anybody who physically lives around me. These guys aren’t exactly members of their local Rotary Club or community council.

6 years ago

meanwhile, in Australia:
gamers gonna game?

(hi. long time reader, first time commenter. thanks for this site.)

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
6 years ago


These guys think porn started in the 60?

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.

This comes to mind.

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