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By David Futrelle
So there are a couple of videos up on YouTube that simulate what it would be like if you were to encounter all of your Tinder dating matches in real life instead of on your phone’s tiny screen.
In one, a young women was confronted with a line of 30 men and told to swipe left or right as they presented themselves to her one by one; she swiped left — that is, she rejected — most of the men. After sitting down and talking to the remaining men individually, she decided she didn’t want to go on a date with any of them.
In the other video, the genders were reversed, and a man had to pick potential dates from a group of 30 women. He ultimately found one he was interested in going on a date with, and got her number.
The first video of the choosy woman seems to have sent Daily Stormer writer Octavio Rivera into a rage. (It’s not clear if he watched the other video.) As he sees it, she’s not hot enough to be rejecting all these men.
“The woman is a 4 at best,” he complains in a recent post on the site, though my guess is that most people would consider her perfectly attractive.
Her face is the kind of face that gets ruined with an extra pound or two – jawline just can’t hold up. Her facial expressions denote bipolar disorder.
Er, what?
Despite her below average status, this slag is so entitled that none of the 30 men were good enough for her.
And the men who were her possible dates, Rivera goes on to complain, helped to feed her sense of entitlement by treating her with too much deference.
Women think they’re some kind of royalty nowadays. Treating them as such doesn’t help. You have to bring them back to earth.
Being all giggly and “te-hee nice to meet you your majesty” is not masculine and it reinforces their princess complex.
Back in the good old days, Rivera asserts,
good, average men had access to women and created their own families without having to play these games. Giving women agency as if they were something other than property was a grave mistake that needs correcting.
And if female agency is the problem, Rivera concludes, the only way to fix the situation we find ourselves in today is to remove that agency.
“Rape is the solution,” he writes, putting the words in bold.
Think about it. This slut was surrounded by like 30 men that wanted to have sex with her. Those men were subjected to stupid hoops and games and ended up gaining nothing and wasting a lot of time. It would have been easier for them to rape her, be done with it and move on towards productive stuff. …
Make Rape Legal Again? It would save so much trouble.
He even has an idea as to who, specifically, should be the first to suffer from this new policy, suggesting that the
government-sanctioned public gang-rape of Ariana Grande would probably be a good thing to strike fear into the hearts of blackface thots, though it may represent a sanitary risk to the men doing the rapes.
He then begins to imagine what his own personal rape utopia would look like.
Once the government has been purged of Jews, we will have to debate the merits of rape punishment administered by the public, or whether we should have professional rapists, or even rape-machines in order to remove the human element from the corrective rape.
In the meantime, he urges his readers to make rape memes — and to come up with an easily recognizable (and memeable) “patron saint of corrective rape” who could help convey “the salvationist nature of rape.”
Now, it would be easy enough to dismiss Rivera’s post as a joke, albeit one in extremely poor taste, especially given his call for memes at the end. But Nazis have a long history of using jokes as a way to get their ideas out there into the world without having to take full responsibility for their awfulness.
And in fact, a now-notorious style guide prepared by Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin urged those writing for the site to hide their serious intent behind a veil of ironic jokiness.
“Most people are not comfortable with material that comes across as vitriolic, raging, non-ironic hatred,” Anglin wrote. “The unindoctrinated should not be able to tell if we are joking or not” — even though, he made clear, they really aren’t joking at all.
While Rivera may not think that the government should immediately begin work on literal rape machines, it’s pretty clear that he really does feel that women shouldn’t be allowed much of a say in their choice of dating partners — and that they definitely have no right to reject the men he thinks they should be dating.
Unfortunately, it’s not only the famously misogynistic Nazis of the Daily Stormer who feel that way. These are views shared to some degree by many if not most incels and Men Going Their Own Way. And they have a disturbing resonance with a surprising number of men.
Indeed, this spring, after a self-identified incel deliberately ran down pedestrians with his van in a busy neighborhood in Toronto, killing ten, a number of prominent men – among them Canadian psychology-professor-cum-self-help-guru Jordan Peterson and New York Times columnist Ross Douthat – began to wonder aloud if the real problem underlying incel rage wasn’t aggrieved male entitlement but the excessive pickiness of women who for some reason don’t feel like dating the sort of maladjusted men who think mass murder is a reasonable response to sexual and romantic frustration.
In an interview with the New York Times, Peterson said the solution to this unjustified female pickiness was a system of “enforced monogamy” that would i somehow – he was a bit vague on the details – compel women to date and marry men who currently have trouble finding partners. Douthat, drawing on a blog post by George Mason University economist Robin Hanson, suggested that “sexual inequality” was as serious a problem as economic inequality and that some sort of “redistribution of sex” might be in the offing. Both think the root of the problem lies in women’s poor sexual choices.
Now, both Peterson and Douthat would be aghast at the suggestion that their solution to what they see as women’s unreasonable refusal to date certain kinds of men bears any resemblance at all to Rivera’s only semi-ironic proposal of mass rape.
Indeed, Peterson has insisted that women wouldn’t be forced to do anything they didn’t want to do – which makes one wonder why he used the word “enforced” at all. How exactly does he think this new monogamy will come about, especially since it would require women to date and/or marry men they now, often with very good reason, reject. Would there actually be much of a difference between Peterson’s sexual utopia and the Handmaid’s Tale’s Republic of Gilead?
Maybe the real difference between Peterson’s “enforced monogamy” and Rivera’s rape robots is that Rivera has taken his ideas to their logical conclusion, and Peterson has not.
Doesn’t seem like there’s even much pretence at satire with this one—the current crop of Nazi scumbags have reached the point where they feel able to spew their vile ideology pretty much openly.
Please tell me someone is reporting this SOB to some proper authority… 🙁
Of course, it’s always “excessive pickiness” when women say no. Men seem to think women should be happy with whatever we can get. Meanwhile, men can be as picky as they please, no problem. Meanwhile, when polled single/divorced women always come out on the top of the happiness heap. Married men come in second, married women third, and single men last. Given this: Why the hell would a woman even want a man around long term? Why wouldn’t she be “excessively picky”.
And right wing dudes wonder why nobody (except Laura Loomer) wants to date them?
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen lust rage directed at Arianna Grande on this site. I have to assume it’s probably because she looks like a teenager.
This isn’t even the first time that a horrifying opinion piece encouraging rape has been written by these dingbats. Remember Roosh V’s “legalise rape” piece? (And, of course, they then tell us that they were just joking, GOD feminists can’t take a joke! /s)
Ariana Grande is also extremely sassy, at least, her online presence is. I’m assuming the combination of youth, sass, confident sexiness, etc. is enough to make Stormers’ heads explode. Well, we can hope 🙂
Well, obviously if you never say no, then you never have to worry about being raped. That’s how that works, right?
Though really I think they’re mostly infuriated that women have any desires/ preferences/independent though at all. Women are supposed to be mindless, compliant sex-things, not people.
Valizhadeh, Jordan, Rivera. The list of candidates for exile to Seagull Island just keeps getting longer.
Not sure what era they’re referring to when they say men used to be able to find a partner without much trouble. Then again, it’s pretty common for a right-winger to wax nostalgically on bygone eras that never really existed.
Regardless, I’m not sure legalizing rape will solve this, erm, issue. In fact, I’m fairly positive that the reaction would involve most women withdrawing themselves from dating entirely.
What’s remarkable is that the man was barely interested in more women than the women was.
She went 0/30 he went 1/30. But for some reason men being picky / selective is fine yet women doing likewise is beyond the pale.
Right? If anything, this just illustrates how both are about equal when it comes to choosiness. And also how it’s about equally hard for both to find just one person to go out with once, never mind form a full-on relationship with.
But trust these Nazis not to understand that oh-so-subtle nuance.
Can’t help but wonder how far someone called Octavio Rivera is going to go if the Nordic master race ever do manage to make their comeback.
You’re assuming that women will have the choice whether or not they want to date if these guy ever get there way.
Funny how all these guys’ ideas on how to make this world a better place would actually turn it into one helluva shithole.
Also, this guy should be first in line for his own “solutions”. ALL of them.
PS: Couldn’t resist the urge to add:
Is the Daily Stormer on some watch list? Any of these guys?? They need to claim irony and jokes as means to hide their words because we know they aren’t kidding.
Trying to incite violence like pushing rape to be legal has to be watched by some watchdog group, right?? Sometimes I want off this planet. These guys are just demonic and spiteful. And they have fans and readers is just sick
These guys must either never leave home or walk around wearing welding helmets. The world is full of men and women who they would find unattractive, or even downright ugly, who have managed to find partners and have children with them. Apparently there are lots of these supposedly picky women who settle for guys who aren’t Chad.
Rape a choosy woman who is at best a 4? But that would be sex with a woman who is below average in looks and, according to Dr. Mengele, has bipolar disorder. Below-average bipolar children could be the result. What Nazi would want that?
And the purpose of the rape machine would be to correct these below-average women with bipolar disorder and such so that they become willing to date undatable Nazis, marry unmarriageable Nazis.
Apparently Nazis’ high standards go out the window when faced with the concept — not even the possibility, just the concept — of having sex.
When I clicked on the link to read the deathless prose of the entire article, I was amused to see three large photos — apparently one just wouldn’t be enough — of a very young Michelle Trachtenberg in sultry poses, captioned “That is what absolute degeneracy looks like.”
Dude! Next time, wipe your drool off the photos before you post them. Also, you mean “This,” not “That.”
As a copy editor who relies on style guides, I find it hilarious that the Daily Stormer has one. It’s as though those Nazis think they’re big boys.
There is so much wrong with this I can’t even. So I’m fixating on the fact that he thinks she’s a 4.
When I saw that “tinder in real life” video in my sponsered suggestions on youtube it immediately threw off red flags.
‘Swiping’ on tinder is just like walking by someone on the street. Does every fucking man on the street “deserve” a date with any woman who walks by him? What is the point of this video? To guilt people into relationships that make them miserable? To disparage free will?
Of course the real point is that women should just stop being choosy, shut up and start making babies already.
“in order to remove the human element from the corrective rape”
Was it ever there to begin with?
Lauren-the woman from the video-is cute! She kind of reminds me of Bellamy Young from Scandal.
Nazi stuff aside, I think a lot of these guys just need to get the fuck off Tinder. I’ve become convinced that it’s a miserable experience for most users – the exceptions primarily being those who really do just treat it as a lark, or a weird minigame.
Is the so-called journalist a well known comedian ? Or is the Daily Stormer supposed to be a satirical newspaper ? If it is a no to both, then it is hard to say it is a joke, him and the journal being supposed to tell the facts and “the truth”. And such an article is not free speach, it is just a call to violence and harm, combined with hate speech.
It’s articles like these that remind me why I started pursuing a Criminal Justice degree in the first place. I can’t wait to get an opportunity to start digging into these Nazi shitpukes.