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The best thing about Milo’s financial meltdown? The terrible, terrible people he’s stiffing

Milo didn’t take his own advice

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By David Futrelle

So the loathsome Milo Yiannopoulos — the self-promoting alt-right enabler and serial harasser who’s been kicked off so many platforms I’ve lost track — has apparently gone bust, in a big way, landing himself more than $2 million in debt, according to documents examined by the Guardian Australia.

The details are deliciously schadenfreudey. The documents were leaked by some far-right Australian racist who’s apparently mad at Milo, and they reveal Milo’s now quite vicious feud with two Australian promoters who apparently spent much of the past year trying and failing to organize an Australian tour for Milo — and who now say they are being harassed by Milo’s toxic fans, including some thugs who broke into their car.

But in some ways the most delicious details in the whole mess have to do with who exactly Milo owes money to — a long list that not only includes lawyers, jewelers, and the company that put on his lavish wedding but also some names that will be very familiar to readers of this blog.

Looking through one of Milo’s “debt spreadsheets” that were posted on Twitter the other day, I discovered that Milo apparently owes $33,000 to the extravagantly Islamophobic pundit Pamela Geller and nearly $77,000 to his former Breitbart writer/manservant Allum Bokhari, the guy who actually wrote the notorious apologia for the alt-right that Milo took most of the credit for.

But there are a few other names on the list that literally made me laugh out loud. Milo owes $4500 to “journalist” and reactionary troll Ian Miles Cheong, $104 to noxious racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale, and $225 to former A Voice for Men attack dog Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield (Andrea Hardie), all of whom wrote for Milo’s now-shuttered Dangerous website.

Milo labeled his debts to Beale and Bloomfield low priority. Somehow I suspect neither one of them is ever going to see a cent of it.

As Bloomfield likes to say, though not usually to herself, suck it up, buttercup! 

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Andy 707
Andy 707
6 years ago

This is the perfect opportunity to use the “Then, Perish!” meme, lmao!

Mexican Hot Chocolatec
Mexican Hot Chocolatec
6 years ago

I love it when the alt-right factions fight each other; it’s like watching sentient diapers full of shit mud wrestle in a pig sty.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
6 years ago

Couldn’t happen to nicer people.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

All those people who claim that deplatforming fascists will just make them more popular and successful by martyring them are looking pretty silly right now.

6 years ago

I hope his 15 minutes of fame is just about over. He’s lucky he got that 15 minutes.

6 years ago

I feel weird about this. I’m not a fan of schadenfreude (despite it being an objectively fun word), because it means taking satisfaction in suffering, which is, well, mean. On the other hand, I heavily dislike Milo and his ilk for all the damage their doing and for being completely without empathy. So half of me is saying “don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” and the other half is scolding me for being a bad person.

6 years ago

True, it’s not nice to take pleasure in another’s downfall.

Then again, Milo’s not a nice person, so it all evens out.

Most delicious of all, this downfall is coming from his own side. They’re all tearing each other to shreds this week. Heimbach got drummed out of the NSM, too…on the grounds that his fellow Nazis think he’s a communist.

May they all wind up like the Kilkenny Cats.

6 years ago

I wouldn’t feel good if he had life changing injuries or got caught in a car accident, but this? This is just him finally facing some consequences for his confidence tricks – and he’s unlikely to have to pay it all back at that. It’s rare that you can see a swindler caught out and not need to feel sorry for the victims, but everyone who gave money to Milo knew they were giving money to a vile cause. Most of them just thought it was advancing the alt-right, not Milo’s 1% fantasies.

Mike Smith
Mike Smith
6 years ago

Oh man I want to be a fly on the wall when Day tries to collect.

6 years ago

I feel like sending thoughts OR prayers. Not both.

6 years ago

I certainly am not going to shed any tears over people who invested money into getting a shitbucket to spread hatred getting screwed over for that money, and I’m certainly going to enjoy watching the shitbucket and the shitbucket-enablers going at each other’s throats. I hope they destroy each other.

6 years ago

Popcorn, anyone ? 😀

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
6 years ago

Milo labeled his debts to Beale and Bloomfield low priority.

Milo also labels any person who isn’t him “low priority.”

(A)utonomous Escapist
(A)utonomous Escapist
6 years ago

Any fascist bigot who self-owns this hard gets a hearty round of laughter from me.

6 years ago


Milo also labels any person who isn’t him “low priority.”

Pretty much. His narcissism is on full display in one of Hope not Hate’s articles. It’s no surprise his relationship with the rest of the right is so fractious.

The most infuriating feature of this news is the massive sense of entitlement that Milo displays. Like it’s an outrage that the organisers of his Australian tour might be reluctant to pay substantial expenses which are unrelated to the tour.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

The documents were leaked by some far-right Australian racist who’s apparently mad at Milo, and they reveal Milo’s now quite vicious feud with two Australian promoters who apparently spent much of the past year trying and failing to organize an Australian tour for Milo.

Good! He can stay the fuck out of my country, Australia has enough bigots as it is. Among other things, the fact that there are some Australians who actually want him here and actually tried to organise a tour for Milo is proof of that.

Mexican Hot Chocolate

I love it when the alt-right factions fight each other; it’s like watching sentient diapers full of shit mud wrestle in a pig sty

That’s got to be the best analogy I have ever read. It brought about the most hilarious mental image! Thanks for that!?

ThatGuyWithThe3DS-No need to feel like a bad person. There is nothing wrong with feeling satisfaction when terrible people get what they deserve, especially considering the fact that the only things experiencing harm is their bank accounts.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago


Popcorn, anyone? ?

I will LOVE some!? Man, I’m so enjoying this!


“Most delicious of all, this downfall is coming from his own side.”

Agreed. That is the icing on the cake of all of this.

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
6 years ago

I have absolutely no guilt about enjoying the downfall of atrocious people. It’s nice to have some good news for a change; I’m pleased
Milo is going to end up exactly where he belongs (prison/ bankrupt/ mucking out pigs because it’s the only work he can get) and the fact that he’s taken some of the world’s most horrendous people for cash just makes me happier. THAT’LL LEARN YOU NOT TO BE AWFUL

*makes popcorn*

Help yourselves people, there’s a bowl of caramel, a bowl of chilli and lime, and those ones there are salted with the anger-tears of furious racists

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
6 years ago

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky-

Help yourselves people, there’s a bowl of caramel, a bowl of chilli and lime, and those ones there are salted with the anger-tears of furious racists

Smells delicious! Thanks so much, Violet!

*digs in*
comment image

6 years ago

I enjoy their suffering. It’s the least they could do for spreading hate. Good to know that deep down they hate each other just as much.

*brings the soda*

6 years ago

Others on the list, John C.Wright, John del Arroz and TK (The last one I won’t name, to not get WHTM in trouble), all far-right SFWriters. Del Arroz is saying that Milo doesn’t own him money on camestrosfelaptons blog. (You millage may vary if you believe it, since how believable is del Arroz?)

6 years ago

I think the only thing that can convey my feelings of this is a 10 hour loop of Nelson Muntz saying ‘ha-ha’.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

So here we have a group of people who consider themselves to be superior. In the know. They REALLY have special insight.

And they gave money to Milo?

Says it all, really.

6 years ago

Yeah, imagine knowing about Milo and thinking “yep, this seems like a dependable person to loan money to”. Before he made a name for himself in the US, he had a history of not paying people who worked for him in the UK. He’s always been a grifter.

6 years ago

To be fair, I suppose it’s not so much that they gave/loaned him money, more that they did work which they foolishly expected to be paid for. For example:

An October 2018 email sent by Yiannopoulos, outlining his various debts, indicates that he also owes in excess of $33,000 to the American anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller. The large majority of Yiannopoulos’ debts to Geller are marked as “Royalty”, possibly relating to Geller’s book Fatwa: Hunted in America, published by Yiannopoulos’ Dangerous Books in 2017.

The document also states that Yiannopoulos owes Geller a sum for the writing of his own book Dangerous, released in July 2017, alongside thirteen other individuals, including the vile alt-right figure Theodore Beale (AKA Vox Day), who has quoted the infamous nazi slogan the fourteen words.

Never hitch a ride from a scorpion, whatever he promises you.

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