alt-right Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies heartiste irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever pro-genocide PUA racism TROOOLLLL!!

Galaxy brained racist PUA: If we convince libs that cold weather = white supremacy, they’ll have to support global warming

Is Santa Claus a secret Nazi?

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By David Futrelle

Ok, so you know how there are lots of white people in northern Europe? And, like, Canada? What if a bunch of far-right shitlords were able to convince the media that cold weather was a white thing? Then the libs would have to support global warming!

That, in any case. is the argument of weirdo racist pickup artist guru Heartiste, and I have to confess that I did Nazi that coming.

In a post a couple of days ago, Heartiste set forth his proposition:

I hope the fake news media … declares winter a co-opted symbol of White Nationalism. … Just get the meme spreading that cold weather is congenial to Whites and causes nonwhites endless suffering, you’ll see shitlibs turning on a dime about their opposition to [autogenic global warming]. I want shitlib whites to feel uneasy every time they make a snowman with their 0.7 kids or strap on a pair of skis.

End game: shitlibs become global warming fans. lol

The big problem with this truly galaxy brained plan — aside form the fact that it makes no fucking sense —  is that the only people who seem to have swallowed the “cold weather means white supremacy” logic are 1) Heartiste himself and 2) a small percentage of his readers.

Heartiste earnestly pines for some sort of apocalyptic cold snap  — which is one seemingly paradoxical but possible result of global warming — hoping that a colder climate will literally wipe out millions if not billions of people who aren’t white enough for him.

He starts off his post with this attempt at poetry:

Winter created Whites.

Winter will save Whites.

Pray for the Long Winter.

Alms for the Grand Solar Minimum.

Shrines to the frigid night air.

Prayers to the God of the Land of the Ice and Snow.

The big freeze returns.

Then he spells out what he thinks the consequences of this “big freeze” will be:

The North Winds won’t always be survivable by the high time preference hordes. A shortage of heating oil coupled with a mini ice age should wonderfully purify heartlands and minds.

(The “high time preference” bit is a reference to the belief of many racists that people of color only think about the present and can’t plan for the future.)

A few of Heartiste’s readers think a “purifying” ice age would be just dandy.

“I’m a mountaineer with experience in -30 degrees F,” someone called Corinth Arkadin boasts.

I know a tiny amount of people (to include my Saxon woman!) who could do what I’ve done in that temperature.

Cull the herd. Bring on Winter.

But most of the commenters are skeptical, getting into long-winded and sometimes nasty debates on the evolutionary history of white people, with a few of them pointing out the rather obvious fact, ignored by Heartiste, that people of color have lived in cold climates for thousands of years.

One commenter called Doktor Jeep sidesteps the whole debate and urges his fellow shitlords to try to get the libs mad at Christmas instead.

So, if we would prefer to commit an ultimate act of taking “always offended” leftism and shoving it back up their asses without lube, all we have to do is take not only the winter symbology but the Christmas symbols as well and turn those into “white supremacy”™

It will make them ruin their own Christmas because they’ll take it away from themselves – or perhaps every horrible evil white male heterosexual christian gets free rent in the heads of every SJW alive as they go out of their way not to say “Christmas”.

Meanwhile, a commenter called Veritas offers a theory of white people that’s literally more galaxy brained than Heartiste:

Not that I have any hard evidence for this myself – but I truly believe, in my heart and soul – that the Aryan race descendends from another planet, another universe, that our himmlische Vater sent us here to save and redeem this world, for the benefit of all mankind

White supremacists are deeply weird.

Also, I’m white and I hate winter.

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6 years ago


I have a close family member who has gone through suicidal ideation and worse. It is definitely beatable, but don’t take it lightly. Remember that the inner voice telling you ending things is a viable option is a shitty liar. Kind of like Heartiste, but way more convincing. The general rule my loved one and their healthcare folks worked out is that suicidal ideation is definitely something to report to your healthcare folks and be treated for. Actually starting to consider a method for ending things is the trigger point we decided on for seeking immediate care. They are doing much better now, and finding a doctor who was very current on her knowledge of meds was the big difference.

Just one guys experience, don’t know if it will help, but know you will definitely be missed.

6 years ago

It’s always remarkable that these shitheels think that they’ll be the ones to survive an enormous cataclysm because they once went camping when it was cold out.

Hate to quote Chapo again, but in the context of the Gaza protests of the American Embassy move to Jerusalem that left dozens killed, they pointed out that the vast majority of Americans (white suburbanites especially, but frankly all developed nations) really don’t know what it’s like to go without the bare essentials of life (food, water, shelter) the way the Gazans do. Water in particular is the truly precious commodity and all these weekend warrior survivalists playing dress-up haven’t given it a moment’s thought as they’re planning to overthrow governments and preparing for Mad Max to break out.

And forget the militia guys, you think these computer-dwelling CHUDs with bedrooms covered in anime pinups have given a single thought to potable water following a global cataclysm?

To quote Quark from one of the best episodes of DS9, “The Siege of AR-558”:

Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They’re a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people… will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don’t believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.

The irony here is that these CHUDs are nasty and bloodthirsty having everything at their fingertips.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
6 years ago

And if you’re relying on your bare white skin as camouflage in the snow, you’re already as good as dead.

If you skin a white supremacist and wear them as a suit, however…

I kid, of course. Who’d want to wear something that disgusting?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
6 years ago

Ugh, I put the quotes around the wrong word in my own post; they were meant to go around “savage”. Serves me right trying to compose a long post on a tablet keyboard… ☹️

6 years ago


I’m sad that someone called “Doktor Jeep” is involved in this.

I spotted that, too. Andrew Eldritch promised a new SoM album if Trump got in. If it ever happens, I don’t think these guys will be pleased with the lyrical content.

6 years ago


Pale skin doesn’t grant any kind of resistance to the cold.

I think it is correlated with other cold-weather adaptations to do with restricting blood flow to extremities and slow the onset of hypothermia. Having a body well adapted to heat-rejection in hot climates isn’t so useful in the arctic (and vice-versa). I don’t know if this is genetic or phenotypic, though; probably a bit of both.

Technically they may still have some advantage, because due to centuries of systemic exploitation and oppression, white people tend to be richer than non-white people and thus will havemore resources to mitigate the affects to their comfort.

As usual, this is great news for the 1% and maybe the 5%, but everyone else is basically fucked regardless of their personal melanin levels. I feel like there should be a word for the persistent human delusion that [out-group people you hate] will always be worse off in the event of [bad things happening] because of [probably racist and definitely stupid reasons].

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Hold on to that thought that your friends and family do care. Because they do.

6 years ago

So does Shack Fartiste actually admit that humans are an AFRICAN species? You’d have to admit that to admit the stuff about white skin being some “cooler climate/less direct sunlight” adaptation (uh, ‘baby steps’?).

That said; Inuit (N. American and Siberian) and Himalayans are still pretty swarthy….I think whiteness is also due to stuff involving Vitamin D and perhaps having kids with Neanderthals many millennia ago.

Anyhoo; White skin only makes someone “superior” at getting melanoma. It’s a deficiency of melanin….a freaky mutation of a normally Tan/Brown species.

Being white doesn’t make one better or worse than the others. I say this as a bona-fide white person, myself.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Pie:

I feel like there should be a word for the persistent human delusion that [out-group people you hate] will always be worse off in the event of [bad things happening] because of [probably racist and definitely stupid reasons].


dust bunny
dust bunny
6 years ago

@ Pie

I feel like there should be a word for the persistent human delusion that [out-group people you hate] will always be worse off in the event of [bad things happening] because of [probably racist and definitely stupid reasons].

Oh yes. This is a huge part of why we aren’t acting on climate change. It will kill every single one of us if nothing is done, but it will hurt vulnerable people in countries closer to the equator first and worst. A lot of people seem to think fortifying the global north against refugees is all we need to do. If you’re a white supremacist, the prospect of climate genocide is just too tempting, you’re already looking for excuses to let it happen before you even stop to think ahead about how you’re going to secure the homeland and a future for white children afterwards. You find some comforting fantasy about superior white male stemlogic brains solving the problem as soon as there are sufficient capitalist incentives for it, and for some reason 2100 is the last year anyone ever thinks or talks about when it comes to climate change, so no need to worry about how this’ll keep getting worse for several centuries after we stop driving it. Not very thousand year Reich oriented thinking.

The one thing I’d expect Heartiste to have some clue about is which way the wind blows among pseudointellectual low key white supremacists. It’s weird that he gets this exactly the wrong way around. I’m less surprised that he doesn’t know that the connection between climate change and white supremacy has already been noticed and named by non-nazis.

6 years ago


So does Shack Fartiste actually admit that humans are an AFRICAN species? You’d have to admit that to admit the stuff about white skin being some “cooler climate/less direct sunlight” adaptation (uh, ‘baby steps’?).

That said; Inuit (N. American and Siberian) and Himalayans are still pretty swarthy….I think whiteness is also due to stuff involving Vitamin D and perhaps having kids with Neanderthals many millennia ago.

Not to mention that Cheddar Man, one of the earliest Briton skeletal remains found, appears to have been pretty swarthy himself:

Everybody remember how the white supremacists lost their shit when that bit of news came out?

So yeah: Whiteness is a recent mutation that happened to benefit those living in colder, sun-starved climes…well, at least some of the time. Those who didn’t have the Vitamin D advantage of pale skin, still managed to survive on a fish-based diet, which just happens to make up for the vitamin deficit.

Funnily enough, though, I don’t hear many white supremacists banging on about how good for you fish is.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

I think if there was a real threat of global cooling instead of warming, people in “white” countries would be freaking out a lot more, and not only because cooling would likely be more harmful to us in particular.

I suspect that people of North/Central European origin actually have a deep-seated historical fear of cold. Before the modern conveniences, winter must have been a miserable time, because most people had in store just enough shelter, heating and clothing to survive their local winter weather. Sick, elderly, starving or homeless people typically died during winter. Crop failures were typically associated with cold rather than hot summers. That last part was especially clear on the northern margin of agricultural zone, in places like Finland.

6 years ago

The “vitamin D advantage” is probably not much of a thing. People with dark skin don’t suffer in less sunlight. Dark skinned people can be diagnosed with “vitamin D deficiency”, but only because the levels used in modern tests are based on levels measured in white people (not because dark skinned people have rickets or any other symptoms of deficiency). White people store reserves of vitamin D, and other people just produce enough naturally, but have a lower “running” total, because of the lack of reserves.

Pale skin is not a disadvantage in colder regions with less sunlight, but considering how much people have to cover their skin in cold climates anyway, skin color doesn’t really matter.

Pale skin is a disadvantage elsewhere (such as in Africa, where albinos with even the best modern medicine still have a life expectancy of about 22). White people are closer related to Indian people though – and lots of Indian albinos look like ordinary white people – and the mutation probably stabilized into actual white populations in southern central Asia… and they probably moved north to get away from the sun.

So, white skin was never an adaptation to moving north, so much as moving north was an adaptation to having white skin.

Interestingly, some Indian and Roma (who originated in India) populations still have a very high prevalence of albinos. Because their albinos tend to look like ordinary white people, it led to the harmful stereotype that Roma “gypsies” steal white children. Not that long ago a Roma couple in Europe got their blonde blue-eyed child taken from them by authorities before genetic tests proved she was theirs.

I don’t subscribe to the black supremacist idea that white people are just albinos (and that that’s bad), because if so white people would end up having non-albino children all the time. But there’s definitely a strong connection between stable depigmentation in white people, and albinism in general (and the genes for blue or green eyes are the ocular albinism genes).

It certainly doesn’t make anybody superior, except at getting skin cancer.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
6 years ago

*winter solidarity with people north of 60*

@Oooglyboggles *hugs* (won’t repeat what other have said 🙂 )


Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago

I’ve lived in colder climates than I do now. I prefer living away from the snow and ice I had to deal with growing up, and I didn’t exactly live in the coldest part of North America.

Man, if we could harness all the energy the PUAs and racists and MGTOWs continue to waste on their whinging, we’d have a manned Mars base by now, and probably a few L5 space stations to boot. And a Luna City – long as I’m dreaming, I might as well go for it.

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
6 years ago

Does Fartiste* really think we can’t tell what is or isn’t white supremacy? Or is he just trying to persuade us that white supremacy doesn’t exist? I’m not convinced even he believes that.

* Made that much better by the fact that in parts of the North of England, ‘trump’ is also a slang term for flatulence.

6 years ago

I feel like these idiots are a not taking into account that there’s nothing wrong with the Vitamin D levels for African Americans and a few more groups), as so many of us are mixed with the English, French and Irish people who enslaved and colonized our us. I mean Black people really aren’t put out much by cold weather. We don’t like it, but we are not unduly harmed by it, anymore than the White people we live next to are, and there are plenty of PoC who live above the snow line on the North American continent.

And I guess they forget about all the non-White people of the world who live above the snow line, some of whom do not have dark skin, like some of the Inuit tribes, and some of the Asiatic groups in far Eastern Europe.

In fact these people seem to be under the mistaken impression that they will be the only people left alive during some great freeze, never mind how they’re going to procure food that’s not growing, or hunt animals that can’t exist in such environments with no food either, thanks to the new ice age they’ll be celebrating.

In fact, this new fantasy of theirs (and really that’s all it is, just another bullshit apocalyptic fantasy), doesn’t take into account a whole host of things,including that there are plenty of White people (ncluding themselves) who wouldn’t be able to survive some new ice age, as they’re ill equipped to survive this more temperate one. Have they seen the suicide and opioid drug death rates for White men in this country?

At any rate, I never underestimate the ability of deeply delusional people to believe they are somehow going to survive the end of the world, so they can be in charge. In charge of what? Especially when everybody’s dead except for maybe a few, or a couple million people in far flung areas of the world.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 years ago


These bonkeyheads need to re-read Mike Resnick’s “Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut off the Sun?” and hopefully grasp that the narrator of that story is NOT the good guy he thinks he is.

6 years ago

I would also like to point out that many Black people tan just fine. When it’s hot and we are exposed to much more sun we get darker. In the winter, some of us get a little paler. I know I lose some of my sunkissed look in the winter. I grow slightly fatigued but really that’s about it. I don’t know where they get the idea that brown skinned people can’t survive cold climates! Just another fantasy, then.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago


So, white skin was never an adaptation to moving north, so much as moving north was an adaptation to having white skin.

I don’t buy that. How’d stone age people even know there was less risk of sunburn in the far north?

In discussions of ancient migrations, there’s often this narrative that people (or some of the people) living in a certain area left because there was some specific and unusual threat or problem. I’d be more inclined to assume that ancient populations generally always had surplus population that’d eagerly go and conquer any new habitable area if given the opportunity. In absence of such opportunity, those same people would just suffer from mundane resource scarcity and have fewer surviving children.

In this view, northern areas were colonized just because it was possible to live there, once people learned to build warm shelters and make warm clothes. (And then they could advance even further north when the ice age went on a break.)

(Human skin color variation is probably partly adaptive, partly random)

6 years ago

I have met climate change deniers before, but this has to be the first person I’ve heard of that acknowledges the existence of anthropogenic climate change and is in favour of it. What a trailblazer.

C.A. Collins
C.A. Collins
6 years ago

Skin color as a function of received UV in stationary populations.

It doesn’t have a lot to do with temperature, just sunlight.

6 years ago


comment image
….Love this guy! I love the expression the artist’s rendition has. So mirthful and knowing of all the White Supremacist butthurt he’s causing. :0)

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

I think if there was a real threat of global cooling instead of warming

I think there IS a real threat, especially in the North. There is a “school of thought” that holds that the Younger Dryas cooling period, ca 11,000 years ago was caused, in large part, by fresh water being dumped into the North Atlantic by melting glaciers. This disrupted the North Atlantic “conveyor“, cutting off the warm water which keeps the northern latitudes temperate. The current melting of the Greenland ice sheet and the Arctic ice cap could cause another cooling spell in North America and Europe.

Fantasies about how Fartiste, et. al. are going to prosper during the coming troubled times are just that… fantasies. During the Reagan “Star Wars” era, when the U.S and the U.S.S.R. were playing “wolf” with threats of nuclear war, I researched a lot about survivalism. While this put me in contact with a lot of people whose world-view was… ummm… different from mine, I did learn a lot. A broad consensus of those folks agreed that climate was probably the biggest wild card in the deck. If it’s too hot, too cold, too dark, too etc. to farm, the odds drop dramatically. Stockpiling, especially of food, is expensive and space-consuming. Stocks must be monitored, rotated, and protected. For long-term survival, it requires 10 acres of arable land per person to subsist using current farming technology. Add to that sanitation, hygiene, medical care, security, and a host of other factors, and the viability of survival in Fartiste’s mom’s basement becomes nil.

There are a BUNCH of people who have made viable long-term preps for the day of doom-i-ness, though if the number were even seven figures, I’d be surprised. Most of the igno-right trolls who tell us they will be running the world after the “fall”… well, they’re dreaming. I believe the vast majority have a stock of weapons and ammunition, maybe some food, water as long as the faucet still works…. They’ll survive until someone (slightly) better prepared discovers them.

6 years ago


That sounds like the kind of shit I was into in high school, except I was more along the lines of “global warming is poetic justice for humanity’s polluting ways”.

High school me was a real shithead.