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By David Futrelle
Ok, so you know how there are lots of white people in northern Europe? And, like, Canada? What if a bunch of far-right shitlords were able to convince the media that cold weather was a white thing? Then the libs would have to support global warming!
That, in any case. is the argument of weirdo racist pickup artist guru Heartiste, and I have to confess that I did Nazi that coming.
In a post a couple of days ago, Heartiste set forth his proposition:
I hope the fake news media … declares winter a co-opted symbol of White Nationalism. … Just get the meme spreading that cold weather is congenial to Whites and causes nonwhites endless suffering, you’ll see shitlibs turning on a dime about their opposition to [autogenic global warming]. I want shitlib whites to feel uneasy every time they make a snowman with their 0.7 kids or strap on a pair of skis.
End game: shitlibs become global warming fans. lol
The big problem with this truly galaxy brained plan — aside form the fact that it makes no fucking sense — is that the only people who seem to have swallowed the “cold weather means white supremacy” logic are 1) Heartiste himself and 2) a small percentage of his readers.
Heartiste earnestly pines for some sort of apocalyptic cold snap — which is one seemingly paradoxical but possible result of global warming — hoping that a colder climate will literally wipe out millions if not billions of people who aren’t white enough for him.
He starts off his post with this attempt at poetry:
Winter created Whites.
Winter will save Whites.
Pray for the Long Winter.
Alms for the Grand Solar Minimum.
Shrines to the frigid night air.
Prayers to the God of the Land of the Ice and Snow.
The big freeze returns.
Then he spells out what he thinks the consequences of this “big freeze” will be:
The North Winds won’t always be survivable by the high time preference hordes. A shortage of heating oil coupled with a mini ice age should wonderfully purify heartlands and minds.
(The “high time preference” bit is a reference to the belief of many racists that people of color only think about the present and can’t plan for the future.)
A few of Heartiste’s readers think a “purifying” ice age would be just dandy.
“I’m a mountaineer with experience in -30 degrees F,” someone called Corinth Arkadin boasts.
I know a tiny amount of people (to include my Saxon woman!) who could do what I’ve done in that temperature.
Cull the herd. Bring on Winter.
But most of the commenters are skeptical, getting into long-winded and sometimes nasty debates on the evolutionary history of white people, with a few of them pointing out the rather obvious fact, ignored by Heartiste, that people of color have lived in cold climates for thousands of years.
One commenter called Doktor Jeep sidesteps the whole debate and urges his fellow shitlords to try to get the libs mad at Christmas instead.
So, if we would prefer to commit an ultimate act of taking “always offended” leftism and shoving it back up their asses without lube, all we have to do is take not only the winter symbology but the Christmas symbols as well and turn those into “white supremacy”™
It will make them ruin their own Christmas because they’ll take it away from themselves – or perhaps every horrible evil white male heterosexual christian gets free rent in the heads of every SJW alive as they go out of their way not to say “Christmas”.
Meanwhile, a commenter called Veritas offers a theory of white people that’s literally more galaxy brained than Heartiste:
Not that I have any hard evidence for this myself – but I truly believe, in my heart and soul – that the Aryan race descendends from another planet, another universe, that our himmlische Vater sent us here to save and redeem this world, for the benefit of all mankind
White supremacists are deeply weird.
Also, I’m white and I hate winter.
The Netherlands will NOT be flooded. Earthworks and seawalls for everyone! We’ll put the entire country on stilts if we have to.
Well, next thing they are going to claim is White Christmas, i suppose ?
@ooglyboggles: thanks for letting us know how things are with you. Good to hear you’re on target with academic goals, have a copacetic psychologist, and are at home in your trans identity. Not so good to hear you’re struggling with destructive triggers, but I’m glad you can recognize and acknowledge them, and trust people here with them. I join Bakunin in offering hugs if wanted. Or kittens, or ponies, or whatever lifts the darkness for even a short while.
And what they have is white fur. Not white skin. Some of them are even, gasp, not white in summer! (Penguins, of course, are just dapper.)
Hopefully never. It’s too much fun to watch. Who says the right can’t do comedy?
You’d think that if white people were really better adapted to cold, it’d imply that brown people are better adapted to hot weather, which means that climate change (if real) is especially harmful to white people. Why, maybe climate change is actually a deliberate plot by the warming-globalists to facilitate the displacement of white people in white countries!
Like, white supremacists have sometimes specifically noted the demise of polar bears in Canada, where brown grizzly bears are encroaching deeper into the Arctic and outcompeting the native polar bears. It seems like a neat parallel to “white genocide” – but of course it’s caused by climate change, not liberal immigration policies.
Uh… wouldn’t that “cleansing ice age” that these Nazi fucks apparently yearn for also select for people with a decent layer of subcutaneous fat to keep ’em snug and insulated?
I mean, I have no problem with that (I come provided with an abundance of protective padding, and am perfectly happy with padding on other people also), but wouldn’t that make Mr. “no fat chicks” Fartiste’s boner sad?
In reference to my previous comment, and occasional reader above,
In the cool temperate areas of Northern Hemisphere, Black Christmas is already overtaking White Christmas. Won’t someone think of the snowflakes!
It seems like Heartiste begins writing this as a joke/misinformation proposal, but then gets distracted by the fantasy of an extreme cold weather snap killing non-white people en masse – and this fantasy is the main part that some of his followers find interesting or inspiring.
In terms of misinformation, apparently us “shitlibs” are supposed to support climate change, either because we suddenly believe it will undermine the white race (see my first comment above) or because we just want to “own” the nazis, believing that they believe in the climatic white genocide/some deep connection between whiteness and cold weather.
This is sort of beside the point, but I understand that people tend to die from cold snaps in places where communities are generally poor and cannot invest in being prepared for unusual cold. Even in the outskirts of tropical zone, cold winter weather can be lethal to unprotected people. These same communities are also often more vulnerable to unusual heatwaves, and almost certainly to storms and floods. Poor people often suffer serious discomfort from even the ordinary weather variation in their area.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through such a bad time! Please talk to us or your psychologist or your local Suicide Prevention (put them on Speed Dial!) or whoever you choose when you feel like you might harm yourself. Put this thought into your head: “When I feel like I might end it all, instead I’ll contact [fill in the blank]. If they don’t respond, I’ll next contact [fill in the blank].” Make that your automatic thought, your default thought.
And take very good care of yourself.
Some of this stuff is touched on in Jared Diamond’s book “Collapse”. While Diamond has caught flak for some sections of the book (particularly the bits about the population collapse on Rapa Nui/ Easter Island IIRC) his section about the abortive Viking colonisation of Greenland during the Medieval Warm Period seems to show this kind of thinking on the part of the colonists. That is, they were aware of and traded with the native Inuit tribes and must have noted Inuit innovations for dealing with extreme cold (like their kayaks with integrated cold -weather gear), yet there are hardly any Inuit artefacts at the Viking sites in Greenland. It seems (and this is where Diamond sometimes gets criticised for extrapolating from scanty evidence but given what we know of human behavior, can we blame him?) the Viking settlers pretty much starved to death as the climate took a turn for the colder and their livestock died, no doubt congratulating themselves on their mighty-whitey superiority over the savage “skrælings” as they did…
So I’m pale enough to blind people with the sun reflecting off my stomach, but I live in Australia and hate the cold. I guess I’m a traitor according to hearty farty.
I think their plan to monopolize the ladies might run into some pretty obvious problems. Some swears, though no nudity in this one.
Fartiste’s drivel is reminiscent of the wacky “Weleislehre” (World Ice Theory) adopted by Hitler and many leading Nazis from the crank Hanns Hörbiger. This was primarily a pseudo-scientific cosmology, according to which the universe is largely made of ice, but it became associated with the belief that “Aryans” originated around the North Pole, and:
Incidentally, AGW is Anthropogenic Global Warming, not Autogenic. Fartiste just uses the acronym – I wondered if he had used the latter to signal a belief that climate change is nothing to do with us, and so for the first time ever went to his site.
Take care of yourself, eh?
Remember the voice lies and treat it with the contempt it deserves.
Problem with grabbing your courage and doing something is, no matter how right it is and how big the decision is, life keeps on being mostly ordinary. Gives that damned voice an opening to heckle you.
You have done good – isn’t many have the raw courage to tell the universe to “fuck off, I’m going to be what I am, not what you say I am.”
That’s impressive. Be proud of it.
@Weirdwoodtreehugger: They won’t.
@Oogly: Having dealt with depression myself for much of the past three and a half years, I can say from personal experience that having a solid support network can be a major help in driving out negative thoughts. I don’t know what mental health resources are available in your area, but if you can find a good therapist/counselor/psychiatrist that could be a critical tool in getting the suicidal ideations under control.
Man’s a moron, and in any case it’s probably long winter nights that are a ‘white person thing’ not coldness. And even the long winter night thing can be very much offset by the reflective presence of snow, so really we’re talking long, temperate winter nights, such as you mainly find in northern Europe. Fortunately, some of the worst effects of ‘white supremacy’ can be offset with vitamin D supplements, although we’re still working on sensible light therapies… for all our sakes. And guess what? Climate change has no impact on day length!
NB: People in the US don’t always realize the impact of c. 4 hour days with actual sunlight peeping through the clouds maybe once a week or so if you’re lucky, because all of the US except Alaska is way south. Quite a few parts of the US are of course much colder than northern Europe (unless the Gulf Steam packs up).
Signed: a northern European resident who really struggles with the lack of light at this time of year.
@ Ooglyboggles:
Please take care of yourself. You are loved and would be sorely missed!
@ wwth:
Are you kidding?? People on the left don’t even believe the Earth is FLAT!?!?!?!?!
/sarcasm, if it didn’t show….
@ Pen:
Sounds like Eugene, Oregon in the winter!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Apologies for failing to close the link in my comment above.
I previously used the nym “Arctic Ape” because, in terms of human distribution, southern Finland is quite far north, and non-human apes and other primates generally are more or less restricted to tropics. Humans, of course, are physically as insensitive to cold as any tropical mammal, so my living here, assisted by human technology, is kind of a joke. The climate here isn’t even much cold compared to some other places inhabited by humans, traditionally particularly non-white humans.
Yeah, definitely. Not having appropriate gear/shelter can be deadly in extreme weather (or even just non-mild weather), and it only gets worse if the people aren’t well-nourished and healthy, which poor people don’t tend to be.
…I’m not sure how that second last sentence of mine was interpreted, but I didn’t mean to say “extreme weather will just cause discomfort”, I meant that “rich people will mostly become marginally less comfortable while the rest of us and especially those in poverty will literally die around them”. Like what’s happening now with climate change. (Upon rereading, my phrasing wasn’t super clear before.)
People may wonder about Fartiste’s weird exhortation
The notion of a “Grand Solar Minimum” refers to a feature of the (small) variations in the amount of energy put out by the sun. Some variation occurs over the “solar cycle” which averages 11 years, correlated with the number of sunspots, but longer-term variation may have caused the so-called “Little Ice Age” of (roughly) 500-150 years ago, when temperatures at least in Europe and North America fell somewhat. Whether the LIA was global, just when it occurred, and what caused it are all subjects of genuine scientific debate, but part of it coincided with a period when there were no observable sunspots, the “Maunder minimum”. It’s possible there will be a similar decades-long decline in the level of solar energy (a “grand solar minimum”) sometime this century. Climate change denialists have pretended both that changes in solar energy output are responsible for current warming (they are not), and that such a decline could trigger a new ice age (it couldn’t – in the long term, i.e. over thousands of years, changes in earth’s orbit can have this effect, but the denialists have never had much of a grasp of timescales), so we should welcome human-caused global warming. (If you notice an inconsistency here, you’re right, but espousing two or more contradictory reasons for doing nothing about greenhouse gas emissions has never bothered the denialists.) However, it’s all crap. At most,
such a period of lower solar energy output would put a small, and temporary dent in the human-caused increase in mean global temperature.
@voxpoptart :
I wonder if the narrator and fictional drummer in They Might Be Giants’ song “Doctor Worm” is a reference to that. Or do a lot of drummers use the title “Doctor?”
*Hugs if wanted, sympathies always*
Hang in there. It does get better. ?