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By David Futrelle
Ok, so you know how there are lots of white people in northern Europe? And, like, Canada? What if a bunch of far-right shitlords were able to convince the media that cold weather was a white thing? Then the libs would have to support global warming!
That, in any case. is the argument of weirdo racist pickup artist guru Heartiste, and I have to confess that I did Nazi that coming.
In a post a couple of days ago, Heartiste set forth his proposition:
I hope the fake news media … declares winter a co-opted symbol of White Nationalism. … Just get the meme spreading that cold weather is congenial to Whites and causes nonwhites endless suffering, you’ll see shitlibs turning on a dime about their opposition to [autogenic global warming]. I want shitlib whites to feel uneasy every time they make a snowman with their 0.7 kids or strap on a pair of skis.
End game: shitlibs become global warming fans. lol
The big problem with this truly galaxy brained plan — aside form the fact that it makes no fucking sense — is that the only people who seem to have swallowed the “cold weather means white supremacy” logic are 1) Heartiste himself and 2) a small percentage of his readers.
Heartiste earnestly pines for some sort of apocalyptic cold snap — which is one seemingly paradoxical but possible result of global warming — hoping that a colder climate will literally wipe out millions if not billions of people who aren’t white enough for him.
He starts off his post with this attempt at poetry:
Winter created Whites.
Winter will save Whites.
Pray for the Long Winter.
Alms for the Grand Solar Minimum.
Shrines to the frigid night air.
Prayers to the God of the Land of the Ice and Snow.
The big freeze returns.
Then he spells out what he thinks the consequences of this “big freeze” will be:
The North Winds won’t always be survivable by the high time preference hordes. A shortage of heating oil coupled with a mini ice age should wonderfully purify heartlands and minds.
(The “high time preference” bit is a reference to the belief of many racists that people of color only think about the present and can’t plan for the future.)
A few of Heartiste’s readers think a “purifying” ice age would be just dandy.
“I’m a mountaineer with experience in -30 degrees F,” someone called Corinth Arkadin boasts.
I know a tiny amount of people (to include my Saxon woman!) who could do what I’ve done in that temperature.
Cull the herd. Bring on Winter.
But most of the commenters are skeptical, getting into long-winded and sometimes nasty debates on the evolutionary history of white people, with a few of them pointing out the rather obvious fact, ignored by Heartiste, that people of color have lived in cold climates for thousands of years.
One commenter called Doktor Jeep sidesteps the whole debate and urges his fellow shitlords to try to get the libs mad at Christmas instead.
So, if we would prefer to commit an ultimate act of taking “always offended” leftism and shoving it back up their asses without lube, all we have to do is take not only the winter symbology but the Christmas symbols as well and turn those into “white supremacy”™
It will make them ruin their own Christmas because they’ll take it away from themselves – or perhaps every horrible evil white male heterosexual christian gets free rent in the heads of every SJW alive as they go out of their way not to say “Christmas”.
Meanwhile, a commenter called Veritas offers a theory of white people that’s literally more galaxy brained than Heartiste:
Not that I have any hard evidence for this myself – but I truly believe, in my heart and soul – that the Aryan race descendends from another planet, another universe, that our himmlische Vater sent us here to save and redeem this world, for the benefit of all mankind
White supremacists are deeply weird.
Also, I’m white and I hate winter.
Nowadays, I’d say you’re right. We have much more varied and nutritious diets and plenty of foods that have been enriched with vitamins. (Here in Canada milk has extra vitamin D added.) There’s no need for a marginal advantage in producing vitamin D when we get all we need from our food.
Back when people had much more restricted dietary choices (without a ready supply of fish), especially in winter, I can see the adaptation having some advantages in the more polar climates.
All I can do is shake my head and dismissively say,
Really, does any of their garbage deserve spending a nanosecond of time you’ll never get back for a response?
This made me laugh out loud. That’s exactly what he looks like!
Even the whitest white people who ever whited still have a hard time in the high latitudes, at least while they’re still growing. I remember a photo in National Geographic that showed little Siberian children standing around a UV lamp wearing nothing but their undies and dark goggles.
With a fair bit of “Oh, PLEASE” cynicism thrown in, to boot.
Mocked by a thousands-of-years-old corpse. Oh, the ignominy of the Master Race™.
Also; That comic book panel is awesome!
And Angry Young Eye Patch Comic Guy (excuse me if I don’t know the comic and look like a boob) has a point, a lot of white supremacists tend to be these dorks who are anything but “fit”.
I know we shouldn’t be “looks-shaming” but the point here is that white supremacists see themselves as these awesome human specimens when in reality, they’re more like science specimens.
“‘Blond hunk supermodel’ guy? More like ‘fetus in a jar of formaldehyde’ guy!”
On the same token is white guys having anger-induced aneurysms over the prospect of “big strong healthy young dark-skinned males” wooing the “pure white women”….Implying that non-white men are much more exciting, sexy, virile, hot, gorgeous, fit, awesome in bed, etc.
These same white guys never speak of “were hot, romantic and great in bed, too!”. Nope; They refuse to address that, as if sexual satisfied women was ungodly or something. “White Men Can’t Shag” isn’t a good indicator of “Master Race”.
White Supremacist rhetoric is a big “We are soooo incompitent and bland” Freudian-slip….They’re mostly guys who look like malformed thumbs who are terrible lovers in poor health who think that the people they hate are exciting, colorful, super-sexy, powerfully fierce, world-dominating Ernsto Starvo Blofeld clones with great rhythm, musical talent, financial acumen and perhaps magical powers and great fashion and home decorating sense.
I’m white and I live in a country with cold winters and they definately cause me endless suffering too. I *hate* when i am cold. There are nice things about winter but I prefer summer.
Much of Saskatchewan was suffering from a power outage today. Fortunately it didn’t effect us here in Saskatoon, but some communities very close to here were. I would imagine someone who is fond of Heartiste and his nonsense is at this very moment whining about their electricity not being brought back quickly enough, interfering with their porn watching.
The irony is that the very fat girls they despise are built to survive an ice age.
All three if possible!
@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
I have, and good news, there is a doctor nearby that can do that for me, possibly even pro bono. So starting winter I might finally get some hrt going. I’ll try to make my default thinking asking for help.
I shall be proud of who I am. Thank you for telling me that it’s not a bad thing to do.
@Chris Oakley
It’s often not easy getting it fast from my school as you need an appointment and lines are long. But I will try for that to happen. But I still got the 24/7 Lifelines, and sometimes my stepdad, mom and more likely my sister. I can rely on her for those things.
@Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
I shall try do. I reserve the right to whine and complain the whole way through lol
I believe in those words fully, if not I probably would not be here to post and laugh at the mra’s with everyone.
I am sorry to hear that your loved one went through the same things, but I am glad to hear that you and your family are doing better. Honestly I need a therapist to find my exact stress triggers. It’d make my life much easier to what things make me off kilter.
@Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
I shall hold onto that thought. It helps me at times.
@Fishy Goat
*hugs back*
Also in other good news I finished my final research paper essay. Tomorrow I have an easy final exam and then I can take the entire winter break off. No more school stress and I can just relax.
On “Cheddar Man”. I recall when his remains were first discovered, his DNA was compared with a current resident of the area and found to be very similar. That was part of the evidence suggesting that most of the current inhabitants of Britain are mostly descended from the first people to return here as the ice retreated. But more recent evidence suggests that Cheddar Man’s population (the people who built Stonehenge) may have been largely replaced by invaders from the East in the early Bronze Age, armed with beakers. There doesn’t seem to have been any similar population replacement since (the Anglo-Saxon invasions, for example only seem to have replaced about 5% of the previous population – it was very much an “elite takeover”). Of course, ideas may well change again – the study I linked to seems to have been quite limited in numbers and geographic spread.
@ Ooglyboogles
Hugs to you. I’m late to the party but seconded what everyone has said about being glad you are here, and hoping you will continue to be so.
I know that sneaky crappy little voice: I have one myself. It’s a liar and it wants me dead.
But I cannot count the number of times I’ve had something happen that made me glad I didn’t take its advice.
White supremacy and cold weather makes me think of Lovecraft. In addition to his fantastical racism, he was extremely sensitive to the cold. Going out in 60°F was a grueling and sometimes dangerous ordeal for him.
Curiously, he was also inordinately fond of ice cream.
That’s Reverend Jesse Custer, the title character of Vertigo’s Preacher (the one played by Dominic Cooper on the AMC series version, which I don’t think has gotten to the events surrounding that panel yet). Now you know, and knowing is half the Mandatory Educational Content Segment™.
I’m glad to hear that things are looking up, in many directions. Dreams can come true.
Good lord, that’s two things I have in common with that eldritch horror of purple prose. I don’t do well in cold weather either (and I’m about as white as it gets, with my red hair and skim-milk complexion), even though I was born in Northern Ontario, where it’s cold more often than not, and extremely cold for most of the winter.
But oh my, I do love ice cream. In fact, I just polished off a bowl of it right now, while shivering in my slightly chilly study.
And yes, 15ºC seems to be my cutoff point for comfort outdoors, too.
@Austin G Loomis
Oh! That’s the Preacher guy! I always assumed his hair was spiky and messy (like Sid Vicious but an inch or so longer) and he wore a clergyman’s collar (hence why I didn’t know who the guy in that comic panel was). I’ve vaguely heard of that comic. Very gritty and edgy.
The guy in that one panel posted here looked more like a hot young Latino guy.
I will slap a trigger warning on this because I am going to talk about suicide ideation as I’ve seen it mentioned and I have way more personal experience with it than the average bear. I guess I needed to be better than everybody at something, and it had to be that. Figures.
I experience suicide ideation quite frequently and have for most of my life. I have type 2 bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a truckload of physical problems which mean I am limited in what I can earn monthly, otherwise, I lose Medicaid, so I am constantly broke.
If I went to the E.R. every time I experienced suicide ideation, I’d have to live there.
For some of us, the medications only make the problem worse. SSRI’s make me manic and psychotic, something I’m usually not. So the “force the person experiencing suicide ideation to go to the E.R.” bit doesn’t work on people like me, who have chronic mental health conditions but know what’s going on. For such people (if we reveal what we’re feeling at all) it’s best to ask where our planning stage is at as opposed to our ideation. For me, the planning is usually fairly low.
The truth is, if I were ever to commit suicide, no-one would know until after the fact. If I’m talking about feeling like I wish I was dead, it really means that I want someone to listen to what the hell is going wrong in my life. It doesn’t mean I want you to tell me to go to the E.R. (or, worse, try to force me to go against my will) because the end result of that is that you’ll lose my trust and I won’t ever feel safe confiding in you again.
The problem with both mental illness and suicide ideation is that neither are one size fits all. They are extremely tricky.
The bit about white people coming from another planet. . .
They’ll be disappointed to hear that another nationalist got there before them. And he wasn’t white. Yukio Mishima was a gay Japanese fascist with a private army of pretty boys in sweet uniforms. Between writing Nobel-nominated literature–let’s grant him that he was and is a great literary figure–he paid the bills by writing potboilers.
One of these is the pro-nuclear war novel ‘Beautiful Star’ (‘Utsukushii Hoshi’) in which the protagonists believe they are undercover aliens from the Planet Venus (the beautiful star of the title) who have to initiate a thermonuclear war as a signal to off-world observers to come and gather them.
Mishima is an infuriating characters, to be sure. And I highly recommend the Paul Schrader movie about him: ‘Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters’. It was producer George Lucas’s greatest commercial flop, but it’s one of the truly great works of cinema, with astonishing stagings of Mishima’s works.
Another guy whose train of thought is still boarding at the station.