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Is it opposite day? I found a MGTOW who thinks sexbots will be bad for men

Men! Think twice before buying one of these

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By David Futrelle

Members of the He-Man Woman Haters club known as Men Going Their Own Way — like many of their manosphere pals — love to fantasize about what they see as the imminent arrival of realistic, affordable sexbots so sophisticated they can barely be distinguished from real-life sexy human ladies.

MGTOWs are obsessed with the robot sex ladies not just because they want to fuck them, but also because they think that the easy availability of robot sex will destroy the so-called Sexual Market Value of real-life women, making them so desperate for men that they’ll put up with almost anything. Some MGTOWs have convinced themselves that sexbots will ultimately make women obsolete (at least if scientists also develop artificial wombs that could handle that whole babymaking thing).

But not all MGTOWs dream of electric ladies. Over on the forums, I recently discovered one lady-hater — a fellow calling himself Thorndyke — who thinks sexbots will make things worse for men.

“I am gonna go on a lunatic bend here,” he writes,

and suggest sex robots are actually going to be the problem than the solution.

In short run they might serve some purpose to provide sexual satisfaction to sexually frustrated men. However, similar to porn they will (in the long run) cause a man to ‘miss the real thing’ …

Porn doesn’t kill male desire for a woman in flesh but it fires it up – the neurons do not know where the stimulation is coming from. …

in order to truly escape the matrix a man has to conquer his sexual desire. Without such he is subject to gynocentric pull. He might resist but the pull will always try to enslave him.

Naturally, the other MGTOWs are not impressed with his argument.

Someone called Secret Agent MGTOW declares that he doesn’t miss sex with a real women, that

smelly worn out thing thats had 50 ft of c~~~ already run thru her. Certainly dont miss the attitude and the hypergamy and an overinflated smv she will try to manipulate me with.

In his mind, sexbots really

are the solution. No stds . They are customizeable. The vaginas can be replaced and washed and only you use them, no other guy does. They wil never lie. They will never cheat or plot to take at least half your s~~~. No kids. No oopsie pregnancy.

They are the solution.

But Thorndyke is undaunted, and continues on, throwing porn under the bus alongside the hypothetical future sexbots.

Regarding conquering sex drive – I wholeheartedly believe that man’s testosterone is being displaced from achievements to chasing sex. From sexualized marketing to porn to women dressing in more and more revealing clothes – sex is designed now to generate lust.

Moreover, I am fervent opponent of any self-ware man stimulating his dick to pixels on a screen. I do not have scientific evidence to back up my statement but substituting porn instead of real women is harmful for mental health in the long run. Unfortunately, the woman can f~~~ your life up more than porn will – so lesser of two evils. But evil nonetheless.

My conspiracy side states porn is made abundant for same reasons as sugar, social media, and politics are. It appeals to the lowest common denominator and prevents men from unplugging.

So it’s all a big plot, huh?

Thing is, whether MGTOWs are fapping to porn, having sex with robot ladies, or using some zen magic to erase their sex drive entirely, I’m pretty sure most women will be happy so long as these guys are doing something that enables them to keep their still-unkept promise of going their own way — far, far away.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
6 years ago

And also a concertina!

I hope she got in a sea shanty or two.

6 years ago

Sex is designed now to generate lust.

Ummm, as opposed to what? I’m confused. Also, the 50 feet of cock remark caught my eye. It doesn’t seem like he’s thinking that through. I crunched the numbers, and if the average dick is 5 inches, that’s only 120 thrusts. Now, without actually going to the trouble to take out a clicker and get a hard number, (innuendo unintentional? I’ll let you be the judge) roughly estimating by the metronome rhythm one usually needs to achieve orgasm, accommodating for cool-down pauses and excluding foreplay, that’s approximately 3 minutes of sex total. If that’s a lifetime total over multiple sex partners, then no wonder she keeps moving on.

Full Metal Ox
6 years ago

I’m rather surprised that no one has yet brought up this classic 1981 YA SF romance:

(Teenage girl being stifled by her jealous and controlling mother runs off with masculine companion robot developing unauthorized sapience.)

6 years ago


I PUT IN IMG links but the IMG is always showing!

6 years ago

Just put the full url of the image on a line by itself. No need fof img tags. It needs to end in an image extension (.jpg, .gif, .png, etc) to work.

For example, this:

Gets you this:

comment image

6 years ago

Sex is designed now to generate lust.

Isn’t that like saying that eating is designed to generate hunger? Or is that the complaint, that sex is unsatisfying and just leads to more lust?

6 years ago


A robot will never finish first. A robot will keep going as long as you need it to. A robot will (presumably) not make a wet spot. A robot will never try to force anything. A robot will never guilt trip you into doing something you aren’t really into. A robot will never hurt you. A robot will never be in the mood when you aren’t.

Your faith in the technology industry is touching, but as someone who works in that industry (making robots, though not the sexy kind, or at least not sexy to most people) I’d like to correct all those “will nots” and “will nevers” to “probably shouldn’t. we patched that in the last update. you did update it, right? is it still in warranty? oh, that model isn’t supported anymore, you’ll have to upgrade. sorry, all our techsupport lines are busy right now, please hold”.

A robot will never give you and STI

“As the manual clearly states, the self-cleaning mechanism does require you to keep the cleaner reservoir topped up. your device did notify you that it needed refilling; I can see that in the service log here. I’m afraid we can’t offer medical advice, so I advise you to contact your doctor regarding the itching”.

6 years ago


After all, sentience is sentience, be it human, animal, or robot

Well, I’m not gonna deny that sentience clearly is sentience, but what exactly is that? How can you tell if a system is sentient? We can’t even define or usefully measure intelligence, and though it seems likely that most of our fellow humans are conscious we haven’t worked out a good wat to distinguish them from p-zombies (or even worked out if p-zombies make sense as a concept).

I posit that sexbots need not be conscious or sentient to do their job, and indeed probably do it better than most humans can. People are easily fooled, especially when it comes to sexy times; you don’t need a perfect human mind simulator for this purpose. We’ll probably have good enough software in a decade at most. What’s much more tricky is a robot that can actually do the sexy times without doing a detour via the uncanny valley, or accidentally causing death or serious injury. We’re definitely not there yet.

In the meantime, have a read of this:
Or maybe this: (nsfw text, inoffensive images)

6 years ago

I’d just like to have a moment of hatred for whatever it is that holds up my posts, preventing me spotting formatting errors and fixing them before the edit window expires.

I blame akismet. Fucking akismet.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
6 years ago

This recent (and mildly clickbait-ish) Guardian story discusses, among other things, women’s interests in developing new sexual technology:

Then there’s also a British dominatrix whose personal agenda is (if I understood correctly) using D/S for guiding wealthy white right-leaning men into being more socially woke. Wonder what the manospherians would say about that?

6 years ago



Okay! I WANNA SEXBOT OF SYD BARRET AS A BUNNY BOY! Like a cat girl only boy and bunny….

comment image

….I drew this. I see the late, great early Pink Floyd front man as a bunny (With Roger the horse, David the lion, Rick the kitty and Nick the beaver).

[The above was what I was getting at but now everyone ended that “I wanna sex bot” thing subject.]

Great American Satan
6 years ago

Has anyone mentioned the Steve Bannon / robosex connection?

6 years ago

The MGTOWs and Incels won’t ever be satisfied with sexbots, because a non-sentient partner won’t give what they truly want – a partner whose boundaries and agency they can violate at their whim.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
6 years ago

@Full Metal Ox,

I’ll have to re-read that book again if/when I relocate my copy of it, but I thought the threat Silver and the others represented to society was that they were TOO perfect. The perfect lover/companion/artist/etc., far better at their assigned jobs than mere flesh and blood humans could ever hope to be, and that was why the government forced the company that created them to destroy all their companion robots.

At least that was how I recalled that part, anyway. May be wrong on that point.

Pere Ubu
Pere Ubu
6 years ago


Also, the 50 feet of cock remark caught my eye.

Oh, thank Gobbs for interpreting that – I was thinking the commenter meant “50 feet of cum” and I was wondering how they decided on how it gets measured.

4 years ago

I’m wondering if this is a troll. Incels can’t be that far gone, can they? I see some disagreement in the thread. Somebody says, “That’s what women want us to do.” and someone else, “Women won’t give a fuck.”