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By David Futrelle
Members of the He-Man Woman Haters club known as Men Going Their Own Way — like many of their manosphere pals — love to fantasize about what they see as the imminent arrival of realistic, affordable sexbots so sophisticated they can barely be distinguished from real-life sexy human ladies.
MGTOWs are obsessed with the robot sex ladies not just because they want to fuck them, but also because they think that the easy availability of robot sex will destroy the so-called Sexual Market Value of real-life women, making them so desperate for men that they’ll put up with almost anything. Some MGTOWs have convinced themselves that sexbots will ultimately make women obsolete (at least if scientists also develop artificial wombs that could handle that whole babymaking thing).
But not all MGTOWs dream of electric ladies. Over on the MGTOW.com forums, I recently discovered one lady-hater — a fellow calling himself Thorndyke — who thinks sexbots will make things worse for men.
“I am gonna go on a lunatic bend here,” he writes,
and suggest sex robots are actually going to be the problem than the solution.
In short run they might serve some purpose to provide sexual satisfaction to sexually frustrated men. However, similar to porn they will (in the long run) cause a man to ‘miss the real thing’ …
Porn doesn’t kill male desire for a woman in flesh but it fires it up – the neurons do not know where the stimulation is coming from. …
in order to truly escape the matrix a man has to conquer his sexual desire. Without such he is subject to gynocentric pull. He might resist but the pull will always try to enslave him.
Naturally, the other MGTOWs are not impressed with his argument.
Someone called Secret Agent MGTOW declares that he doesn’t miss sex with a real women, that
smelly worn out thing thats had 50 ft of c~~~ already run thru her. Certainly dont miss the attitude and the hypergamy and an overinflated smv she will try to manipulate me with.
In his mind, sexbots really
are the solution. No stds . They are customizeable. The vaginas can be replaced and washed and only you use them, no other guy does. They wil never lie. They will never cheat or plot to take at least half your s~~~. No kids. No oopsie pregnancy.
They are the solution.
But Thorndyke is undaunted, and continues on, throwing porn under the bus alongside the hypothetical future sexbots.
Regarding conquering sex drive – I wholeheartedly believe that man’s testosterone is being displaced from achievements to chasing sex. From sexualized marketing to porn to women dressing in more and more revealing clothes – sex is designed now to generate lust.
Moreover, I am fervent opponent of any self-ware man stimulating his dick to pixels on a screen. I do not have scientific evidence to back up my statement but substituting porn instead of real women is harmful for mental health in the long run. Unfortunately, the woman can f~~~ your life up more than porn will – so lesser of two evils. But evil nonetheless.
My conspiracy side states porn is made abundant for same reasons as sugar, social media, and politics are. It appeals to the lowest common denominator and prevents men from unplugging.
So it’s all a big plot, huh?
Thing is, whether MGTOWs are fapping to porn, having sex with robot ladies, or using some zen magic to erase their sex drive entirely, I’m pretty sure most women will be happy so long as these guys are doing something that enables them to keep their still-unkept promise of going their own way — far, far away.
You know, I have concrete evidence that it actually is opposite day!
I got a friend request on Facebook from some dude I didn’t know and with whom I had no friends in common, so I deleted. Then I got a message from him where he asked if he please could be my Facebook friend, because he saw me in a talkshow and he thought I was great and he’s kind of a fan! So I was like ok, flattering, you can be my friend.
Then I look at his feed and turns out he’s a big fan of Jordan Peterson!
Jordan Peterson and I have a fan in common. Opposite day indeed.
Never mind sexbots. I want Kryten to do my housework.
Of course you do.
This terrible Middle Eastern woman, who lives in London and has third-degree burns on her face, was introduced to a special makeup that camouflages her scars. Now, instead of working in a stockroom at stores, she works as a translator for law firms. She also says she now can blend into crowds. (The nerve!) She’s thinking about dating. And becoming a translator at the UN. (The possibility of success at relationships and a career? It couldn’t get any worse for the poor, poor manospherians, who believe that a woman’s only role is to hold herself in suspended animation until she can please a man — and then return to suspended animation.)
Not a word in this article about the number of Chads she’s ensnared. Misandry!
@ Pie
Then there’s the episode where Lister unwittingly puts on a pair of underpants that are really a disguised emohawk. Rimmer walks in on Kryten straddling Lister, struggling to remove the creature, and (being Rimmer) totally misreads the situation.
‘…I can’t say I’m completely shocked…’
@ Jane Done:
My guess is that he added politics to the list because he figures elections are a farce to give the proles (except he might say “sheeple”) the illusion of choice but really all the candidates work for the same Big Conspiracy anyway…
the Tesla tailspin continues….
Something came to mind when reading this. For one, some of them see sexbots as the “answer” meaning they can have an off the shelf sex partner, basically. The thing is though that over time, as the technology improves, there’s probably going to be legal protections put in place for robots. After all, sentience is sentience, be it human, animal, or robot. And I’m vaguely remembering an article where the bots on the market already are starting to be built with some means of needing consent to operate. I don’t remember how that worked, but long story short, their holy grail is probably not going to work out how they want.
I’m not personally against sex bots myself. It wouldn’t be anything I could afford any time soon, that’s for sure, haha. They’re going to probably bring up some sticky (no pun intended) ethical and legal issues, though. Especially depending on how good the AI gets over time. But they can potentially be viable companions for people who have issues forming relationships, or maybe be used in sex therapy perhaps? It will be interesting to see how things go.
Stop kink-shaming me.
As I’ve said before, sexbots are going to be a huge disaster for these men who are already struggling to get any attention from women. Since women have far more to risk in a sexual encounter than men, robots would be far preferable for women who can afford them.
A robot will never finish first. A robot will keep going as long as you need it to. A robot will (presumably) not make a wet spot. A robot will never try to force anything. A robot will never guilt trip you into doing something you aren’t really into. A robot will never hurt you. A robot will never be in the mood when you aren’t. A robot will never give you and STI, or get you pregnant, or demand that you make it a sandwich.
I don’t see a down side for women here, but men who do all that shit should be scared.
It’s amazing how to be a MGTOW requires going out of one’s way to deliberately deny all introspection. Like instead of just admitting a deep-seated hatred of women that most of the manosphere universally acknowledge and form their communities, MGTOWs have to pretend they’ve come to a more fulfilling life without women when it’s obvious they’re the same inflating pustule of resentment they’ve always been. They just can’t be honest about it because they have some grift to sell (at least the smart ones do).
“Yeah I’m totally a more successful, confident, happier man now that I’ve gone my own way. Now let’s talk about those dumb %@#$%es who make me pay child support on that kid whose name I can’t remember.”
If all you want from sex is an orgasm, you don’t need fucking robots. You have your hand, or a vibrator if you want to go “high tech”. Or sex toys that have been around since the caves.
“There is more to sex than an orgasm!” Yes. Yes, there is. But I never see any indication from MGTOWs that they know or care what that might be. They don’t really see a sex partner as anything but a robot already.
I figure self-ware parties are those famous “Tupperware parties but for sex toys”.
@ Otrame:
I always think the problem with sexbots (of the “more than just an orgasm” type) is that they would have to have an extremely sophisticated AI – to the point where it would raise questions about sentience and consent issues. Though I’d like an SF story in which the characters include former sexbots who’ve freed themselves, and also a sexbot who can personally enjoys sex, but complains that anyone they’re attracted to is usually too worried about ethics to take them up on the offer, even if it appears to be made freely.
… stolen, in its entirety….
Sex is far more satisfying with a partner who has visibly enjoyed the experience – even where that simply causes them to fall about laughing.
Well anyway, since we’re having this err… ‘conversation’ why doesn’t it ever occur to these poor guys that the futuristic, er, ‘sexual marketplace’ is likely to be flooded with ‘realistic sex robots’ of every shape under the sun, relieving sex-starved women of any conceivable need to saddle themselves with MGTOWs?
From the shortlist for the annual Literary Review Bad Sex Award:
If you want a sexbot, insist on the model with an enamelled pepper mill.
…yeah, written my fair share of sex scenes and I can certainly sympathize with trying to find other methods of describing it (I find that focusing on other aspects beyond the genitalia work wonders)… but I never thought to myself “Oh yeah, know what’d be a huge turn-on? A dead animal being swallowed whole!”
“Enamelled paper mill”… what kind of sex has that guy had?
ETA: Forgive me, “guys.” Plural. Both Majors, so I’m assuming they’re military. It all makes sense.
@ Moggie, Katamount:
… yeah… ugh. The quote reminds me of one of those 60’s-70’s pulp bus station porno novels… with descriptive terms like “… turgid man-meat” and “… quivering c**t-flesh.”
No, this one’s a live animal (at least I’m assuming it’s live — if not we have a whole ‘nuther dimension of porn, here). Kinda like the scenes in the Anaconda series of movies. Ice Cube’s gotta look at those and wonder “What the HELL was I thinking???” Constrictors, however, rarely swallow prey whole…. Live prey can claw and bite the sensitive internal… uhhh… “enamel”… of the snake’s “pepper mill”… ???
re: ladies ‘n’ sexbots, I’m reminded of Sidse Babett Knudsen’s scene in Westworld with the sexbot… (I may have the wrong character, I’m awful at memory-ing….)
re: ladies ‘n’ sexbots, I’m reminded of Sidse Babett Knudsen’s sex scene in Westworld with the robot… (I may have the wrong character, I’m awful at memory-ing….)
I. Um. Er. OK, so…. tabling the question of just which part of the woman was being compared to a pepper-mill…. Why an *enameled* pepper-mill, in particular?
I was going to comment, but anytime anyone mentions sexy robots, I immediately flash back to Zettai Kareshi, and when I come back to my senses, hours have passed.
Doesn’t pretty much everything MGTOWs say do that sooner or later?
Not even that – they literally see women as nothing but holes.
Some enterprising person needs to sell them holes.
That’s an amazing transformation from a cave to a ratchet to a boa constrictor to an enamelled pepper mill, all in the space of a few inches.
Must be the lying makeup.